The reading mentions restraints that can limit a group’s ability to implement

The reading mentions restraints that can limit a group’s ability to implement

The reading mentions restraints that can limit a group’s ability to implement action plans. What are some common challenges or constraints that you believe social work practitioners might encounter when trying to put action plans into practice? How can these challenges be mitigated or addressed effectively?
The chapter highlights the importance of incorporating social justice-related principles into the implementation of action plans. What specific techniques or strategies can social work organizers employ to ensure that their campaigns align with social justice values? Provide examples of successful campaigns that have effectively integrated these principles.
250 to 300 Words. 

  How can the development of a “critical consciousness” within constituency grou

How can the development of a “critical consciousness” within constituency grou

How can the development of a “critical consciousness” within constituency groups empower individuals to better understand and address the influence of political, economic, and social forces on their lives and communities?
As graduate-level social work students, how can you integrate the concept of critical reflection and praxis into your future work in the field of social work? How might these principles enhance your ability to engage with communities, facilitate dialogue, and lead effectively in community interventions?
250 to 300 Words.

 Please see attached description for assignment.  300 word MAX… THIS HAS TO BE

 Please see attached description for assignment. 
300 word MAX… THIS HAS TO BE

 Please see attached description for assignment. 
Below are websites that can be used to reference some information on the discussion post.

PowerPoint from class has also been provided.

  The reading mentions restraints that can limit a group’s ability to implement

The reading mentions restraints that can limit a group’s ability to implement

The reading mentions restraints that can limit a group’s ability to implement action plans. What are some common challenges or constraints that you believe social work practitioners might encounter when trying to put action plans into practice? How can these challenges be mitigated or addressed effectively?
The chapter highlights the importance of incorporating social justice-related principles into the implementation of action plans. What specific techniques or strategies can social work organizers employ to ensure that their campaigns align with social justice values? Provide examples of successful campaigns that have effectively integrated these principles.
250 to 300 Words. 

Topic 1 Managed Care and Integrated  organization;  RAC (Recovery     Audit 

Topic 1
Managed Care and Integrated  organization;  RAC (Recovery    

Topic 1
Managed Care and Integrated  organization;  RAC (Recovery    
Audit   Contractors) Reforms;   Identity Theft in health care; Medical Devices
Topic 2
Privacy, Security Rules
Healthy People 2020
Fraud/Abuse (Case, Legislation, etc.) as relates to patient care, and technology.
Topic 3                                             
Presentation on Telemedicine
CAC (Computer Assisted Coding)
Home health care.     
Topic 4
Healthcare Policy; Consumer awareness and preventive care; Affordable Care Act.
Topic 5
Multi-hospital  Systems
Regional Health  Information Organization (RHIO)
Data  resolution
Topic 6
Global/international health care policy
WHO projects/initiatives
Mobile devices in healthcare
Patient portals     

