Initial Post Organization and Policy Matching Activity From the list provided,

Initial Post
Organization and Policy Matching Activity
From the list provided, create as many matches as you can between organizations and policies that they are likely to interact with. Post your screenshot of the activity, select 3 of your favorite/most interesting matches, and answer the following questions for each match.
How do you think that this kind of organization interacts with this policy? Consider both how the organization may be impacted by or may impact the policy.
Generate one question you have about this policy or about this kind of organization, and/or how they are related.

The term “Social Justice” is used by many scholars and ordinary people to mean a

The term “Social Justice” is used by many scholars and ordinary people to mean a variety of different things. The reading Social Justice and Social Workers explores some; however, for this assignment go beyond this reading and beyond the field of social work to explore definitions and quotes from many people and many disciplines. For social work majors, we are the only profession to dedicate a significant portion of the code of ethics to social justice. · Through independent research you must find at least 4 sources of definitions for social justice and cite the definition and source. · What are the pros and cons of each definition? (does the definition omit any groups or concepts, how does it differ from other definitions?) · Use those definitions to develop your own definition which you will use throughout the semester while you explore social justice issues. · (You can bullet point this essay) · Do not exceed 3 pages including references
2 pages of writing, 1 page of sources

In Week 1, you chose an agency to evaluate, and you have been working on that as

In Week 1, you chose an agency to evaluate, and you have been working on that assessment throughout the course. Utilizing your knowledge of the agency you’ve chosen and the class resources, discussions, and class activities, you will now create a multi-part Agency Evaluation Report and Presentation.
Part 1: The Assessment Report
You may choose how to format your report– as a written document, a detailed slideshow presentation (include speaker notes), or another format that integrates all the following information:
Introduction: Write an introduction with a thesis statement that orients the audience to the organization (give an overview), why it is being discussed (what is currently happening there), and what this assessment report address.
Agency Assessment: Articulate a well-developed and easily understood assessment of the organization based on what you have learned in the last seven weeks. Make sure to include both strengths and opportunities for growth in each area. Your statements should be well supported by using course materials and other academic resources that you have cultivated on your own. Please make sure to address these key areas:
Organizational Structure (how is the organization structured – look back at your week one workbook)
Organizational Culture (what type of culture does the organization have – look back at your week three workbook)
Leadership (what type of leadership styles and practices are at play, how does the organization use its leadership and leadership structure)
Supervision Practices (how is supervision positioned at the organization, how is it conducted, is it honored, if your interviewee from week four works at this agency, draw from questions and answers from that paper)
Clinical Considerations (how is the organization addressing employee stress, burnout, compassion fatigue, and vicarious trauma, and how it promotes employee self-care)
Organizational Issues of DEI (what does the organization do to promote DEI in the workforce, and work place, and make sure that there are DEI policies – look back at your Week 5 workbook)
Teamwork (how is teamwork used at the organization)
External Factors (discuss external factors that influence the organization like the community or government, make sure address one piece of external governmental policy that has influenced/impacted the organization – review your Week 1 Workbook)
Recommendations: You will need four recommendations for the organization, all need to be supported by sources from either the course materials or academic resources cultivated on your own. Each recommendation should be accompanied by logical predictions for how this organization should move forward with implementing the recommendation.
APA Format: Your Assessment Report should be formatted according to APA standards, including reference page(s) or slide(s).
Sample Evaluation Reports and Resources:
Consulting Report: How to Write and Present One
Report Templates from Canva
Consulting Report Templates from Venngage
Part 2: The Executive Summary Presentation
Record a 5-7 minute summary of your evaluation, emphasizing your key findings and recommendations for the organization. If you were to present your assessment to the actual leadership of the organization, what are the key ideas and takeaways that you would want them to know?
This presentation should be video recorded and include a slide presentation.
If you submit your Evaluation Report as a slideshow presentation, consider video recording and discussing a few key slides, rather than the full presentation.
The slides should be formatted according to APA standards, including reference slide(s).
Recording Resources
Recording a Presentation with ScreenPal – UNE Online
Better Presentations
Will provide references later.

