Several organizations publish occupational exposure limits (OELs) including the

Several organizations publish occupational exposure limits (OELs) including the

Several organizations publish occupational exposure limits (OELs) including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) permissible exposure limits (PELs), the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists’ (ACGIH) threshold limit values (TLVs), and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s (NIOSH) recommended exposure limits (RELs). Only OSHA’s PELs are legally enforceable. Discuss why you would only use the OSHA PEL at a facility where you were the safety officer, or alternatively, why you would choose to use one of the other OELs or a combination of the OELs. Please respond with 250 words

Several organizations publish occupational exposure limits (OELs) including the

Several organizations publish occupational exposure limits (OELs) including the

Several organizations publish occupational exposure limits (OELs) including the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) permissible exposure limits (PELs), the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists’ (ACGIH) threshold limit values (TLVs), and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health’s (NIOSH) recommended exposure limits (RELs). Only OSHA’s PELs are legally enforceable. Discuss why you would only use the OSHA PEL at a facility where you were the safety officer, or alternatively, why you would choose to use one of the other OELs or a combination of the OELs. Please respond with 250 words

Please respond with 250 words no A I chat bot, plagiairams and please original w

Please respond with 250 words no A I chat bot, plagiairams and please original w

Please respond with 250 words no A I chat bot, plagiairams and please original words
What factors contributed to Spain’s conquest of the Aztecs? How did life change for native people after the Spanish conquest, in terms of religion, labor, government, and/or gender roles? Were the changes for the better or not? Why or why not? Explain and include facts to support your answers.

Final Written Presentation, The Capability Approach: Write a Three (3) to no mor

Final Written Presentation, The Capability Approach:
Write a Three (3) to no mor

Final Written Presentation, The Capability Approach:
Write a Three (3) to no more than four (4) page paper on a country of your choice, primarily focusing on the political and economic system. The purpose of this project is to give you an opportunity to conduct research utilizing Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum’s Theory on the Capability Approach. The written presentation is worth one hundred (100) points possible toward your final grade.
You will be required to select a country and focus on the four (4) characteristics that Sen and Nussbaum consider to be important elements for creating a good society. This information can be found in Chapter 1 of the required text, The Good Society, under “Capabilities and the Quality of Life.” It is your choice as to the type of evidence (examples) used to determine whether your country can be considered a good society based on the four (4) characteristics set forth by Sen and Nussbaum (keep in mind, all 4 characteristics) must be assessed.

Your paper must include a discussion of the political and economic systems within your selected society and the absence or presence of the four (4) necessary requirements for a good society. In other words, you must include an analysis as to whether your country meets the prerequisites of a good society (including reasons). Examples used to determine what best represents “the capability approach” or the elements of a “good society” is up to you.
Your written presentation must show that you have read the assigned book chapters and/or articles, and that you can incorporate this material into your discussion. Your paper must show some expertise of the assigned readings and other scholarly and news media sources. The paper must incorporate (2) ideas from two (2) separate chapters in the assigned reading (including the page numbers), two (2) scholarly sources (from JSTOR only), and two (2) news media sources. In summation, I should find at least 6 citations within your paper, and 5 sources on the reference page (you only need to provide a reference for the required text once, but make sure that you include the page numbers used for the required text).
You may only use the same author(s) once for outside scholarly source credit, unless collaborating with others not previously cited. In addition, you may not use the work of any author, who is not listed as such in any book or article that you are using. For example, if Strong and Associates are quoting or using charts or other information in their book by Stephanie Coontz, you cannot claim Strong and Associates as having made the statement or creating the chart. You must find and note the original source or cite Coontz.
Your pages must be numbered but use automatic numbering on your computer. Make sure that there are two spaces between each period, and that your paragraphs are the appropriate length (a change in subject matter is a good indicator for a new paragraph).
You must use a separate page for the title of your paper, your name, and date (do not include your name or headings on the actual text pages). Please note: the title and reference pages do not counttowards the total number of pages requested. In addition, all books (including your selected pages from the book) and or articles must be referenced in alphabetical order on a separate page (See attached for examples on how to cite authors on the reference page). References must be apparent throughout your paper by using appropriate citations.
Make sure that you understand and adhere to the instructions to prevent a loss of five (5) points per missing element, including papers that are difficult to read, and papers with similarity rates higher than 35%. Ten (10) points will be deducted for papers not meeting the required length. Finally, “DIRECT QUOTES” are NOT acceptable in this paper due to the length and will result in a loss of 5 points per incident. Be careful, and make sure that you FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS.

