Create a Data Improvement Plan, for your organization. The purpose of this assig

Create a Data Improvement Plan, for your organization. The purpose of this assig

Create a Data Improvement Plan, for your organization. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate your competency in discussing key elements that are essential for putting together a solid data improvement plan.c
Drawing from the activities of the past 6 weeks, use the outline below to develop your plan:
Introduction section (no more than 2 pages):
Highlights the benefits of data for a healthcare organization.
Addresses the data related pain points in your organization (data breach, privacy issues, etc.).
Identifies the purpose statement.
Data Privacy and Security Plan (no more than 2 pages): Addresses how your organization is handling:
HIPAA Regulations
Privacy Rule
Security Rule
Administrative Safeguards
Physical Safeguards
Data Use Agreement
Needs Assessment section that addresses:
The approach you are taking to learn more about your organization’s data needs
The stakeholders you reached out to
Identify key types of healthcare data you will be collecting and your rationale for doing so (no more 3 pages), including:
Incorporate the table you developed in Week 5 into your plan
Data use (no more than 2 pages)
Data use agreement
Breach notification and Research

  While the procedures used to conduct suicide risk assessments vary by agency/s

While the procedures used to conduct suicide risk assessments vary by agency/s

While the procedures used to conduct suicide risk assessments vary by agency/school, there are important foundational processes and tools one must thoroughly understand. As someone on the front line and in direct contact with clients/students, counselors need to be able to understand and implement suicide risk assessment in an instant, without hesitation. Due to this, it is critical that counselors are aware of risk factors, suicide risk assessments tools, interventions, and safety planning on the individual level.
Assignment Directions
Present a background of suicide, including:

Identify and explain key terms associated with suicide intervention, such as suicidal ideation, suicide plan, suicide attempt, etc. Briefly address terms no longer used in the field.
Identify risk factors for suicidal behavior, with a focus on cultural aspects presented and previous mental health diagnoses.
Identify prevalence/statistics within various populations (LGBTI, males, military, American Indians/Alaska Natives, etc.).

Report on suicide risk screeners and assessment tools.

Identify the difference between a suicide risk screening and assessment.
Present several instruments used (IS PATH WARM, SAFE-T, PHQ-9, etc.).

Application to case.

Choose either the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) or Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) from the Suicide Prevention and Management Webinar and apply it to the case of Anna in Chapter 7 (page 151), reporting on what her ratings on either scale would be.
Identify the following for Anna (or David): risk factors, protective factors, lethality, plan, and mandated reporting issues.
Create a safety plan for Anna (or David) using the Emotional Fire Safety Plan (Suicide Prevention and Management Webinar) and Stanley and Brown Safety Plan (6 steps). Check your work with Appendix 7.1.
Those with a school counseling focus may use the case of David in Chapter 1 (page 12), making the assumption that he did not die by suicide and applying what is in Chapters 1 and 7 pertaining to social media. Not as much information is presented and will have to be constructed by the learner if this case is chosen.
We know the racial/cultural, gender identity, and sexual identity of Anna. Address how/if that information may change your approaches. Because we do not have this information pertaining to David, those working with this case will need to make some assumptions and apply those in your analysis.

 Group Decision Making In Social Work (Community and Administration) Share your

 Group Decision Making In Social Work (Community and Administration)
Share your

 Group Decision Making In Social Work (Community and Administration)
Share your thoughts on the importance of constituents being fully involved in decisions that affect their lives and the strategies and tactics used in community planning efforts. How does this align with ethical principles of Social work?
Reflect on the concept of informed consent from constituents. Why is it essential in community planning and decision making, and how can inclusive decision-making practices facilitate it?

