This assignment has multiple steps. Please complete them in this order. Read Sno

This assignment has multiple steps. Please complete them in this order.
Read Sno

This assignment has multiple steps. Please complete them in this order.
Read Snowflake Review: A data warehouse made better in the cloud by Martin Heller.
Setup your Snowflake free trial. Watch this YouTube video for directions.
Watch this Connect to Snowflake through Microsoft Excel tutorial.
Pull in a data set from Excel into Snowflake following the above videos.
For accessing your data after it’s loaded into Snowflake, I will provide a free key for Tableau that can be used to download the Tableau data visualization product which can be connected to snowflake.
Other tools such as PowerBI can be used if you have access to those already. See below for instructions on downloading Tableau.
Download the latest version of Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep Builder here
Click on the link above and select “Download Tableau Desktop” and “Download Tableau Prep Builder.”
On the form, enter your Ottawa email address for business e-mail and enter Ottawa University for organization.
Activate with your product key: TCLI-69E5-F8E0-2994-E805
New to Tableau? Engage with their Data Analytics for University Students guide to help get started.
You can continue using Tableau after the class is over by individually requesting your own one-year license through the Tableau for Students program.
Already have a copy of Tableau Desktop installed?
Update your license in the application: Help menu → Manage Product Keys
Need help with Tableau? Find answers to frequently asked questions here.
In a PowerPoint of 5-7 slides, screen shot the steps in creating your connection in Snowflake and the data in Excel.
This can be any data set.
Remember to cite any content you did not create yourself using APA formatting.
Heller, M. (2019). Snowflake review: A data warehouse made better in the cloud. InfoWorld.
Kahan Data Solutions. (2020, December 1). Connect to Snowflake through Microsoft Excel [Video]. YouTube.
Snowflakian. (2020, May 16). Snowflake free account creation [Video]. YouTube.

Please explain why you would like to pursue your applied program at Mohamed Bin

Please explain why you would like to pursue your applied program at Mohamed Bin

Please explain why you would like to pursue your applied program at Mohamed Bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence and include the following information: (Note: I attached my CV file)
Motivation for applying to the university
Personal and academic background and how it makes you suitable for the program you are applying for
Experience in completing a diverse range of projects related to artificial intelligence
Stand-out achievements (e.g., awards, distinction, etc)
Goals as a prospective student
Preferred career path and plans after completing your applied program
Any other details that will support the application
Note: I am working at ADNOC group, please mention the future vision of Machine Learning concept as part of our country (United Arab Emirates) targets toward to the sustainability.

Answer each week’s question only in your own words. No copying and pasting as it

Answer each week’s question only in your own words. No copying and pasting as it

Answer each week’s question only in your own words. No copying and pasting as it will be checked for plagiarism upon submission.
Week 2 AI Assignment (One page)
Discuss how does ChatGPT contribute to enhancing customer experience and increasing customer loyalty in the finance sector?
Outcomes: By Automating customer service and support functions. Discussion on the Impact on various industries.
Week 3 AI Assignment (One page)
Discuss how ChatGPT can contribute to improving customer relationship management in business?
Outcomes: By providing personalized customer interactions using advanced natural language processing.
Week 4 AI Assignment (One page)
How can ChatGPT benefit organizations in terms of customer support and customer experience?
Outcomes: By providing personalized recommendations and 24/7 support.

