Part of planning for future success involves careful consideration of your stre

Part of planning for future success involves careful consideration of your stre

Part of planning for future success involves careful consideration of your strengths and challenges in your previous academic experiences.
RESOURCESPost at least 200 words to the following prompts.
Based on the two TEDTalks in this week’s Media Resources, share what you consider the main factors that will impact your success as an online student. 
After reviewing the undergraduate resources, what specific support or resources are you glad to see listed and why? Is there a service you do not see, but wish was available? How would these services enhance your journey at Walden University? 
Technology does not replace communication but enhances the need for it. This is true of all types of communication, including written. Every writer can improve. As writing is fundamental to higher education, what skills do you believe you need to improve your writing, and how do you envision making this happen?


As a

As a step in creating a comprehensive Sport Outreach Plan, you will create mission and vision
statements, an organizational structure, staffing and funding plans for your proposed Sport
Outreach organization. Your work should be informed by the assigned textbook reading for
Module 2 and consistent with previous and subsequent elements of your Sport Outreach plan.
As part of the assignment, you will submit your work copying and pasting it into a post in the
Sport Outreach Mission and Vision Discussion for peer review and feedback. 

Respond to one of the four questions below. What is the distinction between s

Respond to one of the four questions below.
What is the distinction between s

Respond to one of the four questions below.
What is the distinction between sex and gender? How do you think this distinction should be employed in practice?
What are some challenges the United States faces in recognition of a third gender?
Identify behaviors you think might be interpreted differently when displayed by a female, a male, or a non-binary person. For each one, explain why.
Describe the greatest difficulty you believe researchers face when studying gender. What is the best precaution to take against this difficulty?

 Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Programming Activities Read, review and prov

 Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Programming Activities
Read, review and prov

 Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Programming Activities
Read, review and provide specific feedback on at least 3 of your classmates Sport Outreach Plan drafts from the previous week. Each post should point out strengths with specific suggestions for improvement. Posts should include connections to Scripture.

Respond to one of the four questions below. What is the distinction between s

Respond to one of the four questions below.
What is the distinction between s

Respond to one of the four questions below.
What is the distinction between sex and gender? How do you think this distinction should be employed in practice?
What are some challenges the United States faces in recognition of a third gender?
Identify behaviors you think might be interpreted differently when displayed by a female, a male, or a non-binary person. For each one, explain why.
Describe the greatest difficulty you believe researchers face when studying gender. What is the best precaution to take against this difficulty?

Research Activity # 1: Framing the Social Problem & ASWB Licensing Process (5-p

Research Activity # 1: Framing the Social Problem & ASWB Licensing Process (5-p

Research Activity # 1: Framing the Social Problem & ASWB Licensing Process (5-points)
For this research activity assignment, I am asking you to think critically about the overt and covert social issues related to systemic disparities in social work professional licensing process. Stated more generally, why is it a problem that some people are statistically less likely to pass the standardized licensure process? Stated again, why would it be an issue that test-taker demographics predict pass rates, and not professional competency? For this activity, you will need to: (1) Read all materials in the module and then review the PowerPoint and recorded lecture; and (2) Complete the chart below, worth 5-points and then submit this document as a file upload in Canvas by the due date.
What is the name of the social problem?
What are the contributing factors to this social problem?
Who is impacted more than others by this social problem?
What are the impacts of this problem across:
·  Individuals & Families
·  Communities
·  U.S. Society
·  Individuals & Families 
·  Community 
·  U.S. Society 
Who benefits from this problem?
What are possible solutions to this problem?
What are barriers to implementing these solutions?

 Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Programming Activities Read, review and prov

 Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Programming Activities
Read, review and prov

 Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Programming Activities
Read, review and provide specific feedback on at least 3 of your classmates Sport Outreach Plan drafts from the previous week. Each post should point out strengths with specific suggestions for improvement. Posts should include connections to Scripture.

Complete the following four self-assessments:The Leadership Traits Questionnaire

Complete the following four self-assessments:The Leadership Traits Questionnaire

Complete the following four self-assessments:The Leadership Traits Questionnaire in the course text
The Leadership Styles Questionnaire in the course text (if you have not done so already)
The Followership Questionnaire in the Theory and Practice PDF
The Conflict Style Questionnaire in the course text
Additionally, ask a colleague or supervisor to complete the Conflict Style Questionnaire. Once completed, review the results with the colleague/supervisor. 
Submit a 2- to 3-page p**** (not including title page and references) evaluating your leadership style and followership style based on the four questionnaires you completed. Be sure to:
Summarize your personal leadership traits and style based on the Leadership Traits and Leadership Styles Questionnaire results. Include both strengths and areas for improvement that reflect these two questionnaires.
Describe your followership style based on the Followership Questionnaire results. Explain the implications of this style for you as both a leader and a follower within an organization.
Identify at least one area of growth that would be most important for you to develop, based on the Conflict Style Questionnaire feedback from your colleague or supervisor. Explain why this area is most important to you as a developing leader.
Use the Learning Resources to support your Assignment. Make sure to provide APA citations and a reference list.