Objective/Topic As noted in this week’s reading (see especially p. 49), those wh

As noted in this week’s reading (see especially p. 49), those wh

As noted in this week’s reading (see especially p. 49), those who study sociology are uniquely equipped to recognize and inform the public about how there’s more to health and illness than just the biomedical factors. That’s something we’ll consider throughout the quarter (including in the context of your project). There’s a great deal of information on social media that seeks to promote social change around health and illness in some way. This board is an opportunity to consider and discuss the effectiveness of how this information is presented.
Find a piece of social media content that has something to do with promoting change around health- and/or illness-related issues (whether it be at the level of individual behavior change, community-based interventions/improvements, or structural/societal-level change).
This content can be in any format (text, infographic, image with captions, video, etc.) and can be from any social media platform where posts/feeds are widely available to the public (TikTok, Instagram, X [Twitter], YouTube, etc.). Then please include the following in your post to our discussion board:
A link to the piece of social media content you’ve chosen (or you can also use the Embed toolLinks to an external site. here in Canvas)
A brief description of who created or posted the content (Are they a medical professional or organization? Government? Social scientist? Activist? Concerned citizen? Celeb/influencer? etc.)
At least one way in which you think the content is valuable and/or effective in communicating info about creating health-/illness-related change.
At least one suggestion of something that might be added or changed to make the content even more effective. 

Browse the journal(s) to get a sense of current research in the field that addre

Browse the journal(s) to get a sense of current research in the field that addre

Browse the journal(s) to get a sense of current research in the field that addresses areas where some sort of social change is needed around health, illness, health care, or medicine. (Or, if you already have a particular health/illness/medicine interest, use search terms to learn more about recent research in that area.) Then respond to these prompts/questions:
Please share two articles that spark your interest. Each article should be about a different topic/area where change is needed OR a different aspect of the same larger topic. In other words, don’t choose two articles that look at the exact same thing. ? You don’t actually have to read the articles in their entirety! Just look over the abstract to get a sense of what they’re about. (To share your articles can just use our library’s website tools to copy and paste the citation; otherwise, please make sure you include author[s], year of publication, title, and journal name for each article.)
Briefly describe why these articles are interesting to you. (Is it a personal connection to the topic[s]? Are they relevant to your current studies/major/career ambitions? Do you just have a general interest in the topic[s]?) One sentence of explanation for each topic is sufficient here, but you can write a bit more if you’d like!
For each article’s topic at which level(s) do you think changes may need to be made, and why do you think that’s the case? (Individual? Community? Societal? Some combination of these?) Please know that you’re not expected to have a definitive answer for this! Just share your best guess/initial impressions of the level(s) where change is likely needed, based on your existing knowledge. Again, one sentence of explanation for each topic is sufficient here, but you can write a bit more if you’d like!
So what you’ll do for this journal is 
List two articles from sociological academic journals that address areas where some sort of social change is needed around health, illness, health care, or medicine
Describe why each article is interesting to you (one sentence for each article is fine)
State the level(s) (individual, community, societal, or some combo of these) at which you think social change may be needed for each article’s topic (one sentence for each article is fine).

Please respond briefly to the following prompts: In a sentence or two, describe

Please respond briefly to the following prompts:
In a sentence or two, describe

Please respond briefly to the following prompts:
In a sentence or two, describe an example from your personal experience or observations when a layperson’s beliefs or practices about something related to health or illness differed from or contradicted the knowledge or recommendations of medical experts.* 
What’s your best guess re: factors that may have contributed to the layperson’s beliefs or practices? A sentence or two is sufficient here, but you can write more if you’d like.
In your opinion, what are some positives and/or negatives of the lay beliefs or practices in the example you describe here? You don’t have to note both positives and negatives here – one or the other is fine. But you can write about both if you’d like. And again, a sentence or two is sufficient here, but you can write more.
*If you can’t think of or aren’t comfortable sharing about anything from your experience or that of people you know, you can certainly draw from examples you saw on social media, news media, etc. (and reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic might bring some examples to mind!).
Please submit your responses to these questions right here on this Canvas assignment page – you can either compose them here in the text box, or upload a Word or Google Docs document.

Continue to expand my paper “Situation Analysis of Electric Vechiles”. The promp

Continue to expand my paper “Situation Analysis of Electric Vechiles”.
The promp

Continue to expand my paper “Situation Analysis of Electric Vechiles”.
The prompt is as the following:
The Substance:
Lay out the situation
This can be a broad issue or something very specific
Can be based on a real life scenario or made up.
Explain which POV you’re taking
Private Sector, Political Entity, or Third Party Stakeholder.
Must be a different POV than your Stakeholder Memo.
What are you hoping to achieve & why?
How will you achieve it working with a wide array of stakeholders?
Articulate who the stakeholders are, and why they are important.
How will you utilize various engagement, collaboration, research and dissemination strategies to achieve your goal?
Hint – Slides 8-14 of the final class walk you through this in greater detail, and Slide 24 has helpful suggestions.
From a formatting perspective, please note the following:
This should be no longer than 5 pages.
This should include a top-line executive summary (no longer than 2-3 sentences or bullets) & a final recommendation/conclusion.
Note – it’s not a memo but rather a strategic plan, and I should clearly know who you are and what POV you’re taking.
The body of the paper can be done in sections, using paragraphs or bullets; and really organized in any way you see fit.
Feel free to use maps/graphics/data to illustrate your points.
It’s always nice to bold/underline/highlight key points.

