Hello! I am working on a data analytics paper regarding the used car market. I h

Hello! I am working on a data analytics paper regarding the used car market. I h

Hello! I am working on a data analytics paper regarding the used car market. I have provided a link that you may use below.
If the link above doesn’t provide sufficient data analytics content, you are welcome to use another website that also talks about the used car market in America.
Here are the instructions below:
Please submit a one-page (Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced) write-up describing the analytic method being used, the context for use, the benefit or insight gained by the organization, and what you learned. If you identified a data set without a story or report, please indicate what type of analysis you believe would be useful and relevant and what you or an organization might do with the results.
The assignment is pretty simple, however, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do. So if your interve

For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do.
So if your interve

For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do.
So if your intervention had been effective in part two you will submit the second A phase for part 3 (your return to baseline condition) and provide a description as to whether or not the data changed as expected (returned to the level of responding seen in the initial baseline data collection or if it remained stable. Regardless of what happens to the behavior during this reversal week, your final phase will be to resume the contingency during part 4.
However, if your initial intervention was not effective during part 2 (the B phase) then you will need to explain why you think it was not effective (i.e. the rate of behavior remained the same during the B phase as it had been during the initial Baseline) and during week three you will need to start a new or modified intervention (contingency) and your week 3 data will be the C phase. You will then re-evaluate if your C phase was effective to determine what you would need to do for Part 4 of your project.
Make sure you include a copy of your graph with all three weeks of data labeled appropriately.
( I have attached project 2 below for context and how the graph should look as well, please make it simple and follow the instructions!)

Hello! Can you please create two visual representations (infographics through Ca

Hello! Can you please create two visual representations (infographics through Ca

Hello! Can you please create two visual representations (infographics through Canva) that pertain to the Excel spreadsheet and assignment outlines I have attached? The class example attachment is what the graphics should look like.
Thank you so much for your time!
If you have any questions or if I filled out the order form wrong in any way please let me know

I will put a few files in this question. Ill send an example of the final write

I will put a few files in this question. Ill send an example of the final write

I will put a few files in this question. Ill send an example of the final write up worth 10 points, and an example of the slides. Use these examples to help guide you, follow them and the rubric strictly!
For this project, you must exclusively utilize models taught in this class (basic college stats models). Use datasets provided in the course (I HAVE THE DATA AND PROPOSAL). The focus will be on performing data analysis using cross-sectional datasets. Each student is expected to submit a project proposal, a final report, and deliver an in-class presentation. Submissions should be formatted in 12-point Times New Roman font and be double-spaced.
The final report should be 5-10 pages and must include the following content:
Research question
Motivation: Why do you choose this topic? Why is this topic important?
Data&variables: data source, key variables and others.
Descriptive analysis: a summary of variables (obs, mean, std, min, max), Graph/Figure
Hypothesis and Test result (Null and alternative hypothesis)
Regression Result
Discussion: What do you find? Any limitation?
The presentation should use PowerPoint to show the main content of the final report. The PowerPoint presentation should not exceed 10 pages. The presentation can last up to 10 minutes. After presentation, you can revise your final report based on the comments.
Note: I have the project proposal already ready. It will be in files. Do everything based off of that. I need you to complete the complete the report for MY proposal and the subsequent powerpoint. To access the data, click on the excel sheet. Look at the bottom of the screen and click on the ‘catholic’ category.

I have 2 sets of data. Men 18+ and Women 18+. I have 35 values in each data grou

I have 2 sets of data. Men 18+ and Women 18+. I have 35 values in each data grou

I have 2 sets of data. Men 18+ and Women 18+. I have 35 values in each data group. I started this and it turns out I am just confused on what I am supposed to be doing, when I think I have it right, my professor tells me I am wrong. I am uploading my excel spreadsheet of my two data groups and will upload the directions, rubric, and template and anything else needed. We have to make a stem and leaf plot for each data set as well as a double box and whisker plot using the websites they have provided in the instructions. I am also attaching what I have done so far so you can see how awful I am at this statistics stuff.

For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do. So if your interve

For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do.
So if your interve

For part three you will need to do what ever you need to do.
So if your intervention had been effective in part two you will submit the second A phase for part 3 (your return to baseline condition) and provide a description as to whether or not the data changed as expected (returned to the level of responding seen in the initial baseline data collection or if it remained stable. Regardless of what happens to the behavior during this reversal week, your final phase will be to resume the contingency during part 4.
However, if your initial intervention was not effective during part 2 (the B phase) then you will need to explain why you think it was not effective (i.e. the rate of behavior remained the same during the B phase as it had been during the initial Baseline) and during week three you will need to start a new or modified intervention (contingency) and your week 3 data will be the C phase. You will then re-evaluate if your C phase was effective to determine what you would need to do for Part 4 of your project.
Make sure you include a copy of your graph with all three weeks of data labeled appropriately.
( I have attached project 2 below for context and how the graph should look as well, please make it simple and follow the instructions!)

