TEMPLATE – PAPER TOPIC DECLARATION: M3 Db Section 1: SPSS Dataset [Identify yo

Section 1: SPSS Dataset
[Identify your specific SPSS dataset (not Pew reports) by title and provide the Pew weblink to your actual dataset HERE – NOTE: all students must choose a dataset for their papers from Pew located here]
Section 2: Research Topic
[Explicitly and clearly state your research topic HERE]
Section 3: Introduction and Potential APSA Reference
[Provide 2-3 sentences to introduce your topic to the reader of your paper HERE]
Section 3a: 15-page peer-reviewed APSA Reference
[Provide the first potential peer-reviewed 15-page APSA reference HERE]
Section 4: Survey Questions and SPSS Frequencies
[Copy and paste the three survey questions SPSS frequencies tables HERE]
Section 5: Expected Findings
[Specifically and concisely explain what you expect the main finding(s) about your 3 variables to be in your paper HERE]
Section 6: Word Count
Word count = [report number of words HERE]
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TEMPLATE – PAPER TOPIC DECLARATION: M3 Db Section 1: SPSS Dataset [Identify yo

Section 1: SPSS Dataset
[Identify your specific SPSS dataset (not Pew reports) by title and provide the Pew weblink to your actual dataset HERE – NOTE: all students must choose a dataset for their papers from Pew located here]
Section 2: Research Topic
[Explicitly and clearly state your research topic HERE]
Section 3: Introduction and Potential APSA Reference
[Provide 2-3 sentences to introduce your topic to the reader of your paper HERE]
Section 3a: 15-page peer-reviewed APSA Reference
[Provide the first potential peer-reviewed 15-page APSA reference HERE]
Section 4: Survey Questions and SPSS Frequencies
[Copy and paste the three survey questions SPSS frequencies tables HERE]
Section 5: Expected Findings
[Specifically and concisely explain what you expect the main finding(s) about your 3 variables to be in your paper HERE]
Section 6: Word Count
Word count = [report number of words HERE]
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Hi, due to unforseen medical and other circumstances and being in the hospital I

Hi, due to unforseen medical and other circumstances and being in the hospital I

Hi, due to unforseen medical and other circumstances and being in the hospital I am needing the following general attorney letters written below. 1. A legal letter addressed to an Alabama credit union /Bank for an auto loan member who resides in mississippi to require the credit union to allow indiivdual to keep vehicle and not reposession. A letter is needed to require the bank to provide a fair option affordable to allow indiivudal with medical disabilities under federal law and ongoing medical emergencies and more to keep vehicle. 2. An attorney letter is needed to address emotional distress and suffering and to address that an individual , business, university, and or state or federal facility has not complied with ada accommodations and has caused emotional stress, suffering ect.3. A legal letter is needing to address the IRS in regards to not being able to file taxes due to ada disabily and medical issues, emergencies including addressing financial hardship and requesting a requirement to provide options.

Hi, due to unforseen medical and other circumstances and being in the hospital I

Hi, due to unforseen medical and other circumstances and being in the hospital I

Hi, due to unforseen medical and other circumstances and being in the hospital I am needing the following general attorney letters written below. 1. A legal letter addressed to an Alabama credit union /Bank for an auto loan member who resides in mississippi to require the credit union to allow indiivdual to keep vehicle and not reposession. A letter is needed to require the bank to provide a fair option affordable to allow indiivudal with medical disabilities under federal law and ongoing medical emergencies and more to keep vehicle. 2. An attorney letter is needed to address emotional distress and suffering and to address that an individual , business, university, and or state or federal facility has not complied with ada accommodations and has caused emotional stress, suffering ect.3. A legal letter is needing to address the IRS in regards to not being able to file taxes due to ada disabily and medical issues, emergencies including addressing financial hardship and requesting a requirement to provide options.

This module explores additional sources of ideas for policy options beyond the f

This module explores additional sources of ideas for policy options beyond the f

This module explores additional sources of ideas for policy options beyond the failure frameworks and the system map.
The concept of “targeted transparency” refers to the use of information to address problems.
The concept of “nudging” recognizes that information is often not enough to make people adopt more beneficial behaviors. The field of behavioral economics has blossomed over the past few decades by identifying how the human brain takes short cuts to make decisions and the ways in which those shortcuts can be “nudged” to yield better decisions.
You will need to cover :
1. Summarize at least three key points from the required materials. Look for ideas that bridge across the assigned readings or videos.
– Please identify which reading(s) or video(s) you are discussing in each of your points.
– When you see a similar or related (or conflicting) point being made across two or more different readings or videos, be sure to point that out!
2. Articulate one question, puzzle, or point of confusion prompted by the assigned material. Required materials :
– Weil (et al) – targeted transparency
– Thaler & Sunstein (LA Times)
– Japanese Train Stations :

This module explores additional sources of ideas for policy options beyond the f

This module explores additional sources of ideas for policy options beyond the f

This module explores additional sources of ideas for policy options beyond the failure frameworks and the system map.
The concept of “targeted transparency” refers to the use of information to address problems.
The concept of “nudging” recognizes that information is often not enough to make people adopt more beneficial behaviors. The field of behavioral economics has blossomed over the past few decades by identifying how the human brain takes short cuts to make decisions and the ways in which those shortcuts can be “nudged” to yield better decisions.
You will need to cover :
1. Summarize at least three key points from the required materials. Look for ideas that bridge across the assigned readings or videos.
– Please identify which reading(s) or video(s) you are discussing in each of your points.
– When you see a similar or related (or conflicting) point being made across two or more different readings or videos, be sure to point that out!
2. Articulate one question, puzzle, or point of confusion prompted by the assigned material. Required materials :
– Weil (et al) – targeted transparency
– Thaler & Sunstein (LA Times)
– Japanese Train Stations :

Find three environmental health warnings of the type discussed in the lectures/s

Find three environmental health warnings of the type discussed in the lectures/s

Find three environmental health warnings of the type discussed in the lectures/slides/chapters in your immediate environs — your home, your building, anywhere in your neighborhood.Note: These signs will look like the things for sale on this site: https://www.safetysign.com/safety-signs
Name the law or regulation that mandates such warnings, indicate if the law or regulation a local, state, or federal, and the date it was first mandated.Hint: A reference to the law or regulation is often printed in a small font somewhere on the sign, but not always.
Briefly explain the health problem the law or regulation is trying to prevent or mitigate.
NOTE: Some students are not currently in the United States, so regulations and signage may be very different. If you can find signs that present an environmental warning of the type discussed in the lectures/slides/chapters, that’s great. If you are having problems, you can also use warnings on any consumer product (for instance, something on a cleaning solution bottle you have at home or some other product, such as propane or paint thinner). Or, if need be, take a picture of a place where you think there should be a health hazard warning, but isn’t — and explain why it might be needed. We’re most interested in you engaging with the idea of these regulations than finding a specific kind of sign.