   Many people have published their private opinions online on several new socia

Many people have published their private opinions online on several new socia

Many people have published their private opinions online on several new social media. Individuals have always discussed what they participate in and support; nevertheless, a new boycott has emerged in the social media components of recreational activities. Within the context of internet culture, modern social terms are frequently coined, with the terms read, drink, spill, and cancellation being among the most prominent examples. The phrase “canceled,” commonly used in social media and technology, has become a social phenomenon in recent years as depicted at The impact of social media and the freedom of speech are two ways the social media industry contributes to both social and political issues. Cancellation is ideation or social movement that pertains to operations that have been deemed immoral or controversial and which no longer help democratically, financially, or electronically prominent people like celebrities, CEOs, political leaders, and others in the entertainment industry. It is comparable to contacting someone to cancel an appointment with a notable someone. This culture of calling is likewise a product of the culture of canceling but especially sexism, racism, traditionalism, transphobia, homophobia, and several other forms of bigotry.
Due to many adherents to this practice, canceling an appointment and calling the person in question has developed into its own distinct cultural identity. The individual’s membership is typically terminated due to something that has been stated, posted, or done previously by members of the general public. It has resulted in difficulties concerning repression and freedom of expression, including a “canceled, susceptible, and call-out culture,” which has been brought about due to the drastic shift in social consciousness that has been brought about by canceling culture.
Desirable and Undesirable Effects of the Cancel Culture
Canceling an individual performance is another way to criticize the cultural practices of another person. The boycott has always consisted of the people speaking up and making their voices heard. The practice of digital boycotting has become more common in recent years due to the widespread adoption of Internet terminology and email. Cancel culture is a broad movement that promotes social justice over a problem, often in a manner that is in direct opposition to the way things are already done. The underlying reality is that the freedom to communicate positively impacts the freedom to participate in political processes. In other words, it is suitable for cancellation, given that users are not scared to point out improper activities simply because the individual is a celebrity and that individuals openly vocalize their thoughts of great tweets, old posts, and contemporary expressions. Calling culture is not the problem in and of itself; nevertheless, the way we define it modern-day has been jeopardized. To call someone out is a crucial method to emphasize oppressive privileges, but there is a risk that we may stop communicating again in this way.
The culture of canceling also has various negative consequences. Cancelation culture may severely influence an individual or business and lower their social media presence. Canceling someone can negatively affect both a person’s professional and personal life, including their reputation since they cannot interact with social media through their channels. For example, in the 1990s, the television sitcom starring the well-known actress Roseanne Barr was top-rated. Her privileges were terminated not too long ago due to a tweet she sent about a coworker who had made racist and sexist remarks. Not only were her tweets offended by many internet users, but she lost her career and social respect. Harvey Weinstein, a prominent filmmaker in Hollywood, came under scrutiny one year after multiple inappropriate scandals involving females in the entertainment industry in Hollywood. He would cast fresh females in his films with the express intention of sleeping with them in the interim while they were working for him because of his deeds in various ways, including sexual assault, discrimination, and cheating. Weinstein’s contract has been terminated, and no one supports the behavior he has been engaging in. Because it has become so widespread on both sides, it has caused numerous firms to close multi-million dollar deals and the social acceptability of the general people.
The culture of canceling has solid roots in vengefully phoning people to suggest anything dumb, and that is why it has turned into a toxic mechanism of the Internet. The culmination of this has been the adoption of several trendy behaviors, which are now considered obsolete. Some people have received more widespread recognition as having been canceled than others. The statements or actions of a person are frequently disregarded due to the existence of grounds. It’s possible that some people, in general, will consider an influential leader to be canceled; nevertheless, unjustified hatred directed toward a celebrity tends to garner more attention because it’s an event that many people cancel. Cancellation culture is, at its core, poisonous. It maintains the idea that an uninformed opinion can render your entire existence meaningless while at the same time encouraging people to deny rather than remind each other of their similarities and differences. The practice of canceling plans in favor of postponing or skipping celebrations carries the risk of doing more harm than good.
Professional Writers on the Extent of Cancel Culture
A few statistics might not be considered, even though cancellation might be considered social suicide. It ultimately results in the dissolution of civilization as a legitimate form of protest. Cancel is utilized in many different social media reports, and depending on the context, and it’s either funny or genuinely relevant. The accomplishment of cancellation action is considered the most philosophical or social preserve. Despite the multitudes of people who have declared that Logan Paul is no longer active, he continues to post content. Kanye West was present as his album reached its highest position on the most recent Billboard chart, which was just published.
Any mistake means that someone will be “canceled,” which will go on to the next one and wait until we hit the next person. Furthermore, “Canceling” does not permit any dispute regarding what inspired previous behavior, progress, immaturity, or maturity. This wrong way of considering moral issues is not helpful to anyone, and it does not permit a substantive discussion of complex moral and ethical dilemmas. The challenge is that when people communicate to individuals concerned in more contentious cases, their conversations are either terminated or canceled.
Cancellation does not provide a second chance to anyone, yet many people do not take it seriously since it does not offer any practical perspectives on human faults. We all share experiences from which our perspectives have developed.
In a perfect society, there are no mistakes or negative thoughts; however, this is not how we live in a civilized society, and acting in the same manner as we do only eliminate the possibility of future meaningful discussion when we discuss the more negative aspects of the organization in which we currently reside by abolishing culture. It does not start standing up for hate speech online, but it does stand up for those who are unable to maintain their professional jobs with this kind of behavior.
Battling Cancelling Culture
