complete the 2nd part proposal – please use your own words don’t copy and paste

complete the 2nd part proposal
– please use your own words don’t copy and paste

complete the 2nd part proposal
– please use your own words don’t copy and paste (no plagiarism)
I am working on research for a graduation project and the title of my research is (The impact of establishing the Insurance Authority on reducing risks in the insurance sector) This is the authority’s website:
I am required to complete the 2nd part of the research, which is as follows:
Second Part
Formal rules for organizing and directing the graduation project
– General framework for writing the graduation project. – Graduation project contents. – Part one: the introduction. – Second part: the theoretical framework of the study. – Third part: The practical study and its methodological procedure. – Fourth Part: annexes of the study.
Contents of the final project
List of Content
Tables and charts
Theoretical Framework of the study
First chapter: Problem of the study and its importance.
Second chapter: First variable of the study10.
Third chapter: Second variable and the correlation between variables
Practical study and its methodological procedures
Fourth chapter: Methodological procedures.
Fifth chapter: Field results Sixth chapter: Results and proposal analysis
Arabic and English references
Appendixes Arabic abstract English abstract
In the end, the abstract shall be written in Arabic and English for each project, regardless of the written language of the project, and it includes at least four main paragraphs, including the following:
– The problem of the study, the reason for its selection, and the importance of addressing it on a theoretical and practical level.
– The type of study, its scope, methodology, and the research tools that were relied upon to achieve the study’s objectives.
– The most important results of the project that can be used.
– The significance of the results and the possibility of applying it practically, in addition to the professional proposal.
General framework for writing the graduation project
The student shall adhere to the academic standards in writing the report, taking into account how to add the references and the way to write them in the footer scientifically.
– When writing the scientific material for the project, the student shall commit To using the scientific language “concepts, terms, definitions, quotations and Theories”.
– The titles should be consistent with the specialization and the subject of the Study, as well as translated into Arabic and English.
– The study can be written in Arabic or English, or it should be written in a Proper language and to avoid any grammatical or spelling errors.
– Font size (14) –The title of the Chapter is written by (18) Bold – Side headings
(16) Bold – Font type. Sakkal Majalla – Line spacing 1.5 – right Margins (3.5)
cm, left (2.5) cm.
– Leaving a line space between the main title and the sub-title. The space when writing the headlines, and the titles of tables and figures are singular, in addition to creating an indentation.
– Page numbering at the bottom of the page.
– Indexing of contents, tables and graphics.
– Taking into account the balance between the study chapters, a simplified introduction to what the researcher will deal with in the chapter is included in each chapter.
-The necessity of the scientific arbitration of the tools of the study.
– Interpretation of the statistical analysis tables and linking the results to the theoretical part.
– To be ensure that all sources are fully documented in the project’s reference list, as well as having identifying references in the main body of the text.
References should be grouped together at the end of the project and in order of its precedence or alphabetical order.
– All the annexes that were used in the practical application, from the tools of data collection and the list of arbitrators for those tools or correspondence with the institutions in which the application was applied, should be included
Note : I have attached the initial proposal as well as all the lectures for the project explaining the method of work

Everyone and everything needs energy. Energy is paramount to the other 15 criti

Everyone and everything needs energy. Energy is paramount to the other 15 criti

Everyone and everything needs energy. Energy is paramount to the other 15 critical infrastructure sectors and is considered a ‘lifeline’ sector by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Serious disruption of this sector would be catastrophic to the nation. Remember the newsworthy story in North Carolina regarding vandalism of the electric substations plunging thousands into darkness in December 2022? The Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC) counted roughly 1,700 total reports of attacks, vandalism, or other suspicious activity throughout 2022 (NCSL, 2023, para 4). Many redundant countermeasures are in place for this specific sector as resiliency is key to any disruptions.

Regarding the Energy Sector, how can the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of these countermeasures be determined?
Reference: National Council of State Legislatures. (2023, May 22). Human Driven Physical Threats to Energy Infrastructure.

*MUST be 500 word minimum. Cite all sources (intext and listing) for your postings, if appropriate.

