As part of your final project, Leadership Development Training, you will have yo

As part of your final project, Leadership Development Training, you will have yo

As part of your final project, Leadership Development Training, you will have your employees take at least three leadership style assessments. Your Northouse text provides 15 different leadership assessments. Using the assessments provided in the text, choose three that you might use with your employees as part of your training program.
Write five-pages on the following:
A description of your three chosen assessments.
A comparison of the various style assessments you chose and rationale for your choices.
An explanation of the goal that the assessments will help you achieve in your training and how they will help you achieve that goal.

   Cultural Intelligence Development Plan The personalized Cultural Intelligence

Cultural Intelligence Development Plan
The personalized Cultural Intelligence

Cultural Intelligence Development Plan
The personalized Cultural Intelligence Development Plan is a three-part analysis that will complete the project . 
· Part One: CQ and My Organization (100 points)
All organizations and businesses can benefit from cultural intelligence, even if that organization or business is not operating on a global scale. Part One of this development plan involves analyzing the cultural intelligence of your workplace or the place your wish to work.  Identify the mission of the workplace, strategies in place to promote cultural diversity and cultural intelligence, and the workplace’s perceived return on investment for having these strategies in place.
· Part Two: CQ Personal Development Plan (100 points)
After completing the organizational analysis,  think about personal growth in cultural intelligence to help fulfill the mission of their workplace, develop new strategies for diversity and CQ, and increase the return on investment. Also identify tools and resources to help achieve those goals.
· Part Three: Global Leadership & CQ Action Plan (100 points)
Discuss The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model created by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner. Review that model at: After writing a personal development plan, students will reflect on how global leadership and cultural intelligence knowledge and goals will create positive changes to their workplace. Students will write a pledge statement for using global leadership and CQ in your workplace while promoting The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model.

Define, describe, and critique two leadership theories such as contingency theor

Define, describe, and critique two leadership theories such as contingency theor

Define, describe, and critique two leadership theories such as contingency theory, situational theory, or leader-member exchange theory, and explain how they can be applied to social work practice. State your reasons and use properly cited references to support your position. 300 words and 3 references 

There has been an increase in the perceived threat of cyberterrorism, but it is

There has been an increase in the perceived threat of cyberterrorism, but it is

There has been an increase in the perceived threat of cyberterrorism, but it is not clear how violent extremist and terrorist groups are leveraging the Internet as a platform for
attacks against given targets. With that in mind, find as much information as you can about an actor named Ardit Ferizi and his role in aiding the so-called Islamic State (IS).
1. What did Ferizi do? Be specific in terms of his target and methods.
2. Would you characterize him as a skilled hacker or a basic script kiddie? Why?
3. Would you characterize his actions as cybercrime or cyberterrorism? Be specific in terms
of the definitions of the events, how his acts could facilitate on- or offline crime, and the
laws used to prosecute him.
4. What does this incident tell us about the threat of links between crime and terrorism? 
six to eight pages in length (not including a reference
page), double-spaced, 12 point, Times New Roman font with one-inch margins

  In this week’s readings, you learned about the major contributors to the devel

In this week’s readings, you learned about the major contributors to the devel

In this week’s readings, you learned about the major contributors to the development of total quality management (TQM). Some of the methods that each developed are more suited to one application versus another. Select three contributors from the list shown here whose TQM methods could be readily applied to the daily business and medical operations of a medical center or hospital.
Philip Crosby.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming.
Armand Feigenbaum.
Dr. Joseph M. Juran.
Prof. Kaoru Ishikawa.
Genichi Taguchi.
Musaaki Imai.
In a Word document:
Describe two of the contributions to the development of TQM for each of the three individuals you selected.
Apply each of the contributions to a specific situation in the operations of a medical center or hospital. Include examples from both the medical and business operations to illustrate the use of TQM.
View Rubric

Cultural competence and cultural humility are issues that social work has wrestl

Cultural competence and cultural humility are issues that social work has wrestl

Cultural competence and cultural humility are issues that social work has wrestled with historically. As social work practitioners, we seek to meet clients where they are at and also be as supportive as possible. But how do we ensure that our supervisory practice is the most effective in working with supervisees who may have different cultural backgrounds than ourselves? How do we continually refine our theory for practice through the lens of cultural competence? This assignment will build on what we have been discussing from a theoretical perspective for the past two weeks and leverage those learnings here in our exploration of the article by Fisher-Borne, Cain, and Martin (2015) that you read this week.
 In 5 pages, explain the authors’ perspectives on cultural competence and cultural humility. How does this perspective match with your theoretical practice methods as it relates to social work supervision? If you were conducting group supervision with several members who are people of color, what concepts from Fisher-Borne, Cain, and Martin’s article would you consider in your supervision style and strategy?
The three main bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria for this assignment:
Compare the differences between cultural competence and cultural humility.
Discuss the incorporation of cultural competence and cultural humility into a specific individual theoretical perspective for use in social work supervision.

Share examples of how you would integrate specific concepts of cultural competence and cultural humility in your supervision style and strategy with diverse groups.

 Fisher-Borne, M., Cain, J. M., & Martin, S. L. (2015). From mastery to accountability: Cultural humility as an alternative to cultural competence.Links to an external site. Social Work Education, 34(2), 165–181. 

The second Riverbend City scenario shows the tensions between two adjacent neigh

The second Riverbend City scenario shows the tensions between two adjacent neigh

The second Riverbend City scenario shows the tensions between two adjacent neighborhoods—one mostly Caucasian, and the other primarily Mexican American—vying for attention from city government for bottled water. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of applying specific theories or models to practice with these two groups.
How do you think it will play out for each? How do you see critical race theory impacting how this issue may play out? How will differences between the two groups be negotiated? Discuss how you deal with incongruence between your orientation and these two settings. Support your argument with at least three citations from the readings from this week, including reference to the NASW Standards for Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice. Be sure to use APA-formatted citations.
300 words

The simulation in the studies for this week asked you to imagine that you have b

The simulation in the studies for this week asked you to imagine that you have b

The simulation in the studies for this week asked you to imagine that you have been selected to spearhead the creation of a formal task force to oversee the community response to the water catastrophe. Given the other organizations in the community, identify who you would invite to sit on the committee and explain your choices. Describe potential interventions at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Justify the strategic and communication plans that you would implement to accomplish your task. Be sure to reference scholarly sources of information that support your plan.
 To achieve a successful assignment outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point font.
4 pages
10 scholarly sources cited APA style and format.

Reading Reflections will consist of the following requirements. “Throughout this

Reading Reflections will consist of the following requirements. “Throughout this

Reading Reflections will consist of the following requirements. “Throughout this course topics will be covered concerning the African American athlete. One of the activities that you will participate in during the course will be reading reflections. You will be required to write a reflective writting (250-300 words) on the assigned reading. Minimally, reflections should include (1) Topics you found interesting and important; (2) Topics you found challenging; (3) Topics that enhanced your understanding of the subject. These reflections will be due on assigned Fridays by 11:59pm.

What leader characteristics are important for promoting inclusiveness? Using the

What leader characteristics are important for promoting inclusiveness? Using the

What leader characteristics are important for promoting inclusiveness? Using the Chapter 12 reading, “Inclusive Leadership,” describe key leadership characteristics and behaviors that promote inclusion. Do you agree or disagree with the research presented on inclusive leadership? Support your rationale with properly cited references from scholarly sources, which may include your text.
ISBN: 9781071834473
Leadership: Theory and Practice, 9th Edition
 By: Peter G. Northouse