This is a multinational company’s dataset conducted to assess the annual review

This is a multinational company’s dataset conducted to assess the annual review

This is a multinational company’s dataset conducted to assess the annual review of its employees to understand the dynamics of job satisfaction and compensation equity across different departments.The goal is to identify key are as for improvementin the workplace environment, enhance productivity, and ensure fair compensation practices. Job Satisfaction Score is a numerical score derived from employee survey responses,ranging from 0 to100 , where higher scores indicate greater job satisfaction. Annual Compensation is the total compensation for each employee, including salary, bonuses, and any other financial benefits, measured in thousands of dollars

Post 1: Initial Response As you read about studies in newspapers and magazines,

Post 1: Initial Response
As you read about studies in newspapers and magazines,

Post 1: Initial Response
As you read about studies in newspapers and magazines, the actual data that was collected, which could be thousands of data entries, are not included in the article. Rather, you will likely find a visual representation or graph of the data. Many times, these displays can be misleading or exaggerated to get you to think a certain way. For this discussion, you will conduct an internet search to find an article that includes a graph or visual display. You will analyze the graph or visual display to determine whether the graph is misleading, exaggerated, or misrepresents the data. Then you will write a descriiptive essay with a minimum of 5 paragraphs to address the following questions:
Consider what you know about misleading or exaggerated graphs.
When you looked at the graph for the first time, do you think it effectively showed the intended information? Why or why not?
Answer one of the two questions below.
Do you feel this graph was misleading in any way? Explain.
If you feel the graph is not misleading, why do you feel it is appropriate? Explain.
Would you have designed this graph differently? Such as design a different type, including other variables, or provide different labels? Why or why not?
Once you have found a graph or visual display in a news article, magazine, or internet story, draft your descriiptive essay using the questions above as a guide. Do not simply answer each question, but put these ideas together into a cohesive descriiptive essay with five paragraphs using the guidelines below.
Once you have written your essay in a Word document, start a new thread post that includes a snippet of the graph you used, or a web link to the news article. Here is a video on how to use a snipping tool. ( Copy and paste the body of your essay, and attach the final version of your Word document as your initial response to this discussion.

Review the skills and abilities discussed on the Unit 1 Journal submission (to v

Review the skills and abilities discussed on the Unit 1 Journal submission (to v

Review the skills and abilities discussed on the Unit 1 Journal submission (to view your graded Unit 1 work, go to the Unit 1 Dropbox).
Write one or two short paragraphs discussing the impact of this course on your skills and abilities for your prospective career.
Be sure to include:
whether you believe your skills and abilities have improved;
why they have improved or why they have not; and
what you still hope to improve upon during the remainder of the term.
(see attached for unit 1 writing )

Please refer to the additional materials sections. When doing the assignment ple

Please refer to the additional materials sections. When doing the assignment ple

Please refer to the additional materials sections. When doing the assignment please use the document labeled ANA610 Homework and answer the questions on that document. Some of the questions are already answered. If the questions that are answered are wrong please correct them. So please for the questions that are not answered please answer them. All work (even the code used for SAS and RSTUDIO) needs to be copied and pasted in the Word document. Please write the code used in RED. Please do not use SQL. So that I may recreate them on my end in my SAS studio. For all the outputting charts in SAS and RSTUDIO please copy and paste them into the Word document for each question. There is an audit that needs to take place first. Please do an audit on the information given and show all of the work for the audit. Lastly, please answer the EXTRA CREDIT work. THANK YOU SO MUCH! You are a great help.

