Read the following Pew Research article:

Read the following Pew Research article:
The article contains interesting information about family constructions. 
Select one of the trends captured in the article graphics.
Provide your own cultural analysis of the trend you chose based on values, material goods, norms, symbols, and/or language.
In the essay, include the following with your analysis:
What do the numbers (statistics) say?
How does the trend reflect cultural changes in society?
What was most interesting to you about the findings, and why?
What is a real-world example of the findings?
What is a popular culture example of the findings?
How can you interpret the findings sociologically?
Requirements:Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis in addition to the course material and reading resources, which you are also required to engage in.
The American Family Today | Pew Research Center. (2015, December 17). Parenting in America: The American family today.

Respond to two (2) of the following prompts: Where and how do you get your news?

Respond to two (2) of the following prompts:
Where and how do you get your news? Do you watch network television? Read the newspaper? Go online? How about your parents or grandparents? Do you think it matters where you seek out information? Why, or why not? (USLO 7.1)
How have digital media changed social interactions? Do you believe it has deepened or weakened human connections? Defend your answer. (USLO 7.2)
Do you think technology has truly leveled the world in terms of opportunity? What is your community’s situation in terms of digital inclusion – do you feel there are communities in your region that are struggling to achieve digital inclusion and equity? What are some techniques that we may use to achieve digital equity and inclusion in the U.S.? (USLO 7.3)
In what ways has the Internet and digital apps changed your perception of reality? Explain using a symbolic interactionist, functionalist, and conflict theory perspective. (USLO 7.4)

Weekly Reflection and Prompt: Each week you will need to write a short reflecti

Weekly Reflection and Prompt: Each week you will need to write a short

Weekly Reflection and Prompt: Each week you will need to write a short
reflection (2-pages double spaced, 1” margins) on the week’s lectures and
readings and apply it to a topic of interest to you. The prompt for this weekly
response is:
How does this week’s content (readings and lectures) apply to an area of
international development that you are most interested in.
NO more than one paragraph (half a page or less) is allowed to be summary.
Most of the weekly reflection should be applying the content to an area that you
are interested in. You must cite at least one reading per week.
Above is the instruction of the essay;
References must come from in-class materials;

Weekly Reflection and Prompt: Each week you will need to write a short reflecti

Weekly Reflection and Prompt: Each week you will need to write a short

Weekly Reflection and Prompt: Each week you will need to write a short
reflection (2-pages double spaced, 1” margins) on the week’s lectures and
readings and apply it to a topic of interest to you. The prompt for this weekly
response is:
How does this week’s content (readings and lectures) apply to an area of
international development that you are most interested in.
NO more than one paragraph (half a page or less) is allowed to be summary.
Most of the weekly reflection should be applying the content to an area that you
are interested in. You must cite at least one reading per week.
Above is the instruction of the essay;
References must come from in-class materials;

Weekly Reflection and Prompt: Each week you will need to write a short reflecti

Weekly Reflection and Prompt: Each week you will need to write a short

Weekly Reflection and Prompt: Each week you will need to write a short
reflection (2-pages double spaced, 1” margins) on the week’s lectures and
readings and apply it to a topic of interest to you. The prompt for this weekly
response is:
How does this week’s content (readings and lectures) apply to an area of
international development that you are most interested in.
NO more than one paragraph (half a page or less) is allowed to be summary.
Most of the weekly reflection should be applying the content to an area that you
are interested in. You must cite at least one reading per week.
Above is the instruction of the essay;
References must come from in-class materials;

You need to write a reaction paper on this movie (2-3 pages, double- spaced, 700

You need to write a reaction paper on this movie (2-3 pages, double- spaced, 700

You need to write a reaction paper on this movie (2-3 pages, double- spaced, 700-1200 words) . In your paper:
Give me THREE examples of sociological imagination you can see from the movie.  (simply put, give 3 examples from the movie how individual experiences are constructed by the larger social structures) 
 In your paper, you ,must have TWO direct quotations (APA style)  from the first week readings. One from C.Wright Mills’ The sociological imagination (chapter 1), another one from Peter Berger’s  Invitation to sociology (chapter 1).  The document on how to do APA style quotation/citation and references is on COURSE INFORMATION. I have also uploaded the info about the book Seeing Ourselves that published the articles of C.Wright Mills and Peter Berger on COURSE INFORMATION, so that you can find all the information you need to do the APA citations and references (yes, you must also have references at the end of your paper).
tell me what you think of the movie. 

You need to write a reaction paper on this movie (2-3 pages, double- spaced, 700

You need to write a reaction paper on this movie (2-3 pages, double- spaced, 700

You need to write a reaction paper on this movie (2-3 pages, double- spaced, 700-1200 words) . In your paper:
Give me THREE examples of sociological imagination you can see from the movie.  (simply put, give 3 examples from the movie how individual experiences are constructed by the larger social structures) 
 In your paper, you ,must have TWO direct quotations (APA style)  from the first week readings. One from C.Wright Mills’ The sociological imagination (chapter 1), another one from Peter Berger’s  Invitation to sociology (chapter 1).  The document on how to do APA style quotation/citation and references is on COURSE INFORMATION. I have also uploaded the info about the book Seeing Ourselves that published the articles of C.Wright Mills and Peter Berger on COURSE INFORMATION, so that you can find all the information you need to do the APA citations and references (yes, you must also have references at the end of your paper).
tell me what you think of the movie. 

Write a 400 words research paper The topic of the social problem. The social p

Write a 400 words research paper The topic of the social problem. The social p

Write a 400 words research paper The topic of the social problem. The social problem should be based on the lack of access to education mainly in Canada and write the paper around the following questions:  Which problem would you choose, and why? What is the historical context of this issue? When did it arise? How has it changed over time? What are the impacts and consequences of this social problem on the individual, the family, and society? What steps would you take to alleviate this problem? What theories best help you understand the problem? Paying attention to the intersections of social class, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality, how would you measure your success or failure in reducing or eliminating the problem? Make sure the research essay incorporates as appropriate, an analysis of social class, gender, ethnicity, power, and neoliberalism. 
 Provide a basic outline of the argument, including a thesis statement and topic sentences that outline the argument.   Provide a list of the references for the paper. Use a combination of monographs (books written by scholars) scholarly research articles and high-quality online resources to construct the proposal. Have at least eight scholarly references (journal articles and books.

This assignment requires you to write a paper on a sociological topic of your ch

This assignment requires you to write a paper on a sociological topic of your ch

This assignment requires you to write a paper on a sociological topic of your choice. The paper should be between 5-6 double spaced pages. The paper should take a position/make an argument and demonstrate a degree of critical analysis. Papers should include a proper introduction with a thesis statement, conclusion and sections of the paper with an argumentative structure. You may wish to use subheadings to break up your work. In addition, the paper should include a title page and a reference page that has correct citations for each of the articles selected. The paper must include a minimum of five scholarly journal articles from sociological academic journals. Examples of scholarly journals in sociology include Canadian Journal of Sociology, Deviant Behavior, Social Problems, Gender & Society, and Social Forces, among many others.