Instructions: 1. Use the attached template to complete your article critique

1. Use the attached template to complete your article critique

1. Use the attached template to complete your article critique using scientific writing. As a reminder, in scientific writing, you are to be clear and concise, not using superfluous narrative. Avoid personal opinions that cannot be backed by science (this often means avoiding I/my statements).
2. As with all assignments, follow APA formatting (see attached example for formatting help). Also, keep the limit to this critique to no more than three pages total.
3. Upload your completed word document along with a copy of the original article. This means you will be submitting two items.
Due on Feb 25, 2024 11:59 PM
Citation for the article:
Realzola, Rogelio A.1; Mang, Zachary A.1; Millender, Desmond J.1; Beam, Jason R.2; Bellovary, Bryanne N.1; Wells, Andrew D.1; Houck, Jonathan M.1; Kravitz, Len1. Metabolic Profile of Reciprocal Supersets in Young, Recreationally Active Women and Men. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 36(10):p 2709-2716, October 2022. | DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000003920

Provide comprehensive insight, understanding, and reflective thought about an ec

Provide comprehensive insight, understanding, and reflective thought about an ec

Provide comprehensive insight, understanding, and reflective thought about an economic or financial issue/story in any sport-related organization. Postings should creatively stimulate dialogue and commentary. Postings should reflect students’ expressions of personality and personal experience. All images and text created by others should display appropriate copyright permissions and accurate citations. Each discussion assignment will require posting a comment to another student’s entry.
Search economic or financial news in sport business within the past calendar year. Post minimum one post discussing a current (within one year) financial-related issue in any sport-related environment. Consider the following questions/instructions as you consider your discussion entry:
Select TWO:
Parks & Recreation
High School Athletics
College Athletics
Professional Sports
Submit a brief financial challenge for each of your chosen TWO sport areas.
Cite references.
Respond to a minimum ONE discussion posted by another student for the possibility of full credit.

Find a social media post designed to drive ticket sales for an upcoming college

Find a social media post designed to drive ticket sales for an upcoming college

Find a social media post designed to drive ticket sales for an upcoming college sports event on 3 platforms from the following list: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Threads, X/Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat
Embed screenshots of photo posts or links to videos.
Analyze each post with the following in mind: why that post on that platform, segments being targeted, time of posting, product being pushed, why the particular text and images were chosen, effectiveness or ineffectiveness, what (if anything) you’d change to make the most more effective (450-750 words total)

Executive Summary Understanding the business literature in sport provides unders

Executive Summary
Understanding the business literature in sport provides unders

Executive Summary
Understanding the business literature in sport provides understanding of applicability to the sport environment. As current or future managers, a better understanding of financial and economic principles enables professionals to manage sport organizations efficiently. The opportunity to write executive summaries enables students to better improve writing and speaking abilities. Additionally, effective writing skill strengthens business management abilities.
Submit a full, 1-page, single-spaced executive summary relating to various financial principles, methods, and practices related to the article assigned (attached above). In summary format, provide descriiptive information including data if necessary. Additionally, include personal, constructive comment and critique as a brief conclusion.
Avoid using any quotes. Summarize in your own words.
Follow APA format. Cite references within text, and provide a reference list (separate). Include cover page (separate). ONE full page of text required. Single-spaced.
Exec Summary= 20 points.

Please write about abuse and harassment in society and in education. Society exa

Please write about abuse and harassment in society and in education. Society exa

Please write about abuse and harassment in society and in education. Society example an abusive relationship or workplace harassment and for education this could be teachers or authorities figures harassing or abusing students. Then write abuse in collegiate athletics, starting with the history of abuse in collegiate athletics.
To understand the impact and severity of abuse and harassment, one must understand similar terminology and the differences between each term.
Abuse may be defined as…
Harassment may be defined as…
Intimidation may be defined as…
Stalking may be defined as…