Instructions In this assignment, learners will select a recent research study th

In this assignment, learners will select a recent research study that explores an issue relevant to anti-oppressive social work practice. Learners will critically analyze the research findings and apply them to inform practice, policy, or programs. The assignment should include the sections identified below.
Summarize Research Study
Summarize a research study, including clearly identifying and focusing on an aspect of anti-oppressive social work practice, its research question, methodology, and main findings. (C4.GP.A)
The study must be published within the last five years.
Analysis of Findings
Explain how key findings of the study apply to social work practice, policy, and/or programs. (C4.GP.A)
Be sure to cite clear examples from within the study.
Analyze how the findings can be applied to address systemic biases, promote anti-racist and anti-oppressive strategies, and advance social, economic, cultural, and/or environmental justice for the population in the study. (C4.GP.B)
Be sure to provide specific examples that support the analysis.
Ethical Considerations
Describe at least one potential ethical consideration related to the research study. (C4.GP.B)
You have the option to analyze more than one potential ethical consideration.
Discuss the steps necessary to address the identified ethical consideration(s). (C4.GP.A)
Be sure to clearly identify a specific response and support your response using the NASW Code of Ethics.
Application to Practice, Policy, or Programs
Propose at least two specific recommendations for applying specific research findings in practice, policy, or programs, including how to address inherent biases and advance anti-oppressive approaches within the field of social work. (C4.GP.B)
Support your recommendations with references from the academic or professional knowledge base.
Additional Requirements
The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current Evidence and APA standards. See Evidence and APA Citation for Graduate Learners.
Length of paper: 6–8 double-spaced pages, not including cover page and references page.
Font and font size: Use APA approved font and size.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Apply research findings to inform and improve practice, policy, and programs. (C4.GP.A)
Summarize a research study, including clearly identifying and focusing on an aspect of anti-oppressive social work practice, its research question, methodology, and main findings. (C4.GP.A)
Explain how key findings of the study apply to social work practice, policy, and/or programs. (C4.GP.A)
Discuss the steps necessary to address the identified ethical consideration. (C4.GP.A)
Competency 2: Identify ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies that address inherent biases for use in quantitative and qualitative research methods to advance the purposes of social work. (C4.GP.B)
Analyze how the findings can be applied to address systemic biases, promote anti-racist and anti-oppressive strategies, and advance social, economic, cultural, and/or environmental justice for the population in the study. (C4.GP.B)
Describe at least one potential ethical consideration related to the research study. (C4.GP.B)
Propose at least two specific recommendations for applying the research findings in practice, policy, or programs. (C4.GP.B)
Competency 3: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession

Instructions Clinical social workers understand how to synthesize evidence-based

Clinical social workers understand how to synthesize evidence-based

Clinical social workers understand how to synthesize evidence-based research from a variety of sources to deepen their understanding of practice strategies and how to use that knowledge to implement and evaluate services. The first assignment allowed you to research intervention strategies and develop your own professional toolkit to assist you with your developing professional practice. The final project is due week 14 and had periodic scaffolded due dates to help you plan your time and project.
Intervention Tool Kit Part II
Select 4 interventions related to clients in your field agency. For each intervention provide the following:
A. Overview of the Intervention
B. Theoretical framework: Identify and explain the theoretical framework or approach used in the intervention. Discuss how the theoretical framework informs the intervention’s goals and strategies.
C. Target population: describe the target population for the intervention. Discuss specific needs and challenges faced by the population. Describe how the intervention addresses the unique needs of the target population.
D. Intervention Implementation: Describe key components or activities of the intervention.
E. Effectiveness: Use at least 2 sources of evidence to support effectiveness.
F. Ethical considerations: Identify any ethical issues or dilemmas or challenges faced during implementation.
Estimated time to complete: 4 hours
MSW 650 Unit 14 Assignment – Intervention Toolkit Part 2
MSW 650 Unit 14 Assignment – Intervention Toolkit Part 2
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInterventions and ApplicationsToolkit provides information and application of 4 specific interventions related to advocating for specific populations.
MSW650-CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4, CO5, CO6
140 ptsExceptional
Expert description of all 4 intervention models, including overview, theoretical framework for each model, characteristics, challenges, lived experiences, field instructor suggestions, and application to target population. The work expertly describes the key components of each intervention, the efficacy of each intervention with at least 2 sources of evidence, and identifies any ethical issues or challenges faced during implementation.
126 ptsProficiency
Well-written description of all 4 intervention models, including overview, theoretical framework for each model, characteristics, challenges, lived experiences, field instructor suggestions, and application to target population. The work provides a well-written description the key components of each intervention, the efficacy of each intervention with at least 2 sources of evidence, and identifies any ethical issues or challenges faced during implementation.
112 ptsCompetency
Adequate description of all 4 intervention models, including overview, theoretical framework for each model, characteristics, challenges, lived experiences, field instructor suggestions, and application to target population. The work provides an adequately written description the key components of each intervention, the efficacy of each intervention with at least 1 source of evidence, and identifies any ethical issues or challenges faced during implementation.
98 ptsEmerging Proficiency
Incomplete description of all 4 intervention models and may be missing at least one of the components: overview, theoretical framework for each model, characteristics, challenges, lived experiences, field instructor suggestions, or application to target population. The work does not provide several of the components within the description, omitting at least one of the key components of each intervention, or the efficacy of each intervention, or does not identify any ethical issues or challenges faced during implementation.
0 ptsSkill Not Present
The required skills were not found in the work, or no work was submitted.
140 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferencesProvides in-text citations and references in APA format.
10 ptsExceptional
APA formatted in-text citations and corresponding References were professionally presented.
9 ptsProficiency
APA formatted in-text citations and corresponding References were adequately presented.
8 ptsCompetency
APA formatted in-text citations and corresponding References were presented with a few minor errors.
7 ptsEmerging Proficiency
APA formatted in-text citations and corresponding References were presented with several major errors.
0 ptsSkill Not Present
APA formatted citations or references were not found in the work, or no work was submitted.
10 pts
Total Points: 150