Please respond briefly to the following prompts: In a sentence or two, describe

Please respond briefly to the following prompts:
In a sentence or two, describe

Please respond briefly to the following prompts:
In a sentence or two, describe an example from your personal experience or observations when a layperson’s beliefs or practices about something related to health or illness differed from or contradicted the knowledge or recommendations of medical experts.* 
What’s your best guess re: factors that may have contributed to the layperson’s beliefs or practices? A sentence or two is sufficient here, but you can write more if you’d like.
In your opinion, what are some positives and/or negatives of the lay beliefs or practices in the example you describe here? You don’t have to note both positives and negatives here – one or the other is fine. But you can write about both if you’d like. And again, a sentence or two is sufficient here, but you can write more.
*If you can’t think of or aren’t comfortable sharing about anything from your experience or that of people you know, you can certainly draw from examples you saw on social media, news media, etc. (and reflecting on the COVID-19 pandemic might bring some examples to mind!).
Please submit your responses to these questions right here on this Canvas assignment page – you can either compose them here in the text box, or upload a Word or Google Docs document.

Before your observation, think about the following behaviors you might observe:

Before your observation, think about the following behaviors you might observe:

Before your observation, think about the following behaviors you might observe:
Eye contact: Do people avoid making eye contact with you? 
Body language: Do people change their posture near you? Do they move away from you? Do they stop to see what you are doing?
Facial expressions: Do people give you a strange look? Do they appear to be confused by your behavior? Suspicious? Amused? Indifferent? What does their facial expression look like and what does it suggest?
Ignoring you: Do people simply ignore you? What about their behavior suggests that they are ignoring you?
Social Factors: Did you feel your gender, race, ethnicity, or age affected how people responded to your presence? Did you see differences in how people were treated differently based on their gender, race, ethnicity, or age?
In choosing a location for your sociological observation, consider how your race, ethnicity, and gender could affect how people (i.e., management, security) respond to you. Please choose a location where you can feel comfortable and safe to conduct your observation. 
After your observation, answer the following questions in complete sentences (1–3 sentences per question). You must include at least one APA reference related to your observation. Explain whether it supports your observation, and cite it correctly in your explanation. Refer to the module Resources section in the course for help creating APA citations and references. Your responses will be graded using the Module One Worksheet Rubric.

Overview Select two distinct advertisements that promote or feature a brand of c

Select two distinct advertisements that promote or feature a brand of c

Select two distinct advertisements that promote or feature a brand of clothing. For instance, you could select an ad for Ann Taylor and one for Ralph Lauren. Closely analyze the details in the different ads. Be sure to focus on the physical traits, body language, and physical appearance of the “characters” or models in the ads. Consider that these features are promoted based on the particular audience each ad is trying to reach.
In a two to three page paper, write an ad analysis that addresses the social concepts depicted in the ads. Review the sections from the module about class, gender/LGBTQ+, and social mobility. For each advertisement, address and expand on the following questions:
What social class do you think is being depicted?
What gender aspirations or identities, including LGBTQ+, do you think are being appealed to?
To what extent is a social and/or economic status being depicted?
What does ownership of this clothing brand presumably signify about the potential customers?
Conclude your analysis with a paragraph that summarizes the reviews of the ads and how they demonstrate the social concepts. Attach a screenshot or picture of each advertisement to your submission.
Follow APA format and cite references, and include a reference list.
Consider the following outline for how to write your ad analysis:
Introduction: of the two advertisements—Advertisement A and Advertisement B.
Advertisement A: Address the physical traits, body language, and physical appearance of the “characters” or models in the ad. Answer the following questions that address the concepts of class, gender/LGBTQ+, and social mobility:
What social class do you think is being depicted?
What gender aspirations or identities, including LGBTQ+, do you think are being appealed to?
To what extent is a social and/or economic status being depicted?
What does ownership of the clothing brand presumably signify about the potential customers?
Advertisement B: Address the physical traits, body language, and physical appearance of the characters or models in the ad. Answer the following questions class, gender/LGBTQ+, and social mobility:
What social class do you think is being depicted?
What gender aspirations or identities, including LGBTQ+, do you think are being appealed to?
To what extent is the viewer being asked to identify with a given social and/or economic status?
What does ownership of the clothing brand presumably signify about the potential customers?
Conclusion: Summarize your review of the ads and include how they demonstrate the social concepts

Beginning with the events in 1968, explain Wallerstein’s crisis of modernity. Wh

Beginning with the events in 1968, explain Wallerstein’s crisis of modernity. Wh

Beginning with the events in 1968, explain Wallerstein’s crisis of modernity. What are the structural and cultural signs that the system is failing?
Your Paper Assignment should be a minimum of 1500 words, not including references.
Please cite your sources, both within the text and in your references.
You are required to use ASA formatting style.
Your book should be cited both within the paper and in your references.
Late assignments will not be accepted.

you will want to revise the title “fail stigmatization” this does not make sense

you will want to revise the title “fail stigmatization” this does not make sense

you will want to revise the title “fail stigmatization” this does not make sense “causes more concerns” — vague various demographics — like what? look this up and include some data. use a reputable medical source. there is no thesis statement Goffman — the citations are incomplete. I do not know what source you are using, but you should be using the assigned chapter, which is dated 1963, not 1986. references need formating to not mention your stigma in the summary of stigma you used Goffman’s exact words without using quotations. this will earn that section a zero. the summary of stigma theory should be only 1 paragraph. this is an okay start, but it needs revision and editing. cases — too long, should only be one paragraph. this should be about half this length, about half a page. use man not male analysis — the first statement needs a citation. you should consult a medical source for symptoms. there are valid reasons to stigmatize someone. it is not about misconceptions. you can discuss that at the end if you wish. the analysis does not analyze the cases. instead, it seems to be based on secondary sources. the analysis has no points about stigma, most likely because it is based on secondary sources and is not actually an analysis. instead, make points about how depression is stigmatized. the first two sections need serious revision, the analysis will need to be rewritten to earn a passing grade.