ASSIGNMENT DIRECTIONS For this assignment, you will write an essay following th

For this assignment, you will write an essay following the autobiographical sketch outlined below. Your paper should be no less than two pages and no more than three pages (not including title page). This information will be kept confidential between your professor and Social Work Program Faculty and will be kept in your Social Work Program file. (I have uploaded a little background about myself to help with this)
Brief survey of family history
Personal educational experience
Personal work experience
Personal areas of perceived strength (specific)
Personal areas of perceived need for improvement (specific)
Personal approaches to dealing with stress and anxiety and your evaluation of those approaches
Ways in which you feel you learn best
Habits, styles, and characteristics that hinder your learning
Outcomes you are hoping and/or expecting from this course
Why you have chosen or are checking out Social Work (If a different major, why you chose this course)
Identify at least two experiences/factors (family, socioeconomic class, race/ethnicity, education, travel, religion, others) that have influenced who you are today
Typed in APA format
Double-spaced in 12-point
Title Page with page number, and appropriate information.
No Reference Page needed for this assignment

Prompt In this journal assignment, you will review a few provided resources on h

In this journal assignment, you will review a few provided resources on how studies can become famous before they are verified. You will then reflect on how this can happen and why it might be a problem.
First, read Why Should We Care?, a three-page section of a FlatWorld resource. Focus on the key takeaways toward the bottom of the section.
Then, take note of the main points from The Media is Ruining Science.
Afterward, watch the video Adam Ruins Everything: Why Flawed Studies Get Famous.
Using these three sources, the following elements must be addressed in 400–500 words.
Identify how studies become famous before they are verified.
Address why this is a problem.
Use reasoning and examples from the readings and video.
What to Submit
This assignment must be 400-500 words in length, and include references cited in APA format.

please respond to Bernie. with 200. words Hey class! I am fortunate that I do n

please respond to Bernie. with 200. words
Hey class!
I am fortunate that I do n

please respond to Bernie. with 200. words
Hey class!
I am fortunate that I do not have to use any of the treatment technologies that were discussed in our materials for this week…either at home or at work! When I was in the mining industry though, we used limestone pretty extensively to treatment mining affluent / tailings and water used in or portions of the processing cycle. This was covered in our reading on the “physiochemical technologies” which combines physical and chemical processes such as the two given examples given, air stripping and carbon absorption. Mine tailings were captured or transported to designated areas (this was highly regulated) where they continue to be treated until it was deemed safe for the “reclamation” process to begin. Reclamation is where we try to erase some of the scars left by the mining process through replanting and restoration. Some areas were even turned into state lakes and recreation areas. Other water used in the process cycle would need to meet certain requirements before being discharged into local rivers or streams (again, also highly regulated!). Limestone was so important to the process of treatment, that I saw supply chain issues even shut some mine sites down in cases where limestone deliveries were delayed for whatever reason.
The craziest example I can think of to share is that of mine tailings being disposed of into the ocean (See picture below). I will admit that it took me awhile to wrap my head around this concept. What I came to learn is that in addition to the permitting that was required with local governments, extensive testing requirements were also required of the surrounding water and environment, including wildlife. The permits defined the maximum allowable amounts of given substances and the company faced heavy fines if there was any deviation from those established amounts. Despite permits and educating the public, these types of practices are still looked at by many groups, such as NGOs, in a negative light. This emphasizes the importance of understanding environmental impacts and ensuring highly-effective controls are in place.

Overview In this assignment, you will practice using a flowchart template to wri

In this assignment, you will practice using a flowchart template to wri

In this assignment, you will practice using a flowchart template to write research questions.
In Module Eight, you will submit your research question for Project Three: Research Question. In this activity, you will practice creating a research question using one of the flowcharts provided (or one you create yourself). You only need to complete one flowchart, but you may wish to practice completing each type to see if one is more helpful to you than another. Be sure you include each of the areas of importance below in your flowchart. (Note: you may choose any of the labels from each set below.)
Narrowed topic / Topic / What is your topic?
Questioning / Problem / What is the problem you want to address?
Hypothesis / Wondering / What do you want to know?
Research Question
Use one of the flowchart templates provided or create one of your own.
Areas of Importance
Includes each of the areas of importance.
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Complete at least one flowchart.
Address each of the areas of importance.
What to Submit
This assignment should be completed using one of the flowchart templates Word Document provided (or one of your own).

Professional Dispositions and BehaviorsPart 1: Personal and Professional Traits

Professional Dispositions and BehaviorsPart 1: Personal and Professional Traits

Professional Dispositions and BehaviorsPart 1: Personal and Professional Traits List
Compile a list of personal and professional traits you must display to maintain professionalism as a school counselor. Consider both your areas of strength and areas for growth in developing your list.
Reflect on the areas of development you will focus on during your practicum to foster your growth and development as a school counselor. These areas of growth can be generated from the ASCA School Counselor Self-Assessment of the Delivery Competencies Part IV, ASCA School Counselor Professional Standards & Competencies Self-Assessment assignment and the Professional Dispositions: Survey and video assignment, both found in Topic 4 of SCN-501.
Part 2: Reflection
After compiling the list of professional and personal traits, write a 500-750-word reflection and address the following:
Discuss your identified professional and personal traits informed by ASCA’s School Counselor Professional Standards & Competencies and GCU’s Professional Dispositions of Learners. You should identify a minimum of three strengths and three areas of growth.
Explain how you will build upon your areas of strength during your practicum experience.
Read the “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work.” Explain how a school counselor with the Christian worldview might build upon areas of strengths to develop a professional identity.
How might faith diversity factor into this process?
Identify concrete action-oriented steps to assist you in your areas for growth.
Explain how advocacy and leadership play a role in your professional identity development as a school counselor in training.
Describe ways your site supervisor and course instructor can help you further develop your professional identity as a school counselor in training.
Describe how you will collaborate with students, families, staff, and administration.