Everyone and everything needs energy. Energy is paramount to the other 15 criti

Everyone and everything needs energy. Energy is paramount to the other 15 criti

Everyone and everything needs energy. Energy is paramount to the other 15 critical infrastructure sectors and is considered a ‘lifeline’ sector by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Serious disruption of this sector would be catastrophic to the nation. Remember the newsworthy story in North Carolina regarding vandalism of the electric substations plunging thousands into darkness in December 2022? The Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC) counted roughly 1,700 total reports of attacks, vandalism, or other suspicious activity throughout 2022 (NCSL, 2023, para 4). Many redundant countermeasures are in place for this specific sector as resiliency is key to any disruptions.
Regarding the Energy Sector, how can the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of these countermeasures be determined?
Reference: National Council of State Legislatures. (2023, May 22). Human Driven Physical Threats to Energy Infrastructure.
*MUST be 500 word minimum. Cite all sources (intext and listing) for your postings, if appropriate.

Background You have been working as the chief financial planner for a large com

You have been working as the chief financial planner for a large com

You have been working as the chief financial planner for a large company based in Melbourne. Your clients include individuals, government, and private organizations. One of your clients, Peter Silva is 30, is married and has a 5-year-old son. He is employed as a schoolteacher and has recently inherited $600,000 from his father who recently passed away. Peter currently has a balance of a loan amounting to $100,000 to be paid off after 20 years. The current interest rate on this loan is 5%. Although young, unlike many other investors, Peter does not want to take a lot of risk by investing his inheritance in the stock market due to large losses of value of stocks recently. Peter is interested in investing in corporate bond market. His main goal is to accumulate funds for his child’s university education, for his retirement at the age of 60 pay off the balance on his housing loan
Project Brief
Considering Peter’s goals and his attitude towards risk you have decided to invest in AAA rated bonds. You have selected 30-year coupon bonds, 30-year zero coupon bonds and perpetual bonds for Peter’s bond portfolio. The coupon bonds pay a coupon rate of 7%. A zero-coupon bond is currently selling at $535. The coupon rate on perpetuities is 6%. Peter wants to invest equal amounts in each of the above bond categories after deducting the present value of the loan payable in 20 years from his inheritance. Yield to maturity of coupon bonds is currently 8.5%. The zero-coupon bonds and perpetuities pay coupons annually.
Sensitivity of prices to changes in yields
Peter is interested in knowing how the price of coupon bonds reacts to changes in yield to maturity Explain to Peter using appropriate measures how the price of coupon bonds and perpetuities will change if yield to maturities increase and decrease by 1%, 2%, 3%.
RebalancingRebalancing at a constant interest rate: If the interest rate remains at the same level, how much does Peter have in each of the bonds after one year, two years and three years?
Rebalancing at a higher interest rate: If the interest rate increases by 1%, how much does Peter have in each of the bonds after one year, two years and three years?
Rebalancing at a lower interest rate: If the interest rate decreases by 1%, how much does Peter have in each of the bonds after one year, two years and three years?

Rising from the Ashes: A Case Study on Fire Insurance and Resilience for Hawaiia

Rising from the Ashes: A Case Study on Fire Insurance and Resilience for Hawaiia

Rising from the Ashes: A Case Study on Fire Insurance and Resilience for Hawaiian Electric Industries during Maui Wildfires.
This case delves into the challenges faced by Hawaiian Electric Industries (HEI), a critical energy provider in Hawaii, amidst the Maui wildfires of 2023. The study explores how HEI strategically approached fire insurance and implemented robust risk management measures to minimize financial losses, protect crucial infrastructure, and ensure the continuous supply of electricity during a natural disaster.
Hawaiian Electric Industries, encompassing Hawaiian Electric Company, Maui Electric Company, and Hawaii Electric Light Company, found itself at the forefront of challenges during the Maui wildfires of 2023. This case study aims to shed light on HEI’s resilience and preparedness, emphasizing the strategic role of fire insurance and risk management in safeguarding essential infrastructure
Examine the impact of the Maui wildfires on Hawaiian Electric Industries’ power generation and distribution assets.
Analyze the specific components of HEI’s fire insurance policy designed to mitigate financial losses and protect infrastructure.
Explore the risk management measures implemented by HEI to ensure the continuous and reliable supply of electricity.
Evaluate the effectiveness of HEI’s response in terms of financial stability and community support during the wildfire crisis.Outcomes:Through the lens of Hawaiian Electric Industries’ experience, this case study aims to provide insights into the critical role of fire insurance and proactive risk management in ensuring resilience for essential infrastructure providers during natural disasters. HEI’s ability to rise from the ashes serves as a valuable
example for utility companies facing similar challenges, showcasing the importance of preparedness and strategic decision-making in times of crisis.
Prepare a presentation addressing the objectives of the case study. Note: ( Students should provide audience with background information regarding the event of Maui Wildfires- time line, causes, and impacts on society and economy),

