Prompt: Concerning eros, Lewis tells us that “love ceases to be a demon only whe

Prompt: Concerning eros, Lewis tells us that “love ceases to be a demon only whe

Prompt: Concerning eros, Lewis tells us that “love ceases to be a demon only when it ceases to be a god.” What does he mean by this? Where can you see this worship of love in modern society? How does the Bible provide the necessary balance? Include Scriptural references. o Requirements: 500 words minimum, APA format Lewis, C.S. (2017). The Four Loves. HarperOne. ISBN-13: 978-0062565396 Also available at

Prompt: Concerning eros, Lewis tells us that “love ceases to be a demon only whe

Prompt: Concerning eros, Lewis tells us that “love ceases to be a demon only whe

Prompt: Concerning eros, Lewis tells us that “love ceases to be a demon only when it ceases to be a god.” What does he mean by this? Where can you see this worship of love in modern society? How does the Bible provide the necessary balance? Include Scriptural references. o Requirements: 500 words minimum, APA format Lewis, C.S. (2017). The Four Loves. HarperOne. ISBN-13: 978-0062565396 Also available at

How might an understanding of ethics help move the conversation about abortion f

How might an understanding of ethics help move the conversation about abortion f

How might an understanding of ethics help move the conversation about abortion forward? Cite a specific principle or theory you might include as part of this conversation. Conclude your post with a discussion question which seeks to spark additional conversation. Can be 200 words. Please do not copy and paste from the source. In-text citations should include (author, page number). Only use the source that is uploaded please (Chapter 7 only).

Throughout this week you had the opportunity to spend time studying and research

Throughout this week you had the opportunity to spend time studying and research

Throughout this week you had the opportunity to spend time studying and researching the Third Division of the Hebrew Bible identified as, “The Writings.” In that process, you discovered the importance of Apocalyptic Literature and the role that it plays throughout this unique section of the Old Testament. In your discussion, identify and define Apocalyptic Literature, discuss the purpose and role of Apocalyptic Literature, and explain how and in what ways it differs from Prophetic Literature in terms of the message it presents. Be sure to provide strong academic support for your viewpoints.

Throughout this week you had the opportunity to spend time studying and research

Throughout this week you had the opportunity to spend time studying and research

Throughout this week you had the opportunity to spend time studying and researching the Third Division of the Hebrew Bible identified as, “The Writings.” In that process, you discovered the importance of Apocalyptic Literature and the role that it plays throughout this unique section of the Old Testament. In your discussion, identify and define Apocalyptic Literature, discuss the purpose and role of Apocalyptic Literature, and explain how and in what ways it differs from Prophetic Literature in terms of the message it presents. Be sure to provide strong academic support for your viewpoints.