  Exploring Focus Groups in Community Social Work Research Assignment Part 1: Un

Exploring Focus Groups in Community Social Work Research Assignment
Part 1: Un

Exploring Focus Groups in Community Social Work Research Assignment
Part 1: Understanding Focus Groups (300 words)
To start, provide a concise overview of focus groups, delving into their purpose and applications within social work research. Include key characteristics such as group size, facilitation, and the use of open-ended questions. Expand on the provided information with your own insights and findings from additional research. Illustrate how focus groups can be applied in various social work contexts, such as community assessment and program evaluation.
Part 2: Analyzing a Case Scenario (500 words)
Read the case scenario below and respond to the following questions:
Case Scenario: You’re a social work researcher at a non-profit organization concentrating on youth development in an urban community. The organization aims to launch a new mentoring program for at-risk youth and seeks insights from stakeholders to inform program development. Your task is to conduct focus groups for data collection.
What is the research goal in conducting focus groups in this scenario?
Who are the potential participants or stakeholders for the focus groups?
What open-ended questions would you pose to gather relevant information?
How can the group process and interaction among participants enhance data collection in this context?
Part 3: Ethical Considerations (200 words)
Explore the ethical considerations relevant to focus group research in this case scenario. Discuss issues related to informed consent, confidentiality, participant withdrawal, and potential power dynamics among participants. Provide suggestions on how to address and mitigate these ethical concerns, ensuring a responsible and respectful approach to the research process.

  Explore the impact of narratives on community work, empowerment, and different

Explore the impact of narratives on community work, empowerment, and different

Explore the impact of narratives on community work, empowerment, and different groups. How can storytelling empower marginalized communities and groups by providing a new communal narrative? Provide examples from the readings.
Reflect on the ethical considerations of using storytelling in advocacy and organizing efforts. What are the potential challenges or risks associated with reshaping narratives to promote a cause?
250 to 300 words

  Explore the impact of narratives on community work, empowerment, and different

Explore the impact of narratives on community work, empowerment, and different

Explore the impact of narratives on community work, empowerment, and different groups. How can storytelling empower marginalized communities and groups by providing a new communal narrative? Provide examples from the readings.
Reflect on the ethical considerations of using storytelling in advocacy and organizing efforts. What are the potential challenges or risks associated with reshaping narratives to promote a cause?
250 to 300 words

  This week you will share your thoughts on the risk factors and warning signs o

This week you will share your thoughts on the risk factors and warning signs o

This week you will share your thoughts on the risk factors and warning signs of suicidal behavior and how this influences your understanding of suicide risk assessment. Here are some ideas for your post to get you started:
How might the risk factors and warning signs addressed in the chapter vary by culture? What do you think the chapter missed if anything?
What surprised you most after watching the videos on surviving suicide?
Critique the Kundla, Sommers-Flanagan, & Governors Statue University video on suicide assessment, stating what deeply resonates with you. Note the use of terms no longer used in the field. How do you think current terms developed and why is this shift important?
What about this week’s content did you find to be of most interest?

 Compose an academic book review for either:   Kashi, Ed. 2008. Curse of the Bla

 Compose an academic book review for either:  
Kashi, Ed. 2008. Curse of the Bla

 Compose an academic book review for either:  
Kashi, Ed. 2008. Curse of the Black Gold: 50 Years of Oil in the Niger Delta. powerHouse
Books: New York.  
Grandia, Liza. 2012. Enclosed: Conservation, Cattle, and Commerce Among the Q’eqchi’
Maya Lowlanders. University of Washington Press: Seattle, WA.
(1450 words) double-spaced. The analysis should be written as a reflective response to the prompt below. All opinions stated need to be supported by examples and all claims supported by evidence.

Substance use disorders are very common in our society, and you will likely work

Substance use disorders are very common in our society, and you will likely work

Substance use disorders are very common in our society, and you will likely work with clients who have some type of substance use. This assignment will help you identify symptoms for diagnosing these disorders. Additionally, there is a significant amount of research that has been done on the treatment of substance use disorders and addictions. SAMHSA has used the research and developed treatment options and protocols. As a counselor, you will use these treatment protocols with your clients. 
Watch “Addictive Disorders” from the University Library. It focuses on recognizing and diagnosing substance use disorders.
Writ3 a 700- to 1,050-w0rd reflection in which you:
Summarize your observations from the video.
Identify 2 substance use disorders from the video.
Identify the diagnostic criteria for each disorder according to the DSM-5TM.
Explain evidence-based treatment options for substance use disorders. Refer to the SAMHSA resources from this week’s discussion.
Use a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed sources that support your reflection on these disorders, as well as citations for the video, DSM-5, and resources from the SAMHSA website.
I will provide the video transcript