Your program of study is your bridge to your professional future. Consider ways

Your program of study is your bridge to your professional future. Consider ways

Your program of study is your bridge to your professional future. Consider ways your program of study connects to your long-term career plans and how it compares to others’ programs of study. In the modern era, most every career is impacted in some way by technology. How does technology impact your professional aspirations?
Post a response of at least 200 words to the following prompts.
Explain your chosen degree program. Assume the reader knows nothing about the degree or the job market for which it qualifies you. How does it connect with your long-term career goals? What role do you see technology playing in these goals?
Describe the moment you knew or decided what profession you wanted to pursue. Did someone influence you one way or another? Did you have a personal experience that changed your perspective?
What factors explain why you choose this field over others?

 Discussion Thread: Constitutional Law Within constitutional considerations, an

 Discussion Thread: Constitutional Law
Within constitutional considerations, an

 Discussion Thread: Constitutional Law
Within constitutional considerations, an important issue to resolve for sport and recreation concerns whether participation is a right or a privilege.
1.  Do you believe sport and/or recreation should be a right or a privilege?  In what context and why?
2.  According to the U.S. Constitution, what legal concepts do you need to consider in order to resolve this issue?
Next, review the Read: NCAA v. Yeo, 171 S.W.3d 863. In light of the court’s holding, consider the following question and provide your interpretation of the court’s rationale:
3.  Were Yeo’s protected rights of due process violated by the NCAA, which could potentially cost her future financial opportunities as well as her reputation?  Why or why not?

  OVERVIEW As a first step in creating a comprehensive Sport Outreach plan, you

As a first step in creating a comprehensive Sport Outreach plan, you

As a first step in creating a comprehensive Sport Outreach plan, you will research a specific
group of people to reach (including their geographic location) and provide a rationale for why it
is an appropriate group to reach through sport. Additionally, you will provide a Biblical
justification for using sport to serve the group.
As part of the assignment, you will submit your work copying and pasting it into the Sport
Outreach Target Population Discussion Board for peer review and feedback.
This is a draft of the first section of a comprehensive sport outreach plan you will create
throughout the course:
• The draft should include at least two full pages of text.
o This excludes a title page, abstract, reference page(s) and any appendices
• The work should be in APA format (the most current edition)
• At least three sources supporting the work should be formally cited and listed in the
reference page.
• A minimum of three sources should be external to the course, i.e. in addition to the
course text and any readings provided within the course.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

  Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Organizations Select a sport outreach organ

Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Organizations
Select a sport outreach organ

Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Organizations
Select a sport outreach organization and describe how its goals/objectives meet its stated mission or purpose. Rather than copying the organization’s information, use your own words to describe the organization; the purpose is not to list its information, but rather to explain your understanding of how its plans fit together. At Least 400 words

  Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare a creative deliverable that d

For this assignment, you will prepare a creative deliverable that d

For this assignment, you will prepare a creative deliverable that discusses political parties and what they do in American politics. You will be able to choose whichever format you wish for your deliverable.  Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow AP
In Module 5, we learned about American political parties and what they do. Complete this assignment as follows:
For this assignment, you will create a deliverable of your choice (written document, infographic, PowerPoint, video, etc.) which communicates the information below.

Discuss political parties and their role in American politics.
Explain the nature and effects of the two-party system in the U.S.

  Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Organizations Select a sport outreach organ

Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Organizations
Select a sport outreach organ

Discussion Thread: Sport Outreach Organizations
Select a sport outreach organization and describe how its goals/objectives meet its stated mission or purpose. Rather than copying the organization’s information, use your own words to describe the organization; the purpose is not to list its information, but rather to explain your understanding of how its plans fit together. At Least 400 words

  Choose a specific interest group to discuss. Post a link to the website o

Choose a specific interest group to discuss.
Post a link to the website o

Choose a specific interest group to discuss.
Post a link to the website of the interest group you chose.
Discuss what their purpose is and what issues they advocate for.
How successful at canvassing is this particular interest group?
How do interest groups provide a means for political participation?
What are some barriers to interest group participation?  
Respond to at least two (2) peers offering additional depth and insight. 

  Overview: For this assignment, you will wri a 2 pagr describing the main func

For this assignment, you will wri a 2 pagr describing the main func

For this assignment, you will wri a 2 pagr describing the main functions and history of media in American politics.  Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow APA
APA Resources can be found in the “Student Resources” button on our course home page, then click on Academic Support.
In Module 5 we learned about the main functions and history of media in American society and politics. Complete this assignment as follows:
For this assignment, you will write a 2pag that communicates the information below.

Describe the history and function of the media in American society and politics.

  Overview: For this assignment, you will prepare a creative deliverable that d

For this assignment, you will prepare a creative deliverable that d

For this assignment, you will prepare a creative deliverable that describes the evolving role of the courts. You will be able to choose whichever format you wish for your deliverable.  Please follow the instructions below and be sure to follow AP a
In Module 6, we learned about the role of courts in America. Complete this assignment as follows:
For this assignment, you will create a deliverable of your choice (written document, infographic, PowerPoint, video, etc.) that communicates the information below.

Describe the evolution of the court structure in the U.S.
Explain the federal and state court structure and powers.