Purpose of the Introduction: ·       To familiarize the reader with the topic, p

Purpose of the Introduction: ·       To familiarize the reader with the topic, p

Purpose of the Introduction: ·       To familiarize the reader with the topic, present the current state of the field, and convince them of the need for further study on this issue (i.e. to convince the scientific community that you have identified a scientific problem and will add a new aspect to the scientific discussion/field). o   A good introduction is like a good sales pitch! Components of the Introduction: Note: Each numbered component below should be one paragraph in your introduction.   1.     Identify the Research Problem: In the first paragraph of this assignment, start with a brief description of the problem/topic: what/why is it a problem, who does it impact, what are the overall implications. Include key statistics to emphasize the importance/magnitude of the topic/problem. Briefly mention what still needs to be addressed (through additional research).   2.     Definition/Explanation of Terms: Explain the scientific explanation/definitions of the problem. For example, if your topic is a disease, describe what causes it, how/why it develops, symptoms, disease progress, and anything beyond the definition that is necessary. This is a scientific proposal and should provide the reader with enough detail to understand the topic of the proposal.     3.     Population: Describe the population affected by the topic (gender, ethnicity, age, occupational exposure, etc.). Describe the topic within the population (what implications does the topic have).   4.     Current Standards and Potential Changes: Describe how is this problem/topic currently dealt with/treated/managed and introduce/explain the second variable that should be correlated OR implemented (depending on the type of study you are conducting).   5.     Recent Review Study: Provide a general overview of the current state of the literature on your topic using at least 1 review, systematic review, or meta-analysis relevant to your topic. Briefly state what they studied and what they found (purpose, how many studies included, main results). This provides the reader with a snapshot of the current knowledge of the topic.     6.     Conclusion:  Provide a recap of the topic/problem, what is currently known, and indicate that there is a need for further study (what is the gap in the literature?). This may be due to either a lack of or contradictory information. End with how information obtained could be applied. The conclusion of your introduction should clearly indicate the need for study on this topic.   **NOTE: The introduction should answer the following:   What is the general idea/problem under investigation? Why is this topic/research important? What is currently known and what remains unclear (why does it NEED to be studied/what is missing from the literature)?   Some HINTS (these apply to all assignments): ·       Basic studies (general/fundamental) on the topic, regardless of its publication date could be useful to gain knowledge/understanding of your topic. • Reputable websites that end with .org, .edu, or .gov are acceptable for general information (secondary sources). ◦ Do NOT use/cite websites such as Wikipedia, WebMD. ·       NEVER leave the reader in doubt as to the source of your information (i.e., Cite thoroughly & properly). Follow the APA style for citations & reference list ◦ Refer to studies by author and year in APA format (e.g., “A study by Smith et al. (2012) reported that …”) ◦ Note that every piece of information you are conveying from another source must be cited and referenced ·       Avoid quoting directly. Read the article, set it aside, and then write down the important points in your own words (i.e., paraphrase) and use citations whenever necessary. ·       Technical scientific writing is terse, clear cut, and lacking in artistic enhancements. ·       ACTIVE VOICE is usually encouraged.  Avoid using the following personal pronouns:  I and YOU • Avoid referring to “your study” throughout. You are providing background information on the topic, identifying the gap in the literature, and alluding to what your study will address, not directly stating it.

Annotation Bibliography Pathology of choice: Multiple sclerosis Objective: • En

Annotation Bibliography
Pathology of choice: Multiple sclerosis
• En

Annotation Bibliography
Pathology of choice: Multiple sclerosis
• Enhance the understanding of skull and brain pathologies through comprehensive research and analysis.
• Develop proficiency in identifying various pathologies and the anatomy involved.
• Analyze how the applications that contribute to Medical Diagnostic Imaging.
• Utilizing critical analysis skills to evaluate scholarly articles.
Create an Annotated Bibliography
• A minimum of 10 references, need to be recent or current.
• APA format. 7th edition. Font- 12 – Times Roman.
1. Do not use bullets for information. The information should be written in sentence format.
2. The reference(s) will not be included in the word count.
3. Use your own words to describe what you read. Your job is not to string quotations to create your summation or use bullet points and highlights. Direct quotes are not to be used, meaning copy-pasted material from the source, even if quotation marks are not included, will result in a deduction of ten or more points: 12% or lower similarity.
4. Include information on the author’s background and your personal conclusions about the source.
5. Include differentials of the pathology.
6. Include how diagnostic imaging contributes to the pathology’s diagnosis and treatment. This is a must!!!
7. Do not use AI to generate this paper. I have tool to check for AI. Thanks.

It is a written assignment, of one or two pages, that summarizes the topic you h

It is a written assignment, of one or two pages, that summarizes the topic you h

It is a written assignment, of one or two pages, that summarizes the topic you have chosen. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are required. Please use 12-point font, double spacing, and normal margins.

Please write four to five paragraphs as described below:
I. Provide background by explaining the content that you have already learned in this class which is relevant to understanding your chosen topic. (1 paragraph)
II. Summarize, in your own words, what is described on the pages of the textbook for the topic you have chosen. If there are any bold terms mentioned in the text, you must mention them and clearly describe their meanings here. If there are diagrams in the text, please explain these as well. (2 or 3 paragraphs)
III. Provide an example of recent research developments about the topic: (1 paragraph)
a. You must use at least one source other than your text or lab manual.
b. The research must be recent (specifically, nothing earlier than 2020).
c. Acceptable sources include scholarly journals (such as those appearing on a google scholar search), results based on our library search engines, websites ending in .edu or .gov, or other sources approved by the instructor.
d. Your source must be cited. APA and MLA formats are acceptable. Use this website to guide you:

Annotation Bibliography Pathology of choice: Multiple sclerosis Objective: • En

Annotation Bibliography
Pathology of choice: Multiple sclerosis
• En

Annotation Bibliography
Pathology of choice: Multiple sclerosis
• Enhance the understanding of skull and brain pathologies through comprehensive research and analysis.
• Develop proficiency in identifying various pathologies and the anatomy involved.
• Analyze how the applications that contribute to Medical Diagnostic Imaging.
• Utilizing critical analysis skills to evaluate scholarly articles.
Create an Annotated Bibliography
• A minimum of 10 references, need to be recent or current.
• APA format. 7th edition. Font- 12 – Times Roman.
1. Do not use bullets for information. The information should be written in sentence format.
2. The reference(s) will not be included in the word count.
3. Use your own words to describe what you read. Your job is not to string quotations to create your summation or use bullet points and highlights. Direct quotes are not to be used, meaning copy-pasted material from the source, even if quotation marks are not included, will result in a deduction of ten or more points: 12% or lower similarity.
4. Include information on the author’s background and your personal conclusions about the source.
5. Include differentials of the pathology.
6. Include how diagnostic imaging contributes to the pathology’s diagnosis and treatment. This is a must!!!
7. Do not use AI to generate this paper. I have tool to check for AI. Thanks.

Compare and contrast two articles: one is an actual peer-reviewed study and the

Compare and contrast two articles: one is an actual peer-reviewed study and the

Compare and contrast two articles: one is an actual peer-reviewed study and the other is AI-generated created by ChatGPT. In your essay, please include the following:
1. An Introduction: This will include a brief summary of each article.
2. A Thesis Statement: The thesis will be the last sentence of your introduction, and it should clearly explain how the two articles are different in a general way. You will be more specific about the differences in the rest of the paper. (Think of a thesis statement as a one-sentence explanation of the argument you will prove in the paper about the differences between the actual peer-reviewed article and the AI-generated one).

To prove your thesis, discuss some of the following in the body of your essay:
Are there differences between the two in terms of information, specificity, research, and content? Make sure you explain.
What, within the content of the peer-reviewed article, is missing from the AI version?
What is different in the AI-generated article from scientific articles in general?
Is the writing style different between the two?
Do they both contain rhetorical techniques (logos, pathos, ethos)?
Would you consider the ChatGPT article peer-reviewed?
Could the ChatGPT version be helpful for future research and writing?
Then, add your concluding thoughts in a conclusion.

You only need to use the peer-reviewed journal article and the AI generated one for this assignment; in other words, you do not need to find other outside sources for this assignment.

Review the following videos and articles: How Wealth Inequality Spiraled Out of

Review the following videos and articles:
How Wealth Inequality Spiraled Out of

Review the following videos and articles:
How Wealth Inequality Spiraled Out of Control by Robert ReichLinks to an external site.
Wealth and Income inequality in AmericaLinks to an external site.
Changes in the American middle classLinks to an external site.
Wealth gaps within racial groupsLinks to an external site.
What’s happened to income and wealth in America over the past 40 years?Links to an external site.
How the upper middle class keeps everyone else outLinks to an external site.
Write 3 paragraphs answering the following questions:
Describe the extent of income and wealth inequality in the USA today.
Why has wealth inequality increased in the USA in the last 40 years?
Is wealth inequality a social problem? Why?
After submitting your answers, please reply to at least three (3) of our classmates’ posts, pointing out their good points as well as any limitation you see in their arguments.
You must post your original answers first, in order to see other students’ answers.
Grading criteria:
Students can get up to 5 points per paragraph written.
Students can get up to 10 points for replying to at least 3 classmates.
Your original answer to the questions as well as your reply-comments to other students must be of substantial quality in order to get points. Substantial quality includes a demonstration that you have completed the required readings and videos and thought critically about them.
Your answers and reply-comments must be original, use your own ideas and words.
If you use, take or copy ideas or sentences from any source, they must be referenced using APA format.

For the first concept map assignment, you have the following parts: 1) Develop a

For the first concept map assignment, you have the following parts:
1) Develop a

For the first concept map assignment, you have the following parts:
1) Develop a concept map for thyroid disease- this can be either hypo- or hyper-thyroidism. 
2) Provide answers to the following questions with 1-2 paragraphs for each question. Be sure to include citations/references for these answers.
a. Discuss the negative feedback system of the thyroid gland in relation to either hypo- or hyper-thyroidism. 
b. Select a clinical manifestation of either hypo- or hyper-thyroidism and describe why the manifestation occurs. 

can you please number them 1 and 2. 1. The growth rate equation is (birth rate +

can you please number them 1 and 2.
1. The growth rate equation is (birth rate +

can you please number them 1 and 2.
1. The growth rate equation is (birth rate + immigration)-(death rate + emigration). Provide at least two factors that affect the population size based off the equation above, and explain how these factors impact the size of the population.
2. Identify any unusual environmental problems (for example: heavy metals due to mining, water pollution due to farming or industry) in your neighborhood and research possible health effects of potential environmental hazards in the area. Who is at risk, what is the environmental hazard, where does this hazard come from and what health problems caused by the pollutant? Before you get started, review the terminology.
Environmental Hazard: Something (chemical, physical or microbiological) with the potential to cause harm; however, it does not always put you at risk.
Risk: The combination of the probability or frequency, of occurrence of the identified hazard and the magnitude of the consequences of the occurrence.
Risk assessment: Risk assessment is the process of estimating the potential impact of a chemical, physical, or microbiological hazard on a specified human population or ecological system under a specific set of conditions and for a certain time frame.