Written Assignment Epidemiologists examine how and where disease outbreaks begin

Written Assignment
Epidemiologists examine how and where disease outbreaks begin

Written Assignment
Epidemiologists examine how and where disease outbreaks begin, how they are transmitted, and how to prevent future outbreaks to improve the overall health of the public.
The United States Bureau of Labor and Statistics expects epidemiologist employment to rise significantly between now and 2028. Here are a few leading ones to consider:
Academic research Applied Epidemiologist Climate Health Epidemiologist
Clinical Trial Research Disaster Epidemiologist Epidemiology Investigator
Management and Administration Professor of Epidemiology Field Epidemiology
Clinical Epidemiologist Molecular Epidemiologist Infection Control Preventionist
Pharmaceutical Epidemiologist Statistician/Analyst Veterinary Epidemiologist
Communicable disease Nurse Risk Management Policy Analyst
Your assignment is to choose a career in epidemiology to research. You may use one from the list provided or one from another source that may interest you more. Once you have chosen a career to explore, you will answer the following questions:
1. How much education is required?
2. Where would they work? (In a hospital, for the state, the CDC, etc.)
3. What are the salary expectations?
4. Would travel be involved?
5. What are the personal health or personal risks involved in this career?
6. What ethical issues might arise in this type of career?
7. What laws or licensing agencies govern this field of epidemiology?
8. Why do you feel this would be an interesting or challenging career?
9. How does the career align with associated jobs in Public Health, such as social work?
10. Does this career offer an avenue for further advancement in the field?

The title of your assignment should be: “Careers Related to Epidemiology and Public Health.”
Number a Word Document 1-10 and answer each question separately. Skip a space between each answer.
Be thorough but limit your answers to no more than 1-3 sentences.
At the end of your report skip two spaces and Include a reference, even if only your textbook. Make sure it is provided in the proper APA format.
When finished, submit your report for grading.

Grammar, punctuation, spelling, and the quality of your writing will influence your grade.
Check your work to make sure you have addressed each of the nine questions and proofread for errors before submitting.

People often come to public health with the noble goal of making a difference in

People often come to public health with the noble goal of making a difference in

People often come to public health with the noble goal of making a difference in the world. This goal is often fueled by a passion tied to a specific health issue or interest, sometimes inspired by personal and/or professional experience. The question then becomes, “How do we use this passion to create tangible change?”
We will explore ways to answer this question of “How do we …create tangible change?” throughout the three components of this project titled Public Health + You.
Part One
For part one, you are tasked with the following:
Identify a health issue of interest (make sure this is something you truly care about) in the U.S. context. State the topic in one sentence. (1 sentence; worth 2 points)
Describe the identified health issue. (1-2 paragraphs; worth 5 points)
To do this, you will need to refer to a reputable source to learn about this health issue/topic. DO NOT cite a peer-reviewed research article for this part of the project–that will come later, and I will provide guidance as to how to read and comprehend research articles.
You should consider consulting the following reputable sources: https://www.cdc.gov/Links to an external site. , https://www.nih.gov/Links to an external site. , https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/Links to an external site. , https://apha.org/Links to an external site. , https://www.heart.org/Links to an external site. , https://diabetes.org/Links to an external site. (This is NOT an exhaustive list of reputable sources–this is to give you an idea of where to start.)
State and explain why this issue matters to you. (1 paragraph; worth 3 points)
Your submission should be at least 1 page but at most two (2) pages (not including the references list). You will lose points if you go below the minimum or above the maximum.

Unit 3 Discussion Discussion Overview Please review the Discussion Board Gradin

Unit 3 Discussion
Discussion Overview
Please review the Discussion Board Gradin

Unit 3 Discussion
Discussion Overview
Please review the Discussion Board Grading Rubric in the Course Resources.
Each unit, you are required to post one initial response and two replies to your peers and/or professor. Your initial response should be at least 200 words and contain a reference list for the sources used to support your response; the word count minimum excludes the references. The responses to others should be at least 50 words each. Please be sure to cite all of your sources in APA format in accordance with the Discussion Board Grading Rubric.
Topic: Environmental Hazards
After reviewing the instructions for the Unit 3 Assignment and choosing either a Superfund site or sanitary landfill in your community, discuss the potential health risks local residents may experience in relation to the site. What is being done to prevent human exposure to these environmental hazards?
My community is Oahu, Hawaii.
Francis Martinez posted Oct 3, 2024 10:38 PM
Hello class,
The sanitary landfill I chose is based in NYC, which is my community, it’s reported that These landfills cause the bad odor that surrounds the city, according to Liz Donovan from City Limits (2022), “In 2020, 90 percent of the landfill’s capacity was from the five boroughs, the complaint shows. That reflects an increase of 284,392 tons of garbage from New York City in 2015 to 646,744 tons five years later” (Donovan 2022). Unfortunately, the bad odor isn’t the only thing coming out of these landfills, Dust is a very common factor that can cause respiratory issues and damage and also bring lung and heart conditions to the citizens. However, in December of 2022, the Perinton town supervisor announced a five-year plan to reduce the odor transfer the landfill and make sure the trash does not pass its limit, this has effectively been reducing the odor little by little and also these situations have not gone unnoticed by the DEC, which received serval complaints and have been trying to take action and fight against the effect of these landfills. Effectively in 2021-22, the DEC established the Geomembrane cover to some of the acres of the landfill and this has been a strategy that has been working and supported. As a fellow New Yorker, this trash issue is very much true and very disgusting, there are several parts I don’t pass to stop smelling the foul odor and getting nauseous.

