A Critical Review (of 1500-1600 word) in APA style for this question: Describe a

A Critical Review (of 1500-1600 word) in APA style for this question: Describe and critically evaluate how the following models of second language acquisition account for the explicit and implicit learning (Behaviourism, the Monitor Theory, Universal Grammar and the Cognitive Approach). Everything should be supported by reliable references, and don’t forget to add the references links.

Student leaders are essential stakeholders in the landscape of student affairs.

Student leaders are essential stakeholders in the landscape of student affairs. Student affairs professionals must understand the effect of student leaders on student engagement in the higher education community.
Create an 8- slide Powerpoint presentation that could be used at a student affairs conference to advocate for increased involvement and utilization of student leaders in higher education student affairs.
Include the following:
Strategic  position student leaders have to influence their peers.
Roles and responsibilities of student leaders in fostering student engagement and healthy community.
Distinction between contributions from professional student affairs staff versus contributions from student leaders.
Models  of student leadership appropriate for higher education settings and how they are currently being applied.
Title slide, reference slide, and presenter’s notes.
Support your presentation with 3-5 scholarly resources.

It’s a Critical Review (of 1500-1600 word) in APA style for this question: Descr

It’s a Critical Review (of 1500-1600 word) in APA style for this question: Describe and critically evaluate how the following models of second language acquisition account for the explicit and implicit learning (Behaviourism, the Monitor Theory, Universal Grammar and the Cognitive Approach). Everything should be supported by reliable references, and don’t forget to add the references links.

It is important for early childhood educators to have the opportunity to create

It is important for early childhood educators to have the opportunity to create developmentally appropriate creative activities for diverse young children. Educators should consider a wide variety of cultural, ethnic, religious, income, language and other diverse needs of children and families.
For this assignment, you will select an age group (2-3, 3-4, 4-5, or 6-8) and create a multicultural creative activity plan for your selected age group.
The multicultural activity should incorporate ways for children to express their thinking, knowledge, and ideas; explore, try out, and create with new and different kinds of mediums; and incorporate multiculturalism through creative activity. Finally, the activity should provide an opportunity for children to be creative!
Using the Assignment Template, include the following in your plan:
1. Create a name for your activity and describe the multicultural activity.2. Identify the age group selected and provide a clear description of how the activity respects diverse cultural backgrounds and can build effective relationships3. Describe the objective of your activity by explaining what the children will learn or be able to do at the conclusion of the activity.4. List any materials needed by the educator(s) or the children to perform/complete the activity.5. List the sequence of events to perform the activity, starting with how the educator(s) will introduce the activity to the children and ending with the completion of the activity.6. Identify one way the activity allows children to explore, try out, and create with new and different kinds of mediums.7. Discuss how you will assess learning with this activity while respecting multicultural experiences.

Your current principal has been promoted. You applied for the vacancy and have b

Your current principal has been promoted. You applied for the vacancy and have b

Your current principal has been promoted. You applied for the vacancy and have been selected to interview for the position. Part of the interview process requires you to submit responses to the following questions as they relate to this course, “Leading with Vision.” 
The questions are listed below:
1. What is your leadership style? Hoe does a principal’s leadership style impact the school’s climate and culture?  
2. Describe your plan for leading the school in developing a vision and how you will monitor progress toward that vision.
3. Explain your perspectives on leading and motivating stakeholders. 
4. Identify one area of your personality that could be improved? How will you improve. Please be specific.
5. Effective communication is vital for schools. If you are chosen as the new principal, how will you ensure that all stakeholders understand the vision and know how to reach the vision. 
6. Change is inevitable. Think of one big thing you would like to change at your current school. As the new principal, how will you manage and provide support for the change. 
Here are the requirements for this assignment:  
1. Type the questions in bold face and respond underneath the question. 
2. This assignment should be double-spaced, utilizing APA, and 12 font. 
3. Include at least one citation from McEwan and must be cited on the Reference page.  
4. Please feel free to use other sources from this course or ones you find on your own (videos, articles, etc.) to help support your thoughts and ideas. This is not required. 