Two pages to answer two questions. First page title it and answer Discussion

Two pages to answer two questions.
First page title it and answer Discussion

Two pages to answer two questions.
First page title it and answer Discussion Question # 1: Discuss on the extent to which mission statements drive decision making ?
2nd PAge answer and title it this Discussion Question # 2: Discuss the effects that discontinuing needed services, such as labor and delivery, would have on the community and the hospital’s organizational climate.
Use the case study attached as only source

Please refer to the syllabus for expectations (rubric) about the discussion foru

Please refer to the syllabus for expectations (rubric) about the discussion foru

Please refer to the syllabus for expectations (rubric) about the discussion forum. Post your discussion first, then after reviewing the posts of others, post at least 2 responses. All responses should be in good form and tailored to a professional-level audience. For ERM to be successful, it is important to have a healthy risk culture and support of senior leadership and the board. The CEO’s role in risk management and having the right “tone at the top” is the foundation for an effective ERM program. The CEO is crucial to any organization, so when the position changes, this may lead to disruption in the organization’s culture as well as impacting strategic initiatives. There have been several CEO changes in public companies over the past few years for various reasons. Culture is unique to each organization; and risk management practices follow a similar trend, one size fits one, even for those in the same industry. Consider these three well-known public companies. Each had, or will be having, a change in its CEO in the near term. Each company has a unique culture and has been dealing with various business and strategic challenges over the past few years. Here are some starting points to give you a perspective. (WSJ Articles are posted in the Discussion Forum on Moodle below this forum)
·Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-A, BRK-B) – Since 1965, Berkshire Hathaway has been overseen by Warren Buffett as chairman and CEO and from 1978-2023 by Charlie Munger as vice chairman. Charlie Munger passed away on November 28, 2023 at 99. More information about Warren Buffett’s background can be found on the Archive. The two of them have been instrumental in shaping the company and guiding its success. Also review the article posted from the WSJ “Berkshire Hathaway’s Board Is Old. Not all Investors Are Happy About That.”
Gucci (Kering, Parent Company, KER.PA) – Kering is a French-based luxury goods company that also owns brands such as Yves Saint Laurent and Balenciaga. Jean-Francois Palus was named CEO in July after being in the role for an interim period. One of Gucci’s strategic objectives is to reinvent the company “as a steadier, more dependable brand less vulnerable to shifts in the fashion cycle.” Review the article posted from the WSJ “New Gucci CEO Wants Older, Richer Customers.” Disney (DIS) – On November 20, 2022, Robert Iger returned to Disney as the CEO after his former successor, Bob Chapek, was ousted by the Board. He said he would address the business and strategic challenges of Disney as well as help the Board identify his successor. Mr. Iger will be CEO until 2026. There have been a series of articles as Mr. Iger works to cut costs, streamline the business and make Disney a more stable and valuable company for the future. Review the WSJ article “Disney Gets Iger’s Second Show on The Road” relating to streaming service (8/10/23).
Leveraging the above companies and their CEOs, compare and contrast the culture and/or “risk” culture at each company. In your discussion, specifically address the following:
1. What do you consider a strength about the culture of each company, and in particular the leadership style of the current CEO? Why?
2. What do you consider a weakness of the culture of each company, or something which may not have worked as well as planned? Also address the potential challenges for the current CEO. Why?
3. Our company focus for class is Warby Parker. From the videos and readings to date, what is one recommendation you would make to the Co-CEO’s as a take-away or lesson learned about the culture of the three companies?
4. From the Executive Perspectives on Top Risks for 2024 & 2034, the #2 risk for both years is “Ability to attract, develop and retain top talent, manage shifts in labor expectations, and address succession challenges may limit our ability to achieve operational targets.” This includes generational distinctions, navigating evolving labor expectations and demands and the constraints of a tightening talent/labor market.
Focusing on the succession aspect as it relates to the CEO and reflecting on what you discuss above and in your other research, what is one other recommendation you would make to the Co-CEO’s of Warby Parker to keep in mind for future succession planning for the co-CEO roles.
You should do some general research on each of these companies to provide you background to support your points. This may include recent articles, information about the companies’ news/press releases and/or any other relevant resource. Please just provide a link to the resource you used at the bottom of your discussion post. This doesn’t need to be a formal reference.

