Description.  A four to seven page (double-spaced) paper in which you apply one

Description.  A four to seven page (double-spaced) paper in which you apply one

Description.  A four to seven page (double-spaced) paper in which you apply one or more ideas from the course to something in your own experience is due during final exam week (see course calendar for the exact time).  The goal is for you to use what you have learned in the class in a way that is meaningful to you, and to evaluate the strength of the empirical evidence for the ideas you are applying.  You could use what you have learned about psychology to make sense of an experience you have had, to explain some behavior you have observed in yourself or other people, or to help create a plan to achieve some goal in the future, just to name a few examples.  A paper which merely cites general ideas from the textbook or lectures (“Similar contexts at encoding and retrieval make it easier to remember something”) is likely to be decidedly mediocre.  One that cites specific empirical evidence in a way that supports your interpretations and arguments (“Morris, Bransford, and Franks (1977) found that words were better remembered if the way they were tested matched the way people thought about them when they studied them.  I could use this ‘encoding specificity principle’ to help me …”) is likely to be a much better paper.  Also be sure to critically evaluate how strong the evidence is for the “facts” from psychology that you are applying.
Instructions.  Use the following section headings:
Issue.  Begin by describing the personal goal, problem, experience, or phenomenon that you will be addressing.  Explain briefly why it is interesting or important to you. (One paragraph)
Course Topics. Identify the topics from the course that you will be applying, including the relevant facts or theories you will make use of. (One paragraph)
Application.  Apply information from the course to analyze your experience, create a plan for achieving your goal, find a solution to your problem, etc.  Be sure to cite the specific sources for the ideas you are applying.  You can also refer to general principles from the course readings and lectures.  (2 to 3 pages)
Empirical Evaluation.  Evaluate the strength of the evidence for the “facts” you are applying from topics in the course.  If, for example, you applied the idea of “retrieval practice” to help you study more effectively, you might say something like, “The idea that retrieval practice leads to better memory is something we can be highly confident is true, because it has been repeatedly supported by well-controlled experimental evidence.”  Or if you applied the idea of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to identify things that were interfering with your academic achievement you might say, “Although intuitively appealing, the ideas described in Maslow’s Hierarchy are things we can have very little confidence are true, because they are mostly based on only intuition and observational research, not repeated and well-controlled experiments.”  Try to cite specific empirical evidence to support your conclusions whenever possible.  This can include primary sources such as journal articles.  (The library has a Guide for Research that is very helpful.) (2 to 3 pages)
Conclusion.  Sum up what you have done, and briefly discuss which information from the course you found most applicable to your issue.  Also briefly talk about what questions you still have or what further information you think you might need.  (1 to 2 paragraphs).
References.  Provide an APA-style reference list for any source you used in your paper, whether it is a journal article, textbook chapter, course lecture, website, content-generating tool such as an AI system, or anything else that is not common knowledge or your own words and ideas.  Each entry in the References list should also correspond to an APA-style in-text citation in the text of your paper.  Each entry in the References list must include a DOI, or if no DOI is available it must include a URL that links to the source (except for course materials).  Your paper must include at least 2 primary source references (such as journal articles).  If any of your references (except for course materials) do not have a working DOI or URL that links to the correct article, that can result in a zero for the assignment.
AI Tools List.  After the references, you must have this heading and a statement saying “I used the following AI Tools for this assignment:  [list them, including ChatGPT, Grammarly, and any others that can generate or modify text; or say “None” if you used none.]  Failing to include this statement will result in a zero for the assignment.  For full credit, you should also briefly describe how you used any text-generating tool, including the prompts you used.  
20 points:  Following instructions.  Are the 7 sections listed in the instructions above clearly labeled and in the correct order?  Does the paper follow instructions for form and content in general?  Gross failure to follow the instructions may also result in a zero for the assignment.
20 points:  Application.  Does the paper apply relevant ideas from the course in a way that makes sense?   Are they specific, or only vague and general ideas from the course?  Does the way that they are applied to your issue make sense?
30 points:  Empirical Evaluation.  Is specific empirical evidence cited for the ideas that are being applied?  Are references provided?  Is there a clear evaluation of how confident we should be that the ideas are true, and are clear reasons given for that evaluation?
20 points:  Clarity and style.   Is the paper written clearly and logically?  Do paragraphs have clear topic sentences and supporting ideas?  Is everything written in complete, grammatical sentences?  Are there too many direct quotations?
10 points:   Length and formatting.  Is the paper 4 to 7 pages of text, not including title, references, etc.?  Are the font-size and margins reasonable?  Is it double-spaced?  (Note:  A very short paper is likely to lose points for other categories as well as “length and formatting.”)
AI acknowledgement, working links for references, and generally following instructions: Required to get any points at all for the assignment (see above).
Anything that looks like an AI “hallucination” (a made up “fact” or a non-existent reference or incorrect DOI, for example) can result in a zero for the assignment.  This applies whether you used AI tools or not.
Turn in your finished paper using the submission folder.  Please keep in mind that all submissions are automatically checked for evidence of plagiarism. 
Plagiarism Warning
DO NOT USE SOMEONE ELSE’S WORDS in your paper!  Do not copy from your referenced sources.  Do not copy from a web site that summarizes your source.  Do not copy from another paper you have written for another class.  Do not copy phrases, sentences, or paragraphs from ANYWHERE!  That includes using automated content-generation tools like chatGPT.  Any words produced by something other than your own brain must be quoted and the source cited.  Instead, put everything in your own words: paraphrase, condense, and summarize the sources you cite.  Do not copy.  Also see the course FAQ and the documents from Week 1 for additional guidelines and warnings.
If your paper contains material copied word for word that is not clearly indicated to be a direct quotation (with quotation marks), you will receive a zero on the assignment for failing to follow instructions.  You may also face disciplinary action from the Academic Integrity Board.
Read the information on plagiarism provided in the Finals Week Checklist for this course and in the Academic Integrity section of the DePaul web site.