Based on the capability approach discussed in chapter 1, you should know the typ

Based on the capability approach discussed in chapter 1, you should know the typ

Based on the capability approach discussed in chapter 1, you should know the types of examples used by Draper & Ramsay, related to what societal members should be capable of doing in a “good society”. In this assignment, I want you to expound on their ideas (see chapter 1) , and provide at least 2 additional examples of the types of things (variables) that can be measured (observed), and possibly improve the lives of societal members based on each of the 4 necessary conditions. In other words, provide ideas outside of Draper and Ramsay that you believe would optimize the well-being of societal members. Make sure that you explain how your recommendations could improve people’s lives.
According to Draper and Ramsay, the following represent the minimal conditions needed in order for societal members to reach their full potential. Adopting Sen and Nussbaum’s approach to what constitutes a good society (or conditions essential for a good human life), Draper and Ramsay focus on:
Meeting physical needs
Insuring physical safety
Making informed decisions
Having democratic rights
You must review the required text for the types of examples already provided, and then create two (2) examples for each of the above conditions. There are no citations or references needed, but it must be clear that you read the required text, and that you are not duplicating examples already provided. This assignment should assist you in providing additional recommendations for a good society in your final written presentation. This is assignment is worth ten (10) points. The Chapter 1, Book Assignment 1 is due by 11:59 p.m. on May 24, 2024.

For this assignment, you will emulate the final written assignment, which is bas

For this assignment, you will emulate the final written assignment, which is bas

For this assignment, you will emulate the final written assignment, which is based on Amartya Sen and Martha Nussbaum’s Theory on the “Capability Approach” as noted in the required text. This theory suggest that if certain conditions exist within a society, societal members are likely to thrive.
Based on this idea, select a country, examine the political and economic system within that society. Your written observation should include the types of political andeconomic systems, and the form of leadership that exist within your selected country. You must also discuss how these institutions (i.e. polity, economics and leadership) might affect societal member’s abilities to reach their full potential, (for example, the institutions could be based on strict religious ideology, or gender and/or racial bias. The economic and/or political systems could be unstable, the leader could be a dictator, and/or there could be a threat or war within your selected society, etc.).
Within your written observation, you must also include a discussion of the Gross Domestic Product (look it up online), which may reveal the opportunities available or unavailable to societal members within a particular society. Finally, choose two of the four variables listed below that you believe best characterize a “good society,” which means the best conditions for societal members to thrive. These variables could include, the health conditions of societal members (such as life expectancy, access to medical care, etc.), exposure to pollution (such asliving near an industrial plant or dump site, etc.), access to education (could include literacy rates, high school graduation, college admission, etc.), and civil and political rights (such as voting rights, freedom of expression, etc.). In other words, based on the bolded categories noted above, what are some examples of variables (negative or positive) that fall under those categories that have enabled societal members in your selected country to thrive or fail.
There are no limits on your creative process. You may use whatever sources you deem necessary to discover the required information, but official government websites may be your best option. Depending on your choice of country, information may be limited (the media may be censored in some countries, limiting freedom of speech, therefore vital information), so be creative in how you measure the abilities of societal members to reach their greatest potential.
In order to receive full credit for this assignment, you must submit at the minimum one (1), but no more than two (2) pages in length discussing your findings. In addition, you must include at least two (2) intext citations and a reference page including the sources that you cited within the text. Note, citations and references must match, and your choice of sources must include at least one (1) author, anonymous sources are unacceptable for this assignment. Your paper must be typed and submitted to the appropriate D2L Dropbox no later than 11:59 p.m. on May 23, 2024. The written assignment is worth twenty (20) possible points toward your final grade. Two points will be deducted for each missing element, so be careful, but creative!

Assignment Content You have been asked to make a short speech to the executive t

Assignment Content
You have been asked to make a short speech to the executive t

Assignment Content
You have been asked to make a short speech to the executive team on how this course could help shape training and development program for leadership and career planning. Be sure to consider major training-related theories. Reflect on the course and thoroughly explain your rationale.
Journal post to be a minimum of 560 words and at least one supporting reference. Journal posts should include a full coversheet, including your name, and double-space all submissions. No plagiarism, no A. I. no chat bots etc. original work please. If the plagiarism report is more than 2% I will ask for a refund or a redo
below. is. the course description and course outcomes and a PDF
Course DescriptionPresents a study of current trends in human resource training and development with application to diverse organizational environments and labor practices.Course Textbook(s)No physical textbook is required; resources are integrated within the course.Course Learning OutcomesUpon completion of this course, students should be able to:1. Formulate different approaches to training.
2. Describe major training-related theories.
3. Outline elements of effective sharing of knowledge among employees.
4. Evaluate the application of different delivery systems.
5. Synthesize cultural influences on learning and development in an organization. 6. Evaluate resources used with career development programs.
7. Construct a rationale for designing training for leadership competencies.
8. Analyze the role of training and development in organizations.

