Compare and contrast the proverbs of North America and Asia. North America Eve

Compare and contrast the proverbs of North America and Asia.
North America

Compare and contrast the proverbs of North America and Asia.
North America
Every man for himself.
Good fences make good neighbors.
The nail that sticks up gets pounded. (Japan)
He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever. (Korea)
1. What do the proverbs tell you about the respective worldview or world orientation (the definition of world orientation is in the text)? 
2. Explain what the text says about world orientation.
3. How does ones world orientation impact communication?

Review the crisis communication case studies in both the Lachlan and Liberman te

Review the crisis communication case studies in both the Lachlan and Liberman te

Review the crisis communication case studies in both the Lachlan and Liberman texts, with emphasis on the KFC crisis of 2009 in Liberman et al Chapter 10. 
 Read: 15 Minutes to ‘Mayhem’: How a Tweet Led to a Shortage at Popeyes – The New York Times (  
In at least three brief paragraphs (30 to 50 words each) describe:
1 — What roles do frontline workers play in corporate communications.
2 — How you think the organization was effective or not, and why, in how they handled internal communication.
3 — Compare the KFC crisis with similar and more recent fast-food chicken shortage controversies.

Review the crisis communication case studies in both the Lachlan and Liberman te

Review the crisis communication case studies in both the Lachlan and Liberman te

Review the crisis communication case studies in both the Lachlan and Liberman texts, with emphasis on the KFC crisis of 2009 in Liberman et al Chapter 10. 
 Read: 15 Minutes to ‘Mayhem’: How a Tweet Led to a Shortage at Popeyes – The New York Times (  
In at least three brief paragraphs (30 to 50 words each) describe:
1 — What roles do frontline workers play in corporate communications.
2 — How you think the organization was effective or not, and why, in how they handled internal communication.
3 — Compare the KFC crisis with similar and more recent fast-food chicken shortage controversies.

You just viewed a scene from the film “Hotel Rwanda” starring Don Cheadle. This

You just viewed a scene from the film “Hotel Rwanda” starring Don Cheadle. This

You just viewed a scene from the film “Hotel Rwanda” starring Don Cheadle. This film is an account of the genocide that took places in this country in 1994. For hundreds of years, the two major tribes of Rwanda were the Hutu and the Tutsi. They lived together with no animosity between them. When Belgium colonized Rwanda, they gave preferential treatment to the Tutsi because they (the Belgium’s), thought the Tutsi’s to be “superior” due to the fact that they were taller, their skin was lighter and their noses where pointier. This caused a divide between individuals of Hutu and Tutsi descent even after the era of colonization came to an end. As new generations were born, they no longer blamed the Belgium’s, they blamed the Tutsi’s themselves because the new generation of Tutsi’s (growing up in this divided culture) began to see themselves as different from the Hutu.
In this particular scene, a hotel manger (who is a Hutu) by the name of Paul is buying supplies from a distributor and fellow Hutu. Paul is hiding Tutsi friends and neighbors in his hotel and the news is spreading that Paul is a Tutsi (Hutu’s also refer to them as cockroaches) sympathizer.
What does your text say about Dominance and Subordination between Groups?
How did the discrimination by the Belgium’s change the cultural perceptions of these people?

Respond to  2 students discussion using the rise Model Due Saturday February 17,

Respond to  2 students discussion using the rise Model
Due Saturday February 17,

Respond to  2 students discussion using the rise Model
Due Saturday February 17, 2024 by 10:00 pm
NOTE: This is a School Counseling Course
Must Read Everything: 
Reply to at least two classmate’s posts, applying the RISE Model for Meaningful Feedback
I will also show an example below of how the response needs to be addressed.
Here’s an example of how the response should look. Please don’t copy it. 
The response to the classmate need to be just like this. 
Example Response (Response Needs to be writen just like the response below No copying)
RISE Feedback:
REFLECT: I concur with “Action plans should reflect the type of services that are needed and have an idea of the expected outcome of the services” because it is in line with Hatch and Hartline’s intentional school counseling guidelines in regards to determining students needs.
INQUIRE: Can you further explain what “closing-the-gap action plans” are? 
SUGGEST: I encourage you to revisit Hatch and Hartline’s MTMDSS tier interventions in order to add a citation that would illustrate your example on bullying prevention efforts. 
ELEVATE: What if you re-purposed “For example, after a needs assessment, the school is having problems with bullying” as “Following Trish Hatch’s MTMDSS tier based interventions, if the school is having problems with bullying, after a needs assessment, we could… citation…”  for a more weighted argument?
ReferencesHatch, T., & Hartline, J. (2022). The use of data in school counseling: Hatching results (and so much more) for students, programs and the profession (2nd Ed.). Corwin.
****PLEASE RESPOND IN DEPTH*****************************************************************************
Classmate Response 1- Christian
The ESSA, signed by Obama in 2015, replaced the ESEA (USDoE, 2024). This was meant to continue the country’s  commitment to equity for all students. 
The most important point to me is point number 1 – that equity is pushed for by protecting disadvantaged and high need students’ rights. I think that this is very important because it addresses equity verses equality. Equality would be giving the same treatment to all students – which sounds good in theory, but students have disadvantages that need to be addressed. Equity is giving disadvantaged students the support they need so that they can have the same opportunities as others. On the other hand, our academic and schooling history has swept minoritized under the rug. By advancing equity, students can be uplifted.
The second most important highlight in my opinion is the annual statewide assessments(USDoE, 2024). Not only is this data backed by numerical data, but school can be held accountable. If there are areas that schools are lacking, data analysts can interpret data and find where the holes are. To add on, parents can be involved as well, as this data is open to the public. I think this is a good oportunity for parent involvement, but schools need to ensure that parents are in the loop.
The third most important highlight in. my opinion is the use of evidence based interventions. I have seen in schools where interventions fail, or the student’s needs aren’t served because of intervention that was not scientific/evidence based. 
U.S. Department of Education. (2024). Every student succeeds act (ESSA).
Classmate Response 2- Annette
After reading the ESSA from the U.S. Department of Education, what are three of the most important key points? Provide rationale for your selections.
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) replaced the No Child Left Behind Act in 2015. The ESSA policy governs K-12 public education in the United States. The ESSA shifts control over schools from the federal government to individual states, which are now responsible for creating student knowledge and skills standards. States also have more flexibility in using federal funds to improve schools. The ESSA requires states to develop accountability systems that include academic standards, graduation rates, and English language proficiency and to identify and intervene in underperforming schools.
The ESSA emphasizes providing historically disadvantaged students with a high-quality education. States must reduce achievement gaps and ensure all students are prepared for college and careers. Under the ESSA, states can choose academic standards and how to measure student progress and intervene in low-performing schools, a shift away from the previous law, No Child Left Behind, which had more federal control. Nonetheless, ESSA still holds schools accountable for student performance, with states developing accountability systems that include standardized test scores, graduation rates, and English language proficiency.
The ESSA also emphasizes equity in education. States must take steps to reduce achievement gaps between different groups of students, such as those from different racial and ethnic backgrounds or those with disabilities. This involves providing resources and support to help all students meet the state’s academic standards and prepare for college and careers.
Fusarelli, L. D., & Ayscue, J. B. (2019). Is ESSA a retreat from equity. to an external site. 
U.S. Department of Education (n.d.). Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Retrieved February 9, 2024, from