Chemical Evolution: Science…Or…Faith? Perspectives on Chemical Evolution: A Crit

Chemical Evolution: Science…Or…Faith?
Perspectives on Chemical Evolution: A Crit

Chemical Evolution: Science…Or…Faith?
Perspectives on Chemical Evolution: A Critical Analysis (formerly Science News Report)
Read the four papers from the links provided in the Directions. In a two-to-three page report,
summarize the main points of the four references, and evaluate the information in light of your own
Christian worldview to respond to the following question: Does the presence of the complex
biochemistry found within living organisms require an Intelligent Designer?
Some of the articles are scientifically difficult, while some are written to a more general audience, but
you should now have sufficient background from this class to at least interpret the main points of all of
the readings. You are not expected to fully understand the articles (especially the first one!) This
assignment asks you to reinterpret difficult scientific information into a more general form that you
could share will other church members, who may not have the scientific background you do!
The review should include:
a) A summary of the main points discussed in each of the articles. (10 points)
b) An analysis of the primary question from multiple points-of-view. How do the various
groups interpret the data? Do all groups agree on the question, or what are various different
positions? (10 points)
c) Why do the various groups see this information as important? How might they use this
information to solve problems facing us today? (10 points)
d) How do you interpret the data from within a Christian worldview? How do you as a
Christian answer the question? How can Christians use this information to make decisions or
solve problems? Should Christians even discuss these types of questions, or should we just leave
them to the scientists? (15 points)
The desired format of the written part is:
a) Third person (Do not use: we or I)
b) Two-to-three pages (limit yourselves to 3 pages)
c) Format references using a style that is appropriate for your discipline (MLA, APA, etc.)
(Remember, you have four sources, so reference them in the paper!) (5 points)
d) Double space, typed document

i need to write a psychology literature review for my bachelor course. the main

i need to write a psychology literature review for my bachelor course. the main

i need to write a psychology literature review for my bachelor course. the main topic of the course is neurocriminology and my question I need to answer is what I put in the topic section. it need to be in apa formatting. what I need is an introduction, main body, and then conclusion/discussion. it should be in an hour glass format, so the introduction goes from broad to specific and conclusion from specific to broad. i need at least 2 but preferably 3 subtopics in my main body. i was thinking in this order: 1. neurological effects of TBIs, 2. how those effects connect to criminal behaviour, 3. what other factors (socioeconomic status for example) can effect that connection. but that isn’t a must, just an idea that can be changed if its not good. i need some type of biological component tho that needs to be addressed. i want two articles per subtopic. these articles have to be empirical studies and you have to explain the article, so like what they found and how they did the study (methods) and connect to my topic, and also the limitations. it would be great if one study could build upon the previous one for that sub topic. like if the limitation for the first study was that it was not longitudinal, then the next one is longitudinal (just an example), but that doesn’t need to be if you cant find anything like that. i need a lot of in text references in the introduction, my tutor said like about every second sentence or so, but that was just her preference. also the intro should be like a page or a page and a half, but really any size is okay as long as it has everything I need. you can add quotes but not too many, I prefer only references (like just talking about it and then putting the article in text citation in quotes after it). i will attach the rule brick. also please include a source list like apa. no plagiarism. also for sources I need at least 5, but like I said I want 2 per sub topic at least and also more sources that are in the introduction and conclusion, you can reuse sources of course, but I would like to have a good amount of sources, not all of them have to be empirical studies, but the ones discussed in the main body should be. thank you.  

