Please write this as if it is a discussion forum. Based on material from chapte

Please write this as if it is a discussion forum.
Based on material from chapte

Please write this as if it is a discussion forum.
Based on material from chapters 6 (Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply Chain Processes). Answer CO 7 in a concise, yet inclusive manner.
CO7: Examine government and commercial applications of reverse logistics for service and manufacturing such as remanufacturing/overhaul operations.
Lengthy posts and answers do not correlate to better grades.
Please refer to this week’s reading material and objectives.
Part II: Research an article from the Supply Chain Brain ( and explain how your article relates to reverse logistics. Write a summary/review of the article and include the link. You can use this source for the case study or your final paper.

Please write this as if it is a discussion forum. Based on material from chapte

Please write this as if it is a discussion forum.
Based on material from chapte

Please write this as if it is a discussion forum.
Based on material from chapters 6 (Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply Chain Processes). Answer CO 7 in a concise, yet inclusive manner.
CO7: Examine government and commercial applications of reverse logistics for service and manufacturing such as remanufacturing/overhaul operations.
Lengthy posts and answers do not correlate to better grades.
Please refer to this week’s reading material and objectives.
Part II: Research an article from the Supply Chain Brain ( and explain how your article relates to reverse logistics. Write a summary/review of the article and include the link. You can use this source for the case study or your final paper.

Assignment 2 Week 4 Replace the text in the class assignment section with the fo

Assignment 2 Week 4
Replace the text in the class assignment section with the fo

Assignment 2 Week 4
Replace the text in the class assignment section with the following:

Create an APA formatted essay using the APUS writing guide as a resource. Be sure to create an appropriate title page, use the byline for the introduction section title, create section titles, cite all assertions, and create a reference section.

Write on any topic of interest from the class reading in the prior or current week required readings.

The purpose of this assignment is to practice college-level essay writing using APA formatting..

Assignment 2 Week 4 Replace the text in the class assignment section with the fo

Assignment 2 Week 4
Replace the text in the class assignment section with the fo

Assignment 2 Week 4
Replace the text in the class assignment section with the following:

Create an APA formatted essay using the APUS writing guide as a resource. Be sure to create an appropriate title page, use the byline for the introduction section title, create section titles, cite all assertions, and create a reference section.

Write on any topic of interest from the class reading in the prior or current week required readings.

The purpose of this assignment is to practice college-level essay writing using APA formatting..

Assignment 2 Week 4 Replace the text in the class assignment section with the fo

Assignment 2 Week 4
Replace the text in the class assignment section with the fo

Assignment 2 Week 4
Replace the text in the class assignment section with the following:

Create an APA formatted essay using the APUS writing guide as a resource. Be sure to create an appropriate title page, use the byline for the introduction section title, create section titles, cite all assertions, and create a reference section.

Write on any topic of interest from the class reading in the prior or current week required readings.

The purpose of this assignment is to practice college-level essay writing using APA formatting..

Assignment 2 Week 4 Replace the text in the class assignment section with the fo

Assignment 2 Week 4
Replace the text in the class assignment section with the fo

Assignment 2 Week 4
Replace the text in the class assignment section with the following:

Create an APA formatted essay using the APUS writing guide as a resource. Be sure to create an appropriate title page, use the byline for the introduction section title, create section titles, cite all assertions, and create a reference section.

Write on any topic of interest from the class reading in the prior or current week required readings.

The purpose of this assignment is to practice college-level essay writing using APA formatting..

Please write this as if it is a discussion forum. Based on material from chapte

Please write this as if it is a discussion forum.
Based on material from chapte

Please write this as if it is a discussion forum.
Based on material from chapters 6 (Reverse Logistics and Closed Loop Supply Chain Processes). Answer CO 7 in a concise, yet inclusive manner.
CO7: Examine government and commercial applications of reverse logistics for service and manufacturing such as remanufacturing/overhaul operations.
Lengthy posts and answers do not correlate to better grades.
Please refer to this week’s reading material and objectives.
Part II: Research an article from the Supply Chain Brain ( and explain how your article relates to reverse logistics. Write a summary/review of the article and include the link. You can use this source for the case study or your final paper.

Assignment 2 Week 4 Replace the text in the class assignment section with the fo

Assignment 2 Week 4
Replace the text in the class assignment section with the fo

Assignment 2 Week 4
Replace the text in the class assignment section with the following:

Create an APA formatted essay using the APUS writing guide as a resource. Be sure to create an appropriate title page, use the byline for the introduction section title, create section titles, cite all assertions, and create a reference section.

Write on any topic of interest from the class reading in the prior or current week required readings.

The purpose of this assignment is to practice college-level essay writing using APA formatting..

Allison Luck Week 1 Discussion COLLAPSE Based on this week’s reading, supply ch

Allison Luck
Week 1 Discussion
Based on this week’s reading, supply ch

Allison Luck
Week 1 Discussion
Based on this week’s reading, supply chain management originated in the 1960s or 1970s, but really started to evolve within the United States about 30 years ago. According to Wisner et al (2019), “Thirty years ago, many large firms were vertically integrated…Thus, a collaborative approach to buying, making, and distributing goods and services has become the best way to for firms to stay successful- and it is central to the practice of supply chain management” (p. 5). Supply chain management is essential for businesses in that it makes the process of buying and shipping a lot smoother and easier. This helps suppliers gain the respect of customers involved with a supply chain. According to Wisner et al (2019), “Product quality [is] considered the most important when evaluating strategic suppliers, followed by on-time delivery, service/support, and finally, price” (p. 16). When suppliers ensure their business meets all these standards, they ensure they will have many returning customers. They are also showcasing these benefits to customers and making the buying and shipping of products a lot simpler. Because of smooth supply chain management practices, the company and the customer both have a satisfying experience.
One of the ways in which supply chain management changed during the pandemic is the method of shipping products and their location. One case is related to the healthcare industry. According to Alicke et al (2021), “Healthcare players stand out as resilience leaders. They applied the broadest range of measures, with 60 percent of healthcare respondents saying they had regionalized their supply chains and 33 percent having moved production closer to end markets. By contrast, only 22 percent of automotive, aerospace, and defense players had regionalized production, even though more than three-quarters of them prioritized this approach in their answers to the 2020 survey” (para. 5). By moving production closer to their home base, they were able to continue shipping their products out and making a profit while respecting pandemic guidelines. Additionally, supply chain management also changed due to the overall challenges of the pandemic. According to Helper and Soltas (2021), “Entire industries that shrank dramatically during the pandemic, such as the hotel and restaurant sectors, are now trying to reopen. Some businesses report that they have been unable to hire quickly enough to keep pace with their rising need for workers, leading to an all-time record 8.3 million job openings in April. Others do not have enough of their products in inventory to avoid running out of stock. The situation has been especially difficult for businesses with complex supply chains, as their production is vulnerable to disruption due to shortages of inputs from other businesses” (para. 2). With the challenge of more customers than inventory or workers, businesses have had to get creative with advertising open positions and attracting more workers to get the job done. They have also had to rely on outside vendors more in order to obtain enough of their product on time. Although supply chains come with many challenges, it is fascinating to see how smoothly things come together to create a great outcome.

Alicke, K., Barriball, E., & Trautwein, V. (2021, November 23). How covid-19 is reshaping supply chains. McKinsey & Company.
Helper, S., & Soltas, E. (2021, June 17). Why the pandemic has disrupted supply chains. The White House.
Wisner, J. D., Leong, G. K., & Tan, K.-C. (2019). Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach (5th ed.). Nelson Education Ltd.

Please provide a response to the follow. (Supply Chain Management has evolved w

Please provide a response to the follow.
(Supply Chain Management has evolved w

Please provide a response to the follow. (Supply Chain Management has evolved within the United States in order to meet increasing demands due to population growth in the 1950’s and 1960’s through mass production. From then the need for Materials Resource Planning (known as MRP) developed in the 1960’s and 1970’s a more defined approach to coordinating materials through the supply chain process. With cost containment being a focal point due to economic standings in the United States, systems such as Just-In-Time and Supply Chain Management were formulated in the 1980’s and 1990’s. This has progressed into ethical considerations such as ethical sourcing and sustainability in the 1990’s and since then developments that have improved both functional capacity and efficacies into today’s times. Supply Chain Management is vital to the success of businesses and business relationships since it offers the sharing of information, goods, and logistics across the supply chain process. This includes the planning, procurement, and production of raw materials into finished goods which are warehoused and then sold to stores and customers. By keeping track of points in the supply chain businesses can be agreeable with one another and meet demands properly to create sales and control costs.
With the pandemic disrupting every business one way or another, adaptive and agile strategies were needed to maintain profits. With more people staying home than ever, brick-and-mortar companies adopted or strengthened their drop-ship strategies which essentially removes the retail store location from the supply chain process when customers make purchases with said company and delivers directly to the customer. As more and more people use Amazon for online shopping, companies like Macy’s and Wal-Mart must vie for consumers by expanding within the digital space. Another approach taken on from the pandemic’s effects in terms of supply chain management was longer lead times for goods. With ports severely overloaded and additional time-consuming protocols as protection against COVID-19, container delays were frequent and hard to manage. Longer lead times were essential as government restrictions such as factory shutdowns created a ripple effect through the supply chain channel and because of this, suppliers and manufacturers needed to lower customer expectations unfortunately of restock dates and availability. While conditions have improved gradually, the approaches have been more insightful as a result to prevent any unforeseen circumstantial delays in the process.)