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
The paper is attached. The presentation is part 2 of that paper. So just use the social issue chosen in the paper 🙂
To complete this assignment, design a narrated PowerPoint presentation based on your revised Macro Analysis Paper assignment. In your presentation:
Describe the selected problem and the necessity of researching the problem (for example, why it is important to address this problem).
Summarize your peer-reviewed research on the topic.Remember to provide current APA citations on either the slide or in the notes of the presentation.
Present the theory or models identified in your Macro Analysis Paper assignment.Incorporate the foundations of current research, generalist social work practice skills, client advocacy skills, and additional macro social work resources into the presentation as well.
Present your integration of best practice strategies and skills into a holistic plan to address the problem.Explain your reasoning using details and peer-reviewed literature.
In addition to synthesizing content from your Macro Analysis Paper assignment, you also need to do the following in your presentation:
Analyze the sustainability of the proposed strategies, considering the available resources.How will these strategies endure over a long period of time?
What are the long-term impacts on the macro practice?
Would you need to seek additional resources, and if so, how would you procure them?
Describe how implementing these strategies will improve the quality of social work services to address the identified issue.What might occur if there is no intervention?
What is likely to change with your identified best practice intervention?
Note: Remember to be as detailed as possible in developing your argument and ideas. Also, include relevant, peer-reviewed APA citations to support your analysis throughout the presentation.
Additional Requirements
Your presentation should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards. Refer to the Evidence and APALinks to an external site. section of the Writing Center for guidance.
References: A minimum of eight scholarly resources. Most literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.
Slide requirements: 10–15 PowerPoint slides with simple, clear formatting.
Requirements: 10-15 Slides With at Least 100 Words of Speaker Notes on Each Slide | .ppt file
Be sure to include an introduction with a clear thesis statement along with a conclusion
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation on each slide
Please be sure to include title, conclusion, and reference slides in the ppt
Please be sure to include a background and at least one image on each ppt slide whether its a photograph, statistic, graph, document etc.
Please use the 5×5 rule for the ppt slides

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
The paper is attached. The presentation is part 2 of that paper. So just use the social issue chosen in the paper 🙂
To complete this assignment, design a narrated PowerPoint presentation based on your revised Macro Analysis Paper assignment. In your presentation:
Describe the selected problem and the necessity of researching the problem (for example, why it is important to address this problem).
Summarize your peer-reviewed research on the topic.Remember to provide current APA citations on either the slide or in the notes of the presentation.
Present the theory or models identified in your Macro Analysis Paper assignment.Incorporate the foundations of current research, generalist social work practice skills, client advocacy skills, and additional macro social work resources into the presentation as well.
Present your integration of best practice strategies and skills into a holistic plan to address the problem.Explain your reasoning using details and peer-reviewed literature.
In addition to synthesizing content from your Macro Analysis Paper assignment, you also need to do the following in your presentation:
Analyze the sustainability of the proposed strategies, considering the available resources.How will these strategies endure over a long period of time?
What are the long-term impacts on the macro practice?
Would you need to seek additional resources, and if so, how would you procure them?
Describe how implementing these strategies will improve the quality of social work services to address the identified issue.What might occur if there is no intervention?
What is likely to change with your identified best practice intervention?
Note: Remember to be as detailed as possible in developing your argument and ideas. Also, include relevant, peer-reviewed APA citations to support your analysis throughout the presentation.
Additional Requirements
Your presentation should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards. Refer to the Evidence and APALinks to an external site. section of the Writing Center for guidance.
References: A minimum of eight scholarly resources. Most literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.
Slide requirements: 10–15 PowerPoint slides with simple, clear formatting.
Requirements: 10-15 Slides With at Least 100 Words of Speaker Notes on Each Slide | .ppt file
Be sure to include an introduction with a clear thesis statement along with a conclusion
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation on each slide
Please be sure to include title, conclusion, and reference slides in the ppt
Please be sure to include a background and at least one image on each ppt slide whether its a photograph, statistic, graph, document etc.
Please use the 5×5 rule for the ppt slides