Exploring Cultural Competence in Perception and Language Cultural competence is

Exploring Cultural Competence in Perception and Language
Cultural competence is

Exploring Cultural Competence in Perception and Language
Cultural competence is a crucial skill in today’s diverse world. It involves understanding, respecting, and effectively communicating with individuals from various cultural backgrounds. This project assignment will enable you to explore the significance of cultural competence in perception and language. You will analyze how culture influences perception, the power of language in intercultural communication, and strategies to enhance cultural competence
Part 1: Understand Cultural Influence on Perception (250-350 words)
Begin by selecting a specific cultural group or community different from your own. Explore how cultural factors such as values, norms, and social roles can influence the way individuals from this group perceive the world around them. Share examples or research findings that illustrate these influences on perception. You are free to use the internet/generative artificial intelligence to do your research. However, ensure that the information you are getting from these sources is reliable by verifying it with a reputable, published, peer-reviewed/edited source.
Part 2: Exploring Language in Intercultural Communication (250-350 words)
Investigate how language serves as a powerful tool in intercultural interactions. Discuss the role of language in shaping perceptions, stereotypes, and biases. Include examples of how language can either facilitate or hinder effective communication between individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. Try and use specific examples from your life if possible.
Part 3: Enhancing Cultural Competence (250-350 words)
Explore strategies and techniques for enhancing cultural competence in interpersonal interactions. Share specific approaches that can help individuals become more culturally aware, respectful, and skilled communicators. Consider the importance of empathy, active listening, and open-mindedness in fostering cultural competence.
Part 4: Personal Reflection and Application (150-250 words)
Reflect on your own experiences and interactions with individuals from different cultural backgrounds. Discuss any challenges or successes you have encountered in applying cultural competence principles to your own communication. Share how this project has influenced your awareness of cultural competence.
Part 5: Conclusion
In this project assignment, you have delved into the intricate relationship between culture, perception, and language. By understanding the influence of culture on perception and the impact of language on intercultural communication, you have gained valuable insights into the significance of cultural competence. Cultivating cultural competence is an ongoing process that empowers individuals to connect with others from diverse backgrounds, fostering understanding and collaboration in our increasingly globalized world.
Include a list of references in APA format to support your analysis and research findings.
Remember to adhere to the specified word count for each section and ensure that your project is well-organized, coherent, and free from grammatical errors. Your exploration of cultural competence in perception and language will contribute to your ability to communicate effectively across cultures and promote inclusivity in your personal and professional interactions.
Submission Details:
Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

In preparation for this assignment please watch an episode of the TV series : Br

In preparation for this assignment please watch an episode of the TV series : Br

In preparation for this assignment please watch an episode of the TV series : Breaking bad where Jesse Pinkman’s struggles with drug addiction throughout the series.
Imagine that the character ( Jesse Pinkman) becomes involved with the legal system as a result of his drug use, and has subsequently been mandated by the court to attend treatment for addiction where you work.
Respond to each of the following questions based on the television show
A) What barriers (cultural, financial, social, systemic, emotional, etc.) might make it difficult for this “client” to seek addiction treatment on their own without being mandated?
B) What relational factors may contribute to this “client’s” resistance to the idea of therapy for their addiction?
C) When thinking about contextual factors such as race/ethnicity, class, socio-economic status, or other factors, do you think the “client” would experience addiction differently if they were a different race/ethnicity/gender identity/sexual orientation/social class?
D) Describe how you would work with the characters in the show as an individual if he presented to therapy regarding issues related to addictions. How would you utilize Motivational Interviewing to increase engagement in treatment? How would you approach working with him in order to roll with their resistance and bridge any cultural gaps?
D) What theory would you use when working with the family in the show? If you were the therapist assigned to the case, how would you assess this case, conceptualize the presenting problem from the chosen model’s systemic perspective? What techniques or interventions would you use from this model, in addition to Motivational Interviewing? This section requires citations from 2 peer reviewed articles. (make sure the articles are peer reviewed.) IN ORDER TO ANSWER PART D, PLEASE USE THE CBT THEORY APPROACH AND CONCEPTUALIZE THE PRESENTING PROBLEM FROM CBT SYSTEMIC PERSPECTIVE AND USE CBT TECHNIQUES AND INTERVENTIONS . CBT= COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY