For this week’s assignment, a three-page reflection on the debate will be due on

For this week’s assignment, a three-page reflection on the debate will be due on Thursday by midnight. In your reflection, please consider the following:
Key Points: Summarize the main policy issues discussed during the debate. Pay close attention to any points related to social welfare policy, healthcare, education, or economic reform.
Policy Analysis: Reflect on how the candidates’ proposals align with, challenge, or impact existing social welfare policies. Consider how these policies might affect different groups within society.
Personal Reflection: Provide your own insights. What stood out to you? How do these policies align with what we have covered in class? How do you think these proposals might shape the future of social welfare in the U.S.?
Be sure to use examples from the debate, cite any specific policy details, and connect them to broader social work concepts. Your reflections should demonstrate critical thinking and a clear understanding of the issues at hand! 
FYI: We have been talking about in class how certain class try to make laws thats just benefecial for certain people which is not right. Diversion and inclusion being very important. My own Insight regarding womens body is i believe in my body my choice and that is why some of these policeis are wrong. Been out sick. I am democrat If that helps

this capstone have  five parts to this capstone project capstone 1 is done. Now

this capstone have  five parts to this capstone project capstone 1 is done. Now you will have to work on capstone 2 . I will attach capstone 2 that is done but you need to add more to it by following the instructions attached for capstone 2 . I will attach an example of a full capstone which is to get an idea to continue with capstone two . your main focus will be capstone instruction and the capstone that is written and need add on.
Capstone Part 2: Literature Review & Theory
3-7 pages
Part 2 of the Capstone Project requires you to complete a literature review and identify theory related to your intervention.
Problem History
1. What is the presenting problem that you and the client system have identified which requires intervention?
2. When did these concerns/issues begin?
3. What efforts have previously been made to resolve the problem? What happened?
4. Are there different perspectives on the problem? Who is affected by the problem?
Need for Change
1. Who has power in this situation in terms of decision-making, finance, ability to make change, etc.?
2. What are the individual, family, group, organization, community, and other issues relevant to an understanding of the client and the problem?
3. What obstacles must be overcome?
4. What are the client system’s strengths and resources (include client/community assets)?
Literature Review
1. Discussion of the highlights of at least seven peer-reviewed journal articles that address different aspects of your project to include research on the problem you have identified, and interventions related to said problem.
1. Identify, summarize, and apply theory. What theory is driving your selection of intervention?
please follow all instructions and grammar is very important this has to be something realistic
make sure APA format

this capstone have  five parts to this capstone project capstone 1 is done. Now

this capstone have  five parts to this capstone project capstone 1 is done. Now you will have to work on capstone 2 . I will attach capstone 2 that is done but you need to add more to it by following the instructions attached for capstone 2 . I will attach an example of a full capstone which is to get an idea to continue with capstone two . your main focus will be capstone instruction and the capstone that is written and need add on.
Capstone Part 2: Literature Review & Theory
3-7 pages
Part 2 of the Capstone Project requires you to complete a literature review and identify theory related to your intervention.
Problem History
1. What is the presenting problem that you and the client system have identified which requires intervention?
2. When did these concerns/issues begin?
3. What efforts have previously been made to resolve the problem? What happened?
4. Are there different perspectives on the problem? Who is affected by the problem?
Need for Change
1. Who has power in this situation in terms of decision-making, finance, ability to make change, etc.?
2. What are the individual, family, group, organization, community, and other issues relevant to an understanding of the client and the problem?
3. What obstacles must be overcome?
4. What are the client system’s strengths and resources (include client/community assets)?
Literature Review
1. Discussion of the highlights of at least seven peer-reviewed journal articles that address different aspects of your project to include research on the problem you have identified, and interventions related to said problem.
1. Identify, summarize, and apply theory. What theory is driving your selection of intervention?
please follow all instructions and grammar is very important this has to be something realistic
make sure APA format