Lisa Sedlar, CEO and founder of Green Zebra was preparing for a $10 million rais

Lisa Sedlar, CEO and founder of Green Zebra was preparing for a $10 million rais

Lisa Sedlar, CEO and founder of Green Zebra was preparing for a $10 million raise from venture capital funders, to finance a West Coast expansion of her convenience store chain, Green Zebra Grocery. Lisa Sedlar describes Green Zebra’s market positioning is a “cross between a Whole Foods and a 7-11”. The mission of Green Zebra is “to make healthy, natural, and organic food accessible to all, particularly in dense urban neighborhoods where there are fewer fresh and organic grocery options.”
Urban convenience stores dedicated to food retailing was a growing trend among the incumbent operators such as Kwik Trip Inc., Quick-Trip Corp., and 7-Eleven. These firms were responding to competitive pressures in the urban convenience store market as Walgreens, Amazon, and discount retailers began to test various convenience store formats. Shortly after her press release announcing plans to expand the Green Zebra chain, Amazon announced a 3,000-store national expansion of Amazon-Go.
Sedlar needs evidence that would validate her current value proposition, or she needs to make the decision to revise her customer value proposition, and demonstrate that Green Zebra offers a differentiated advantage in the convenience store market. Sedlar could not conduct a full-scale customer survey to validate her current customer value proposition, so she used social media content (online product reviews, Instagram photos, or blog posts) as the source of data to develop customer insights.

– please use your own words don’t copy and paste (no plagiarism) – All answered

– please use your own words don’t copy and paste (no plagiarism)
– All answered

– please use your own words don’t copy and paste (no plagiarism)
– All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced)
– I want answer with APA reference, references at least 10
I am working on research for a graduation project and the title of my research is as follows:
(The impact of establishing the Insurance Authority on reducing risks in the insurance sector in KSA)
This is the authority’s website:
I am required to prepare the first part of the research, which is the proposal as follows:

Part One
Preparation of graduation project plan (proposal)
The student must submit the plan according to the following steps:
– Research Title.
– Introduction.
– Study problem.
– The importance of study.
– Objectives of the study.
– Study questions.
– Previous studies and theoretical framework.
– Theoretical premises of study.
– Methodology and research methods.
– Study tools.
– Fields of study.
– Proposed tab according to the time plan.
– List of references and preliminary sources.
(Taking into account the privacy of the programs).
Research Title:
The title takes into account the following things:
– To express the project in an exact and transparent manner.
– To express the researcher as an idea that provokes the mind of the researcher.
– Be concise and non-meaningful.
– To be a new and non-duplicate title of previous studies.
The following points are considered in the introduction:
– To serve as a prologue to the project’s topic.
– Elaborating on the rationale causes behind your topic choice.
– To illustrate the historical islands of the project idea.
– To highlight the importance of study and the need of humanity for it.
– The plan should be graded from public to private.
– Explain the problem and link it to the available knowledge.
– Linking them to previous studies on the subject to know the previous point of view, benefit from it and identify the data that emerge through the discussion of previous studies.
Importance of the study:
The following points of importance shall be considered:
– Clarify of theoretical importance.
– Clarify the expected practical importance.
– Clarify the beneficiary from the results of the study and the areas of this benefit.
Study Questions:
– Clarify the main question that the study seeks to answer.
– Clarify the sub-questions of the study.
– Ensure that the study questions are relevant to the study problem.
– Emphasize that the questions correspond to the objectives of the study.
Previous studies and theoretical framework:
– Start from where others have ended.
– Obtain sufficient and accurate data and information.
– Start in terms of the results of those studies.
– Avoid the cons of those studies.

Theoretical premises of the study:
The theory and research complement each other, because theory is a accumulation of knowledge and the conclusion of scientific research, and if it were not for scientific research, the theory would not have developed and been able to choose its hypotheses, theory is not something that is cut off from research, but rather a foundation for it.
Methodology and research methods:
– Determine the research method used in the study.
– Clarify the link of the curriculum to the subject of study.
– Clarify the methods of using the curriculum and research methods.
Study Tools:
– Identify the tools for collecting data (verification of the authenticity and
Stability of the instrument).
– Identify data analysis tools.
Fields of study:
– Identify the reservoir domain.
– Defines the human sphere.
– Define the time zone.
Proposed tab according to the time plan
Documentation of references and initial sources.