Please put each question in separate documents. 1. At the end of chapter 6, plea

Please put each question in separate documents.
1. At the end of chapter 6, plea

Please put each question in separate documents.
1. At the end of chapter 6, please answer the following questions. Each question is reviewed on the chapter 6 guide! 1a. Develop the appropriate research questions and/or hypothesis for the main effects and interactions.
di. Can you conclude homogeneity of variance-covariance? What statistic is most appropriate of the multivariate results?
ei. Is the factor interaction significant? Explain.
eii. Are the main effects significant? Explain.
eiii. What can you conclude from the univariate ANOVA results?
Provide the output for each question!!!
Please note your data from the homework will not match the data from the textbook examples.
2. 500 word summary chapter 6. Check your overlap report to make sure you stay at or below 10%. Five hundred words is the minimum not the maximum. You need to include five direct quotes that are related to major topics or definitions or terms found in the chapter. After each direct quote describe the content of the quote in your own words. The direct quotes do not count toward the 500 word count. Your description of the direct quote does count toward the 500 word minimum. If your descriptions of the direct quotes do not get you to 500 words, continue to summarize as normal. If your overlap goes above 10%, please fix it and resubmit. 3. Enabled:
Statistics Tracking
Follow this link and very carefully read the information on the Pearson Product Correlation Coefficient.
There is a screen shot with actual data for fourteen cases (visible to you –there are more cases you cannot see — enter the 14 cases in data view of SPSS). You are to enter the data you see and run the correlation. You are to then cut and paste your correlation matrix to a word document. There will be a link under assignments to turn in the word document.
You only have to submit the correlation matrix. See the example above. Your correlation matrix will look a bit different because you are entering different data! However, your output SHOULD match the output on the Laerd website.
4. 500 word summary chapter 2. Check your overlap report to make sure you stay at or below 10%. Five hundred words is the minimum not the maximum. You need to include five direct quotes that are related to major topics or definitions or terms found in the chapter. After each direct quote describe the content of the quote in your own words. The direct quotes do not count toward the 500 word count. Your description of the direct quote does count toward the 500 word minimum. If your descriptions of the direct quotes do not get you to 500 words, continue to summarize as normal. If your overlap goes above 10%, please fix it and resubmit.
Please use attached text book for 1,2, and 4.

A person is interested in studying the amount of time (in minutes) people spend

A person is interested in studying the amount of time (in minutes) people spend

A person is interested in studying the amount of time (in minutes) people spend on social media in day. The following data is collected from a sample of 12 people: 45, 60, 25, 55, 75, 90, 100, 120, 105, 80, 0, and 220. Does the data contain an outlier(s)? Explain your reasoning. (Use the empirical rule and use the quartile method to check).

USA Today reports that about 25% of all prison parolees become repeat offenders.

USA Today reports that about 25% of all prison parolees become repeat offenders.

USA Today reports that about 25% of all prison parolees become repeat offenders. Alice is a social worker whose job is to counsel people on parole. Let us say success means a person does not become a repeat offender. Alice has been given a group of four parolees.
(a) Find the probability P(r) of r successes ranging from 0 to 4. (Round your answers to three decimal places.)
P(0) = P(1) = P(2) = P(3) = P(4) = (b) Make a histogram for the probability distribution of part (a).
(c) What is the expected number of parolees in Alice’s group who will not be repeat offenders?
What is the standard deviation? (Round your answer to two decimal places.)
(d) What is the smallest group Alice can counsel to be at least 98% sure that three or more parolees will not become repeat offenders?

Please put in separate documents. 1. At the end of chapter 6, please answer the

Please put in separate documents.
1. At the end of chapter 6, please answer the

Please put in separate documents.
1. At the end of chapter 6, please answer the following questions. Each question is reviewed on the chapter 6 guide! 1a. Develop the appropriate research questions and/or hypothesis for the main effects and interactions.
di. Can you conclude homogeneity of variance-covariance? What statistic is most appropriate of the multivariate results?
ei. Is the factor interaction significant? Explain.
eii. Are the main effects significant? Explain.
eiii. What can you conclude from the univariate ANOVA results?
Provide the output for each question!!!
Please note your data from the homework will not match the data from the textbook examples.
2. 500 word summary chapter 6. Check your overlap report to make sure you stay at or below 10%. Five hundred words is the minimum not the maximum. You need to include five direct quotes that are related to major topics or definitions or terms found in the chapter. After each direct quote describe the content of the quote in your own words. The direct quotes do not count toward the 500 word count. Your description of the direct quote does count toward the 500 word minimum. If your descriptions of the direct quotes do not get you to 500 words, continue to summarize as normal. If your overlap goes above 10%, please fix it and resubmit. Enabled:
Statistics Tracking
Follow this link and very carefully read the information on the Pearson Product Correlation Coefficient.
There is a screen shot with actual data for fourteen cases (visible to you –there are more cases you cannot see — enter the 14 cases in data view of SPSS). You are to enter the data you see and run the correlation. You are to then cut and paste your correlation matrix to a word document. There will be a link under assignments to turn in the word document.
You only have to submit the correlation matrix. See the example above. Your correlation matrix will look a bit different because you are entering different data! However, your output SHOULD match the output on the Laerd website.
3. 500 word summary chapter 2. Check your overlap report to make sure you stay at or below 10%. Five hundred words is the minimum not the maximum. You need to include five direct quotes that are related to major topics or definitions or terms found in the chapter. After each direct quote describe the content of the quote in your own words. The direct quotes do not count toward the 500 word count. Your description of the direct quote does count toward the 500 word minimum. If your descriptions of the direct quotes do not get you to 500 words, continue to summarize as normal. If your overlap goes above 10%, please fix it and resubmit.

