Using the resources provided in the Week 7 studies, design a brief interview pro

Using the resources provided in the Week 7 studies, design a brief interview pro

Using the resources provided in the Week 7 studies, design a brief interview protocol to determine theoretical leadership orientation. Identify a leader you admire and explain why this is the case. Arrange to interview this person in person, online, or by phone. During the interview, you will need to gather the information you will need to explain the leader’s theoretical leadership model, evaluate how the leadership model affects their practice with clients, and evaluate how the leadership model impacts their role as an organizational leader.
The bullet points below correspond to the grading criteria for this assignment:
Explain why a given leader is effective.
Explain a leader’s theoretical orientation and leadership style.
Explain the relationship between the leader’s theoretical orientation and style, speculating as to what can emerge in practice.
Evaluate how a given leader’s leadership approach impacts practice with clients.
Evaluate how a given leader’s leadership approach impacts their role as an organizational leader.
Write content clearly and logically, with correct use of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
Correctly format paper, citations, and references using APA style
Page Length: 3–5 double-spaced, typed pages. Include a title page and an abstract. Note that the title and reference pages are not counted in the page requirements.
References: 5–8 scholarly sources cited and referenced in current edition APA style and format.

The simulation in the studies for this week asked you to imagine that you have b

The simulation in the studies for this week asked you to imagine that you have b

The simulation in the studies for this week asked you to imagine that you have been selected to spearhead the creation of a formal task force to oversee the community response to the water catastrophe. Given the other organizations in the community, identify who you would invite to sit on the committee and explain your choices. Describe potential interventions at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels. Justify the strategic and communication plans that you would implement to accomplish your task. Be sure to reference scholarly sources of information that support your plan.
Lastly, consider if this were to happen in your own community. Would you use the same strategies? Why or why not?
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Include a title page and an abstract. Note that the title page is also not counted in the page requirements.
Minimum of 10 scholarly sources cited and referenced in current edition APA style and format.

There is a slide connected to this please follow all instructions This will be a

There is a slide connected to this please follow all instructions This will be a

There is a slide connected to this please follow all instructions This will be a two page paper Program Evaluation Content
Program evaluation is an essential, if not the largest, part of agency work. Agencies have many components, or programs and services, that they provide for their clients. For this assignment, you will design a program evaluation.
For this assignment, you have the flexibility to choose an agency or program from your current or past field placement, a job you have held, or any other organization that aligns with the requirements of the assignment. Whether you draw from your hands-on experience in a placement, reflect on a previous position, or explore a different organization, the key is to select a context that allows you to effectively address the assignment’s components.
Consider the agency or program’s relevance to the assignment’s steps, ensuring it provides a suitable backdrop for discussing program details, implementation methods, the target population, and evaluation design. This diversity of options allows you to showcase your understanding and application of course concepts in a real-world context that you find personally meaningful or professionally relevant. Feel free to choose the setting that best aligns with your experiences and interests.
Step 1: Program, Theory/Rationale, Goals, and Major Objectives of the Program
Describe the agency or unit in which the program is housed. If the agency provides the EBP identified you can describe how that is described on the website. Or you use this organization as one that could implement a program that uses that EBP.
Introduce the agency and or program (briefly, you will be addressed further in this assignment): What is the major purpose of the program? What are the objectives of the program?; What is the empirical evidence for this program? To address this part of the assignment, incorporate references to at least 6-8 reports, scholarly articles, or other forms of secondary data in a meaningful way.
Step 2: Methods of Program Implementation
Describe the setting for the program.
What specific services does the program offer?
Describe how the program services/activities are related to the program objectives.
When, where, how often and for how long are services provided?
Who provides the service?
Step 3: Target Population of the Program
Describe the client population targeted and served by the program.
What are the eligibility requirements for the program?
If possible, describe how clients are identified, recruited, and selected for the program. Do these recruitment activities further the possibility that the target population will be reached?
Step 4: Evaluation Design
Complete a logic model. Refer to the textbook chapter in readings for information. You can use this template, any other you find on the internet, or design one yourself.
What are your evaluation questions?
What specific evaluation design would you use to evaluate the program?
Would you use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods and why? Describe your study’s design.
Discuss the strengths and limitations of the design in terms of its ability to answer your evaluation question(s). If you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of a program, what are the threats to internal validity?
What are the potential ethical implications of your evaluation design?
Step 5: Sample
What type of sample would be utilized and why?
How would clients (or sources of data) be recruited, contacted, and followed for the evaluation?
Do you anticipate any problems gathering the sample or with sample attrition? If so, what are possible solutions to these problems?
Step 6: Data Collection/Administration & Analysis
Describe and critique how you would: “administer” the proposed tool and/or instrument (i.e., self-administered, administered by someone other than the client/group to whom, by whom, how often, how much time in between and why, etc.); collect qualitative data (interviews, focus groups, CBPR, observations, etc.); and/or what forms of primary and secondary data you would use.
If you use quantitative methods, describe what findings you would discuss and one statistical test you would use and which data are necessary to utilize that test.
If you use qualitative data, discuss in some depth how you would analyze it.
Step 7: Conclusions
Discuss the limitations of your proposed study, and any difficulties in implementing this evaluation.
Discuss briefly how you would involve program staff in the evaluation process.
Discuss briefly potential ethical implications of your proposed evaluation.
Formatting: Your evaluations should be 2-3double-spaced pages in length, not including the title page, abstract, and reference page. Ensure that your proposal follows APA formatting guidelines and is free from grammatical errors. Ensure that your evaluations flows logically and that each section builds upon the previous ones. Use headings and subheadings to organize your content effectively. Lastly, carefully proofread your proposal to eliminate any grammatical errors or formatting issues.
Plagiarism is a serious academic offense that involves presenting someone else’s work, ideas, or words as your own. It not only compromises your own integrity but also undermines the trust and credibility of academic institutions. To maintain academic honesty and uphold the value of your education, it is imperative that you always provide proper attribution for any sources you use in your assignments. When quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing information from books, articles, websites, or any other source, remember to cite it correctly using APA citation style. This not only demonstrates your respect for the intellectual property of others but also ensures that your work is founded on a solid foundation of knowledge. Avoiding plagiarism is a fundamental aspect of your academic journey, and it’s a skill that will serve you well in your future career. If you have any doubts or questions about citing sources or avoiding plagiarism, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
In addition to submitting your evaluations here, for your instructor to view and grade, please share your evaluations with your classmates in the relevant discussion forum. You will have an opportunity to review and rate one another’s evaluations.

