Instructions: APA style. In this assignment you will focus on naming and describ

APA style.
In this assignment you will focus on naming and describing the core competencies of the social work profession and illustrate them using the Rivas & Hull Case Study book from this course (Case Studies in Generalist Practice. Robert F. Rivas, Grafton H. Hull (Jr.), 2004). You may choose any case studies to help you do so. Please only illustrate a maximum of 2 Core Competencies for each case study you choose to utilize. Your paper should include the following:
A descriiption of each core competency
An illustration/connection of each core competency to a case study
A reference list with all cited sources.
(include readings: Tyuse, S. W., & Berg-Weger, M. (2023). The Practice of Generalist Social Work (6th ed.).
Keith-Lucas, A., Gregory, L., Bauer, S. (2021). So you want to be a social worker: Reflections for the
Christian student. St. Davids, PA: North American Association of Christians in Social Work.
ISBN: 978-1-952901-04-1

Brandell, J. R. (Ed.). (2020). Theory & practice in clinical social work (3rd ed

Brandell, J. R. (Ed.). (2020). Theory & practice in clinical social work (3rd ed.). Cognella.
Chapter 6, “Clinical Practice With Children” (pp. 103–122)
Park, K. K., Horn, E. M., & Kurth, J. A. (2021). Strategies to support community inclusion of young children with disabilities Links to an external site.. Young Exceptional Children.
Review the Learning Resources on social work practice with children and on ecomaps.
Access the Social Work Case Studies media and navigate to Claudia. As you explore the case, consider the various assessments you would use to gain a comprehensive understanding.
Explain the importance of using multiple evidence-based tools (including quantitative, open-ended, and ecologically focused) to assess Claudia. Explain how each complements the other in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the young client’s concerns and situation. Then, describe the use of an ecomap in assessment and explain the different systems you would account for in your assessment of Claudia.

Brandell, J. R. (Ed.). (2020). Theory & practice in clinical social work (3rd ed

Brandell, J. R. (Ed.). (2020). Theory & practice in clinical social work (3rd ed.). Cognella.
Chapter 6, “Clinical Practice With Children” (pp. 103–122)
Park, K. K., Horn, E. M., & Kurth, J. A. (2021). Strategies to support community inclusion of young children with disabilities Links to an external site.. Young Exceptional Children.
Review the Learning Resources on social work practice with children and on ecomaps.
Access the Social Work Case Studies media and navigate to Claudia. As you explore the case, consider the various assessments you would use to gain a comprehensive understanding.
Explain the importance of using multiple evidence-based tools (including quantitative, open-ended, and ecologically focused) to assess Claudia. Explain how each complements the other in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of the young client’s concerns and situation. Then, describe the use of an ecomap in assessment and explain the different systems you would account for in your assessment of Claudia.

Assignment Overview: Your colleague seeks consultation regarding a 17-year-old f

Assignment Overview: Your colleague seeks consultation regarding a 17-year-old female client named Sarah, brought to therapy by her concerned father. Sarah has a history of self-harm and alcohol use but has shown signs of positive coping lately. She enjoys reading “Girl in Pieces” but faces challenges with her father removing items he deems negative from her room. The email is below.
Subject: Consultation Request for Client
Dear [Colleague],
I hope this email finds you well. I am reaching out to request your expertise and guidance regarding a client I am currently working with.
“Sarah” is a 17-year-old female client who was brought to therapy by her concerned father. She has a history of self-harm and alcohol use, but recently, she has been exhibiting signs of positive coping, such as active participation in sessions and utilizing journaling as an outlet. However, she is facing challenges with her father’s actions, particularly his habit of removing items he deems negative from her room, including things like song lyrics, books, and her journals.
One specific concern I have is regarding Sarah’s interest in reading “Girl in Pieces.” While I understand that literature can sometimes provide a sense of validation and understanding for individuals struggling with similar issues, I am unsure about the potential impact of this particular book on Sarah’s well-being. Additionally, I am seeking guidance on how to address Sarah’s father’s actions and their potential impact on Sarah’s therapeutic progress.
I would greatly appreciate your insights and recommendations on how to approach these issues with Sarah and her father. Additionally, if you have any suggestions for alternative therapeutic techniques that may be beneficial for Sarah in this situation, I would be eager to hear them.
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. Your expertise is invaluable, and I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with you on this case.
Warm regards,
Jane Smith, LCSW
Part I
*******Analysis of Media Consumption (10 points):
Research the book Girl in Pieces to understand its plot and themes.
Share your initial thoughts on whether teens consuming media that discusses self-harm, such as this book, is a positive coping skill or a glamourization of a serious problem. (10 points)
Evaluation of Parental Actions (10 points):
Consider the measures taken by Sarah’s father to control her environment.
Assess whether his actions are appropriate and discuss the potential impact on Sarah. If you find his actions inappropriate, propose how you might address these concerns with him. (10 points)
Review of Scholarly Articles (10 points):
Locate and review two scholarly articles related to treating self-harming behaviors in teens.
Discuss whether your research supports or opposes your initial opinion and explain how this research impacts your clinical advice for your colleague. (10 points)
Suggestions for Therapeutic Techniques (10 points):
Identify and describe two alternative therapeutic techniques for treating self-harming behaviors in teens based on your scholarly articles and additional resources if desired. (10 points)
Email Summary (10 points):
Compile your findings and responses into a professional email format addressed to your colleague. This should integrate all the aspects discussed above, without being a formal paper. Ensure clarity and coherence in your response. (10 points)
APA Citations (5 points):
Include a reference page with APA-formatted citations for your scholarly articles. Ensure proper formatting and accuracy. (5 points)

Answer each question in order. 1- Clinical Access- The Reamer (2003) article dis

Answer each question in order.
1- Clinical Access- The Reamer (2003) article discusses boundary issues in social work. Using 2 of the 6 critical scenarios provided, pleases answer the following 4 questions for each scenario (you must only answer for two scenarios): a.Does this scenario present with an ethical issue (boundary violation or crossing)?
b. Identify and discuss the ethical dilemma.
c. Provide an explanation of the central theme of the issue as addressed in the Reamer article (if appropriate).
d. Identify the relevant standard from NASW Code of Ethics that relates to the violation (e.g. 1.01 Commitment to Clients).
2- Read this case study carefully and respond to the following questions:
a. Identify the biological, psychological, and social lenses as well as areas of competence (strength) for Brandon.
b. What diagnosis would you give him? Be sure to include the DSM-5-TR coding and clinical criterion to justify your diagnosis.
c. What psychosocial and cultural factors (Z codes) would follow your diagnosis?
d. What assessment tool would be applicable to the case?
Be sure to include the DMS-5-TR diagnosis codes, Z codes, and clinical criterion to justify your diagnosis.