Respond to  2 students discussion using the rise Model Due Saturday February 17,

Respond to  2 students discussion using the rise Model
Due Saturday February 17,

Respond to  2 students discussion using the rise Model
Due Saturday February 17, 2024 by 10:00 pm
NOTE: This is a School Counseling Course
Must Read Everything: 
Reply to at least two classmate’s posts, applying the RISE Model for Meaningful Feedback
I will also show an example below of how the response needs to be addressed.
Here’s an example of how the response should look. Please don’t copy it. 
The response to the classmate need to be just like this. 
Example Response (Response Needs to be writen just like the response below No copying)
RISE Feedback:
REFLECT: I concur with “Action plans should reflect the type of services that are needed and have an idea of the expected outcome of the services” because it is in line with Hatch and Hartline’s intentional school counseling guidelines in regards to determining students needs.
INQUIRE: Can you further explain what “closing-the-gap action plans” are? 
SUGGEST: I encourage you to revisit Hatch and Hartline’s MTMDSS tier interventions in order to add a citation that would illustrate your example on bullying prevention efforts. 
ELEVATE: What if you re-purposed “For example, after a needs assessment, the school is having problems with bullying” as “Following Trish Hatch’s MTMDSS tier based interventions, if the school is having problems with bullying, after a needs assessment, we could… citation…”  for a more weighted argument?
ReferencesHatch, T., & Hartline, J. (2022). The use of data in school counseling: Hatching results (and so much more) for students, programs and the profession (2nd Ed.). Corwin.
****PLEASE RESPOND IN DEPTH********************************************************************************
Classmate Ressponse 1- Marlene
Experience with crisis 
Over weekend the principal at my intern site was arrested due to failure to make a mandated report on sexual assault issue that led to teacher arrest back in April. To deal with the crisis the superintendent along with Riverside sheriff dept, and their executive cabinet met with the whole school faculty, counselors and admin for zero period to go over protocols and how to address. 
They went over what happened, who is the new principal, asked questions, how to address media and students. Since the principal lives in the city and has children in the district  it hit hard to faculty and counselors. Counselors were concerned as they are regular for mandated reporters. After the meeting, the 12 counselors met with the counselor coordinators for the district along with crisis counselors brought in for the counselors to help. Counselors listed teachers who were on close watch list to check on as they might need more support. Counselors were to report to quad and places as needed to help students who may have questions. This was a different crisis for me as not only students but many teachers/staff affected. From my past training you have 24 hours to call DFCS or police and then file report within 36 hours. Even if you call to report and they say it’s not reportable I have filed a written report to save myself. This situation at my site has made it important at how fragile jobs and credentials can be and importance of being a mandated reporter.  I attached the form to file a report. to an external site.
Classmate Ressponse 2- Claudia
What do you think would be the most challenging situation for you in your role as a school counselor and why?
The most difficult role for me as a school counselor would be in presenting to peers and parents. I understand that this is a responsibility of the position, but it is not my strong suit. In my past role as an advisory coordinator, I had to present to the entire high school faculty (weekly), on the goals and content for our weekly advisory lessons. In addition to that, I also had to run teaching sessions to my peers on implementing our child protection curriculum in advisory lessons. I know that several people have strategies to help them through their jitters of public speaking. Speaking in public isn’t comfortable to me, but i can get through it. It will be the most challenging aspect/situation for me as a school counselor. 

Week 6 – Discussion: ESSA Key Points Due Wednesday 02/14/2024 Prepare a substant

Week 6 – Discussion: ESSA Key Points
Due Wednesday 02/14/2024
Prepare a substant

Week 6 – Discussion: ESSA Key Points
Due Wednesday 02/14/2024
Prepare a substantive response to the following:
After reading the ESSA from the U.S. Department of Education, what do you view as three of the most important key points? Provide rationale for your selections.
Link to Important Information regarding ESSA