This is a written discussion board assignment, so please respond to the followin

This is a written discussion board assignment, so please respond to the followin

This is a written discussion board assignment, so please respond to the following prompt in an essay response of around 150 words.
Prompt: For this discussion board post, explain the following three things:
What are degrees of freedom?
Why do we divide SS by df instead of by N when estimate population variance?
What is the difference between a one-sample t-test and a dependent samples t-test

Instructions Write a paper incorporating concepts that you learned during the co

Write a paper incorporating concepts that you learned during the co

Write a paper incorporating concepts that you learned during the course, using your survey results. You can start with your discussion post responses in Weeks 4 – 7 as a guide. Write a paper (about 2-3 written pages, 4-5 pages include graphs and results), double-spaced and in 12-point font. You will use Excel and/or StatCrunch for this project.
The final project paper will include:
A title
An Introduction
A paragraph on how you sampled the data. Share limitations in your sampling method and discuss the reliability of the survey responses.
Measures of central tendency and variation. Interpret the results in complete sentences. What do these results tell you about your data?
Three graphs with at least one that summarizes categorical data and one that summarizes numerical data. Include captions for each graph.
A confidence interval calculated using Excel or StatCrunch. Use a question from discussion post four and answer it using the confidence interval. Include the results and interpret the confidence interval.
A hypothesis test including H0 and Ha answering a second question from discussion post four written as a claim. Include analysis showing the conditions are met, the test statistic and p-value, and a written conclusion. Include the results from StatCrunch.
The body of the paper should be written around the results from your graphs, confidence interval and hypothesis test.
Conclusion (Think about what outcomes you found interesting or unexpected.)
Submitting Your Assignment to the Dropbox:
Submit a written paper including the above requirements
Submit a separate document with the survey questions.
Submit the Excel file with the raw data (original data with no calculations or graphs) collected from the survey.

Download this Excel File and open it on your system. When you open it, you shou

Download this Excel File and open it on your system.
When you open it, you shou

Download this Excel File and open it on your system.
When you open it, you should see this image.
I already attached the file and I will list the steps in order
Step 2:
Click on the Data Tab at the on the top of screen and open Data Analysis ToolPak and scroll to “Correlation”
Step 3.
Once you select Correlation and click OK, you will see the following:
NOTE: In the above example, I have highlighted the Var1 Column and the Var 2 Column. Once you click OK, a sheet will open showing the correlation matrix. Note that the first row contains the Labels so the box is clicked.
Step 4
Once you run the correlation, you should see the following:So, the correlation between Var 1 and Var 2 is .776. It is reported as r2 = .776
Step 5
The correlation window allows you to run multiple variables at the same time. So you can select as many columns as you would like to do a correlation. In other words, you can run all the columns at once. What you will get is a matrix showing you all available correlations. In the sample shown in the image, Var1 to Var 4 columns are selected. Go ahead and run that.
Step 6
Once your run that correlation you will get a matrix in the Sheet below that shows all possible correlations. It should look something like this:
Th Corrlation betwe Var and Var 3 is .699 for example. I have blocked out a red box for the correlation between Var 2 and Var 4. Report that correlation as your response to this assignment and confirmation that you were able to complete the analyses.
That’s it. Correlations are straightforward to run. We will talk about the interpretation some more in class.



With the attached Data sheet, complete the following task:
1. Conduct a simple linear regression based on the following research question: Does a person’s job satisfaction predict their organizational commitment?
2. Report and evaluate the regression diagnostics.
Your part 1 submission should be in APA 7 FORMAT, in 4 pages. Results should include,
*A simple linear regression based on the research question
*A report and evaluation of the regression diagnostics
* Assumptions relating to the test, and
* A brief narrative explaining results
With the datasheet attached complete the following task:
1. Conduct a multiple linear regression based on the following research question: Does a person’s job satisfaction and leadership preference predict their organizational commitment?
2. Report and evaluate the regression diagnostics.
Your Part 2 submission should be completed in APA 7 FORMAT with a minimum of Four pages, with the results including,
* A multiple linear regression based on the research question
* A report and evaluation of the regression diagnostics
* Assumptions relating to the test, and
* A brief narrative explaining results.

