Answer two of the three provided questions based on the reading from the learn m

Answer two of the three provided questions based on the reading from the learn m

Answer two of the three provided questions based on the reading from the learn material and any additional research you want to conduct the goal with this assignment is to analyze the concepts present, and succinctly synthesize It into a coherent response based on types of experiences, Christian faith, when being asked about their faith.
Each Christian evidence assignment should be answered to the three provided questions. Each question should be answered in two double space page these answers should be combined into a 46 page essay double spaced and submitted as a singular assignment. It is expected that the course textbook reading will qualify as the primary source for the writing however, you are permitted to use other sources, any other quoted or use in the essay format?
Need 2 scholarly citations and 2 biblical scriiptures
See below

Instructions (also see grading rubric): Answer the initial post, using the text

Instructions (also see grading rubric): Answer the initial post, using the text

Instructions (also see grading rubric): Answer the initial post, using the text readings at a minimum to support your perspective. You may also use additional sources to support yourself by Friday, April 12, 2024, 11:59 pm. Review your classmates’ postings and respond to a minimum of 1 classmate in a meaningful manner by Saturday, April 13, 2024, 11:59 pm . Question: During your own adolescence, have you been seriously ill or have you had an important loss? If so, what were your most significant concern about that illness or loss? Or perhaps you know of an adolescent who has been in such a situation. If so, what were his or her most significant concerns? If none of these situations have happened to you, please imagine what it would be like. Instructions (also see grading rubric): Answer the initial post, using the text readings at a minimum to support your perspective. You may also use additional sources to support yourself by Tuesday, April 16, 2024, 11:59 pm. Review your classmates’ postings and respond to a minimum of 1 classmate in a meaningful manner by Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 11:59 pm . Question: As you grew into adulthood, what types of death-related losses did you think would be most typical in adulthood, and what did you think such losses would usually mean to adults? Have you found your preconceptions to be true in any way? Please describe and discuss.

SSCI 315 – Death, Dying and Bereavement Writing Assignment #2 Professor Matthew

SSCI 315 – Death, Dying and Bereavement Writing Assignment #2 Professor Matthew

SSCI 315 – Death, Dying and Bereavement Writing Assignment #2 Professor Matthew P. Binkewicz, MA, FT WRITING ASSIGNMENT #2 TOPIC: Write a Eulogy for a Friend or Family Member (Worth 35% of Course Grade). DO NOT WRITE YOUR OWN EULOGY. PREPARING TO WRITE: 1) If you do not have a friend or family member who has passed away to compose this eulogy for, then please write this eulogy referring to yourself – what would you want someone to say about YOU? 2) Review this information, your Paper Grading Rubric and the syllabus information in Brightspace. 3) Read Chapters 1, 2 and 3 in the class textbook. 4) Read eulogies you can find online to acquaint yourself with as many examples as possible. 5) Watch the video in Brightspace featuring Melissa Manchester from the SUNY Canton Writing Center and Kaitlyn Patenaude from the Southworth Library on how to cite and reference and how to find legitimate research resources. NOTE: This video is slightly dated in that APA has been updated to version 7. Please refer to the Purdue OWL link in Brightspace or ask the Writing Center about version 7. 6) Consider meeting with someone from the Writing Center with writing, citations, and references. DUE DATE: 11:59 pm EDT on Wednesday, October 4, 2023. LENGTH AND FORMAT: • APA format only, with title page, 1” margins all around, double-spacing, and reference page. See Purdue OWL website or consult with the Writing Center for samples and assistance. • 3 pages maximum, NOT including the title page or reference page. Please be concise and not exceed the 3 pages or the entire assignment may be rejected. Quality is more important than quantity! CITATIONS AND REFERENCES: 1 Any source that you use that you did not create (including our course textbook) is required to be cited and referenced. The course textbook is considered an academic source and should be cited and referenced in APA as a book. From the textbook, you could refer to some aspect of grief and loss or how a funeral/memorial service can begin the journey of grief through mourning-the public expression of grief and loss. Please do NOT simply repeat what you may have used in the obituary assignment. This assignment is different! For this assignment, you are required to use: • Minimum of two (2) sources cited and referenced in APA, with one source being our course textbook. • In APA, remember that the reference page is on a new page following the end of your paper. • Every citation you use in each assignment must have full referencing information in the reference page. If you read something but did not cite it in the assignment, it does NOT get referenced. If you DID cite something in your assignment, you MUST reference it. • You must use It is free and available at the Canton Library page. Do not turn in an error-filled assignment. • GRAMMAR, PUNCTUATION, SPELLING ARE IMPORTANT. HOW TO SUBMIT: Upload your assignment in the drop box in the Brightspace Assignment Folder. GUIDELINES: What is a eulogy? A eulogy is a speech in praise of a person who has recently died. The word derives from the Greek “eulogia,” roughly translated as good words of praise. It is helpful to remember the reason for the eulogy. You are paying homage to the deceased, acknowledging the importance of a unique life, and capturing some of the memories left behind. If you prepare the eulogy with this in mind and you deliver it with honesty, love, and respect, you can’t go wrong. 1. How to Proceed with this Assignment The most memorable eulogies paint a portrait of a complete life. To do justice and honor someone’s life in a short time, you need to include the following: 2 • Highlights: Major accomplishments and significant events. • Attributes: What was the person like? • Memories: Special moments that give insight and evoke emotion. As you are preparing the eulogy, keep in mind that you may be dealing with your own grief so that the process may become emotional. If you need to, take a break to let yourself work through your feelings. You’ll be able to get back to it once you have caught your breath. During each step of the process, you might make note of where you can place a citation that captures your feelings, explains grief and loss or highlights an important theory in bereavement. Spend time with family and friends sharing stories, telling tales, and reflecting on the life of the deceased. Ask questions so that you get a full picture of the person’s life—from the happy to the funny, to the unusual. Jot down key highlights that might give you inspiration as you begin to write. Write down your impressions and stories that might work well for the occasion. Note what was important to the deceased. How did they like to spend time? Did they have hobbies? Did they have special interests? Was there music that was special, food, or certain activities? Don’t leave anything out. Right now, you are just trying to capture ideas, memories, and perspectives. 2. Develop a Theme Start thinking about how the various stories might fit together. Keep the personality of the deceased in mind. There are a variety of themes that may begin to surface. Often times, a eulogy will contain a blending of themes. For example, you might start out by reflecting on some of the serious passions that were important to the person you are eulogizing and then work in some humorous stories. Or you might choose to set the eulogy up by asking a question or telling one particular story that you think sums up the life of the person you are writing about. The overriding theme will tie your eulogy together. 3. Create an Outline Begin to organize your thoughts. Creating a written outline can be helpful in organizing what you will say. Popular ways to organize a eulogy include chronological or reverse chronological, by topic (perhaps three or four important points), or by the overriding theme. For example, there may be a quote, scripture, poem, or song lyric that you feel sums up the person’s life. 3 Remember that the written eulogy you submit must have at least two (2) sources cited and referenced and one must be from the textbook. 4. Start Writing With your outline at the ready, you are prepared to start writing. The important thing is to get started. It doesn’t have to be perfect. You’ll refine and edit later. Remember that this is an assignment, not a tweet or text to your friends. Editing your eulogy is very important. Once you have a completed draft, read your work out loud. That will give you a feel for how the eulogy will flow and how it will sound when you deliver it. Add, delete, rearrange the wording as you go along. Feedback is important. Share an edited draft with a trusted friend or family member to get feedback and suggestions. Edit the eulogy to reflect the comments made by others. 5. Reflection If you have composed this eulogy for yourself because you did not have a friend or family member to eulogize, what are your additional thoughts and feelings now that you have done both the obituary and eulogy for yourself? 6. Simple Do’s and Don’ts Do discuss how the deceased affected your own life in a positive way, as well as how his/her death has affected you. Be honest about your feelings. Don’t use this as a chance to settle an old score. If you have a history with the deceased that you can’t overcome, then it is better you chose another person to eulogize. Do include one or two stories about the deceased. A humorous story to start the eulogy will help people remember the happiness of the deceased’s life. Don’t focus on how hard it will be to deliver the eulogy. Your audience will be sympathetic and understand if you become emotional. If there’s a chance it might be too much for you, have a backup on hand to deliver the eulogy. Do view the eulogy as a professional written work. Keep in mind that this is a graded assignment and requires proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage. Do include other close friends and family in the process through brainstorming, sharing stories, helping set the tone, and helping refine and polish your final draft. 4

Some argue that we should spend every available dollar on explicitly “Kingdom” p

Some argue that we should spend every available dollar on explicitly “Kingdom” p

Some argue that we should spend every available dollar on explicitly “Kingdom” pursuits (e.g., missions, evangelism, mercy ministry, etc.). Given that nothing is more important than one’s eternal destiny, can Christians justify spending their money on anything other than absolute necessities? Why or why not? Support your opinion with Scripture. Requirements: 250-word minimum initial post, 100-word minimum reply

ow that we have discussed numerous theorists’ understanding of religion, you wil

ow that we have discussed numerous theorists’ understanding of religion, you wil

ow that we have discussed numerous theorists’ understanding of religion, you will use the knowledge that you have gained from the assigned readings along with class lectures and discussions to analyze one of the movies that is approved for this course. Approved movies are the movies that have links for streaming videos below (The Children of Men, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Smoke Signals, 2012, and The Village). These are the only movies that you can use for this assignment. You can watch one movie or you can watch all the movies before you determine the movie on which you want to write your reflection paper.
You need to do several things before you start writing your paper:
Read the Sample Reflection Paper on Titanic so that you will have a clear idea of the type of paper that you are to write. It is attached below.
Be sure that you not only have the different religious theorists that we have discussed in depth so far this semester clearly in mind, but also you need to make sure that you understand the concepts of sacred symbols, religious myths, and sacred rituals. (The recorded lecture and assigned reading for Class 11 discussed Religious myths, and the recorded lecture and assigned reading for Class 12 discussed Sacred Rituals.)
Reflect on the movie that you have chosen as the subject of your paper. What examples of myths, symbols and/or rituals did you notice while watching the movie? Sometimes religious symbols are quite subtle in films. So pay close attention to references to objects and/or colors that seem to have special significance to the characters in the movie. Note any repeated rituals or behaviors in which the characters participate.
Which of the views of religion proposed by the theorists that we have studied in depth this semester (Tylor, Frazer, Freud, Durkheim, Marx, Weber, James, Otto, and Eliade) could you argue that the movie represented? How did the movie address human concerns and the human condition? How did the movie’s reflection of human concerns relate to the religious theorist that you chose to discuss? How did the religious symbols, myths, or rituals in the film agree with the religious theorist’s understanding of religion?
Then write your paper following the style of the Sample Reflection Paper. In other words, state which theorist of religion (Tylor, Frazer, Freud, Durkheim, Marx, Weber, James, Otto, or Eliade) you believe the movie fits, and demonstrate how different scenes in the movie support the understanding of religion proposed by the theorist that you are saying is represented. There is not a right or wrong theorist for each movie. You can argue a case for any of the above named theorists for any of the approved movies. (Do not base your reflection paper on a theorist that is not listed above.)
As stated in the syllabus, your reflection paper should be typed and double-spaced using a 12-pt font (Times New Roman or similar acceptable fonts). Your paper should be a minimum of 3 full pages in length (with 1-inch margins on all sides) and a maximum of 4 pages (no longer!). Do not put extra space between the paragraphs of your paper. (Notice the sample paper does not have additional spaces between the paragraphs.) Papers not meeting the minimum length requirement of 3 full pages will receive a significantly lower grade than those meeting the length requirement. Papers that put extra spaces between the lines of text or paragraphs or papers that adjust the margins or fonts to make the paper seem longer

Goal: To illustrate your understanding of the material. Course Objectives: CO2:

Goal: To illustrate your understanding of the material.
Course Objectives:

Goal: To illustrate your understanding of the material.
Course Objectives:
CO2: Express the importance of studying religion today
CO4: Identify and give examples of the universal forms of religious expression (e.g., sacred places, symbols, ethics, rituals)
CO5: Describe the basic concepts that make up a religious world view (e.g., creation of the world, good and evil, salvation, suffering)
Learning Outcomes
LO 6:1 Analyze religious ideal through film
LO 6:2 Evaluate the process of sect, cult, cosmogony
Week 6 – Religious Ideal Movie
Throughout the term, you have been introduced to a variety of concepts encased in religion that shape culture and understanding. Based upon the information you have obtained through your studies in our course from weeks one through five, you are to:
Identify a film that, through a plot line, a scene, a section of dialogue, effectively illustrates a key religious ideal of your choice of topic. For example, your film might illustrate the details of religious symbolism, religious ritual, or sacred texts in a specific religion that has been discussed in the course. Also, a film that illustrates the details of a sect, cult, new religious movement, or a cosmogony. The topics to choose from are the topics we have covered weeks 1 – 5 only.
Religious Symbols
Religious Rituals and Scriptures
Sects, Cults, and New Religious Movements
Once you have identified your film you should
Give a synopsis of the movie (no longer than two full paragraphs).
Indicate clearly the notion you are exploring and how the film supports that idea/belief of your topic choice. Be sure the reader can see how the film supports some aspect of the chosen religious ideal, even if he or she has not seen the movie.
The paper is to be 3 – 4 pages, not exceeding 5 pages of text. This is in addition to a title page, if used and the resource page.
You should support your discussion by engaging reliable scholarly sources. Use a minimum of three reliable resources in addition to the film you have selected. You will find reliable resources in our library, Google, articles, magazines, and the like.
Your paper is to be completed using proper formatting. Your paper will be double spaced, 12 font, indented paragraphs, an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You must include in-text citations and a resource page that are documented properly in your formatting style of choice.
To get you started, here are a few movies to consider:
“Ben-Hur” – has all kinds of symbolisms, Scriptures, and the like related to Christ.
“Prince of Egypt” – is about the Old Testament Exodus story. You can have so much fun with this one picking out similarities that link to the Scriptures.
“Jesus Christ Superstar” – another with symbolism of Christ. Also, a big factor with this movie is the music linked to your topic choice. The music alone can serve as the paper.
“The Princess Bride” – can be looked upon as rebirth and resurrection. There is a ton of symbolism here to write about.
“Divine Horsemen: the living Gods of Haiti” – symbolism/religious rituals of dance and possession in relation to Voodoo. This can be considered under the idea of religious rituals and/or symbolism to build upon.
“Indian Jones and the Temple of Doom” – the temple is a place of worship, for example. This can be considered under the ideas of religious rituals and Scriptures or Sects, Cults, and New Religious Movements.
“Walk” to Remember – symbolism
“Harry Potter” and the Deathly Hallows – symbolism and/or cosmogeny
“King David” – symbolism, rituals, scriptures, sects, cults, and new religious movements
“Man of Steel” – symbolism, emphasizing Christian and Jewish imagery
“Charlie Says” – positive/negative aspects of a cult
“Spirited Away” – Shinto Symbolism
“Tomb Raider” – symbolism
“The DaVinci Code” – symbolism, rituals, sacred texts, and sect
Here is a link to Religion in Film
Here is a link to The 19 Best Movies about Faith and Religion
Keep in mind all may not be related to our course topics.
The paper is clearly written, addresses all objectives, and mastery of the subject.
The paper has a clear thesis, introduction, and a conclusion. Well developed paragraphs and smooth transitions. Keep in mind that a proper expository thesis is a sentence or two stating exactly what will be covered in the paper and in what order. A thesis is not a question. It is a statement.
That all paraphrases, summaries and quotations are properly cited with accompanying references. Keep in mind that citations are not just for quotations.
The paper contains well built and varied sentences, no spelling errors, and correct punctuation and grammar. Appropriate vocabulary without colloquialism or slang. Concise but vivid language.

Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting – The Basics
Purdue OWL: APA Formatting

From the lectures, text, and Scripture, discuss God’s design for work. How did s

From the lectures, text, and Scripture, discuss God’s design for work. How did s

From the lectures, text, and Scripture, discuss God’s design for work. How did sin change our relationship with work? o Requirements: 500 words minimum, APA format Scriptures Gen. 1:26-28, 3; Exod. 20:8-11; Ecclesiastes 2, 9:10; John 5:17 Ellis, C., Holmes, P., & Platt, D. (2018, September 25). Saints Are Needed in Every Sphere. to an external site. Keller, T. (2014). Every Good Endeavor: Connecting your work to God’s work (Reprint edition) Chapter 1-6

In a three- to four-page essay, answer ONE of the following prompts: Option 1: D

In a three- to four-page essay, answer ONE of the following prompts:
Option 1: D

In a three- to four-page essay, answer ONE of the following prompts:
Option 1: During the era of the early Republic, many religious groups developed as heart-felt responses to America’s changing gender, economic, and religious norms. Take two examples (either 19th century Evangelicals, the Latter-day Saints, the Oneida Community, or First Wave Feminists) and compare their religious attempts to accept or challenge the predominate social, economic, gendered, sexual, and/or religious orders. You should address the context of the early Republic in order to depict why the groups you chose reacted in the ways that they did. You may want to consider the following questions depending which groups you select:
1) What were the market revolution and disestablishment, and how did they catalyze changes to the economic, communal, religious, and/or familial norms of the late 18th and early 19th centuries? What’s evangelicalism relationship to these occurrences?
2) In the case of the Latter-day Saints and the Oneida Community, how did they attempt to “restore” communities and/or families based on their biblical interpretations? Why did they take specific actions like plural marriage and biblical communism in their attempts at restoration?
3) Though First Wave Feminists aren’t technically considered a “new religious movement,” what traditional conceptions of sexual and gendered roles did they challenge and what religious actions did they take to promote more just and equitable sexual and gendered norms?
Option 2: The First Amendment created the concept of American religious freedom. However, nineteenth-century “mainstream American culture” was often identified with American Protestantism, sometimes leading to the exclusion of minority religions within the United States. Choose two groups we’ve discussed in class (e.g., the Latter-day Saints, Catholics, Native Americans, or enslaved people) and describe how their religions clashed with American Protestant norms. You may want to consider these questions:
1) How did the First Amendment define religious freedom? Did nineteenth-century Americans believe it had limits?
2) During the nineteenth-century, why was Protestantism often identified as the “American religion”?
3) What specific attributes did some Protestants use to stereotype other religions as “un-American”? In order to answer either prompt, please use your notes, the lectures, and other course materials. You should include specific examples to critically analyze the assigned prompt. You must include at least 4 key terms and highlight them in your essay. This essay will be due Thursday, March 21, at 11:59PM. I will accept late essays up to two days after the deadline. For each day, 5 points will be deducted from the total grade.
Your essay should be between 3 and 4 pages in length. For every 1/2 page missing from the assignment’s minimum page count, 10 points will be subtracted from the essay’s final grade.
Your essay should be double-spaced, 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman. You should NOT include a cover page.
Regarding file submission types, please use .doc, .docx or .pdf. Often, other file types (like Google docs) are troublesome to open on Canvas.
Make sure to include the proper in-text citations or footnotes and a works cited page referencing for each source you included in your essay.
The citation style you use in your essay is up to you. You may choose MLA, APA, or Chicago. I would recommend using the style you’re most familiar with or that which your major most often uses. These essays should offer you an opportunity to learn how to use the citation style you’ll need later in your major.
You are NOT allowed to use outside sources, especially not Khan Academy, John Green videos, Wikipedia, etc.), to answer the prompt. You should not need to use outside materials, because you should have all the sources necessary from the lectures, videos, and assigned readings. Often, citing outside materials is like falling down a rabbit hole – it keeps the essay from fully and properly answering the prompt. If you include outside sources, I will not read those sections of your essay.
You should begin your essay with a clear, succinct introductory paragraph with a clearly identified thesis statement. You should use your introduction to identify how your paper will unfold and clue the reader into what your main argument will be (i.e. the point of your essay). Each following body paragraph should elaborate on your argument and support the main points included in your introduction. You should wrap up your essay with a clear conclusion (i.e. what should have been gotten out of your essay).
You do NOT need to have a 5 paragraph essay. This isn’t high school. You should include as many paragraphs as needed to properly analyze the given prompt (as long as it fits within the page maximum). Whenever you shift ideas in a paragraph, it’s best to begin a new one.