Assignment Content You have been asked to make a short speech to the executive t

Assignment Content
You have been asked to make a short speech to the executive t

Assignment Content
You have been asked to make a short speech to the executive team on how this course could help shape training and development program for leadership and career planning. Be sure to consider major training-related theories. Reflect on the course and thoroughly explain your rationale.
Journal post to be a minimum of 560 words and at least one supporting reference. Journal posts should include a full coversheet, including your name, and double-space all submissions. No plagiarism, no A. I. no chat bots etc. original work please. If the plagiarism report is more than 2% I will ask for a refund or a redo
below. is. the course description and course outcomes and a PDF
Course DescriptionPresents a study of current trends in human resource training and development with application to diverse organizational environments and labor practices.Course Textbook(s)No physical textbook is required; resources are integrated within the course.Course Learning OutcomesUpon completion of this course, students should be able to:1. Formulate different approaches to training.
2. Describe major training-related theories.
3. Outline elements of effective sharing of knowledge among employees.
4. Evaluate the application of different delivery systems.
5. Synthesize cultural influences on learning and development in an organization. 6. Evaluate resources used with career development programs.
7. Construct a rationale for designing training for leadership competencies.
8. Analyze the role of training and development in organizations.

ACTIVITY: Economic Principles and Theories (Term Paper Part 1) For this assignme

ACTIVITY: Economic Principles and Theories (Term Paper Part 1)
For this assignme

ACTIVITY: Economic Principles and Theories (Term Paper Part 1)
For this assignment, you will simply type your paragraphs into the text box here. First, click the “Submit” button. A text box will appear. Type your contact information and then your two paragraphs. Then click the “Submit” button again. Remember, please SAVE a copy of your assignment to a Microsoft Word document or google doc. You will need a copy of it later for your final paper, “Real Estate Economic Forecast,” in which you will analyze the local real estate market and predict the future trends. Please use. the template. as a guide. do. not copy. from the template. please put in your own words. No plagiarism A I or chat bots. Also. please cite. the book do. not. use. the citations in the template. You. will need to cite. the book. I. don’t have the book, but you need the textbook is “Real Estate Economics” 6th Edition by Walt Huber, Levin P. Messick, and William Pivar. ISBN is 978-1626843264 and published in 2016 by Educational Textbook Company, Inc. SCROLL DOWN TO THE END TO VIEW A SAMPLE ASSIGNMENT.
Begin with your name, date, class, and textbook at the top of the paper. Write 2 paragraphs about Economic Principles and Theories. Each paragraph must be at least 5 sentences long and include at least one citation (page number from the textbook).
In the first paragraph, answer the following prompts in complete sentences based on Chapter 1 of the textbook. Do NOT use numbering or bullet points and do NOT include these questions/prompts in your responses:
What is the importance of studying real estate economics?
Define the laws of supply and demand (pages 6 – 9), and explain how they influence the real estate market.
What is the difference between inflation, deflation, and stagflation?
Select one of the economic laws, principles, or economies from pages 17 – 20 and explain how it applies to real estate.
Identify the four real estate cycles (pages 20 – 25) to begin the process of forecasting the future market.
In the second paragraph, answer the following prompts in complete sentences based on Chapter 2 of the textbook. Do NOT use numbering or bullet points and do NOT include these questions/prompts in your responses:
Identify an influential economist from pages 33 and 37 – 39; and summarize one of his philosophies.
Compare and contrast the differences between capitalism and socialism as it relates to real estate (pages 40 – 44).
Define an imperfect competition, and explain why real estate sales is an imperfect market (pages 46 – 49).
Describe the term “highest and best use” as it relates to real estate value (you may use other textbooks or sources — and if so, the source must be cited).
Lastly, explain the difference between price and value. Remember to spell out numbers less than 10.
If you use any sources (other than your own original work), you MUST cite them in your paragraph, and reference them at the end.
Below is an example. Do NOT copy the wording, but you can use the structure as a template to follow.
Name: Ima Student
Date: January 1, 2022
Class: BRE-139-xxxx
Textbook: Huber, et al., 2016.
Economic Principles and TheoriesIt is important to study real estate economics because …. The law of supply and demand means that …. , and it affects the real estate market by …. (p. 6 – 9). The difference between inflation, deflation, and stagflation is …. Another important economic principle is … and it applies to real estate because …. (p. 18). The four real estate cycles required to begin the process of forecasting the future market are …. (p. 20-25).
Adam Smith was an influential economist and is known as the father of economics because he founded the concept of economic theory. From his best-selling book, “The Wealth of Nations,” he advocated for private ownership free from governmental influence — the philosophy known as laissez-faire (p. 33). Capitalism and socialism are similar because… and they affect real estate because of their differences …. (p. 40 – 44). Imperfect competition is defined as … and therefore real estate sales is an imperfect market because … (p. 46 – 49). The term “highest and best use” refers to the best usage of land to achieve the highest value of the real estate… There is a difference between price and value. Price refers to what a buyer paid the seller for a product or service; whereas, value reflects its actual worth (often determined by a real estate appraiser).
Huber, W., Messick, L. P., & Piva, W. (2016). Real Estate Economics (6th ed.). Covina, CA: Educational Textbook Company.