Essay on – Walking-Working Surfaces Standard (29 CFR 1910, Subpart D): Enhancing

Essay on – Walking-Working Surfaces Standard (29 CFR 1910, Subpart D): Enhancing

Essay on – Walking-Working Surfaces Standard (29 CFR 1910, Subpart D): Enhancing Workplace Safety with 2 in text citations
Discuss the purpose of the standard, who it affects, and who is excluded. What are the key elements of the standard? Select and summarize a letter of interpretation for the selected standard. List some commonly cited provisions of the standard. Explain ways the selected standard can fit into a safety and health management program. Summarize enforcement procedures for the standard. Create a fictional workplace scenario, and apply the standard. Be creative. Describe a situation in a workplace, and then explain how the standard relates to it and why the standard is important in the situation.

1. Review the Incident Action Plan Excel file. 2. Explain why having access to t

1. Review the Incident Action Plan Excel file.
2. Explain why having access to t

1. Review the Incident Action Plan Excel file.
2. Explain why having access to this tool and knowing how to use it will enhance your ICS knowledge.
The Microsoft Excel file is the preferred version to use. (see attachment)
The ICS forms can also be downloaded from FEMA here:

Guideline for Individual Project Presentation 1) Identify six risks associated w

Guideline for Individual Project Presentation
1) Identify six risks associated w

Guideline for Individual Project Presentation
1) Identify six risks associated with you and your family. Six risks include three short-term risks and three long-term risks.
2) Present the tools you plan to use to mitigate the risks.
3) Present the rationales for selecting and applying the tools.
4) The number of slides should be 25 to 30 and the presentation time should be 20 to 25 minutes.
Please note that for every risk you address, you need to quantitative your assessment/measurement. For example, if you use insurance to transfer a type of insurance, you need to specify the dollar amount you need and why. Also, you need to estimate if you have resources (i.e., enough income) to meet the needs.
Requirements: 25-30 slides

You are the Global Corporate Security Manager for ZumaJay International, a Softw

You are the Global Corporate Security Manager for ZumaJay International, a Softw

You are the Global Corporate Security Manager for ZumaJay International, a Software development company. Your firm employs approximately 5,000 people, with office locations in fifteen countries, including UK, USA, Germany, India, China and Russia. The company has a financial turnover in excess of £1bn in the last financial period.
You have been asked to consider a proposed update of access control in the UK Office located at 22b Canary Wharf, London. ZumaJay International are the sole occupants of this building.
The Canary Wharf office is the JumaJay HQ office. The business conducted in this office includes group communications, group administration, group IT (including servers), and software development. The workforce will comprise approximately one hundred personnel. There is no general access to the public, though visitors, clients and contractors regularly visit and attend meetings in the building.
The building has three floors and a basement carpark for use by staff and visitors. The main building has a main entrance/exit at the front of the building leading to a lobby and reception desk. There is another entrance/exit at the rear of the building. All visitors, clients and contractors use the front entrance/exit, with the rear entrance/exit reserved for deliveries.
The basement carpark located directly under the building has single entrance/exit point and can be accessed directly from the public road/pavement. There are stairs from the carpark to the reception lobby of the main building. There is no barrier or other access control into the carpark.

At the end of each chapter are “Review Questions”. Please select of one of those

At the end of each chapter are “Review Questions”.
Please select of one of those

At the end of each chapter are “Review Questions”.
Please select of one of those “Review Questions” as the topic for your Weekly Topic Paper.
Take care to select a question that, when answered, will meet the criteria for the Weekly Topic Paper, especially Critical Analysis.
Topics selected must come from within the chapters of the textbook assigned for Week 1 and Week 2 reading only.
The Review Question I choose is:
Submission Details
Your paper should be submitted to the appropriate location for the week in question.
There is no minimum or maximum word requirement. It is up to you to submit a paper that, in your estimation, best meets the grading criteria set forth below.
Grading Rubric:
Each Topic Paper is worth 60 points. Your grade on the Weekly Topic Paper will include the following grading components.
Clarity – possible 10 points.
Clarity means that I can follow you from beginning to end.
In order to help me do so, it is helpful to include an introduction that tells me where we are going and a conclusion that tells me where we have been.
Critical analysis – possible 25 points.
The purpose of this assignment is not to demonstrate that you can read the text.
The questions in the text from which you can choose to write are designed to make you think.
Critical analysis is not the same as observations (or critical observations).
Critical observations, however, are necessary to provide an appropriate context for your critical analysis.
If a question does not provoke critical analysis on your part, choose another question.
If nothing is working, then we have a problem that should be resolved through private e-mails or a phone call.
Appearance – possible 10 points.
This is where I will deduct for everything from spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar and syntax errors to anything else related to the appearance of the paper.
Failure to use proper citation form for judicial decisions will also result in deductions in this category.
In-line text citation – possible 5 points.
You will be required to include a citation to the text in the body of your paper – it is not sufficient to include it only in the end references.
The citation must be in proper APA format.
This is a really easy 5 points to pick up.
Do not forget to include it.
In-line external citations – possible 5 points.
You will be required to include citations from two external sources in the body of your paper – it is not sufficient to include them only in the end references.
The citation must be in proper APA format for research or, for judicial citations, must be in proper citation form.
Remember the prohibition on using Wikipedia as a primary source.
APA formal references – possible 5 points.
Your end references must include all references in the body of your paper in proper APA citation form.
Remember, proper APA format for endnotes is not necessarily the equivalent of proper APA format for in-line citation in the body of your paper.