In a three- to four-page essay, answer ONE of the following prompts: Option 1: D

In a three- to four-page essay, answer ONE of the following prompts:
Option 1: D

In a three- to four-page essay, answer ONE of the following prompts:
Option 1: During the era of the early Republic, many religious groups developed as heart-felt responses to America’s changing gender, economic, and religious norms. Take two examples (either 19th century Evangelicals, the Latter-day Saints, the Oneida Community, or First Wave Feminists) and compare their religious attempts to accept or challenge the predominate social, economic, gendered, sexual, and/or religious orders. You should address the context of the early Republic in order to depict why the groups you chose reacted in the ways that they did. You may want to consider the following questions depending which groups you select:
1) What were the market revolution and disestablishment, and how did they catalyze changes to the economic, communal, religious, and/or familial norms of the late 18th and early 19th centuries? What’s evangelicalism relationship to these occurrences?
2) In the case of the Latter-day Saints and the Oneida Community, how did they attempt to “restore” communities and/or families based on their biblical interpretations? Why did they take specific actions like plural marriage and biblical communism in their attempts at restoration?
3) Though First Wave Feminists aren’t technically considered a “new religious movement,” what traditional conceptions of sexual and gendered roles did they challenge and what religious actions did they take to promote more just and equitable sexual and gendered norms?
Option 2: The First Amendment created the concept of American religious freedom. However, nineteenth-century “mainstream American culture” was often identified with American Protestantism, sometimes leading to the exclusion of minority religions within the United States. Choose two groups we’ve discussed in class (e.g., the Latter-day Saints, Catholics, Native Americans, or enslaved people) and describe how their religions clashed with American Protestant norms. You may want to consider these questions:
1) How did the First Amendment define religious freedom? Did nineteenth-century Americans believe it had limits?
2) During the nineteenth-century, why was Protestantism often identified as the “American religion”?
3) What specific attributes did some Protestants use to stereotype other religions as “un-American”? In order to answer either prompt, please use your notes, the lectures, and other course materials. You should include specific examples to critically analyze the assigned prompt. You must include at least 4 key terms and highlight them in your essay. This essay will be due Thursday, March 21, at 11:59PM. I will accept late essays up to two days after the deadline. For each day, 5 points will be deducted from the total grade.
Your essay should be between 3 and 4 pages in length. For every 1/2 page missing from the assignment’s minimum page count, 10 points will be subtracted from the essay’s final grade.
Your essay should be double-spaced, 12-point font, preferably Times New Roman. You should NOT include a cover page.
Regarding file submission types, please use .doc, .docx or .pdf. Often, other file types (like Google docs) are troublesome to open on Canvas.
Make sure to include the proper in-text citations or footnotes and a works cited page referencing for each source you included in your essay.
The citation style you use in your essay is up to you. You may choose MLA, APA, or Chicago. I would recommend using the style you’re most familiar with or that which your major most often uses. These essays should offer you an opportunity to learn how to use the citation style you’ll need later in your major.
You are NOT allowed to use outside sources, especially not Khan Academy, John Green videos, Wikipedia, etc.), to answer the prompt. You should not need to use outside materials, because you should have all the sources necessary from the lectures, videos, and assigned readings. Often, citing outside materials is like falling down a rabbit hole – it keeps the essay from fully and properly answering the prompt. If you include outside sources, I will not read those sections of your essay.
You should begin your essay with a clear, succinct introductory paragraph with a clearly identified thesis statement. You should use your introduction to identify how your paper will unfold and clue the reader into what your main argument will be (i.e. the point of your essay). Each following body paragraph should elaborate on your argument and support the main points included in your introduction. You should wrap up your essay with a clear conclusion (i.e. what should have been gotten out of your essay).
You do NOT need to have a 5 paragraph essay. This isn’t high school. You should include as many paragraphs as needed to properly analyze the given prompt (as long as it fits within the page maximum). Whenever you shift ideas in a paragraph, it’s best to begin a new one.

How might an understanding of ethics help move the conversation about abortion f

How might an understanding of ethics help move the conversation about abortion f

How might an understanding of ethics help move the conversation about abortion forward? Cite a specific principle or theory you might include as part of this conversation. Conclude your post with a discussion question which seeks to spark additional conversation. Can be 200 words. Please do not copy and paste from the source. In-text citations should include (author, page number). Only use the source that is uploaded please (Chapter 7 only).

How does understanding God to be working within history, even in dark chapters o

How does understanding God to be working within history, even in dark chapters o

How does understanding God to be working within history, even in dark chapters of history, change the way that we pastor? You may wish to review some of the lectures, especially on Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah. As pastors, we need to move beyond simple notions of “everything will turn out ok.” How should we think of God’s deep engagement with history and the story of our lives? Use King James Bible as a reference. DO NOT USE AI DO NOT USE AI!!! DO NOT USE AI !!! if suspected of plagiarism or AI generated responses I will not release payment, report u and write a bad review.

How does understanding God to be working within history, even in dark chapters o

How does understanding God to be working within history, even in dark chapters o

How does understanding God to be working within history, even in dark chapters of history, change the way that we pastor? You may wish to review some of the lectures, especially on Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah. As pastors, we need to move beyond simple notions of “everything will turn out ok.” How should we think of God’s deep engagement with history and the story of our lives? Use King James Bible as a reference. DO NOT USE AI DO NOT USE AI!!! DO NOT USE AI !!! if suspected of plagiarism or AI generated responses I will not release payment, report u and write a bad review.

Write three paragraphs (100-150 words each) 1) According to the CST 101 video,

Write three paragraphs (100-150 words each) 1) According to the CST 101 video,

Write three paragraphs (100-150 words each) 1) According to the CST 101 video, what is the right to life, why does everyone have it, what forms of discrimination attack it, and what things does it include other than life itself?
2) According to Zalot and Guevin, what makes Christian moral theology distinct? In your response quote and cite one relevant passage.
3) According to John Paul II, how did the Second Vatican Council encourage a renewal in moral theology, and what modern currents of thought are problematic with respect to the issue of human freedom? In your response quote and cite one relevant passage.
1) Jozef Zalot and Benedict Guevin, OSB, Catholic Ethics in Today’s World, ch. 1 (pp. 7-27) THIS IS ATTACHED.
2) John Paul II, Veritatis Splendor, pars. 28-34
1) Lecture:
2) CST 101: Life and Dignity of the Human Person: