You will need to find a business topic or issue of your choosing to craft a 5-10

You will need to find a business topic or issue of your choosing to craft a 5-10

You will need to find a business topic or issue of your choosing to craft a 5-10 minute, Ted Talk style, presentation.
A slide deck must accompany your presentation.
The Coursera certificate for completion of Successful Presentation is required. No certificate = 10% grade deduction.
You will need to also provide a 500-1000 word paper that details the structure of your presentation and the in-text (APA) cited elements of the course that you have integrated. It is highly recommended that you break this into 3 topics of storytelling, logic/evidence, and body language elements (you will likely need to finish writing this after you have filmed your presentation). I expect to read evidence of where you note specific elements of the course and where you are exhibiting the skills in presenting and presentation deck crafting (e.g. At the six-minute mark, I make X gesture to illustrate Y, but also to communicate Z (citation)). This provides an analytical outline of your presentation and demonstrates your understanding and integration of course content. If you do not write out what/why you have done something, then it will be assumed that you did not do something consciously, even if done well, and you will only receive partial credit.
Pro Tip: Integrate the Coursera presentation content, in addition to the course readings, into your write up.
Be sure to also include details of who your intended audience is.
Your deliverables are 4 items:
Slide Deck
Analytical Report
Coursera Certificate from Successful Presentations

You will need to find a business topic or issue of your choosing to craft a 5-10

You will need to find a business topic or issue of your choosing to craft a 5-10

You will need to find a business topic or issue of your choosing to craft a 5-10 minute, Ted Talk style, presentation.
A slide deck must accompany your presentation.
The Coursera certificate for completion of Successful Presentation is required. No certificate = 10% grade deduction.
You will need to also provide a 500-1000 word paper that details the structure of your presentation and the in-text (APA) cited elements of the course that you have integrated. It is highly recommended that you break this into 3 topics of storytelling, logic/evidence, and body language elements (you will likely need to finish writing this after you have filmed your presentation). I expect to read evidence of where you note specific elements of the course and where you are exhibiting the skills in presenting and presentation deck crafting (e.g. At the six-minute mark, I make X gesture to illustrate Y, but also to communicate Z (citation)). This provides an analytical outline of your presentation and demonstrates your understanding and integration of course content. If you do not write out what/why you have done something, then it will be assumed that you did not do something consciously, even if done well, and you will only receive partial credit.
Pro Tip: Integrate the Coursera presentation content, in addition to the course readings, into your write up.
Be sure to also include details of who your intended audience is.
Your deliverables are 4 items:
Slide Deck
Analytical Report
Coursera Certificate from Successful Presentations

Utilizing the content covered in this course, you are to craft a presentation ai

Utilizing the content covered in this course, you are to craft a presentation ai

Utilizing the content covered in this course, you are to craft a presentation aimed at convincing the The Gates Foundation to donate a multi-year, seven figure grant.
Construct a presentation that you will deliver via a recorded video.
Submit both the slide deck (PDF format) and the video (video link is fine). The video should be no longer than 20 minutes.
Construct a presentation slide deck for ONE of the corporate donors. Include a word document detail the purpose of each slide (For example: Slide 1: This the introduction slide and identifies the audience and speakers presenting… Slide 2… etc. etc.).
 Construct a presentation for the foundation donors that you will deliver via a recorded video. You are also to include a document detailing the purpose of each slide in the presentation.
In total, 3 deliverable components. 
One document for detailing the purpose of each slide for both audiences, 
two slide decks, and 
One video file or link (20-minute max).
Note: Case study INDIVIDUAL DONORS ARE NOT PART OF THE DELIVERABLES (only the corporate and foundation donors). 
Pro Tip: Integrate the Coursera presentation content, in addition to the course readings, into your write up.
Assignment Due: Feb 21, 2024, 11:59 PM
Weighting: 30% of final grade
Added for clarity (1/31):
Corporate donors. Corporate donors provided both in-kind materials and cash donations to You were asked to create a persuasive communication piece to solicit donations from one of the following corporate donors (pick one of these three):
1. The Detroit Lions. The Detroit Lions have been coat sponsors for TEP; in other words, the organization purchased several coats from TEP at $125/each and then distributed them to people in need in the Detroit metropolitan You have been asked to convince the Lions to increase the size of its sponsorship program and make a multiyear commitment to TEP.
2. Patagonia. Patagonia has provided in-kind materials to TEP in the You have been asked to persuade Patagonia to make a cash donation to TEP, in addition to its in-kind donations.
3. Duo Security. Duo Security, located in Ann Arbor, MI, is a technology company that was acquired by Cisco in Duo has not donated to TEP in the past. You were asked to convince Duo to become a donor to TEP for the first time.
Foundation Donor (You must present on this one… a recorded video):
Foundation donors. TEP received its first multi-year, seven figure grant from a foundation in ii You were asked to generate a persuasive communication piece to convince the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to do the same.
reference with the paper :

Utilizing the content covered in this course, you are to craft a presentation ai

Utilizing the content covered in this course, you are to craft a presentation ai

Utilizing the content covered in this course, you are to craft a presentation aimed at convincing the The Gates Foundation to donate a multi-year, seven figure grant.
Construct a presentation that you will deliver via a recorded video.
Submit both the slide deck (PDF format) and the video (video link is fine). The video should be no longer than 20 minutes.
Construct a presentation slide deck for ONE of the corporate donors. Include a word document detail the purpose of each slide (For example: Slide 1: This the introduction slide and identifies the audience and speakers presenting… Slide 2… etc. etc.).
 Construct a presentation for the foundation donors that you will deliver via a recorded video. You are also to include a document detailing the purpose of each slide in the presentation.
In total, 3 deliverable components. 
One document for detailing the purpose of each slide for both audiences, 
two slide decks, and 
One video file or link (20-minute max).
Note: Case study INDIVIDUAL DONORS ARE NOT PART OF THE DELIVERABLES (only the corporate and foundation donors). 
Pro Tip: Integrate the Coursera presentation content, in addition to the course readings, into your write up.
Assignment Due: Feb 21, 2024, 11:59 PM
Weighting: 30% of final grade
Added for clarity (1/31):
Corporate donors. Corporate donors provided both in-kind materials and cash donations to You were asked to create a persuasive communication piece to solicit donations from one of the following corporate donors (pick one of these three):
1. The Detroit Lions. The Detroit Lions have been coat sponsors for TEP; in other words, the organization purchased several coats from TEP at $125/each and then distributed them to people in need in the Detroit metropolitan You have been asked to convince the Lions to increase the size of its sponsorship program and make a multiyear commitment to TEP.
2. Patagonia. Patagonia has provided in-kind materials to TEP in the You have been asked to persuade Patagonia to make a cash donation to TEP, in addition to its in-kind donations.
3. Duo Security. Duo Security, located in Ann Arbor, MI, is a technology company that was acquired by Cisco in Duo has not donated to TEP in the past. You were asked to convince Duo to become a donor to TEP for the first time.
Foundation Donor (You must present on this one… a recorded video):
Foundation donors. TEP received its first multi-year, seven figure grant from a foundation in ii You were asked to generate a persuasive communication piece to convince the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to do the same.
reference with the paper :