Students will review the standards of the NASW Code of Ethics, relevant laws and

Students will review the standards of the NASW Code of Ethics, relevant laws and

Students will review the standards of the NASW Code of Ethics, relevant laws and regulations,
models for ethical decision-making, ethical conduct of research, and additional codes of ethics in
order to write a three-page reflection about the intersections between cultural diversity,
oppression, and social work ethics. This reflection will describe the event or events you attended,
what you learned from the experience, and how this experience influenced or impacted your
ability to make ethical decisions professional social work. Students are encouraged to attend
workshops, meetings, or events with one another.
(Events going to:)
1. *I work at a high school with Deaf students at a mainstream school- so talk about Deaf students in a mainstream setting with an interpreter 2. Deaf church (deaf pastor, deaf audience) – “Celebrate recovery” was the message. “Celebrate recovery is a biblically balanced approach to help bring sustainable recovery and healing to our hurts. It guides us toward new healthy truths and life-giving habits as we repair our broken relationships.”
3. Phone calls including a VP/VRS- make up phone call details, just highlight the experience of how VP/VRS works 4. Event celebrating Deaf history titled “A Walk Through Deaf History: Learn about Deaf milestones and people important to American Deaf History! Each era or event will be represented by staff and volunteers in costume!”
5. Maya Cinemas: Watching the movie “the first omen” Closed Captioning device. Describe the experience using the device. “Moviegoers who are hearing impaired can see open captioning with their personal closed captioning device. The devices offer personal monitors with digital text displays that easily attach to cup holder armrests and allow the user to adjust the monitor to their preferred position. The devices are wireless and easy to use.”

