This assignment is designed to help you examine your own experience and faith be

This assignment is designed to help you examine your own experience and faith be

This assignment is designed to help you examine your own experience and faith beliefs through the lens of cognitive psychology (course learning goal #6). For success with this assignment, you should include what you learned through the week’s reading assignments and instructional video.
Please write a 3-page essay discussing your thoughts about cognition from a Christian perspective. You are welcome to include more than the following questions, but be sure to at least address these questions in your essay: Do you believe Christianity aligns with the concept of cognitive psychology? If so, what do you mean? If not, why? Be sure to give examples of how your faith aligns (or doesn’t align) with cognitive psychology. What are three verses from Scripture that resonate with you regarding cognition? What does Scripture have to say about the human brain? Who is one biblical character who you would find fascinating to evaluate from a cognitive perspective? What characteristics of this person are you curious about? And what would you expect to learn about this person’s cognitive functioning?
Your essay should be 3 pages of text, plus a title page and reference page. Your paper should be in proper APA format (if you are unsure of APA formatting, please reference the materials provided in the Week 0 learning activity). Your essay should include at least 3 peer-reviewed references, which should be cited in your essay.

You completed 2 chapters and 3+ hours of lecture, plus a bunch of additional vid

You completed 2 chapters and 3+ hours of lecture, plus a bunch of additional vid

You completed 2 chapters and 3+ hours of lecture, plus a bunch of additional videos (e.g., the Tibetan Book of the Dead). In your opinion what is a “good death” in Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist communities? Also, what did you find interesting about each tradition? Use the first person singular and no outside sources are allowed.
Death & the World Religions: How Religion Informs End-of-Life Decisions – October 27, 2015
by Walter Sisto
Comments from Customer
Discipline: Religious and philosophy

You completed 2 chapters and 3+ hours of lecture, plus a bunch of additional vid

You completed 2 chapters and 3+ hours of lecture, plus a bunch of additional vid

You completed 2 chapters and 3+ hours of lecture, plus a bunch of additional videos (e.g., the Tibetan Book of the Dead). In your opinion what is a “good death” in Chinese and Tibetan Buddhist communities? Also, what did you find interesting about each tradition? Use the first person singular and no outside sources are allowed.
Death & the World Religions: How Religion Informs End-of-Life Decisions – October 27, 2015
by Walter Sisto
Comments from Customer
Discipline: Religious and philosophy

WHAT IS RELIGION AND HOW DO WE STUDY IT?: In Module #1, you saw that “religion”

WHAT IS RELIGION AND HOW DO WE STUDY IT?: In Module #1, you saw that “religion”

WHAT IS RELIGION AND HOW DO WE STUDY IT?: In Module #1, you saw that “religion” is not always as easy to define as is often thought. What are some of the problems that relate to defining religion? How do the three definitions that Prof. Durdin offered (from Tylor, Marx, and Durkheim) help with the problem of definition? In what way do these definitions, and the methods they imply, shift our frame of reference for the sorts of question we ask about religion and how we study it? Use the course materials for Module #1, supplemented with your class notes, to compose your essay. 1 ) Papers are to be ONLY 5 double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins, using 12 point Times New Roman font. No cover pages. 2 ) Please note that noticeable efforts to artificially lengthen your paper (e.g,, through extra spacing, increased font size, etc.) will be met with a 3 point deduction per effort. 3 ) NO OUTSIDE SOURCES are to be used in completing this paper. This is not a research paper. The course materials from the prompt/module you choose to write on are sufficient for successfully completing this assignment. – Please use in-text citations according to the following format: For readings, provide the author, title, and page number in parentheses at the end of the relevant quote or reference, e.g. (Martin, “Studying Religion, 113). For media provide in parentheses the title and timestamp where the relevant quotation or reference begins , e.g. (“The Law of Return: Coming Home,” 10:50). No work cited, reference, or bibliography pages should be included in the assignment. *****FILES ATTACHED*****

Write a 2–3-page sermon on topic above. Preaching to united methodist mixed cong

Write a 2–3-page sermon on topic above. Preaching to united methodist mixed cong

Write a 2–3-page sermon on topic above. Preaching to united methodist mixed congregation
GENESIS 9:9-16
MARK 1: 9-15
PSALM 25:1-10
1 PETER 3:18-22
a) Theme/Text – It is a guide
All sermons should be preceded by a theme or idea
Duration: 15-20 minutes except when it is bible studies
b) Introduction:
• Arrest the attention of the audience/congregation.
• Be very clear in your explanation

c) The body of the sermon:
• Who
• Whom
• What – • When
• Why
• How
Answer the question “What has happened in the text”
Explain the Biblical text
Give references to the bible passages: eg like the Beareans they would like to search the bible for further studies.
Do not introduce a new material but answer the question
“What would I like to happen in their mind”
Give a summary
With illustration
With bible texts to support
What do I want them to see
Answer the question: “what do we have to do..”
End your preaching on theme
Things to note
It is important to quote from biblical scholars and other relevant sources depending on the audience. Be careful this is a sermon and not a thesis.