Although not intrinsically so, it is helpful to urge people not to articulate controversial opinions to avoid being the subject of an annulment or the articulation of culture. It is because it is expedient to do so. Even if the picking up, judging, and eventually canceling can be done straightforwardly, the consequence may not be as far-reaching as a well-known public figure. Several people have concluded that the United States has raised a generation of overly sensitive people who do not like discussing controversial topics since censorship has become an enormous topic of discussion concerning what is considered acceptable. Ignoring people who want to derail essential conversations is the best strategy for dealing with people who try to cancel culture. Canceling the entire debate or comment constitutes a direct attack on the principle of free discourse.
Personal reflection 
Since ancient times, people have resorted to this method, which involves isolating individuals from the rest of the community. However, it is increasingly tied to removing support from specific public people or groups that are regarded as contentious or insulting in the present times. My perspective is that it is an attempt to stifle free expression and deprive people of the ability to examine issues from a fresh perspective. People’s ability to participate in solid conversations is diminished when they cut off their support for particular businesses or refuse to buy products from those businesses. The practice divides people in society and does not lead to any beneficial change that is known to exist. In most instances, it is taken over by sadists who are out for vengeance or looking to take advantage of the situation to deceive members of society. 
Even when I have the impression that I have an idea that I should share with the general audience, I must always consider whether or not it would be well received. To this day, people are willing to crucify you and punish you cruelly if you hold opinions that are not widely accepted. Cancel culture has restricted the ability of people to ask challenging questions for fear of how their peers and society at large will judge them. I believe that the cancel culture discourages members of marginalized groups from speaking up for causes that they believe in, rather than encouraging them to express their opinions and providing them with a forum to do so. In my opinion, the cancel culture has been a factor in the rise of self-policing.
In addition, cancel culture is a directionless movement that lacks structure or organization. I have never stopped paying attention to how the mechanics of canceled culture play out in society. It does not have a membership or a leadership structure. People often participate in cancel culture despite not adhering to any particular philosophy. They behave impulsively. In most instances, I have the impression that the responses of those who participate in cancel culture are not well thought out. The people who spread fear and the pessimistic belief that they can change the world with their ideas are constantly at the forefront of the cancel culture. In the past, cancel culture would have helped bring people together to participate in solid dialogues aimed at ensuring public officials were held accountable for their wrongdoing. On the other hand, it has assumed a more punitive character in its current iteration.
 The public dialogue is no longer centered on issues relating to what ought to be rethought or reengineered. On the other hand, it concentrates on how public personalities might be brought down and lose their livelihoods. When I first heard of cancel culture, my first reaction was that it was some system for keeping prominent personalities in check. After some time, I concluded that it is a method for establishing unjustifiable ethical and social norms that punish prominent personalities without engaging in an exhaustive and honest dialogue designed to address society’s requirements as a whole. The advocates of particular agendas do not make an effort to investigate the collective norms that particular individuals have breached. People from diverse social and cultural backgrounds have been brought together on the same platforms due to the high degree of globalization that exists around the globe today. The cancel culture must be incorporated into public forums to be more tolerant and accommodating of its participants.
The final result of cancel culture is that it has become a simple and fast way to punish celebrities and influential people for their mistakes. It is possible to explain its efficacy by arguing that it appeals to the customer’s emotions and our relevant mind of what is moral and right. On the other hand, the culture of canceling has minimal appeal to logos and the logical cognitive processes of how “cancelling” works––or does not work.
Cancellation consists of actions that have been judged unethical or troublesome by those in power and are no longer beneficial to them. Calling out ideology and canceling philosophy is an individual’s act of eradicating another party’s point of view and evaluating one’s logic on whether the logic was correct first. They are called out to make people aware of the dangers of voicing their thoughts. However, the “progressive” phenomenon of individualism and freedom of speech has made progressive debates dangerous.
Retrieved from 
Nonverbal Communication
Student Name
An example is a scenario where a person says, “you cannot do anything right!” in a mean and firm tone but follows it up with a wink and smile, indicating that the person is joking. In this case, nonverbal communication differs from verbal communication. “Nonverbal communication utilizes body language, facial expressions, tone, and pauses in speech as the medium of communication, while verbal communication uses language words, sentences, and voice as the medium of communication” (Surbhi S, 2018). Additionally, nonverbal communication utilizes multiple communication channels, like body, and facial expression, and tone of voice. Contrarily, “verbal communication uses a single channel of communication, the human voice, which speaks a single word at a time” (Surbhi S, 2018). In this scenario, the speaker’s message differs since the voice is firm and mean, contrary to the winking and smiles. Similarly, the speaker’s voice volume is loud, the pitch is relatively high, and the speaking rate is also fast with no pauses at all. Also, the speaker uses the vocal variety, including the changes in the rate, volume, ad pitch, which continues to go high, loud and faster. The speaker is clear in his articulation as there is clarity of sounds and words produced. The speaker also accurately pronounces the words, with the correct letter sounds and stress. The speaker’s dialect is also well understood, distinguished by its grammar and vocabulary. In this case, the speaker’s message differs depending on the aforementioned delivery elements as they indicate that the speaker is serious with what he is saying, contradicting the nonverbal communication. 
In my personal life, I had had an opportunity to speak publicly at a charity event, which was a quite different assignment help service experience from my normal conversations. From that experience, it is evident that the primary variance between “public speaking and conversation” is that “public speaking is speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. On the other hand, a conversation is interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more people following etiquette rules” (SAGE Flex, 2019). Public speaking formalizes language more than conversations. Additionally, “public speaking is always organized into events and venues with a set time and location, while conversations can spring up anywhere” (SAGE Flex, 2019). However, what they have in common is that they both involve speakers, audiences, and messages passed back and forth between them. Listening is also an essential part of the two kinds of communication. Based on the audience, the information can be adjusted depending on the subject of the conversation as well as the response received.
SAGE Flex. (2019). SAGE Flex for Public Speaking Understand the Differences Between Public Speaking and Conversation. Retrieved from
Surbhi S. (2018, April 2). Difference Between Verbal and Nonverbal Communication (with Comparison Chart) – Key Differences. Key Differences.

  Discuss the main features of probability sampling and non-probability sampli

Discuss the main features of probability sampling and non-probability sampli

Discuss the main features of probability sampling and non-probability sampling.
In your discussion, give four examples of probability sampling techniques and four examples of non-probability sampling techniques.
You are required to respond to the instructor’s prompt and to also respond to at least two other students’ responses.
 250 words. 

Counselors can practice observing behaviors and recognizing pathologies by study

Counselors can practice observing behaviors and recognizing pathologies by study

Counselors can practice observing behaviors and recognizing pathologies by studying individuals in non-clinical settings. Fictional characters frequently portray a variety of behaviors that can be assessed using clinical methods to practice diagnosis and case conceptualization.
Choose a character from a movie, television show, or fictional story with a possible personality disorder. You may use any of the characters listed on the Personality Disorders: Character Cases list or use a different one of your choosing with instructor approval.
Develop a DSM-5 diagnosis for the character based on your assessment of the presenting symptoms and behaviors.
Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you present your assessment and diagnosis of your character.
Support the diagnosis with excerpts from the movie, show, or story. These could be clips embedded into the presentation or quotes with descriptions of the behaviors. Include any assessment tools you might use for diagnosis or rule-outs of differential diagnosis. Include any specifiers with your diagnosis. Write a case conceptualization for your character based on a theoretical perspective.
Research common treatment goals for the chosen diagnosis, then develop a treatment plan. Your treatment plan should include:
A description of the target problem
Specific, short-term goals for the target problem
Objectives for the target problem
Strategies/interventions to achieve goals for the target problem
Academic, peer-reviewed evidence that supports the goals, objectives, and interventions for the target problem

Counselors can practice observing behaviors and recognizing pathologies by study

Counselors can practice observing behaviors and recognizing pathologies by study

Counselors can practice observing behaviors and recognizing pathologies by studying individuals in non-clinical settings. Fictional characters frequently portray a variety of behaviors that can be assessed using clinical methods to practice diagnosis and case conceptualization.
Choose a character from a movie, television show, or fictional story with a possible personality disorder. You may use any of the characters listed on the Personality Disorders: Character Cases list or use a different one of your choosing with instructor approval.
Develop a DSM-5 diagnosis for the character based on your assessment of the presenting symptoms and behaviors.
Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you present your assessment and diagnosis of your character.
Support the diagnosis with excerpts from the movie, show, or story. These could be clips embedded into the presentation or quotes with descriptions of the behaviors. Include any assessment tools you might use for diagnosis or rule-outs of differential diagnosis. Include any specifiers with your diagnosis. Write a case conceptualization for your character based on a theoretical perspective.
Research common treatment goals for the chosen diagnosis, then develop a treatment plan. Your treatment plan should include:
A description of the target problem
Specific, short-term goals for the target problem
Objectives for the target problem
Strategies/interventions to achieve goals for the target problem
Academic, peer-reviewed evidence that supports the goals, objectives, and interventions for the target problem