This is a project that will used at a professional setttings . specifically trag

This is a project that will used at a professional setttings . specifically traget single mothers in Berlin Kreuzberg:
For example :
1 Introduction
1.1 Background and context
2. historical and social context………
2.1 History of the Black Communities in Berlin
3 Intersectionality and identity
3.1 Intersections of ethnicity, gender and class
4. challenges faced by black single mothers
4.1 Economic insecurity
5. support systems and resilience strategies
5.1 Support networks for the community
5.2 Education of the woman in the country of origin

This is a project that will used at a professional setttings . specifically trag

This is a project that will used at a professional setttings . specifically traget single mothers in Berlin Kreuzberg:
For example :
1 Introduction
1.1 Background and context
2. historical and social context………
2.1 History of the Black Communities in Berlin
3 Intersectionality and identity
3.1 Intersections of ethnicity, gender and class
4. challenges faced by black single mothers
4.1 Economic insecurity
5. support systems and resilience strategies
5.1 Support networks for the community
5.2 Education of the woman in the country of origin

Before beginning this assignment, view the Riverbend City: Cultural Aspects of D

Before beginning this assignment, view the Riverbend City: Cultural Aspects of Disaster multimedia simulation, linked in u08s2 and in the Resources area.
Social work leaders are uniquely qualified to address the cultural issues that arise for groups of people impacted by a natural or human-made disaster. As culture often influences peoples’ responses to crises, someone in a leadership role must ensure that, to the extent possible, cultural beliefs and customs are respected in the disaster response and recovery phases. Every local community that has ever fell victim to a crisis or disaster was made up of individuals with either a shared culture or with a variety of cultures. While planning relief efforts, there must be a sensitivity to the various cultures in the community or locale impacted by the crisis or disaster.
Using Riverbend City: Cultural Aspects of Disaster, complete the feedback for each of the given scenarios. Print out your responses.
Using those prioritized issues, research the literature for information on best social work practices for addressing these cultural crises compounding the natural disaster in the given scenario.
Using the NASW Standards and Indicators of Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice PDF linked in the Resources, create a table with 2 columns. The first column will represent the 10 standards and their indicators. The second column will align your recommendations for the Ruby Lake community or the Longley community in response to each standard and indicators.
Your responses should be backed by scholarly sources from your text, additional readings, and/or research. All reference material must be properly cited in the table.
Additional Requirements
In-text citations in the table must be APA formatted.
An APA reference list must accompany the table.

Capstone one and two is done You will work on capstone 3 which you need capston

Capstone one and two is done
You will work on capstone 3 which you need capston

Capstone one and two is done
You will work on capstone 3 which you need capstone 1 &2. to be able to continue with three . There is an example how to do capstone 3 also a work sheet instructions. Capstone 1&2 are attached in file
please review, grammar is important hand in assignment on time.
Identify 3-5 peer reviewed journal articles or other scholarly sources that address the agency’s context, such as client population served, geographic area, or social problem addressed. List the reference and write a brief (2-3 sentence) summary of key findings. The review of the literature must be specific to the problem you have identified and your proposed intervention.

• Example: If you are placed at a substance abuse agency, identify scholarly sources that relate to the client population, treatment outcomes, policies. Be specific here and hone in on a specific aspect of the program, services or community that you will target your Capstone project.
• Example 2: If you are not in a placement, identify articles that relate to your specific community and a social problem you identified. For example, if panhandling is an issue in your community, find and review relevant scholarly sources about this problem; find research specific to communities like yours – rural/urban, high/low SES, etc.
Identify and briefly summarize the application of one theory that guides the agency’s work and your planned intervention. (1-2 paragraphs) The theory you choose should not be explanatory (i.e., ecosystems theory) and should be theory that drives intervention (i.e., behavioral theory, learning theory, cognitive behavioral theory). This is the theory that explains why the intervention should produce change.