Scenario A company you work for is planning a two-day business conference. Confe

A company you work for is planning a two-day business conference. Confe

A company you work for is planning a two-day business conference. Conference speakers and attendees will be traveling from different cities. Over 15 speakers and 200 attendees are estimated to attend.
You are the lead technologist on the planning committee for this conference. To ensure that the event runs smoothly, you suggest that the company use the following web services for the conference:
Smartphone application to be used by conference attendees (e.g., Whova, 10Times, Grupio)
Web service functions and goals:
Lists the conference schedule
Tracks the number of attendees in each session
Provides a communication platform for attendees to virtually network throughout the conference
Allows attendees to add the sessions they want to attend into their calendars
Registration sign-in to be used by conference greeters
Web service functions and goals:
Allows user to enter a person’s name to see if they have already registered
Sends data to a server as to the time that each attendee arrived at the conference
Confirms whether registered attendee already purchased a ticket
Allows non-registered attendees to pay the ticket price and register
Virtual personal assistant to be used by event coordinators
Web service functions and goals:
Tracks the flight numbers and departure times for each speaker
Tracks when each conference speaker needs to be picked up from the airport
Provides GPS directions from airport to hotel
Provides the hotel information for each speaker(room number and check-in times)
As the lead technologist, you have to explain why and how these web services are necessary to the other members of the planning committee. In order to do this effectively, you need to create a technology plan. Not only do you have to consider the user perspective within your plan, but you also need to consider the developer perspective.
Develop a Technology Plan to present to the Conference Planning Committee. You may use a diagram or other visuals within your plan.
In your plan, be sure to:
1.Explain the benefits of using web services from both a user perspective and a software developer perspective.
Consider the following question:
Why would your company create its own program that would be accessible over the web instead of using the three web services mentioned in the scenario?
2.Describe the purpose of each web service described in the scenario from a user perspective (smartphone application, registration sign-in, virtual personal assistant).
Consider the following questions:
Why would conference attendees use the smartphone application before, during, or after the conference?
Why would conference greeters use the registration sign-in before, during, or after the conference?
Why would event coordinators use the virtual personal assistant before, during, or after the conference?
3.Identify additional user requirements that developers would need to know prior to the conference.
Topics to consider may include how conference attendees may want to:
Use the conference schedule
Receive notifications
Interact with other attendees
Provide at least two new user requirements for each web service (smartphone application, registration sign-in, and virtual personal assistant) presented in the scenario.
After identifying the user requirements, explain how each web service functionality meets the user requirements you discussed. Be sure that you are referring to the user requirements you identified to explain how each web service functionality meets those requirements.
Determine the protocols that each web service should use to package and send data over a network, and explain why that protocol would be used to best support the service.
For the first web service, review the header file, shown in this header file resource, to make this determination.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Technology Plan
Your technology plan should be 3–5 pages in length and may include diagrams and visuals. Within the plan, you must address all of the topics presented in the directions.

NEED TO FOLLOW AND TALK ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: Topic: Employment Research question

Topic: Employment
Research question

Topic: Employment
Research question chosen: Many people predict that artificial intelligence will impact employment in various ways. What do young Emiratis (United Arab Emirates) think will be the implications for their future employment prospects?
Hypothesis: Young Emiratis believe that the increasing influence of artificial intelligence will both create new job opportunities and pose challenges to traditional employment sectors, shaping a dynamic landscape for their future employment prospects.
Based on the above information I need to write a literature review and put APA reference, as you can see instructions and 2 sample works from different topics are available in the files.*NOTE: The lecture review should include both indirect and direct citations with (name, date, pg)…refer to sample *
Comments from Customer

I am stuck with my thesis project. The title goes along the lines of: “Studying

I am stuck with my thesis project. The title goes along the lines of: “Studying

I am stuck with my thesis project. The title goes along the lines of: “Studying the urban expansion phenomenon of Copenhagen and understanding how demand-responsive transport (DRT) and autonomous mobility systems can be seen as public transport solutions to facilitate the integration of artificial islands like Lynetteholm, land reclamation project to be completed in 2070, to tackle the challenge of lack of housing and urban expansion. The thesis is part of the completion of my masters in Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering at TU Delft. However I am working so I cannot fully focus on my thesis so I dragged it for a year now and is my chance to finish it.
I have drafts and feedback from my supervisors, so I will attach everything in the assignment.
Please keep close to what has already been done in my (a bit messy) drafts. I’ll try to be as clear as possible with my instructions, and I hope my supervisors won’t have too much feedback after you complete the thesis.
Ps: TU Delft has a strict ANTI Chat GPT scan process. Please don’t make it entirely through chat gpt as it will be penalised. I know that I have selected the “academic writing” package which is the one where you write everything from scratch but I will still send you material to review and draw from. This is because my supervisors have already read my work and gave me feedback. However, I need you to put in the highest quality of work (and send me a document with all the processes for the research) so that I can deliver a high quality thesis and be able to “Defend” it. In TU Delft we “defend” our theses, meaning that we will have a 90 minutes oral assessment on the thesis, with questions about methodology, data collection, reasoning and processes. Therefore, I’ll need you to explain these to me in a separate document, despite majority of material being presented to you already. Please also review the CBA part, as I am not sure about the quality of it and the data reliability but maybe you can review it and incorporate the feedback of my supervisors.
Read all the feedback given to me and follow the structure (in the index section) that I wrote at the beginning of the draft document so that you know in what order the parts should come one after the other. The worst thing for me is the methodology. This is the part where I struggle the most, especially because I am using secondary data, literature review, and secondarily sourced numbers for the CBA from a Cost-benefit analysis done by a consultancy company Arup which need to be adapted to our Copenhagen case. My supervisors also want me to make the thesis on a conceptual level, since we are dealing with very innovative and breakthrough mobility solutions (DRT + Autonomous Water Mobility). They also want me to indicate and study the option of Roboat and potential routes that the ferry can take from Langelinie Marina to where Lynetteholm will be constructed (design potential routes the ferry can take), the costs of building and operating ferries (which I can give you in consultation) and how the service will can estimate an increase of passenger demand? How can the price be influenced by the utility of a service? consider researching price elasticity.
Would be happy to get on a call to explain further. but find attached all links about my first draft thesis + feedback + other parts I wanted to incorporate in the thesis and don’t know how to fix properly. First draft of thesis:
Feedback of supervisors through email, google docs comments and my personal notes taken during video calls with them:–lzozGfo5Fkfd3BCXVriQxT8egc42YJ0/edit
More content I want to incorporate into the thesis about DRT + Autonomous Mobility to incorporate into the first draft of thesis:
again, the material might be messy for you so I’d like to get on a call asap to explain what needs to be done so we don’t waste time.