OVERVIEW It is important to demonstrate your understanding of sport topics and h

It is important to demonstrate your understanding of sport topics and h

It is important to demonstrate your understanding of sport topics and how they connect to present
conditions. Therefore, you will complete 5 Research Paper Assignments based off selected
topics from the world of sports.
For each paper you will answer the presented questions. Your answers must be comprehensive
and be supported with current sport-related examples. Critical thinking must be demonstrated in
each answered question. Write your thoughts out effectively as you complete the reading
assignments. Do not answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to any of the questions.
 Each question must be answered with no less than 200–300 words.
 Each assignment should include a separate title page, the body of your paper and
a separate reference page.
 APA (American Psychological Association) Format should be used to complete these
 All answers must be compiled in a Word document.
 Times New Roman, 12- point font, and double spaced throughout.
 List ALL references, including your scriptural references using current APA
 Each question must include references to support your answer.
 Textbook support should be limited to two or three citations per question.
 At least 1 reference in addition to the course textbook.
 A scriptural reference that is related to the topic.
 Acceptable sources include.
 Scholarly articles published within the last five years.
 Any Biblical translation
Please answer all three (3) questions.
1. Describe the impact the Carnegie Commission report of 1920 and the 1951 gambling
scandal had on college sports.
2. What was the impact of the career of Tex Rickard up.on the structure of American sports?
3. How did organized baseball try to survive during the 1930s? Were these innovations sucessful

Needs to be at least 250-300 words with at least one scholarly journal and one p

Needs to be at least 250-300 words with at least one scholarly journal and one p

Needs to be at least 250-300 words with at least one scholarly journal and one popular media. Popular media should be a reputable magazine or newspaper source (e.g., Forbes, Sport Illustrated, Wall Street Journal, Sport Business Daily).
References must be posted with a link (doi or URL) to the article.
Should be formatted correctly using the APA 7th format.
This includes references and in-text citations.
Three fully explained connections must be made from lessons and experiences. Do not use quotations; use your own words and apply the readings in a practical way.

n the Current Issues Assignment, you will investigate a current issue occurring

n the Current Issues Assignment, you will investigate a current issue occurring

n the Current Issues Assignment, you will investigate a current issue occurring in the business
of sport. Topics may come from policies implemented by a sport governing body, legal or ethical
issues being faced by sport organizations, financial topics, etc. If you are unsure whether your
topic would be appropriate, contact your professor. Your assignment will inform the reader about
everything they need to know about the given topic. You will need to use a minimum of five (5)
This assignment will consist of the following sections:
 Title Page: Follow the APA style guide.
 Overview of the Issue: A one paragraph summary of the issue to be discussed.
 Key Concepts: Make a connection to SMGT issues covered so far in the text.
Specifically, these should relate to one or more of the functional areas of sport
management: Management, Marketing, Finance, Law, and Ethics.
 Organizations Involved: A list and descriiption of the organizations that are impacted by
this issue. Consider the multiple levels of sport, media, sponsors, host community, etc.
 Individuals Involved: A list and descriiption of the key individuals who have a role to
play in this issue.
 Timeline of Important Events: Provide a brief history of the issue in chronological
format including the key happenings involving the organizations/people above.
Depending on the issue, you may not be able to include each event in your timeline.
 News Stories: Include a brief summary with links to key news stories. A focus should be
placed on articles from reputable news sources, and those articles where news first broke,
and/or articles that provide thorough information. At least three (3) stories should be
referred to in this section.
 Reference Page: Your reference list should include a minimum of five (5) sources. All
sources should be cited using APA style. Each source should also be cited properly in the
body of the paper when information from that source is used.
Format: The body of your paper should be a minimum of four (4) pages (the page count does
not include the Title Page or the Reference Page). Use one-inch margins, double-spaced lines,
and 12-point Times New Roman font. The Overview, Key Concepts, and News Stories should be
written in sentence/paragraph form. The Organizations Involved, Individuals Involved, and
Timeline of Important Events sections may use bullet points, but complete sentences must be
used in the descriiptions (like what you see in the instructions above). Since this is your summary
of the issue based on what you have read, the wording should be your own; do not use quotes, or
copy/paste information.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.