Power and Diversity Issues
Identify systemic power issues and/or issues of diversity that may be affecting social justice in relation to this problem (racism, sexism, homophobia, etc.) 2-3 paragraphs

Capstone 1 is done you will continue with capstone 2  , there is an example atta

Capstone 1 is done you will continue with capstone 2  , there is an example atta

Capstone 1 is done you will continue with capstone 2  , there is an example attach on file also instructions attach to write capstone 2. you have to use capstone to1 to be able to continue capstone 2 . please follow instructions and please hand in paper (worksheet)on times
Capstone Worksheet #2: Need for Change and Desired Outcomes
Worksheet Introduction
This worksheet has two parts: Need for Change and Desired Outcomes. Prepare a document using each of the two headings and follow the instructions for each section. Your writing in each section should be brief and concise. You will write all of this up more in depth in your actual Capstone paper in SW676. For now, you are using this assignment to flesh out your identification of the problem, related considerations and ways of knowing when change has been achieved. Please include related references.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your instructor to discuss before completing this exercise.

Need for Change
This section should briefly describe the need for change. In other words, what change needs to be planned for. You don’t need the specifics of the change plan yet, just the identification of what needs to change in the client system.

For example, if you have identified a lack of staff training in suicide assessment, here you will describe that the staff need to be better prepared to respond to suicidal ideation from their students. You will briefly explain that in order to achieve this change, staff will need to attend a series of trainings, which have be approved by the vide principle and principle. The trainings will have to be scheduled at a time when most teachers can attend, and the training curriculum will need to be identified. These are general steps of the need for change, that will help you begin thinking about developing the actual plan.
Need for Change
Briefly describe the need for change. Briefly describe relevant considerations, such as the following questions (only answer those that are relevant to your project):
• Who has power in this situation in terms of decision-making, finance, ability to make change, etc.? How will services to the client be paid for? Who are the community stakeholders?
• What are the individual, family, group, community, and other issues relevant to an understanding of the client system / population affected and the problem?
• What obstacles must be overcome?
• What are the client system’s / community / population served strengths and resources (include client/community assets)?

Desired Outcomes
This section should describe the focus of your work and how you will know if the change you hoped for as occurred. You should begin by clearly identifying the desired outcomes and then a way to determine if those outcomes have been achieved. Again, you don’t need to discuss interventions here, but the outcomes you and the client / the community hope for.

For example, if you are working with a depressed teenager, you will describe the desired outcome as a reduction in depressive symptoms. You will explain that change will be measured using:  the client’s self-report, social worker’s observations and the Beck Depression Inventory.
If you have identified panhandling as a problem in your community, the desired outcome may not be to reduce panhandling (that would be a lot for a student to accomplish!) but it may be to improve awareness of business owners and local policymakers about panhandling and policy approaches used in cities that have successfully and humanely addressed/remediated the problem.

Identify Desired Outcomes
This section should be 1-2 paragraphs and address the following questions:
• How will the client / client system/ population served and you know if outcomes are achieved? 
• Describe anything relevant that is happening on other levels that affect the problem (if a micro problem, what is happening at the mezzo or macro level; if a macro problem, what is happening at the micro or mezzo level) that may impact the desired outcome.

I attach capstone 1 worksheet done
capstone 2 worksheet instructions and example is attach.
you will be working on capstone 2

topic – language barrier is an issue for parents in the Bronx Ny.parent having difficulties understanding IEP ,kids losing services or missing out because parent don’t understand IEP language is the biggest impact.