To position yourself in the best possible way to succeed in your career field, y

To position yourself in the best possible way to succeed in your career field, y

To position yourself in the best possible way to succeed in your career field, you need to start researching your professional development now. As part of this, focus on the voluntary professional certifications (McKillip, 2000) your career field offers it’s professionals. First, consider what career you want to have. Second, visit and search for jobs that relate to your career. Read thru several of the job postings and determine what voluntary professional certifications your industry recognizes and rewards professionally.
Submit an approx 250 word response in .doc or .rtf file format on a voluntary professional certification in or related to your career field. Grading will be based on:
– Topic coverage
– Personal reflection
– Correct APA format – citations, references, paragraph and double-spacing, etc.
– Writing standards
McKillip, J. (July 2000). Voluntary Professional Certifications: Requirements and Validation Activities. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Retrieved online 31 Jan 2011.

NEED TO FOLLOW AND TALK ABOUT THE FOLLOWING: Topic: Employment Research question

Topic: Employment
Research question

Topic: Employment
Research question chosen: Many people predict that artificial intelligence will impact employment in various ways. What do young Emiratis (United Arab Emirates) think will be the implications for their future employment prospects?
Hypothesis: Young Emiratis believe that the increasing influence of artificial intelligence will both create new job opportunities and pose challenges to traditional employment sectors, shaping a dynamic landscape for their future employment prospects.
Based on the above information I need to write a literature review and put APA reference, as you can see instructions and 2 sample works from different topics are available in the files.*NOTE: The lecture review should include both indirect and direct citations with (name, date, pg)…refer to sample *
Comments from Customer

1.1: Compare the benefits of using a Content Management System (CMS) with tradit

1.1: Compare the benefits of using a Content Management System (CMS) with tradit

1.1: Compare the benefits of using a Content Management System (CMS) with traditional HTML website explaining the key functions in a CMS (1.1, 1.2)
1.2: Assuming you are requested to develop a website for your institute where you publish institute information along with a
notice board . Which CMS do you recommend to use for this and justify why you choose it. Define how you would implement
the notice board explaining content modelling and aggregation (1.3, 1.4, 1.5)
Assessment Criterias are as follows-kindly use same while responding to above questions.
1.1 Define the purpose of using CMS for digital content development and publication management
1.2 Evaluate the functional roles in a CMS
1.3 Evaluate the considerations to be taken into account in the acquisition of a CMS
1.4 Evaluate the considerations to be taken into account in content modelling
1.5 Evaluate the considerations to be taken into account in content aggregation
Add a table of content and use tables, graphs, diagrams, Gantt chart or flowcharts + harvard style of referencing to be used

Overview For the project due in Module Seven, you will examine a specific techno

For the project due in Module Seven, you will examine a specific techno

For the project due in Module Seven, you will examine a specific technology that influenced a social, cultural, or global event and how it impacts individuals and society. You will demonstrate your ability to think critically, investigate, and communicate clearly. Technology influences society, and society influences technology, creating a feedback loop between them. You will critically analyze a feedback loop in this project through social, historical, and cultural approaches to a specific technology as well as through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social science.
For this assignment, you will finalize your selection of the specific technology that influenced a social, cultural, or global event you will be working on and begin to collect the required elements for your analysis. This assignment requires you to gather reliable evidence from varied sources and use them to introduce your technology effectively. All these elements will prepare you to complete the project, where you will need to use evidence to support your points.
For this activity, you will write a short paper introducing a specific technology that influenced a social, cultural, or global event of your choice. You may use the topic that you worked with in the previous activity or choose a new topic now that you have reflected further. Review the module resources and the instructor feedback you received on the previous activity. Then, if needed, visit the IDS 403 Library Guide for guidance on how to select and narrow a topic. If you are selecting a new topic, do some preliminary research to make sure you can address the required elements of your project. Please remember that you will not be able to change your topic after the end of this module.
You should begin to gather the sources you will integrate into your project, which will include two resources from the Module Resources sections of this course and two resources that you find through your own research using the Shapiro Library. It may be beneficial to identify more than the number of sources required for the project so you can eventually choose the most useful and credible. You are not required to answer each question below the rubric criteria, but you may use them to better understand the criteria and guide your thinking and writing.
Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:
Integrate reliable evidence from varied sources throughout your paper to support your analysis.
It is important to draw from a diverse pool of perspectives from varied sources to support the analysis. This is different from the Citations and Attributions rubric criterion.
Reliable evidence from varied sources should be interwoven throughout the paper itself, while citing and attributing sources will be represented as APA in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your work.
You will be evaluated on both criteria.
Describe a social, cultural, or global event where a technology plays a significant role. Include information such as how the event originated and what it is about.
What main points should you include about your event? How did your event start? What other details are needed to ensure a thorough desсrіption?
Describe the technology significant to this event. Include information such as what the technology does and how it might help influence change.
Be sure to include any unexpected ways that the technology influenced the event.
Assess the societal or cultural influences of the technology involved in the event.
What stories clearly illustrate how the technology has impacted the lives and experiences of people involved in the social, cultural, or global event?
Explain your choice of one general education interdisciplinary lens for analyzing the technology and its role in the event.
What made you choose one lens over the others? Was it an easy decision? Why or why not?
Construct a thesis statement that combines your event, the technology, the societal or cultural influences, and choice of general education interdisciplinary lens.
Your thesis statement should clearly and concisely state the relationships between your event, technology, societal or cultural differences, and lens. It acts as a hypothesis proposing how these elements will work together during your critical analysis.
What to Submit
Submit your activity as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Module Two Activity Rubric
Criteria Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Reliable Evidence from Varied Sources Integrates reliable evidence from varied sources throughout the paper to support analysis Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include drawing from a diverse pool of perspectives, using more varied sources to support the analysis, or integrating evidence and sources throughout the paper to support the analysis Does not attempt criterion 15
Event Desсrіption Describes a social, cultural, or global event where a technology plays a significant role, including how the event originated and what it is about Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include describing the social, cultural, or global event where a technology plays a significant role, including how the event originated and what it is about, using more details and contextual information, or better supporting that desсrіption Does not attempt criterion 15
Technology Desсrіption Describes a technology significant to the event including information such as what the technology does and how it may help influence change Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include adding more specific information about what the technology does and how it may help influence change, or better supporting that desсrіption Does not attempt criterion 15
Societal or Cultural Influences of the Technology Assesses the societal or cultural influences of the technology involved in the event Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include adding specific assessment of the societal or cultural influences of the technology involved in the event or better supporting that explanation Does not attempt criterion 15
General Education Interdisciplinary Lens Explains the choice of general education interdisciplinary lens for analyzing the technology and its role in the event Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include connecting the technology to a general education lens, explaining why the lens was chosen to analyze the technology, or providing better support for that explanation Does not attempt criterion 15
Thesis Statement Constructs a thesis statement that combines the event, the technology, the societal or cultural influences, and choice of general education interdisciplinary lens Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors or omissions; areas for improvement may include constructing a thesis statement that clearly and succinctly combines the event, the technology, the societal or cultural influences, and choice of general education interdisciplinary lens Does not attempt criterion 15
Articulation of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of audience and purpose Shows progress toward proficiency, but with errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, negatively impacting readability Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and spelling, preventing understanding of ideas 5
Citations and Attributions Uses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with consistent minor errors Uses citations for ideas requiring attribution, with major errors Does not use citations for ideas requiring attribution 5
Total: 100%