Create a data model for the data warehouse using the environment you have chosen

Create a data model for the data warehouse using the environment you have chosen

Create a data model for the data warehouse using the environment you have chosen. Determine which data model type you will use to create the data elements. Present your creation in a narrated presentation.
Your presentation must include:
5-7 slides in PowerPoint;
use APA formatting throughout the presentation. Remember to cite all media you do not create.

This assignment has multiple steps. Please complete them in this order. Read Sno

This assignment has multiple steps. Please complete them in this order.
Read Sno

This assignment has multiple steps. Please complete them in this order.
Read Snowflake Review: A data warehouse made better in the cloud by Martin Heller.
Setup your Snowflake free trial. Watch this YouTube video for directions.
Watch this Connect to Snowflake through Microsoft Excel tutorial.
Pull in a data set from Excel into Snowflake following the above videos.
For accessing your data after it’s loaded into Snowflake, I will provide a free key for Tableau that can be used to download the Tableau data visualization product which can be connected to snowflake.
Other tools such as PowerBI can be used if you have access to those already. See below for instructions on downloading Tableau.
Download the latest version of Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep Builder here
Click on the link above and select “Download Tableau Desktop” and “Download Tableau Prep Builder.”
On the form, enter your Ottawa email address for business e-mail and enter Ottawa University for organization.
Activate with your product key: TCLI-69E5-F8E0-2994-E805
New to Tableau? Engage with their Data Analytics for University Students guide to help get started.
You can continue using Tableau after the class is over by individually requesting your own one-year license through the Tableau for Students program.
Already have a copy of Tableau Desktop installed?
Update your license in the application: Help menu → Manage Product Keys
Need help with Tableau? Find answers to frequently asked questions here.
In a PowerPoint of 5-7 slides, screen shot the steps in creating your connection in Snowflake and the data in Excel.
This can be any data set.
Remember to cite any content you did not create yourself using APA formatting.
Heller, M. (2019). Snowflake review: A data warehouse made better in the cloud. InfoWorld.
Kahan Data Solutions. (2020, December 1). Connect to Snowflake through Microsoft Excel [Video]. YouTube.
Snowflakian. (2020, May 16). Snowflake free account creation [Video]. YouTube.

Please explain why you would like to pursue your applied program at Mohamed Bin

Please explain why you would like to pursue your applied program at Mohamed Bin

Please explain why you would like to pursue your applied program at Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence and include the following information: (Note: I attached my CV file)
Motivation for applying to the university
Personal and academic background and how it makes you suitable for the program you are applying for
Experience in completing a diverse range of projects related to artificial intelligence
Stand-out achievements (e.g., awards, distinction, etc)
Goals as a prospective student
Preferred career path and plans after completing your applied program
Any other details that will support the application
Note: I am working at ADNOC group, please mention the future vision of Machine Learning concept as part of our country (United Arab Emirates) targets toward to the sustainability.

Answer each week’s question only in your own words. No copying and pasting as it

Answer each week’s question only in your own words. No copying and pasting as it

Answer each week’s question only in your own words. No copying and pasting as it will be checked for plagiarism upon submission.
Week 2 AI Assignment (One page)
Discuss how does ChatGPT contribute to enhancing customer experience and increasing customer loyalty in the finance sector?
Outcomes: By Automating customer service and support functions. Discussion on the Impact on various industries.
Week 3 AI Assignment (One page)
Discuss how ChatGPT can contribute to improving customer relationship management in business?
Outcomes: By providing personalized customer interactions using advanced natural language processing.
Week 4 AI Assignment (One page)
How can ChatGPT benefit organizations in terms of customer support and customer experience?
Outcomes: By providing personalized recommendations and 24/7 support.

Scenario A company you work for is planning a two-day business conference. Confe

A company you work for is planning a two-day business conference. Confe

A company you work for is planning a two-day business conference. Conference speakers and attendees will be traveling from different cities. Over 15 speakers and 200 attendees are estimated to attend.
You are the lead technologist on the planning committee for this conference. To ensure that the event runs smoothly, you suggest that the company use the following web services for the conference:
Smartphone application to be used by conference attendees (e.g., Whova, 10Times, Grupio)
Web service functions and goals:
Lists the conference schedule
Tracks the number of attendees in each session
Provides a communication platform for attendees to virtually network throughout the conference
Allows attendees to add the sessions they want to attend into their calendars
Registration sign-in to be used by conference greeters
Web service functions and goals:
Allows user to enter a person’s name to see if they have already registered
Sends data to a server as to the time that each attendee arrived at the conference
Confirms whether registered attendee already purchased a ticket
Allows non-registered attendees to pay the ticket price and register
Virtual personal assistant to be used by event coordinators
Web service functions and goals:
Tracks the flight numbers and departure times for each speaker
Tracks when each conference speaker needs to be picked up from the airport
Provides GPS directions from airport to hotel
Provides the hotel information for each speaker(room number and check-in times)
As the lead technologist, you have to explain why and how these web services are necessary to the other members of the planning committee. In order to do this effectively, you need to create a technology plan. Not only do you have to consider the user perspective within your plan, but you also need to consider the developer perspective.
Develop a Technology Plan to present to the Conference Planning Committee. You may use a diagram or other visuals within your plan.
In your plan, be sure to:
1.Explain the benefits of using web services from both a user perspective and a software developer perspective.
Consider the following question:
Why would your company create its own program that would be accessible over the web instead of using the three web services mentioned in the scenario?
2.Describe the purpose of each web service described in the scenario from a user perspective (smartphone application, registration sign-in, virtual personal assistant).
Consider the following questions:
Why would conference attendees use the smartphone application before, during, or after the conference?
Why would conference greeters use the registration sign-in before, during, or after the conference?
Why would event coordinators use the virtual personal assistant before, during, or after the conference?
3.Identify additional user requirements that developers would need to know prior to the conference.
Topics to consider may include how conference attendees may want to:
Use the conference schedule
Receive notifications
Interact with other attendees
Provide at least two new user requirements for each web service (smartphone application, registration sign-in, and virtual personal assistant) presented in the scenario.
After identifying the user requirements, explain how each web service functionality meets the user requirements you discussed. Be sure that you are referring to the user requirements you identified to explain how each web service functionality meets those requirements.
Determine the protocols that each web service should use to package and send data over a network, and explain why that protocol would be used to best support the service.
For the first web service, review the header file, shown in this header file resource, to make this determination.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Technology Plan
Your technology plan should be 3–5 pages in length and may include diagrams and visuals. Within the plan, you must address all of the topics presented in the directions.

NEED TO FOLLOW AND TALK ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: Topic: Employment Research question

Topic: Employment
Research question

Topic: Employment
Research question chosen: Many people predict that artificial intelligence will impact employment in various ways. What do young Emiratis (United Arab Emirates) think will be the implications for their future employment prospects?
Hypothesis: Young Emiratis believe that the increasing influence of artificial intelligence will both create new job opportunities and pose challenges to traditional employment sectors, shaping a dynamic landscape for their future employment prospects.
Based on the above information I need to write a literature review and put APA reference, as you can see instructions and 2 sample works from different topics are available in the files.*NOTE: The lecture review should include both indirect and direct citations with (name, date, pg)…refer to sample *
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