Persuasive Speech of Discontinuance (topic is education) 1. State your Proposit

Persuasive Speech of Discontinuance (topic is education)
1. State your Proposit

Persuasive Speech of Discontinuance (topic is education)
1. State your Proposition (also known as claim) correctly and clearly. Remember that a proposition is structured as a fact, value, or policy. This statement allows a speaker to say, “I think…,” I believe…,” “I feel…,” or what is right or wrong. A proposition is a sentence rather than a paragraph. It fits in the same place as would a thesis statement for an informative speech.
2. Make your proofs clear. Proof (or evidence) is what you use to try and persuade an audience. These fit in the same place as main points for discussion. Do not refer to proofs as main points or points for discussion.
3. For three sources, you may not use any “www.” sources. If you have four sources, you may use one “www.”

Objective: Now that you have a full year of Spanish under your belt, it’s time t

Objective: Now that you have a full year of Spanish under your belt, it’s time t

Objective: Now that you have a full year of Spanish under your belt, it’s time to show off what you know, and what better topic to tell us about then the one you know the best…YOU! To incorporate the vocabulary and grammar you have learned throughout the year, you will need to create a presentation. You could make a Power Point
,Part B: Pick ONE of the following 4 styles of presentation:
* Power Point
If you make a PowerPoint or Prezi, it must be 5-6 slides, each with a picture. You must have a total of 10-15 sentences. Remember your sentences must correspond to the pictures/slides you share of you & your life.  If you do more than 6 slides, ONLY the first 6 slides will be graded.
National ¡Así se dice! Level 1 eStudent Edition (mcgraw-hill.com)

A.  Identify a math education-related research topic (i.e., the broad subject ma

A.  Identify a math education-related research topic (i.e., the broad subject ma

A.  Identify a math education-related research topic (i.e., the broad subject matter area to be investigated).
B.  Detail your search process by doing the following:
1.  Identify seven separate search phrases or combinations of keywords used to search for literature relevant to the research topic.
2.  Identify two more search phrases or combinations of keywords used to retrieve additional literature after your initial search.
3.  Explain why specific phrases or combinations of keywords yielded the most useful searches (i.e., those that retrieved the articles most relevant to the research topic).
C.  Develop an annotated bibliography using 15 sources that meet each of the following guidelines:
•  contains relevant academic or professional literature relevant to the research topic
•  is published by a scholarly source
•  can be retrieved online
1.  Provide an annotation (suggested length of 1 paragraph to ½ page per annotation) for each of the 15 sources that includes the following:
a.  an identification of the type of source, including the research approach used for any sources that are original research study articles (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, or action research), if applicable
Note: The type of source could be, but is not limited to, an original research article, perspective article, or a professional or academic website.
b.  a brief explanation of the purpose of the source
c.  a brief description of the results or findings of the source. If the source is an original research study, include supporting details.
d.  a critique that identifies one strength and one weakness of the source
D.  Identify a research problem (i.e., a specific math educational issue or problem within the broader topic area that was addressed in part A).
Note: This problem should not be a research question.
1.  Discuss how this research problem relates to teaching elementary education.
2.  Discuss how searching the literature and developing an annotated bibliography can help you identify a research problem within a broader topic area.

Case Study: (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time) Each response sh

Case Study: (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time)
Each response sh

Case Study: (The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time)
Each response should provide:
Specific examples and quotes from the book
Explanations that link what you learned in class, outside research and in the textbook to your responses
Be sure to cite sources for any outside research
 The case study should be 5-6 pages in length.
Using the main character from the book:
Discuss the character’s autism and how it affects his perception of the world around him, how he thinks and how he understands the actions of others.
Discuss the character’s autistic behavior from the following point of view of:
His parents
The community
Discuss the challenges that the character faces in his daily life as a result of his autism, and what steps he takes to overcome these challenges.