Donovan L. ( 2022 September 19). Outsourced NYC Trash is causing Never-Ending Odor Event’ Upstate, Lawsuit Alleges. City Limits. https://citylimits.org/2022/09/19/outsourced-nyc-trash-is-causing-a-never-ending-odor-event-upstate-lawsuit-alleges/#:~:text=In%202020%2C%2090%20percent%20of,which%20has%20intervened%20multiple%20times.

Council.gov. NYC. (2024). Table of Contents -New York City Council. By Joseph C. Borelli. Council Member 51st District. https://council.nyc.gov/joseph-borelli/wp-content/uploads/sites/52/2017/05/Landfill-Report-FINAL.pdf
Tyler Sack posted Oct 3, 2024 8:47 PM
Hello everyone,

The supersite I chose to talk about is C&R Battery Co. INC. The Plant is located south of Richmond, VA near the James River. The site was used to dismantle car batteries from vehicles and repurpose the materials. According to (EPA, 2017), the company would cut open the batteries and dump the acid into ponds on the property. The site has had soil and water samples taken to assess the risk to humans and wildlife in the surrounding areas. Although no groundwater was found to be contaminated, these hazards can potentially cause major illnesses if it were to come into contact with the groundwater. If the acid were to get into the groundwater it could cause higher PH levels in the drinking water and have the potential to make the water more corrosive (Shin, 2018). When the acid is exposed to soil, the soil will become more acidic and harm grass or crops growing nearby. C&R battery was removed from the NPL list in 2022 after five-year reviews determined the site no longer posed a threat to the surrounding area. The site now has controls in place set by the EPA to reduce the chance of environmental exposure (EPA, 2017). The controls make it so that strict action must be taken if any future spills happen on the property.


Environmental Protection Agency. (2017, October 20). C & R Battery Co., Inc. site profile. EPA. https://cumulis.epa.gov/supercpad/SiteProfiles/index.cfm?fuseaction=second.Cleanup&id=0302581#bkground.
Shin, D., Kim, Y., & Moon, H. S. (2018, December). Fate and toxicity of spilled chemicals in groundwater and soil environment I: Strong acids. Environmental health and toxicology. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6341169/.

Hi again, This is the second to last part of this paper. I hope you can help me

Hi again, This is the second to last part of this paper. I hope you can help me

Hi again, This is the second to last part of this paper. I hope you can help me again. I have uploaded the rubric and the last assignment you helped me with. Please let me know if you need anything else.
Submit your draft of the recommendations portion of the final project, Section IV. You will advocate for recommendations to reduce the effects of your selected health issue. Your recommendations must be reasonably achievable and supported by examples from scholarly literature.

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Conduct an assessment of an individual responsible for making public policy in women’s health. What women’s health policy was this individual involved in and what role did he or she play in it? If they were involved in supporting or opposing the policy, why did they take the position they chose? What led the individual to take the position in particular?
2. How do they make decisions concerning women’s health policy? Are there factors unique to the policy that shapes their involvement in it?
written in the third person and provide a scholarly response to the questions posed.
2-3 full pages from top to bottom in length, double-spaced with 12-point font and one-inch margins, APA the edition citations
Requirements: 2-3 Full Pages From Top to Bottom Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages | .doc file
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to include an introduction paragraph with a clear thesis statement in the last sentence of the introduction paragraph and a conclusion paragraph.
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions.
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each body paragraph.
Please be sure to use recent credible or scholalry sources published within the last 5 years.

The commentary is an assignment that requires creativity, research, and spoken-w

The commentary is an assignment that requires creativity, research, and spoken-w

The commentary is an assignment that requires creativity, research, and spoken-word narration. The first step is to review HUMAN RIGHTS websites and videos on the course website to understand the connection between health and human rights. Pick a human rights issue that you are interested in and willing to learn more about. Your commentary must be personally meaningful and resonate with larger social themes. Commentaries don’t have to be “objective,” but they do have to be true. The best commentaries offer nuanced points of view grounded in compelling evidence from lived experience and research. The commentary is 300 words & usually runs around two minutes. You must read your commentary outload in class to get full credit. Express yourself conversationally, this is NOT an academic paper. Practice before delivering in class. Think about your tone, volume, rhythm and pace. Can your audience hear and understand you?
Grading Rubric
Provide a title for your commentary; write in the 1st person; 300 words (+/- 10)
Start with a “hook” that identifies the human rights issue you are addressing and its connection to health.
Do you believe health is a human right? Say so, make the point and connect to at least one reading/video/website from Canvas. https://socialself.com/loneliness-statistics/
https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/education/2015/0… and https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/10/14/breaking-pover…
Name larger social themes and incorporate personal experience. Why does this matter to you?
End with a call to action & why this issue should matter to others. What do you want from your audience? What can be done? What is your contribution?