From the Syllabus: Integration Paper: The “Integration Paper” asks students to m

From the Syllabus: Integration Paper: The “Integration Paper” asks students to m

From the Syllabus: Integration Paper: The “Integration Paper” asks students to make connections between the modules and four major sections of the class. It counts for 30% of the final grade. The paper asks the student to articulate a key theme from at least two modules under review and integrate that theme into their own understanding of religion, faith, and reason. (SLOs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
From Module 7 section, “Integration Paper” Writing is part of the process of organizing and communicating your thoughts. A basic series of steps can help you write a solid paper.
Part I
1. Determine which theme, paragraph from the reading, or point in a lecture interests you most, and note in which of the four major parts that occurred.
2. Find passages from the readings for that part of the course which discuss your favorite theme/topic.
3. Determine an underlying or related theme that is theologically connected to your favorite theme from step 1.
4. Find passages from a different one of the four major parts that describe that second theme.
5. Write down all the points of connection between the passages/theme from step 2 and from step 4. You should try for three major points of connection.
6. Articulate what those connection points from step 5 have to do with each other. Use this to make a claim about the relationship between step 2 and step 4.
7. Formulate a specific thesis.
8. Outline your argument (likely already organized in step 5). Write the paper, using quotations, citations, and the thesis and argument you have developed. Everything to this point is “factual” given the readings and the long history of Christian discussion of this material. You should have shown the integration of two major themes in the course in part I.
Part II
1, Formulate your own response to the integration you articulated above. You may agree with it and add arguments or disagree with it and consider critical arguments.
2. Formulate a specific thesis of the form “I agree that…” or “I disagree that…” Include a “because” clause. This is how you will integrate your own understandings of God, yourself, and the world with the material in the course.
3. Outline the argument to support your position.
4. Consider a counterargument (i.e., what a reasonable person who disagrees with you would say.”
5. Respond to the counterargument. Be sure to review the rubric and instructions prior to submission

From the Syllabus: Integration Paper: The “Integration Paper” asks students to

From the Syllabus:
Integration Paper: The “Integration Paper” asks students to

From the Syllabus:
Integration Paper: The “Integration Paper” asks students to make connections between the modules and four major sections of the class. It counts for 30% of the final grade. The paper asks the student to articulate a key theme from at least two modules under review and integrate that theme into their own understanding of religion, faith, and reason. (SLOs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
From Module 7 section, “Integration Paper”
Writing is part of the process of organizing and communicating your thoughts. A basic series of steps can help you write a solid paper.
Part I
1. Determine which theme, paragraph from the reading, or point in a lecture interests you most, and note in which of the four major parts that occurred.
2. Find passages from the readings for that part of the course which discuss your favorite theme/topic.
3. Determine an underlying or related theme that is theologically connected to your favorite theme from step 1.
4. Find passages from a different one of the four major parts that describe that second theme.
5. Write down all the points of connection between the passages/theme from step 2 and from step 4. You should try for three major points of connection.
6. Articulate what those connection points from step 5 have to do with each other. Use this to make a claim about the relationship between step 2 and step 4.
7. Formulate a specific thesis.
8. Outline your argument (likely already organized in step 5).
Write the paper, using quotations, citations, and the thesis and argument you have developed.
Everything to this point is “factual” given the readings and the long history of Christian discussion of this material. You should have shown the integration of two major themes in the course in part I.
Part II
1, Formulate your own response to the integration you articulated above. You may agree with it and add arguments or disagree with it and consider critical arguments.
2. Formulate a specific thesis of the form “I agree that…” or “I disagree that…” Include a “because” clause. This is how you will integrate your own understandings of God, yourself, and the world with the material in the course.
3. Outline the argument to support your position.
4. Consider a counterargument (i.e., what a reasonable person who disagrees with you would say.”
5. Respond to the counterargument.
Be sure to review the rubric and instructions prior to submission

Some religions remained largely oral until late modernity, and others created sa

Some religions remained largely oral until late modernity, and others created sa

Some religions remained largely oral until late modernity, and others created sacred texts beginning thousands of years ago. What differences does it seem that use of written language introduced into mystic practices? Are there any clear distinctions between mystical religious practices based on the use or non-use of written texts?
Answer the question

First, answer the questions from Textbook IV. 16. Judaism; answers are straight

First, answer the questions from Textbook IV. 16. Judaism; answers are straight

First, answer the questions from Textbook IV. 16. Judaism; answers are straight in the reading, but put answers in your own words to avoid plagiarism.
Second, answer the questions using the NY Times article that provides the answers. Again, put answers in your own words to avoid plagiarism.
Lastly, take general notes on the scriptures linked explaining their meaning.
All links are in the document under the Topics