Hi there , this is STAT 101 class and i am requesting the writer 325247 he/ she

Hi there , this is STAT 101 class and i am requesting the writer 325247 he/ she

Hi there , this is STAT 101 class and i am requesting the writer 325247 he/ she did my order. #545824358 on November 13 2023. so my order had 3 parts and he did the 3rd part wrong so i am requesting again for doing ONLY the 3rd part. Note – I uploaded a picture of my instructors feedback please correct it, Take the notes into consideration
PART 3 The Steps To Take:
When you have chosen your INTERVAL variable: Gather the frequency distribution for your variable and be sure you are using the numbers for the 2022 survey year. You will use the frequency distribution to find the mode, median, and range, when relevant. Remember to ignore any category that is for a “non” answer, e.g., don’t know, no answer, no response, etc. Be sure to note the names of the categories for your nominal and ordinal variables – they may be coded with numbers but those do not mean anything – use the names for each category! To get mean and standard deviation, please use this list. DO NOT CALCULATE THOSE YOURSELF. (You have too much to do right now and it’s not always possible, depending on which variable you chose.) Analyze only your INTERVAL variable in this part. If you would like more guidance on how to choose and deal with your variables, check out the examples tab. Use the outline to write up your analysis. There is no great need to include the frequency distributions – but if you do want to include them, put them in an appendix (optional). then have a paragraph describing your appropriate central tendency and variability statistical patterns for your variable in your own words. Use This Outline Interval Variable– Describe the distribution of your data for this variable. Interpret the frequency distribution and appropriate measure(s) of central tendency (Mean, Median, Mode, skew, best measure) and variability (Range, sd). Introduction – Tell us what your variable is, in everyday words and, briefly, why you chose it. Discussion: Description of the statistical patterns of central tendency and variability, in everyday words. Use ONLY the relevant statistics for the level of measurement. Please send it as a word pdf.INTERVAL variable. Please also check the list which I uploaded to get mean and standard deviation for the 3rd part of this assignment , please use the list given!! just like in the examples provided! please check the details list as well. if you have any question please contact me.

Scenario Background: A marketing company based out of New York City is doing wel

Scenario Background:
A marketing company based out of New York City is doing wel

Scenario Background:
A marketing company based out of New York City is doing well and is looking to expand internationally. The CEO and VP of Operations decide to enlist the help of a consulting firm that you work for, to help collect data and analyze market trends.
You work for Mercer Human Resources. The Mercer Human Resource Consulting website lists prices of certain items in selected cities around the world. They also report an overall cost-of-living index for each city compared to the costs of hundreds of items in New York City (NYC). For example, London at 88.33 is 11.67% less expensive than NYC.
More specifically, if you choose to explore the website further you will find a lot of fun and interesting data. You can explore the website more on your own after the course concludes. cost-of-living-rankings#rankings
Assignment Guidance:
In the Excel document, you will find the 2018 data for 17 cities in the data set Cost of Living. Included are the 2018 cost of living index, cost of a 3-bedroom apartment (per month), price of monthly transportation pass, price of a mid-range bottle of wine, price of a loaf of bread (1 lb.), the price of a gallon of milk and price for a 12 oz. cup of black coffee. All prices are in U.S. dollars.
You use this information to run a Multiple Linear Regression to predict Cost of living, along with calculating various descriiptive statistics. This is given in the Excel output (that is, the MLR has already been calculated. Your task is to interpret the data).
Based on this information, in which city should you open a second office in? You must justify your answer. If you want to recommend 2 or 3 different cities and rank them based on the data and your findings, this is fine as well.
Deliverable Requirements:
This should be ¾ to 1 page, no more than 1 single-spaced page in length, using 12-point Times New Roman font. You do not need to do any calculations, but you do need to pick a city to open a second location at and justify your answer based upon the provided results of the Multiple Linear Regression.
The format of this assignment will be an Executive Summary. Think of this assignment as the first page of a much longer report, known as an Executive Summary, that essentially summarizes your findings briefly and at a high level. This needs to be written up neatly and professionally. This would be something you would present at a board meeting in a corporate environment. If you are unsure of an Executive Summary, this resource can help with an overview. How to Write an Executive Summary That Gets the Job Done 2023.pdf
Things to Consider:
To help you make this decision here are some things to consider:
Based on the MLR output, what variable(s) is/are significant?
From the significant predictors, review the mean, median, min, max, Q1 and Q3 values?
It might be a good idea to compare these values to what the New York value is for that variable. Remember New York is the baseline as that is where headquarters are located.
Based on the descriiptive statistics, for the significant predictors, what city has the best potential?
What city or cities fall are below the median?
What city or cities are in the upper 3rd quartile?

Independent t-testing comparing the final grade averages of students in traditio

Independent t-testing comparing the final grade averages of students in traditio

Independent t-testing comparing the final grade averages of students in traditional class versus in hybrid format
Title- evaluating the impact of transitioning a respiratory care student from a traditional course to a hybrid course. The statistics should show if the hypothesis is rejected or accepted that there is no difference in final grade averages of the students. The file uploaded has the previous three academic years of students in a traditional setting and this past semester in a hybrid format. If there is a graph to support statistics please provide that as well.