Using samples of an assessment as a guide, use a case from your practice, or fro

Using samples of an assessment as a guide, use a case from your practice, or fro

Using samples of an assessment as a guide, use a case from your practice, or from a movie or book of your choosing (please identify the character and source material, i.e. Ariel from The Little Mermaid, Michael from The Office)
For the initial assessment and provisional diagnosis you will:
Provide an overall description of the client’s demographics
Identify and discuss the risk factors in the client’s micro, mezzo macro environment
Identify and discuss the protective factors in the client’s environment be sure to identify which level they are micro, mezzo, macro (the attached reading is a recommended resource for helping with that)
Describe the client’s presenting symptoms and the impact on their individual and social functioning
Identify the client’s diagnosis, what diagnoses you considered and ruled out and how you differentiated it from other possibly similar conditions.
Your paper should include any treatment history, family history, biopsychosocialspiritual information, education history, work history, current symptoms, historical symptoms, personal and family mental health issues in narrative format.
The movie you will use is  -Precious  (2009) film
There is two attach examples to write the paper and be able to formulate please follow all instructions and details.

Worksheet Introduction The Capstone project represents the culmination of your k

Worksheet Introduction
The Capstone project represents the culmination of your k

Worksheet Introduction
The Capstone project represents the culmination of your knowledge, skills and values developed throughout and across the Master in Social Work program. You will demonstrate your understanding of a social or psychosocial issue, the community context in which it occurs, the current theoretical orientation and knowledge base, as described in the extant literature.You will identify a specific problem to be addressed in your project, using a micro, mezzo or macro client system. Next, you will develop a plan for intervention. In SW676, you will implement your plan and evaluate the outcomes.
Part 1 of the Capstone project describes the context for change and introduces the selection of client system and problem. This worksheet will provide an overview of the potential client system or community-based population and related problems for intervention to be addressed in your Capstone project. These potential topics can be at the individual, family, group, community, organizational, or societal levels depending on your specialized practice concentration (direct clinical or direct community) or you community-based problem of interest.
Please note that the goal of the overall Capstone project is for implementation of the intervention. Discussion with your professor and your field supervisor will help ensure that the intervention plan is appropriate for the client and setting. If you are not in a placement, you should consider the population that is most affected by the problem you have identified.
Context for Change
Agency / Community Context
Briefly describe the agency or community in which the intervention will take place. What are the features of the agency/community, its background, and purpose/mission?
List and briefly describe (2-3 sentences of key points) two policies at the state or federal level that impact the work of the agency or the social problem/issue in your community.
Client System
Who/what is the client/client system/population? (up to 1 paragraph synopsis)  If you are completing a community project, describe the specific population your project will target. Give details here about region, demographics, etc.
Problem Identification
This section provides an explanation of the problem that your Capstone project intervention will address. If you are placed in an agency setting, you should identify a problem experienced by an individual client, a group of clients, the staff of the agency or the agency as a whole. This problem should be something that you can readily address within your role as an intern. You can choose to work directly with a client problem (e.g., adolescent depressive symptoms), a small group (e.g., grief and loss group at the agency), a staff concern (e.g., lack of training or support in a specific area), an agency issue (e.g., need for diversity and inclusion training).
Brief Problem Statement
Describe the problem to be addressed. Be as detailed as possible. Make sure you are describing a problem you can readily address.
Next, briefly answer the following questions:
•    What efforts – if any –  have previously been made to resolve the problem? What happened?
•    Are there different perspectives on the problem to be considered?
Level of Intervention
Your Capstone project will be an intervention directed toward the problem you have identified.
Describe the level of intervention: individual, family, group community, organization, society. This is where you will identify the level at which you will target your Capstone project intervention.
•    Example: Micro level intervention – clinical treatment of a presenting problem with a specific client (e.g. treating depression with a 41-year old male)
•    Example: Mezzo level intervention – program/agency-level intervention to address agency problem (e.g. provide a suicide screening training for high school teachers)
•    Example: Macro level intervention – analyze a policy and engage in advocacy to address a community concern (e.g. panhandling laws and procedures in your community)
(up to 1 paragraph about the level and why this level was chosen)
•In the Bronx New york language barrier, parent need help with understanding IEP.
•parents in the bronx needing assistance in understanding their child IEP
•kids missing out on services