you will create a presentation of 10 min You’ll want to be sure to include the a

you will create a presentation of 10 min
You’ll want to be sure to include the a

you will create a presentation of 10 min
You’ll want to be sure to include the agency mission and goals, the program you chose, what type of evaluation you’re proposing, who the participants will be and how they are included or recruited, how you will measure and collect your data, how you will analyze it and how you will disseminate the data and to whom. Be sure to include the strengths and limitations of the proposed evaluation, and its implication for social work practice. What would be the next steps? Are there other future evaluations that make sense? Here the link to the Agency
This agency is located in Bronx, New York.  In an urban area please use all 7 steps to create this presentation. Do not leave any details follow all instructions.
Program Evaluation Content
Program evaluation is an essential, if not the largest, part of agency work. Agencies have many components, or programs and services, that they provide for their clients. For this assignment, you will design a program evaluation.
For this assignment, you have the flexibility to choose an agency or program from your current or past field placement, a job you have held, or any other organization that aligns with the requirements of the assignment. Whether you draw from your hands-on experience in a placement, reflect on a previous position, or explore a different organization, the key is to select a context that allows you to effectively address the assignment’s components.
Consider the agency or program’s relevance to the assignment’s steps, ensuring it provides a suitable backdrop for discussing program details, implementation methods, the target population, and evaluation design. This diversity of options allows you to showcase your understanding and application of course concepts in a real-world context that you find personally meaningful or professionally relevant. Feel free to choose the setting that best aligns with your experiences and interests.
Step 1: Program, Theory/Rationale, Goals, and Major Objectives of the Program
Describe the agency or unit in which the program is housed. If the agency provides the EBP identified you can describe how that is described on the website. Or you use this organization as one that could implement a program that uses that EBP.
Introduce the agency and or program (briefly, you will be addressed further in this assignment): What is the major purpose of the program? What are the objectives of the program?; What is the empirical evidence for this program? To address this part of the assignment, incorporate references to at least 6-8 reports, scholarly articles, or other forms of secondary data in a meaningful way.
Step 2: Methods of Program Implementation
Describe the setting for the program.
What specific services does the program offer?
Describe how the program services/activities are related to the program objectives.
When, where, how often and for how long are services provided?
Who provides the service?
Step 3: Target Population of the Program
Describe the client population targeted and served by the program.
What are the eligibility requirements for the program?
If possible, describe how clients are identified, recruited, and selected for the program. Do these recruitment activities further the possibility that the target population will be reached?
Step 4: Evaluation Design
Complete a logic model. Refer to the textbook chapter in readings for information. You can use this template, any other you find on the internet, or design one yourself.
What are your evaluation questions?
What specific evaluation design would you use to evaluate the program?
Would you use quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods and why? Describe your study’s design.
Discuss the strengths and limitations of the design in terms of its ability to answer your evaluation question(s). If you plan to evaluate the effectiveness of a program, what are the threats to internal validity?
What are the potential ethical implications of your evaluation design?
Step 5: Sample
What type of sample would be utilized and why?
How would clients (or sources of data) be recruited, contacted, and followed for the evaluation?
Do you anticipate any problems gathering the sample or with sample attrition? If so, what are possible solutions to these problems?
Step 6: Data Collection/Administration & Analysis
Describe and critique how you would: “administer” the proposed tool and/or instrument (i.e., self-administered, administered by someone other than the client/group to whom, by whom, how often, how much time in between and why, etc.); collect qualitative data (interviews, focus groups, CBPR, observations, etc.); and/or what forms of primary and secondary data you would use.
If you use quantitative methods, describe what findings you would discuss and one statistical test you would use and which data are necessary to utilize that test.
If you use qualitative data, discuss in some depth how you would analyze it.
Step 7: Conclusions
Discuss the limitations of your proposed study, and any difficulties in implementing this evaluation.
Discuss briefly how you would involve program staff in the evaluation process.
Discuss briefly potential ethical implications of your proposed evaluation.
Present Your Research
Program Evaluation Plan Presentation Guidelines Imagine you are a practicing social worker at a large agency and you’ve been invited to present your needs assessment to your colleagues. Create a presentation (10 minutes) to share the information you found in your work. Please include material from each of the seven steps of the assignment in your presentation. Present professionally, as you would to a live audience, and include visuals.
Grammar is important before submitting

Explain Conduct Disorder using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental D

Explain Conduct Disorder using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental D

Explain Conduct Disorder using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition. Review the prevalence, illness trajectory, and treatment options of Conduct Disorder. Discuss a clinical social work approach/intervention (such as case management, supportive individual or group counselling, psychotherapy, psycho-education, pharmacotherapy, etc.) that could be utilized for working with a patient who has this major mental illness/psychiatric disorder(s). Provide a case illustration that demonstrates how you might work with a patient/client with this disorder, utilizing the multi-perspective model and the Ego Psychological Contributions to Understanding Psychopharmacology and Clinical Practice in Social Work Education in Canada. Address anticipated challenges that could impair or impede your work with the patient, and the patient’s progress. The case example will be from a adult men’s residential group home. Make note of the agency context. Remember to use Canadian English, in-text citations and provide at least eight references from Canadian resources.
Assignment length: Maximum 11 pages, References page last, double-spaced, 12 inch font, times new roman font, APA 7th edition format. 

Five Part Reflection Paper, each reflection should include at least two peer rev

Five Part Reflection Paper, each reflection should include at least two peer rev

Five Part Reflection Paper, each reflection should include at least two peer review articles that align with the reflection. Identify any competencies that are utilized when completing the reflections. If a competency is not utilized, please take time to explain why. Each reflection should be at least two pages. APA format should be utilized. Students should utilize course concepts and theories in the reflection papers.
Reflection 1: (20 Pts.)
● Why do you think the airline personnel instruct people to put their oxygen mask on first before assisting others, and how do you think this relates to field education?
Reflection 2: (20 Pts.)
● What are your communication strengths and weaknesses, and what do you need to develop your competence?
Reflection 3: (20 Pts.)
● What is your cultural lens? How does your culture impact your view on partnering with individuals, families, communities, and organizations? How does your agency show responsiveness to diversity and difference in practice?
Reflection 4: (20 Pts.)
Reflect upon an activity or event that occurred at your field placement that confirmed that you should enter the field of social work. Share your feelings and personal reactions to this event/activity. Provide any professional standards that were upheld.
Reflection 5: (20 Pts.)
What is the Generalist Intervention Model (GIM)? Share how you utilized this model at your field placement. What does the literature note about the GIM?