The ready availability of AI tools such as ChatGPT and art-creating apps like D

The ready availability of AI tools such as ChatGPT and art-creating apps like D

The ready availability of AI tools such as ChatGPT and art-creating apps like DALL-E present us with many questions to consider about ownership and copyright. Those artists and creators are typically not credited or compensated for their work. Perhaps more important is the consideration that as AI technology continues to evolve, it may be used to replace human artists and creators in not only the arts and other creative spaces, but ultimately in other industries.
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

All Poetry. (n.d.). All watched over by machines of loving grace.

Winn, Z. (2023, June 15). If art is how we express our humanity, where does AI fit in? MIT News.

Zylinska, J. (2023, July 13). Art in the age of artificial intelligence. Science.

TED. (2023, August 25). How AI art could enhance humanity’s collective memory | Refik Anadol | TED [Video]. YouTube. 

TED. (2023, August 11). In the age of AI art, what can originality look like? | Eileen Isagon Skyers | TED [Video]. Youtube. 
Walden AI Course Resource
Online Resource
By Day 3
Post at least 200 words to the following prompts.
Discuss two ethical uses of AI such as ChatGPT or other AI services (such as Google Bard), to supplement your education effectively.
Explain how you would evaluate the information an AI produces to ensure that the academic work you create using ChatGPT is both accurate and free from bias. 
Analyze the impact of AI on art making. Based on the resources you read and watched this week do you think AI is beneficial to artists and the world of art today? Why or why not?
Include at least 2 explicit references to this week’s learning resources.

For the Week 3 Assignment, you will be expected to investigate the financial co

For the Week 3 Assignment, you will be expected to investigate the financial co

For the Week 3 Assignment, you will be expected to investigate the financial condition of a health services organization (HSO) of your choosing. In preparation for the Week 3 Assignment, you are expected to submit a Microsoft Word document explicitly addressing the following:
Utilizing the Strayer Library or other credible sources, you are to identify an HSO. Once identified, in a paragraph, share the name of the organization and provide a high-level overview of what kind of organization it is (e.g., home health, hospice, tertiary care facility, long-term care, subacute care, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, etc.) and the segments of the population that it supports.

You will want to be sure there is plenty of information available about the organization, particularly financial information. This means you’ll likely need to choose a large organization that is required to make financials public.
One of the best ways to understand a company’s financial health is to review its financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. These statements provide information about the company’s assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and cash flow. You can typically find these statements in a company’s annual report if non-profit.
For publicly traded HSOs, regulatory filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) can provide additional information about the company’s financial performance, management, and risks. These filings include the annual report, 10-K, 10-Q, and proxy statement

To gain a better understanding of the financial condition of your chosen health services organization, its budget preparation process, and fiscal planning strategies, you will develop five questions that you will answer as part of your investigation. Ideally, these would be questions you would ask a management official responsible for the financial planning of the organization. It is important that you provide a brief explanation for why you chose to include each of the 5 questions.

Think about questions that will give you greater insight into what the company looks for when preparing their annual budget, their fiscal planning strategies, and how they monitor their financial condition throughout the year and make necessary adjustments.

Optional: You may also choose to use these questions to interview a financial manager within a healthcare organization. The interview would then be the source of your information instead of the research.


 You will submit a final, professional version of your sport outreach plan that

 You will submit a final, professional version of your sport outreach plan that

 You will submit a final, professional version of your sport outreach plan that includes revisions
to your Sport Outreach Plan Comprehensive Draft Assignment built on instructor feedback. The
assignment is part of a professional style review and revision process with the objective being for
you to create a highly polished, flawless, professional quality plan.
The plan should be directed toward a general audience of your program’s hypothetical
stakeholders- partners, funding sources, participants, staff- and tell them clearly and concisely
what your organization and its activities are all about.
You will submit three Microsoft Word documents-
1. A clean version of the Final Sport Outreach Plan
2. A version that uses the track changes function and your comments where necessary to
clearly indicate where your revisions were made and what the revisions are.
3. A well-organized and clear log of all changes and revisions from the Sport Outreach Plan
Comprehensive Draft  

After reading the online articles posted in this week’s Learn section, what lega

After reading the online articles posted in this week’s Learn section, what lega

After reading the online articles posted in this week’s Learn section, what legal concepts would you need to take into consideration if you were a Christian coach at a public high school and were thinking of having a team prayer or devotional?  How could you incorporate your faith in a vocational setting that regulates a person’s expression of their beliefs?  2replies of at least 200 words. Must incorporate at least 1 scholarly citation in APA format. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years. Acceptable sources include peer-reviewed journal articles, the textbook, and the Bible. (see attached) 

For medical professionals and institutions, the importance of reimbursement in

For medical professionals and institutions, the importance of reimbursement in

For medical professionals and institutions, the importance of reimbursement in healthcare cannot be overstated: this is how they are paid, of course, and how they are able to continue providing services to consumers. But, as folks on both sides of the equation know, healthcare is far from simple, and neither medical decision-making nor healthcare reimbursement rates are simple—they are continually being reformed.
Ideally, healthcare providers would be able to make course-of-treatment decisions for their patients through patient symptoms, diagnosis, open discussions, and insight gleaned from the patient’s medical history. In other words, in an ideal world, consideration of how providers will be paid would not hinder physicians from making the soundest medical directives for the patient. However, we do not live in an ideal world, and complications in healthcare reimbursement often interfere with what may be the best course of treatment for particular patients. This is an important consideration for medical professionals, administrators, and lawmakers. However, a new trend is emerging: doctors who don’t take health insurance. These providers have opted to take cash payments, set up payments plans, or offer a monthly subscription. A growing number of doctors simply are not taking contracts with insurance companies, although the concentration varies by region and by specialty. That leaves patients to pay the market rate the doctor charges, and then submit a receipt to get reimbursement for out-of-network coverage, if they have it (1).
What are the ethical implications associated with each model? If you were the business office manager of a small practice, which payment model would you prefer and why?
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

 For the Week 2 activity, you selected a health services organization (HSO) and

 For the Week 2 activity, you selected a health services organization (HSO) and

 For the Week 2 activity, you selected a health services organization (HSO) and then developed five research questions to gain a better understanding of the financial condition of your chosen HSO; its budget preparation process; and fiscal planning strategies related to the financial management of the organization. For this, you will provide thorough responses to each question and report your key findings.
Using the HSO you identified in the Week 2 activity, use the Strayer Library and other reputable sources to locate publicly available financial information that will provide you with the answers to the five questions you developed in Week 2.
You will then in which you include each of the following components:

Develop an introduction to your chosen healthcare organization.

The name of the selected organization and background information, such as its location, size, focus, services provided, demographics of patients served, for-profit or nonprofit status, et cetera.
Indicate whether the organization has a separate finance or business department and, if so, who is responsible for the department.
Any other information that may help explain the chosen organization. For example, is it unique in how its finances are managed? If so, how?

Develop research-based answers to the five previously created questions.

A response to each of the five questions you created in Week 2. This should include specific information pertaining to the chosen healthcare organization’s budget preparation process, fiscal planning strategies, and how the financial condition of the organization is routinely monitored and corrective actions are taken when necessary.

Assess any differences and similarities between what you have learned from the textbook, videos, and other readings with what you have learned in your research.

In this section: where you assess any differences between what you have learned in this course and what is reflected in your research. This is also an opportunity to identify connections between cost and quality and explore the interplay of performance improvement, regulatory compliance, provider relationships, and payors. Keep in mind that the background and context of the organization play a role in how these pieces fit together.

  Narrative: Construct at least a 1 ½ – 2-page that explains your use of a virt

Narrative: Construct at least a 1 ½ – 2-page that explains your use of a virt

Narrative: Construct at least a 1 ½ – 2-page that explains your use of a virtual field trip to enhance your social studies curriculum at your school.
Learning Objective: VIII. Science, Technology, and Society. Modern life as we know it would be impossible without technology and the science that supports it. What can we learn from the past about how technologies result in broader social change, some of which is unanticipated? How can we cope with the ever-increasing pace of change? How can we manage technology so that the greatest number of people benefit from it? 
Assessment: Funding is challenging. Many schools are doing away with field trips as a result. Yet there are so many great virtual field trips for your students. Share at least one that you either already use, or research one you would like to use. See examples below. to an external site. to an external site.