For your initial Post: Create a linear regression equation in Excel. State what

For your initial Post:
Create a linear regression equation in Excel. State what

For your initial Post:
Create a linear regression equation in Excel. State what the regression equation is in your post.
Define your input and output variables.
State and interpret the correlation coefficient.
State and interpret the coefficient of determination.
State the range of ages for which this linear regression equation is appropriate.

Instructions Prepare Download a copy of the Week 5 Lab Template.Download Week 5

Download a copy of the Week 5 Lab Template.Download Week 5

Download a copy of the Week 5 Lab Template.Download Week 5 Lab Template.
Download Week 5 Lab Notes Support Notes (to be used with actual lab)Open the Weeks 3 and 5 spreadsheets from the Weeks 3 and 5 Lessons OR the Getting Started Module (under the Resources tab) to help you answer the questions below.
Step 1: Gather Data
1a. Use these instructor-provided 10 heights from the Required Resources list above to start your lab.
1b. To add 10 more values to your lab data, survey or measure 10 people to find their heights. Add these heights to the Week 5 Lab Template along with the 10 provided by your instructor.
Determine the mean and standard deviation for the 20 values (your instructor’s 10 from Step 1a above plus your 10) by using the Week 3 Excel spreadsheet (Links to an external site.).
1c. Post a screen shot of the portion of the spreadsheet that helped you determine these values.
1d. How does your height compare to the mean (average) height of the 20 values? Is your height taller, shorter, or the same as the mean of the sample?
Step 2: Give some background information on the group of people you used in your study. Use the following questions to guide your answers.
How did you choose the participants for your study? What was the sampling method: systematic, convenience, cluster, stratified, simple random?
What part of the country did your study take place in?
What are the age ranges of your participants?
How many of each gender did you have in your study?
What are other interesting factors about your group?
Step 3: Use the Week 5 Excel spreadsheet (Links to an external site.) for the following.
1. (Use the Empirical Rule tab from the spreadsheet). Determine the 68%, 95%, and 99.7% values of the Empirical Rule in terms of the 20 heights in your height study.
2. Post a screen shot of your work from the Week 5 Excel spreadsheet.
3. What do these values tell you?
4. Post a screen shot of your work from the Normal Probability tab from the Week 5 Excel spreadsheet.
5. Based on your study results, what percent of the study participants are shorter than you? What percent are taller than you? (Example: If my height is 73 inches, then 20.86% of the relevant population is shorter. The other 79.14%, of course, is taller).
Step 4: Be sure your name is on the Word document, save it, and then submit it under “Assignments” and “Week 5: Lab”.

To successfully complete this week’s assignment, please watch my lecture videos

To successfully complete this week’s assignment, please watch my lecture videos

To successfully complete this week’s assignment, please watch my lecture videos (Attached in powerpoint form), and watch YouTube video (i.e., Bayes’ Rule) ( )
before starting if needed.
Topic: Coach’s Decision: UF Women’s Basketball Match
Suppose your team (UF Women’s Basketball Team) trails by two points against University of Connecticut with 8 seconds to go and has the ball. Your assistant coach Victor suggests to attempt 3-point shot because the probability of winning the game with shooting a 2-point shot is lower (0.45 x 0.50 = 0.225 or 22.5%) than a 3-point shot (0.300 or 30%) based on the assumptions below. What is your decision? Should your team attempt a two-point shot or a three-point shot? What other factors might you need to consider?
Assumption 1: UF shot will end the game and that no foul will occur on the shot.
Assumption 2: UF’s 3-point shot historically has a 30% chance of success; 2-point shot has a 45% chance of success in most recent 5 games.
Assumption 3: UF has 50% chance of winning in overtime because this is your home game.

The best way to learn statistics is to do statistics. At one point, most of us h

The best way to learn statistics is to do statistics. At one point, most of us h

The best way to learn statistics is to do statistics. At one point, most of us have needed to purchase a vehicle. At the very least, it’s fun to look at them! Go to the Kelley Blue Book website or any other vehicle website and choose 10 different vehicles. These can be ones you would consider buying or even your total dream car. Record the following information in a blank Excel file.
Save your Excel, for future discussions, and then upload the Excel as an attachment in your intro. discussion for review.
Vehicle type/class
MPG (city)
MPG (highway)

Explain the type(s) of vehicles you chose and provide a brief rationale for your choice. For each column category, state whether the variable is qualitative or quantitative. Last, add a new column with a variable of your choice and state whether it is qualitative or quantitative. You might consider engine size, number of cylinders, vehicle weight, or drive type.

Each student is required to submit a two-paragraph discussion board post about a

Each student is required to submit a two-paragraph discussion board post about a

Each student is required to submit a two-paragraph discussion board post about a session from the Bentley University MLK Celebration (Tuesday, January 20, 2024).
• Paragraph 1 should provide an summary/overview of the session presentation.
• Paragraph 2 should discuss what data were presented to illustrate a point or support the presentation? What data, if they existed, would have further supported the message? Was data presented that undermined, weakened, or challenged (provided an alternative view) the message? Identify the variable types and measurement scales of the data presented.
I have attached the video of the presentation. Please use it to write the 2 paragraphs and answer the questions. Also please relate it to statistics since its for a statistics class.


PSYC 354
This assignment is design

PSYC 354
This assignment is designed to increase your understanding and proficiency in conceptualizing
and computing the probability of simple events as well as the probability of certain outcomes
using the z score and the normal distribution. A working knowledge of these concepts, along
with what you will learn next week, will help you make the important transition from working
with descriptive statistics to working with inferential statistics. Inferential statistics form the
backbone of social science research, and having a solid understanding is essential to conducting,
interpreting, and applying research in your chosen field.
 To access the homework problems for this assignment, please download the Probability
Template document linked on the Probability Assignment page.
 This assignment includes several problem sets related to probability and the proportion of
scores under the normal curve related to specific z scores.
 For each scenario, you will compute your answer using a calculator or pencil and paper.
Typewritten answers into the document in the specified answer spaces. Please keep the
red font formatting for answers and show work when directed to do so. You may type
your work, use a stylus/e-pen, or write it by hand and scan the results into a finished
document. Be sure all work is legible.
Please review the Demonstration Video: Finding Proportions and Percentile Ranks, as well
as Chapter 6 in your textbook, for procedures related to solving these problems

Overview Recall that samples are used to generate a statistic, which businesses

Recall that samples are used to generate a statistic, which businesses

Recall that samples are used to generate a statistic, which businesses use to estimate the population parameter. You have learned how to take samples from populations and use them to produce statistics. For two quantitative variables, businesses can use scatterplots and the correlation coefficient to explore a potential linear relationship. Furthermore, they can quantify the relationship in a regression equation.
This assignment picks up where the Module Two assignment left off and will use components of that assignment as a foundation.
You have submitted your initial analysis to the sales team at D.M. Pan Real Estate Company. You will continue your analysis of the provided Real Estate Data Spreadsheet spreadsheet using your selected region to complete your analysis. You may refer back to the initial report you developed in the Module Two Assignment Template to continue the work. This document and the National Summary Statistics and Graphs Real Estate Data PDF spreadsheet will support your work on the assignment.
Note: In the report you prepare for the sales team, the dependent, or response, variable (y) should be the listing price and the independent, or predictor, variable (x) should be the square feet.
Using the Module Three Assignment Template Word Document, specifically address the following:
Regression Equation: Provide the regression equation for the line of best fit using the scatterplot from the Module Two assignment.
Determine r: Determine r and what it means. (What is the relationship between the variables?)
Determine the strength of the correlation (weak, moderate, or strong).
Discuss how you determine the direction of the association between the two variables.
Is there a positive or negative association?
What do you see as the direction of the correlation?
Examine the Slope and Intercepts: Examine the slope and intercept .
Draw conclusions from the slope and intercept in the context of this problem.
Does the intercept make sense based on your observation of the line of best fit?
Determine the value of the land only.
Note: You can assume, when the square footage of the house is zero, that the price is the value of just the land. This happens when x=0, which is the y-intercept. Does this value make sense in context?
Determine the R-squared Coefficient: Determine the R-squared value.
Discuss what R-squared means in the context of this analysis.
Conclusions: Reflect on the Relationship: Reflect on the relationship between square feet and sales price by answering the following questions:
Is the square footage for homes in your selected region different than for homes overall in the United States?
For every 100 square feet, how much does the price go up (i.e., can you use slope to help identify price changes)?
What square footage range would the graph be best used for?
You can use the following video tutorial that is specifically about this assignment:
MAT-240 Module 3 Assignment (