In this assignment, you will design a research study that incorporates anti-oppr

In this assignment, you will design a research study that incorporates anti-oppressive principles and methods. You will demonstrate understanding of how research can be conducted in a way that challenges inherent biases, promotes anti-racist and anti-oppressive strategies, and advances social work purposes. The assignment should include the sections listed below.
Research Proposal
Using the issue from the previous assignment:
Identify a specific research question related to the marginalized community or population that experiences oppression or social, economic, cultural, or environmental injustice. (C4.GP.A)
Support your ideas with relevant academic and professional research.
Discuss how the proposed research project aims to actively involve the selected community or population in the research process and how their voices and perspectives will be prioritized. (C4.GP.B)
Identify specific participants, stakeholders, community partners, et cetera, that will be involved.
Methodological Approach
Select and justify the use of a research methodology (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, or other research design) that aligns with anti-oppressive principles. (C4.GP.A)
Be sure to support your ideas with relevant academic or professional research.
Discuss how the selected approach will enable exploration of the research question while challenging biases and promoting anti-oppressive strategies. (C4.GP.B)
Support your ideas with relevant academic or professional research.
Data Collection
Analyze a proposed data collection strategy using an anti-oppressive research lens, including how it will address intersectionality. (C4.GP.A)
Support your strategy with relevant academic or professional knowledge.
Ethical Considerations
Outline the ethical considerations to be addressed in the research, including informed consent, confidentiality, protection of participants from harm, and data protection and storage. (C4.GP.A)
Support your ideas with relevant academic or professional knowledge.
Discuss considerations for power dynamics and researcher positionality and bias. (C4.GP.B)
Support your ideas with relevant academic or professional knowledge.
Data Analysis and Dissemination
Discuss how to interpret and disseminate the findings in a way that contributes to anti-oppressive social work practice, policy, or programs, including considerations for technology and how to ensure that the research findings are accessible and actionable. (C4.GP.A)
Support your ideas with relevant academic and professional literature.
Additional Requirements
The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current Evidence and APA standards. Include a cover page and references page. See Evidence and APA Citation for Graduate Learners.
Font and font size: Use APA approved font and size.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:
Competency 1: Apply research findings to inform and improve practice, policy, and programs. (C4.GP.A)
Identify a specific research question related to the marginalized community or population that experiences oppression or social, economic, cultural, or environmental injustice. (C4.GP.A)
Select and justify the use of a research methodology (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, or other research design) that aligns with anti-oppressive principles. (C4.GP.A)
Analyze a proposed data collection strategy using an anti-oppressive research lens, including how it will address intersectionality. (C4.GP.A)
Outline the ethical considerations to be addressed in the research, including informed consent, confidentiality, protection of participants from harm, and data protection and storage. (C4.GP.A)
Discuss how to interpret and disseminate the findings in a way that contributes to anti-oppressive social work practice, policy, or programs, including considerations for technology and how to ensure that the research findings are accessible and actionable. (C4.GP.A)
Competency 2: Identify ethical, culturally informed, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive strategies that address inherent biases for use in quantitative and qualitative research methods to advance the purposes of social work. (C4.GP.B)
Discuss how the proposed research project aims to actively involve the selected community or population in the research process and how their voices and perspectives will be prioritized. (C4.GP.B)
Discuss how the selected approach will enable exploration of the research question while challenging biases and promoting anti-oppressive strategies. (C4.GP.B)
Discuss considerations for power dynamics and researcher positionality and bias. (C4.GP.B)
Competency 3: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of the social work profession.

n this discussion, you will differentiate between Adlerian and psychoanalytic ap

n this discussion, you will differentiate between Adlerian and psychoanalytic approaches to group therapy.
After completing the Module 4 Readings and Video, respond to the following in your initial post:
Considering a population of interest to you, how might you use psychoanalytic approaches with this population in a group setting? What about Adlerian approaches? (For full credit, please reply to both questions)
Ensure that you utilize the readings to substantiate your claims and statements.

Provide an overview to the issue/problem that you selected for this project. (pr

Provide an overview to the issue/problem that you selected for this project. (problem is youth mental health.
Analyze the problem (use content from the Social Issues Presentation assignment)
Describe the target population(s) (use content from the Social Issues Presentation assignment)
Discuss the theory applied for the intervention to address the problem (use content from the Application of Theory and Evidence-Based Practices Presentation assignment)
Explain the procedures of implementation (use content from the Application of Theory and Evidence-Based Practices Presentation assignment)
Discuss the resources used to support the project (for example, human capital, funding, use of technology for communication, mailings, and brochures)
Explain the specific goals accomplished through the project and how the agency, community, or client benefited for the implementation of the project.
Discuss how the project contributed to the agency, client, or community, and explain how it advances the social work profession.
Determine which specific recommendations you would offer to an agency, client, or community to continue to promote your project’s intervention or plan.
Explain how your project improves the understanding of diversity and human rights and advances social work practice.
please use the files that were provided and use sources within the 5 years.