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH WORKSHOP While this exercise simulates the proposal development for conducting interviews, one way in which this is not a direct simulation is in the selection of participants. For your proposal, your intent will be to invite participants who are most likely to meet your criteria for inclusion. For this course, you are requested to invite people you know (i.e., family and friends) and exclude persons who you do not know and/or are in at-risk populations.
The IRB also provides an Informed Consent procedure for conducting your interviews. Use the “IRB Verbatim Informed Consent for Practice Interviews” document in the Learning Resources as an e-mail verbatim.
Because this is practice, it may be difficult to find participants who have experienced the phenomenon of interest. You can choose to ask your participants to pretend to have had relevant experience, or perhaps they can respond to the questions considering a similar or relevant personal experience. Remember, the purpose of this exercise is to get you familiar with the process.
In this week’s Workshop, visit your unique thread and post a response to the following:
Outline your proposed interview procedures, providing justification of each procedure included in your list. Be sure to consider and share your plan for the following:Who you are considering interviewing
Incorporation of the exact verbiage provided by the IRB’s Office of Research and Compliance
The revised interview guide, which now includes the invitation, informed consent, introductory statement, the interview, and a concluding/closing statement
In which format to conduct the interview (e-mail, phone, or in person), with a justification for your choice and inclusion of appropriate sources (referring to articles)
Choosing and coordinating a peer debrief with one of your classmates, which can be by phone (preferably) or e-mail and will occur after you have collected your data
Requirements: See Comments Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions.
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each body paragraph.
Please be sure to use credible or scholarly sources published within the last 5 years.

For this assignment, please complete the following and submit your answers in a

For this assignment, please complete the following and submit your answers in a

For this assignment, please complete the following and submit your answers in a single PDF page: Create a histogram of the variable selling price. Does it appear normally distributed? Justify your answer.
Create a correlation matrix to explore the linear correlation coefficient of each independent variable with selling price. Rank the correlation coefficients from Strongest to Weakest linear association.
Create scatterplots of the selling price vs each of the independent variables. Do all of the relationships appear linear? Does the variance appear constant? Are there any outliers? Add a regression line to each of the scatterplots. Which one demonstrates the highest R2? Does this make sense given the visual appearance of the scatterplots? Why/Why not?
Run a simple linear regression model for each independent variable. Complete the table below. Examine the residual plot for each independent variable. Do the residuals appear random around zero?
Are all of the variables significant predictors of selling price? Select which model you think explains best the variation around the mean selling price. Justify your choice with information from the comparison chart in 4. List the assumptions of linear regression. Does your model violate any of these assumptions? Justify your answer (ie. what information helped you evaluate each assumption).