Part 1: Variables (2 pages including frequency tables) *DATA SET UPLOADED TO FIL

Part 1: Variables (2 pages including frequency tables)

Part 1: Variables (2 pages including frequency tables)
Select a continuous variable from the data set and provide full definition for each variable.
Convert a continuous variable to a categorical variable (which may be used to answer one of your research questions).
Provide an explanation of how you converted the variable.
Produce frequency tables for the new variable you made.
If any of the cells in your frequency table has fewer than 6 individuals in it, combine that level with other levels so there is no frequency less than 6.
Submit descriptive statistics for the new variables.
Part 2: Research Questions and Statistical Analysis Plan (1–2 pages)
Write a brief introduction/problem statement on the importance of your research topic as a public health issue. This should be similar to one that you might submit for your Doctoral Study.
Support your response, with a limited review of the current literature (3–5 references)
Translate your research topic into research question(s).
Describe the study population you selected for your project (study population is defined based on your research topic) and a rationale for the chosen population.
Include a list of variables (dependent, independent, confounding, etc.) from your selected data set, that you will be using to answer your research question(s).
Include a rationale for why you think those variables are enough for answering your research question.
Describe the levels of measurement for each variable.
Develop a statistical analysis plan (no analysis will be completed in this section), including:
Descriptive methods you will be using to describe data
Analytic methods you will be using to answer your research question(s). Include the following:
Describe the statistical test you will be using.
Why this test is appropriate to answer your research question?
Why this test is appropriate for using the list of variables you selected for your research question?
How will the results of this statistical test help you to answer your research question?
Indicate the methods you will be using to display your findings.
Select a sample from NHANES and indicate the sample size and the method for calculating the sample size, including your power calculations.
Include G*Power output(s) to support your calculation(s) for sample size.
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. (2023). G*PowerLinks to an external site.. https://www.psychologie.hhu.de/arbeitsgruppen/allgemeine-psychologie-und-arbeitspsychologie/gpower
Download G*Power for WindowsLinks to an external site. XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10 and 11 (about 20 MB). Please make sure to choose “unpack with folders” in your unzip tool.

Choose a geographic location (e.g., city, state, province) that you know well, s

Choose a geographic location (e.g., city, state, province) that you know well, s

Choose a geographic location (e.g., city, state, province) that you know well, such as your current or past residence, a geographic area that is or was the focus of your professional work, or a location in which you have spent a substantial amount of time for some other reason. Present an analysis of the climate change and health concerns in this geographic location. In approximately 750 words or less, focus on what you see to be the top three concerns and present your rationale for choosing them (identify the assessments/articles/tools you utilized). Please see the example paper and the grading rubric in the attachments.

Assignment Workplace Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment The instructions

Assignment Workplace Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
The instructions

Assignment Workplace Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment
The instructions are generated with the help of artificial intelligence to increase details and accuracy.
In this assignment, you will apply your knowledge of occupational health and safety principles to identify potential hazards, assess risks, and propose effective controls within your usual work/study environment in a maximum 10-page report, including photos taken by you of your selected environment.
Structure and Tasks:
1. Choose either a workplace or a home office environment for the assessment.
2. Hazard Identification: Conduct a thorough walk-through to identify five potential hazards. These hazards should span various categories, including people-related, equipment-related, environmental, material-related, and process-related.
3. Take photos of each identified hazard.
4. Provide a description for each hazard explaining its potential risks. Specify possible injuries or illnesses for each hazard, categorized as over-traumatic injuries, overexertion injuries, or repetitive strain injuries.
5. Assess the probability of each hazard causing harm and evaluate the potential severity of consequences. Finally, assign an overall risk level to each hazard (low, medium, high).
6. Recommend control measures for each hazard based on the hierarchy of controls (elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and PPE) and justify the effectiveness of the chosen control methods.
Length: Maximum ten pages. Times New Roman, Size 12. Double spaced. APA citation.
SAssessment Criteria:
– The diversity and clarity in identifying different types of hazards. (30%)
– The accuracy and realism in assessing each hazard’s probability and consequences. (30%)
– Appropriateness and Creativity of Risk Controls. (30%)
– Effective communication of the findings and insights and using the correct format. (10%)