Discussion Board: Interpreting & Analyzing Central Tendencies 20 points About: H

Discussion Board: Interpreting & Analyzing Central Tendencies
20 points
About: H

Discussion Board: Interpreting & Analyzing Central Tendencies
20 points
About: How many hours per day do people have to relax? With our busy lives, it is often hard to find time for ourselves, to unwind and do something relaxing.
In this discussion board, we will be using real data to examine the question: How much time do people in the United States have to relax?
Warning: We will be applying the concepts of central tendency in this discussion board. If you have not read and taken notes on our chapters 3 and lecture videos make sure to do so before starting this assignment. Click here to look at our video lesson (once finished, click next to access the lecture notes)
Background & Results:
These results come from a national survey called the General Social Survey. They provide us with an insight on American habits and behaviors. People from across the U.S. of all backgrounds, ages, social class, and genders were asked several questions including the following question:
After an average work day, about how many hours do you have to relax or pursue activities that you enjoy? Here are the results!
Table 1: Statistics for Variable: Hours to Relax Per Day
(Sample Size)
Hours to Relax Per Day
3.92 hours
3.0 hours
2 hours
For your original post in paragraph format write a minimum of 200 words and provide answers and statements to the following prompts:
(Make sure to answer the questions in paragraph format)
Examine the results for central tendency and interpret the findings. On average how many hours did people have to relax? Use the mean, median, and the mode to answer this question
Interpret the findings for each the mode, median, and the mean
How many hours a day do you have to relax? Are you above or below the average?
Lastly, what additional variables can influence the variable: hours relax per day?

(Since this is your first unit project, here’s a little hint. The Unit 3 Project

(Since this is your first unit project, here’s a little hint. The Unit 3 Project

(Since this is your first unit project, here’s a little hint. The Unit 3 Project is very similar to the “Module 9: Comparing Boxplots Lab” assignment, In fact, every unit project is very similar to at least one – and often more than one – peer-reviewed assignment from that unit.)
To respond to the following items, use the quantitative variable and just one of the categorical variables listed above. You choose which categorical variable from the list above that you want to analyze.
Use concepts from Unit 3 to describe the distribution of the quantitative variable grouped by the categorical variable. Then make comparisons and draw conclusions.Make an appropriate graph and provide appropriate numerical summaries.
Embed your StatCrunch graph in your response, and be sure to include the Alt Text. Complete each of the following to make the graph more meaningful to the reader.Include a meaningful title above your graph.
Underneath your graph, describe the variables represented in the graph.
Below your graph, provide a key for the numerical category labels in your graph. Hint: see the category descriptions for your categorical variable in the variable descriptions list for your IAT data set above.
Copy and paste the StatCrunch table of numerical summaries into your response.To make it easier for the reader to understand your table, replace any numerical category labels with meaningful words. Hint: see the category descriptions for your categorical variable in the variable descriptions list for your IAT data set above.
Choose two or three groups of the categorical variable that are most interesting to compare. Then use percentages and descriptions of center and spread to make comparisons. What do the data suggest? For example, is a particular group from the categorical variable more likely to have a higher/lower IAT score?Use the data to support your answer.
Interpret the result in context. Hint: to learn how to interpret the IAT score, see the variable descriptions link for your IAT data set (included in the Variables section above).