Workbook 1 Well come to the Pythoning! Type this code import this and you can se

Workbook 1
Well come to the Pythoning!
Type this code import this and you can see the Zen of Python
The Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
Beautiful is better than ugly.
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Complex is better than complicated.
Flat is better than nested.
Sparse is better than dense.
Readability counts.
Special cases aren’t special enough to break the rules.
Although practicality beats purity.
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.
In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess.
There should be one– and preferably only one –obvious way to do it.
Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you’re Dutch.
Now is better than never.
Although never is often better than *right* now.
If the implementation is hard to explain, it’s a bad idea.
If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
Namespaces are one honking great idea — let’s do more of those!
Python I/O
Computer programs consist of commands, each command instructs the computer to take some action. A computer executes these commands one by one. Among other things, commands can be used to perform calculations, compare things in the computer’s memory, cause changes in how the program functions, relay messages or ask for information from the program’s user.
Let’s begin programming by getting familiar with the print() command, which prints text. In this context, printing essentially means that the program will show some text on the screen.
The following program will print the line “Hi there!”:
print(“Hi there!”)
When the program is run, it produces this:
Hi there!The program will not work unless the code is written exactly as it is above. For example, trying to run the print command without the quotation marks, like so
print(Hi there!)
will not print out the message, but instead causes an error:
In summary, if you want to print text, the text must all be encased in quotation marks or Python will not interpret it correctly.
Exercise 1 (1 point)
Please write a program which prints out an emoticon: 🙂
A program of multiple commands
Multiple commands written in succession will be executed in order from first to last. For example this program
print(“Welcome to Introduction to Programming!”)
print(“First we will practice using the print command.”)
print(“This program prints three lines of text on the screen.”)
prints the following lines on the screen:
Welcome to Introduction to Programming!
First we will practice using the print command.
This program prints three lines of text on the screen.
Exercise 2 (1 point)
The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a national memorial centered on a colossal sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore (Lakota: Tȟuŋkášila Šákpe, or Six Grandfathers) in the Black Hills near Keystone, South Dakota, United States.
This program is supposed to print the names of American presidents (left to right), but it doesn’t work quite right yet. Please fix the program so that the names are printed in the correct order.
print(“George Washington”)
print(“Theodore Roosevelt”)
print(“Abraham Lincoln”)
print(“Thomas Jefferson”)
Exercise 3 (1 point)
Please write a program which prints out the following lines exactly as they are written here, punctuation and all:
Row, row, row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily,
Life is but a dream.
Exercise 4 (1 point)
The popular TV series Lost used the number sequence 4 8 15 16 23 42, which brought good luck to the characters and helped them hit the lottery jackpot. Write a program that prints the given sequence of numbers with one space in between.
Note. The plain text ‘4 8 15 16 23 42’ cannot be used. Instead, use the print() command’s ability to print multiple arguments, separated by commas.
Exercise 5 (1 point)
Modify the previous program so that each number in the sequence 4 8 15 16 23 42 is printed on its own line.
Exercise 6 (1 point)
Write a program that prints the following triangle made up of asterisks (*):
Arithmetic operations
You can also put arithmetic expressions inside a print command. Running it will then print out the result. For example, the following program
print(2 + 5)
print(3 * 3)
print(2 + 2 * 10)
prints out these lines:
Notice the lack of quotation marks around the arithmetic operations above. Quotation marks are used to signify strings. In the context of programming, strings are sequences of characters. They can consist of letters, numbers and any other types of characters, such as punctuation.
Strings aren’t just words as we commonly understand them, but instead a single string can be as long as multiple complete sentences. Strings are usually printed out exactly as they are written. Thus, the following two commands produce two quite different results:
print(2 + 2 * 10)
print(“2 + 2 * 10”)
This program prints out:
2 + 2 * 10
With the second line of code, Python does not calculate the result of the expression, but instead prints out the expression itself, as a string. So, strings are printed out just as they are written, without any reference to their contents.
Any line beginning with the pound sign #, also known as a hash or a number sign, is a comment. This means that any text on that line following the # symbol will not in any way affect how the program functions. Python will simply ignore it.
Comments are used for explaining how a program works, to both the programmer themselves, and others reading the program code. In this program a comment explains the calculation performed in the code:
print(“Hours in a year:”)
# there are 365 days in a year and 24 hours in each day
When the program is run, the comment will not be visible to the user:
Hours in a year:
Short comments can also be added to the end of a line:
print(“Hours in a year:”)
print(365*24) # 365 days, 24 hours in each day
Variables in print() command
As you noticed, we can use variables within the print() command. To do this, we simply supply the variable name without quotes as an argument inside the parentheses.
city = ‘New York’
print(city, ‘is my city!’)
This prints out:
New York is my city!
We can use several variables in the print() command. Just remember that the arguments to the print() command need to be separated by commas.
name = ‘Alex’
city = ‘Rockford’
print(‘My name is’, name, ‘.’, city, ‘is my city!’)
My name is Alex . Rockford is my city!
Naturally, variable values can vary (be changed) though reassigned. Try this:
print(‘What is your name’)
name = input()
print(‘Hi,’, name)
name = ‘Chris’
print(‘Hello,’, name)
The assignment operator (=) gives a variable a value, regardless of whether the variable was previously used. You can change a variable’s value by writing another assignment statement. Once we have a variable, we can do whatever we want with it, such as assigning it to another variable or changing its value.
name1 = ‘Brooklyn’
name2 = name1
name1 = ‘Jace’
this prints out:
Exercise 7 (1 point)
Try this
first = input()
second = input()
print(‘I am’, first, ‘and’, second)
Enter for the first “Cool” and for the second “I know it”
Exercise 8 (1 point)
Try this
name_1 = input() # waiting for the first person’s name
print(‘Hi, ‘, name_1, ‘!’) # output for the first
name_2 = input() # waiting for the second person’s name
print(‘Hello, ‘, name_2, ‘.’) # output for the second
Enter for the first “Liam” and for the second “Ted”
Exercise 9 (2 points)
Write a program that takes three lines through standard input (the input() command) and then prints them in reverse order, each on a separate line.
For example, if the program input is given the following lines:
then it prints out
The Plus (+) Operator
In Python, the plus (+) operator allows you to concatenate (join) two or more strings.
For example:
print(“Hello,” + “world!”)
Since the plus (+) operator concatenates the strings as they are, they’ll be squished together unless you explicitly include a leading space as part of the print statement:
print(“Hello,” + ” ” + “world!”)
# Hello, world!
print(“Hello, ” + “world!”)
# Hello, world!
print(“Hello,” + ” world!”)
# Hello, world!
Plus (+) act as the concatenation operator if operands are strings otherwise it acts as mathematical plus operator.
Whereas, the comma in the print command is used to separate arguments (variables or expressions). In case of strings ,and + in print work almost the same, but fundamentally they are different: + creates new object from operands whereas the comma has print use the objects as is without creating new ones.
Try these to see the differnces:
Exercise 10 (2 points)
Please write a program which asks for the user’s name and address.
The program should also print out the given information, for example: Steve Sanders, 91 Station Road, London EC05 6AW
Given name: Steve
Family name: Sanders
Street address: 91 Station Road
City and postal code: London EC05 6AW
Steve Sanders
91 Station Road
London EC05 6AW
Exercise 11 (2 points)
Please write a program which prints out the following story. The user gives a name and a year , which should be inserted into the printout.
An example for Mary, 1572
Please type in a name: Mary
Please type in a year: 1572
Mary is a valiant knight, born in the year 1572. One morning Mary woke up to an awful racket: a dragon was approaching the village. Only Mary could save the village’s residents.

Given the following code, what is its complexity for a list of length n. You nee

Given the following code, what is its complexity for a list of length n. You nee

Given the following code, what is its complexity for a list of length n. You need to show working but not a formula. Ignore commented lines with ”#”.
function nthFib(n) {
#let cache = {}; //Start here function recurse(num) {
#if(cache[num]) :
#return cache[num] //second step if(num === 0 || num == 1) return 1
let result =recurse(num-1)+recurse(num-2) # cache[num] =result; //final step

Assignment Requirements In this assignment, you will write a program that demons

Assignment Requirements
In this assignment, you will write a program that demons

Assignment Requirements
In this assignment, you will write a program that demonstrates the use of user-defined modules by invoking functions from imported modules. Your program will accept a distance value and unit of length (miles or kilometers) and will call functions within your user-defined modules to convert the distance to the other unit of length. You will create two modules that contain the functions: one to convert miles to kilometers and one to convert kilometers to miles. Your program should continue converting entered distances until the user chooses to discontinue the program.
Assignment Directions
You will begin by creating the modules that hold the conversion functions. Start a new Python file and build each function to do the appropriate conversions.Create a module named miles.
Create a function within this module named convertToMiles that accepts one value and returns the converted value when called.
Create a second module named kilometers.
Create a function within this module named convertToKilometers that accepts one value and returns the converted value when called.Conversion formulas for your reference:Metric Conversions (Kilometers-to-miles)Metric Conversions (Miles-to-kilometers)
Hint: Modules are created as Python files with the same .py file extension as your main program file. Your modules must be within the same folder/directory as your program file in order to invoke functions from them. Reference: Refer back to Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 4: Definition of a Function; and Programming in Python Chapter 7: Python Modules / 7.2 Module Definition / 7.3 Creating a Module.
Next you will create your Python program to accept user input of a distance value and unit of length (miles or kilometers). You will start by including the import statements at the top of this program. You will import both the miles and kilometers modules you just created.Reminder: These three Python files must exist within the same directory.Reference: Refer to Programming in Python Chapter 7: Python Modules / 7.2 7.5 7.6 Importing Modules.
Initialize variables. You should create two flag variables and initialize them to a value of true: one for when an invalid value is entered and one for when the user chooses to stop the processing (i.e., validValue, processing).
Create a conditional loop that will continue the processing until the user chooses to exit.Hint: Use the processing flag you just created in step 3 as your test condition.Reference: Refer back to Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 6: Loops / The While Statement.
Accept a distance value and unit of length from the user and store these two values in variables. Use prompts such as:Please enter a distance value:What is the unit of length (M = miles, KM = kilometers):Hint: Preface your input statement with float to ensure the value they enter is stored as a decimal number for use in the conversion formulas.Reference: Refer back to your Unit 1 readings in Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 3: Built-In Functions / Getting Input From the User.
Incorporate a decision structure to check the unit of length entered by the user and call the appropriate conversion function from your user-defined modules.If the user entered “M”, call the convertToKilometers function passing in the user entered distance. Store the result of the function call in a new variable (convertedDistance).
If the user entered “KM”, call the convertToMiles function passing in the user entered distance. Store the result of the function call in a new variable (convertedDistance).
Use an else statement for any other values and set the validValue flag to false to indicate an invalid value was entered.
Hint: Use the string function, upper, to convert the user input to uppercase and check for a value of M or KM only.Reference: Refer back to Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 5: The if Statement / Comparison Operators / The elif Statement.
If the user entered a valid unit of length, display the distance they entered, the unit of measurement and the converted distance/unit. Otherwise, display an error message. (i.e.. Your distance of 26.2 miles is equivalent to 42.1 kilometers or You entered an invalid unit of length.)Hint: Use an IF/ELSE decision structure here. Concatenate the results into one string.Reference: Refer back to your Unit 1 readings in Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 2: Print Statements; Chapter 3: Built-In Functions / Concatenation; Chapter 5: The if Statement.
Add another prompt to ask the user if they would like to continue. (i.e., Press X to quit or enter to continue processing.)
If the user entered a value to discontinue processing, set the processing flag to false to conclude the conditional looping and end the program.
Note: These small programming examples include very minimal data validation. Feel free to expand upon this and add additional layers of validation.
Example Output
Please enter a distance value: 26.2
What is the unit of length (M = miles, KM = kilometers) : m
Your distance of 26.2 miles is equivalent to 42.16 kilometers
Press X to quit or enter to continue processing.
Please enter a distance value: 5
What is the unit of length (M = miles, KM = kilometers) : km
Your distance of 5.0 kilometers is equivalent to 3.10 miles
Press X to quit or enter to continue processing. X
End processing of distances.

Assignment Requirements In this assignment, you will write a program that demons

Assignment Requirements
In this assignment, you will write a program that demons

Assignment Requirements
In this assignment, you will write a program that demonstrates the use of user-defined modules by invoking functions from imported modules. Your program will accept a distance value and unit of length (miles or kilometers) and will call functions within your user-defined modules to convert the distance to the other unit of length. You will create two modules that contain the functions: one to convert miles to kilometers and one to convert kilometers to miles. Your program should continue converting entered distances until the user chooses to discontinue the program.
Assignment Directions
You will begin by creating the modules that hold the conversion functions. Start a new Python file and build each function to do the appropriate conversions.Create a module named miles.
Create a function within this module named convertToMiles that accepts one value and returns the converted value when called.
Create a second module named kilometers.
Create a function within this module named convertToKilometers that accepts one value and returns the converted value when called.Conversion formulas for your reference:Metric Conversions (Kilometers-to-miles)Metric Conversions (Miles-to-kilometers)
Hint: Modules are created as Python files with the same .py file extension as your main program file. Your modules must be within the same folder/directory as your program file in order to invoke functions from them. Reference: Refer back to Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 4: Definition of a Function; and Programming in Python Chapter 7: Python Modules / 7.2 Module Definition / 7.3 Creating a Module.
Next you will create your Python program to accept user input of a distance value and unit of length (miles or kilometers). You will start by including the import statements at the top of this program. You will import both the miles and kilometers modules you just created.Reminder: These three Python files must exist within the same directory.Reference: Refer to Programming in Python Chapter 7: Python Modules / 7.2 7.5 7.6 Importing Modules.
Initialize variables. You should create two flag variables and initialize them to a value of true: one for when an invalid value is entered and one for when the user chooses to stop the processing (i.e., validValue, processing).
Create a conditional loop that will continue the processing until the user chooses to exit.Hint: Use the processing flag you just created in step 3 as your test condition.Reference: Refer back to Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 6: Loops / The While Statement.
Accept a distance value and unit of length from the user and store these two values in variables. Use prompts such as:Please enter a distance value:What is the unit of length (M = miles, KM = kilometers):Hint: Preface your input statement with float to ensure the value they enter is stored as a decimal number for use in the conversion formulas.Reference: Refer back to your Unit 1 readings in Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 3: Built-In Functions / Getting Input From the User.
Incorporate a decision structure to check the unit of length entered by the user and call the appropriate conversion function from your user-defined modules.If the user entered “M”, call the convertToKilometers function passing in the user entered distance. Store the result of the function call in a new variable (convertedDistance).
If the user entered “KM”, call the convertToMiles function passing in the user entered distance. Store the result of the function call in a new variable (convertedDistance).
Use an else statement for any other values and set the validValue flag to false to indicate an invalid value was entered.
Hint: Use the string function, upper, to convert the user input to uppercase and check for a value of M or KM only.Reference: Refer back to Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 5: The if Statement / Comparison Operators / The elif Statement.
If the user entered a valid unit of length, display the distance they entered, the unit of measurement and the converted distance/unit. Otherwise, display an error message. (i.e.. Your distance of 26.2 miles is equivalent to 42.1 kilometers or You entered an invalid unit of length.)Hint: Use an IF/ELSE decision structure here. Concatenate the results into one string.Reference: Refer back to your Unit 1 readings in Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 2: Print Statements; Chapter 3: Built-In Functions / Concatenation; Chapter 5: The if Statement.
Add another prompt to ask the user if they would like to continue. (i.e., Press X to quit or enter to continue processing.)
If the user entered a value to discontinue processing, set the processing flag to false to conclude the conditional looping and end the program.
Note: These small programming examples include very minimal data validation. Feel free to expand upon this and add additional layers of validation.
Example Output
Please enter a distance value: 26.2
What is the unit of length (M = miles, KM = kilometers) : m
Your distance of 26.2 miles is equivalent to 42.16 kilometers
Press X to quit or enter to continue processing.
Please enter a distance value: 5
What is the unit of length (M = miles, KM = kilometers) : km
Your distance of 5.0 kilometers is equivalent to 3.10 miles
Press X to quit or enter to continue processing. X
End processing of distances.

Assignment Requirements In this assignment, you will write a program that demons

Assignment Requirements
In this assignment, you will write a program that demons

Assignment Requirements
In this assignment, you will write a program that demonstrates the use of user-defined modules by invoking functions from imported modules. Your program will accept a distance value and unit of length (miles or kilometers) and will call functions within your user-defined modules to convert the distance to the other unit of length. You will create two modules that contain the functions: one to convert miles to kilometers and one to convert kilometers to miles. Your program should continue converting entered distances until the user chooses to discontinue the program.
Assignment Directions
You will begin by creating the modules that hold the conversion functions. Start a new Python file and build each function to do the appropriate conversions.Create a module named miles.
Create a function within this module named convertToMiles that accepts one value and returns the converted value when called.
Create a second module named kilometers.
Create a function within this module named convertToKilometers that accepts one value and returns the converted value when called.Conversion formulas for your reference:Metric Conversions (Kilometers-to-miles)Metric Conversions (Miles-to-kilometers)
Hint: Modules are created as Python files with the same .py file extension as your main program file. Your modules must be within the same folder/directory as your program file in order to invoke functions from them. Reference: Refer back to Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 4: Definition of a Function; and Programming in Python Chapter 7: Python Modules / 7.2 Module Definition / 7.3 Creating a Module.
Next you will create your Python program to accept user input of a distance value and unit of length (miles or kilometers). You will start by including the import statements at the top of this program. You will import both the miles and kilometers modules you just created.Reminder: These three Python files must exist within the same directory.Reference: Refer to Programming in Python Chapter 7: Python Modules / 7.2 7.5 7.6 Importing Modules.
Initialize variables. You should create two flag variables and initialize them to a value of true: one for when an invalid value is entered and one for when the user chooses to stop the processing (i.e., validValue, processing).
Create a conditional loop that will continue the processing until the user chooses to exit.Hint: Use the processing flag you just created in step 3 as your test condition.Reference: Refer back to Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 6: Loops / The While Statement.
Accept a distance value and unit of length from the user and store these two values in variables. Use prompts such as:Please enter a distance value:What is the unit of length (M = miles, KM = kilometers):Hint: Preface your input statement with float to ensure the value they enter is stored as a decimal number for use in the conversion formulas.Reference: Refer back to your Unit 1 readings in Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 3: Built-In Functions / Getting Input From the User.
Incorporate a decision structure to check the unit of length entered by the user and call the appropriate conversion function from your user-defined modules.If the user entered “M”, call the convertToKilometers function passing in the user entered distance. Store the result of the function call in a new variable (convertedDistance).
If the user entered “KM”, call the convertToMiles function passing in the user entered distance. Store the result of the function call in a new variable (convertedDistance).
Use an else statement for any other values and set the validValue flag to false to indicate an invalid value was entered.
Hint: Use the string function, upper, to convert the user input to uppercase and check for a value of M or KM only.Reference: Refer back to Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 5: The if Statement / Comparison Operators / The elif Statement.
If the user entered a valid unit of length, display the distance they entered, the unit of measurement and the converted distance/unit. Otherwise, display an error message. (i.e.. Your distance of 26.2 miles is equivalent to 42.1 kilometers or You entered an invalid unit of length.)Hint: Use an IF/ELSE decision structure here. Concatenate the results into one string.Reference: Refer back to your Unit 1 readings in Learn to Program With Python 3: A Step-by-Step Guide to Programming, 2nd edition, Chapter 2: Print Statements; Chapter 3: Built-In Functions / Concatenation; Chapter 5: The if Statement.
Add another prompt to ask the user if they would like to continue. (i.e., Press X to quit or enter to continue processing.)
If the user entered a value to discontinue processing, set the processing flag to false to conclude the conditional looping and end the program.
Note: These small programming examples include very minimal data validation. Feel free to expand upon this and add additional layers of validation.
Example Output
Please enter a distance value: 26.2
What is the unit of length (M = miles, KM = kilometers) : m
Your distance of 26.2 miles is equivalent to 42.16 kilometers
Press X to quit or enter to continue processing.
Please enter a distance value: 5
What is the unit of length (M = miles, KM = kilometers) : km
Your distance of 5.0 kilometers is equivalent to 3.10 miles
Press X to quit or enter to continue processing. X
End processing of distances.

Introduction: Provides an overview of the project and a short dicsussion on the

Introduction: Provides an overview of the project and a short dicsussion on the

Introduction: Provides an overview of the project and a short dicsussion on the pertinent literature
Research question and methodology: Provides a clear statement on the goals of the project, an overview of the proposed approach, and a formal definition of the problem
Experimental results: Provides an overview of the dataset used for experiments, the metrics used for evaluating performances, and the experimental methodology. Presents experimental results as plots and/or tables
Concluding remarks: Provides a critical discussion on the experimental results and some ideas for future work. I need you to implement a study on python using google cola on this project: Bio Linking (P9)
Instructor: Darya Shlyk, Department of Computer Science, UniversitĂ  degli Studi di MilanoMuch of the world’s healthcare data is stored in free-text documents, such as medical records and clinical notes. Analyzing and extracting meaningful insights from this unstructured data can be challenging. One approach for extracting structured knowledge from a vast corpus of biomedical literature is to annotate the text with concepts from existing knowledge bases.In the context of biomedical information extraction, Concept Recognition (CR) is defined as a two-step process, that consists in identifying and linking textual mentions of biomedical entities, such as genes, diseases, and phenotypes, to corresponding concepts in domain-specific ontologies. The objective of this project is to devise effective strategies for automating the extraction of concepts from unstructured biomedical resources. When developing your CR system, you may decide to focus on a specific class of entities such as diseases or genes and link to any target ontology within the biomedical domain, such as MONDO, Human Phenotype Ontology, etc.For clinical CR, SNOMED CT (Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms) is a viable option. SNOMED CT is a systematically organized clinical terminology that encompasses a wide range of clinical concepts, including diseases, symptoms, procedures, and body structures.DatasetPossible datasets include, PubMed abstracts and Clinical MIMIC-IV-Note available on request.ReferencesVuokko, Riikka, Anne Vakkuri, and Sari Palojoki. “Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine–Clinical Terminology (SNOMED CT) Clinical Use Cases in the Context of Electronic Health Record Systems: Systematic Literature Review.” JMIR medical informatics 11 (2023): e43750.
Lossio-Ventura, Juan Antonio, et al. “Clinical concept recognition: Evaluation of existing systems on EHRs.” Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5 (2023): 1051724.
Toonsi, Sumyyah, Ĺženay Kafkas, and Robert Hoehndorf. “BORD: A Biomedical Ontology based method for concept Recognition using Distant supervision: Application to Phenotypes and Diseases.” bioRxiv (2023): 2023-02.
Hailu, Negacy D., et al. “Biomedical concept recognition using deep neural sequence m
This is the GitHub link of the course, you can find additional informations about the models you have to use to solve this project:

Hi! I need to finish a project on sentiment analysis using SpaCy and Prophet lib

Hi! I need to finish a project on sentiment analysis using SpaCy and Prophet lib

Hi! I need to finish a project on sentiment analysis using SpaCy and Prophet libraries. This is the final task:
Overview of the pipeline you developed: forecasting, ext. regressors, fine tuning NN, news sentiment analysis, evaluation with cross validation.
Results you reached as a prediction (horizon 14 days) and as a prediction of growing/decreasing of the forex
Extra models/ideas/evaluations your group have performed. (For example evaluate the model wrt a baseline, or update the series to use all data until now, or use the scraper to get more news from the past, or use the news to directly train a classifier of growing/decreasing of the next days) This is another hint for the project: Use SpaCy Projects to classify a sentiment analysis dataset composed of reddit posts, then adapt a sentiment analysis dataset of financial news to classify news headlines instead of reddit posts. After that, use the output of the classifier as a Prophet regressor and evaluate the impact on prediction performance. I’ll attach below the file you need to implement the coding on, and another file we used during the lab lectures with some exercises and examples.
Requirements: just complete the task of the lab | .doc file
look at the text classification file. In the first part we used SpaCy Projects to classify a sentiment analysis dataset composed of reddit posts, you need to do the same with the financial bank dataset, then use the output of the classifier as a Prophet regressor and evaluate the impact on prediction performance. Then implement a prediction (horizon 14 days) and as a prediction of growing/decreasing of the forex (merged with the other datasets). We need to use forecasting, ext. regressors, fine tuning NN, news sentiment analysis, evaluation with cross validation. Then we can also use the scraper to get more news from the past, or use the news to directly train a classifier of growing/decreasing of the next days

Assignment Requirements Using the Python shell, execute the following functions.

Assignment Requirements
Using the Python shell, execute the following functions.

Assignment Requirements
Using the Python shell, execute the following functions. You will take screenshots at key points to show the successful execution. These will be placed in a single Word document. Recommended screenshot points are listed within the assigned functions, but you may add screenshots if necessary, to show the successful completion of the assignment. (Hint: Under Windows, some of these functions will accept a single backslash in a file path, while others require double backslash between folders.)
Assignment Instructions
In the Python shell, first import the sys, os, and subprocess modules.Refer to the following Python documentation for more on importing modules: Python Software Foundation. The import system.
Execute os.getlogin()Refer to Python Software Foundation. Miscellaneous operating system interfaces.
Execute os.get_exec_path()Refer to Python Software Foundation. Miscellaneous operating system interfaces.
Take a screenshot.
Execute sys.pathRefer to Python Software Foundation. System-specific parameters and functions
Execute sys.byteorderRefer to Python Software Foundation. System-specific parameters and functions.
Take a screenshot.
Execute os.listdir on your C: driveRefer to Python Software Foundation. Miscellaneous operating system interfaces.
Use os.mkdir to make a new folder on your C: drive named tempPythonRefer to Python Software Foundation. Miscellaneous operating system interfaces.
Take a screenshot.
Use subprocess.Popen to execute the Windows dir command and have its output placed in a text file named pythonOut.txt Hint: The argument for Popen in this case will be (‘C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe “/c dir C:\ >> C:\pythonOut.txt”‘)Refer to Python Software Foundation. Subprocess management.
Open pythonOut.txt in Notepad and position that window next to the Python shell window where both can be seen.
Take a screenshot.
Use subprocess.Popen to open Windows calc.exe utilityRefer to Python Software Foundation. Subprocess management.
Take a screenshot.