Assignment due Monday, April 15, 2024 by 11:00pm The .ipynb file should be submi

Assignment due Monday, April 15, 2024 by 11:00pm The .ipynb file should be submi

Assignment due Monday, April 15, 2024 by 11:00pm The .ipynb file should be submitted as searchable PDF and not as a picture. Read the instructions carefully. Please download your assignment here. https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1L9NNWit1wTfH2jEZFJr43E9h37D4IVql Submission Requirements: Submit all answers along with their corresponding code as a **searchable PDF **. All generated csv and .ipynb files must be submitted in a zip-folder as a secondary source. Ensure your zip folder contains four csv files (i.e., the csv files for each of the four questions below; YourName.csv, RelianceRetailVisits_ordered.csv, Scores.csv, Vaccinated.csv). You may use Jupyter notebook or Colab as per your convenience. You should ONLY use the concepts and techniques covered in the course to generate your answers. Statistical techniques that are NOT covered in the course will NOT be evaluated. Note: Reach out to your instructor for any question regarding csv files, codes, or the zip-folder. Non-compliance with the above instructions will result in a 0 grade on the relevant portions of the assignment. Your instructor will grade your assignment based on what you submitted. Failure to submit the assignment or submitting an assignment intended for another class will result in a 0 grade, and resubmission will not be allowed. Make sure that you submit your original work. Suspected cases of plagiarism will be treated as potential academic misconduct and will be reported to the College Academic Integrity Committee for a formal investigation. As part of this procedure, your instructor may require you to meet with them for an oral exam on the assignment. A. Statistical Intuitions in Mental Health **Question 1: **(#Probability, #CompProgramDesign, #Visualizations) We are going to work with a dataset that was collected on mental health issues. In total, 824 individuals (teenagers, college students, housewives, businesses professionals, and other groups) completed the survey. Their data provides valuable insights into the prevalence, and factors associated with, mental health issues in different groups. Using the sample dataset from the CSV file you generated answer the following questions: Question 1a. Is each of these two variables independent of being female? Explain your reasoning. Make sure to include a two-way table for each of these two variables with gender, and show all your calculations to support your answers. **Question 1b. **Is there a relationship between the two variables returned by the code? Explain your reasoning. Make sure you include a two-way table, a stacked bar graph, and all your probability calculations in your answer. **Question 1c. **Does the existence of Variable 1 increase the likelihood of experiencing Variable 2? If so, by how much? Explain your reasoning. Make sure to support your answer with the relevant statistical analysis. **Question 1d. **Look back at your answers to Questions 1a-c. Now use what you learned to answer the following question: Imagine ZU wanted to use the insights from this research to improve its mental health support program. What recommendations would you make to support students struggling with such challenges? B. Statistical Intuition in Store Ratings **Question 2: **(#Distributions, #Probability) Imagine you are the manager of an Electronic store in Dubai mall. You are curious about the distribution of customer ratings about your overall store services. So you ask random customers who visit the store to complete a short survey, recording variables such as their age group, and overall experience rating. Question 2a. Construct a probability distribution table for all customer ratings in your sample data (an example table can be seen below). Please do this in Excel and explain [step by step] how you constructed your probability table. Question 2b. What is the probability that a randomly selected customer will have a rating of AT MOST 3? Question 2c. Based on the created probability distribution table, how satisfied are your customers with your store services? Question 2d. Find the expected rating of your store. Show your work and interpret your answer in context. Question 2e. Interpret the Standard Deviation in context. What rating is considered unusual. Explain. Question 2f. Identify any trends or differences in customer satisfaction levels (and variability) among the different age groups. Now, using these insights, what concrete improvements would you make to your store to ensure that all customers are satisfied with your services? C. Statistical Intuition in SAT Exams **Question 3: **(#Probability, #Distributions) Imagine you are working for a prestigious university in the UAE. It is your job to decide which students are admitted to the university. To help you do this, you analyze the high school (SAT) scores of potential students. These scores help you understand their academic readiness and potential for success at the university. You have just received the scores of applicants who would like to join the university in September 2024. These scores follow a normal distribution. Use the Scores dataset and the statistics provided by the code, to answer the following questions. IMPORTANT: Make sure to support your answers by explaining and showing how you came to your conclusions. -_ If you use online calculators then please include screenshots of those calculators as part of your work._ -_ Please__ do not__ use code to solve these questions. The questions are designed to test your understanding._ Question 3a. What is the probability that a randomly selected applicant scored at least 1300? Show your work. Question 3b. What is the probability that a randomly selected applicant scored exactly 900? Show your work. Question 3c. What percentage of applicants scored between 900 and 1000? Show your work. Question 3d. Calculate the 40th percentile of scores among the applicants. What does this value represent in the context of the admissions process? Show your work. Question 3e. Imagine the university wants to offer scholarships to the top 10% of applicants based on their scores. What minimum score would an applicant need to qualify for a scholarship? Show your work. Question 3f. Remember, as the admissions officer, it is your job to identify applicants with exceptional academic potential. Would you automatically recommend that applicants with SAT scores above 1400 to be admitted into the university? Or do you think additional criteria should also be considered? Explain your reasoning. D. Statistical Intuition in Public Health **Question 4: **(#InferentialStats) Now imagine that it is year 2034 and you are working as a public health researcher in the UAE. You are working on a project to assess vaccination coverage for a new global pandemic. The UAE government has implemented a widespread vaccination campaign to combat the spread of the virus and achieve herd immunity. You want to determine the proportion of individuals who have received the new vaccine among a sample of 100 residents in different parts of the country. Use the dataset to answer the following questions. IMPORTANT: Make sure to support your answers by explaining and showing how you came to your conclusions. -_ Please do not use code to solve these questions. The questions are designed to test your understanding._ Question 4a. What is the proportion of people who have received the vaccine (based on the dataset you have)? Question 4b. Calculate a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of vaccinated individuals. What does this interval tell us about the likely range of vaccination coverage in the entire population? Show your work. Question 4c. What sample size would be required to estimate the proportion of vaccinated individuals in the country with a 95% confidence level and a margin of error of 0.02? Show your work. Question 4d. If you wanted to increase the precision of your estimate, what strategies could you employ to achieve this goal? Explain your reasoning. Question 4e. Analyze the effectiveness of the current vaccination campaign using the proportion of vaccinated individuals and the confidence interval. What recommendations would you make for future campaigns? Assignment Information Weight: 18% Learning Outcomes Added CompProgramDesign: Generate working programs in a computer language that can solve computational problems; find and fix bugs that appear in them. Distributions: Identify different types of distributions and make inferences based on samples from distributions appropriately. Visualizations: Interpret, analyze, and create data visualizations. InferentialStats: Apply and interpret confidence intervals, statistical significance, and regression. Probability: Apply and interpret fundamental concepts of probability, including conditional and bayesian probabilities