Students will identify a specialized/marginalized student population to examine.

Students will identify a specialized/marginalized student
population to examine.

Students will identify a specialized/marginalized student
population to examine. Students will
research this population and prepare an annotated
Identify and select
at least eight (5) scholarly sources closely
related to your research focus. If any of your references are more than ten years old,
please explain your rationale for selecting them. You may
access scholarly articles by going to the CCNY library online. Contact a librarian if you do not know how to
do so.
I have changed the sources requirement to 5 scholarly sources – so you must use the library.

Next, please prepare
an annotated bibliography based on at least
scholarly or peer-reviewed sources. This should be based on your Flipgrid
presentation. You will summarize and evaluate the ideas from the articles, and books you have consulted. These sources may include
relevant reports commissioned by government agencies, businesses, private
foundations, think tanks, NGOs, or nonprofits as well as academic journals.
please prepare an introduction to your annotated bibliography that makes a persuasive “case” regarding
the significance of your selected question or problem. This annotated bibliography will have the following:
Using APA 7th
Cover page
following APA referencing style
words analysis using these questions as a guide:
Elements of Annotated Bibliography
APA Title Page
Numbered pages (begin numbering with the title page)
APA formatted reference list (begin on new page)·
Annotation(s) of source(s) included in the reference list Format·
Place the annotation directly below the associated reference entry
Double space entire annotation, including the reference entry. Do not place any
additional spaces in between entries.
Indent the annotation by 0.5 in. (one tab key) from the left margin. If you
have more than one paragraph, indent the second and subsequent paragraphs an
additional 0.5 inches.
Arrange the entries in alphabetical order (unless otherwise instructed)
Components of an Annotation
Provide a critical summary of the source listed in the reference entry.
Length is generally five to seven sentences.
Consider SEAR (Summarize, Evaluate, Assess, and Reflect) when writing your
Summarize the main idea of the source (two to four sentences).
Evaluate and
Assess the source for its credibility, objectivity, reliability, and currency.
Compare it to the other sources used in your bibliography (one to two
o Reflect on the
usefulness and relevancy of this source to your topic (one to two sentences).
You do not need to provide in-text citations for the work being annotated as
the origin of the source is listed directly above the annotation.

Students will identify a specialized/marginalized student population to examine.

Students will identify a specialized/marginalized student
population to examine.

Students will identify a specialized/marginalized student
population to examine. Students will
research this population and prepare an annotated
Identify and select
at least eight (5) scholarly sources closely
related to your research focus. If any of your references are more than ten years old,
please explain your rationale for selecting them. You may
access scholarly articles by going to the CCNY library online. Contact a librarian if you do not know how to
do so.
I have changed the sources requirement to 5 scholarly sources – so you must use the library.

Next, please prepare
an annotated bibliography based on at least
scholarly or peer-reviewed sources. This should be based on your Flipgrid
presentation. You will summarize and evaluate the ideas from the articles, and books you have consulted. These sources may include
relevant reports commissioned by government agencies, businesses, private
foundations, think tanks, NGOs, or nonprofits as well as academic journals.
please prepare an introduction to your annotated bibliography that makes a persuasive “case” regarding
the significance of your selected question or problem. This annotated bibliography will have the following:
Using APA 7th
Cover page
following APA referencing style
words analysis using these questions as a guide:
Elements of Annotated Bibliography
APA Title Page
Numbered pages (begin numbering with the title page)
APA formatted reference list (begin on new page)·
Annotation(s) of source(s) included in the reference list Format·
Place the annotation directly below the associated reference entry
Double space entire annotation, including the reference entry. Do not place any
additional spaces in between entries.
Indent the annotation by 0.5 in. (one tab key) from the left margin. If you
have more than one paragraph, indent the second and subsequent paragraphs an
additional 0.5 inches.
Arrange the entries in alphabetical order (unless otherwise instructed)
Components of an Annotation
Provide a critical summary of the source listed in the reference entry.
Length is generally five to seven sentences.
Consider SEAR (Summarize, Evaluate, Assess, and Reflect) when writing your
Summarize the main idea of the source (two to four sentences).
Evaluate and
Assess the source for its credibility, objectivity, reliability, and currency.
Compare it to the other sources used in your bibliography (one to two
o Reflect on the
usefulness and relevancy of this source to your topic (one to two sentences).
You do not need to provide in-text citations for the work being annotated as
the origin of the source is listed directly above the annotation.

Lianozov Theatre, Moscow Art Theatre is the theatre and time period required for

Lianozov Theatre, Moscow Art Theatre is the theatre and time period required for

Lianozov Theatre, Moscow Art Theatre is the theatre and time period required for this assignment. **special note to focus on the time period when it was called Lianozov not Lianozovsky**** < Do not use Wikipedia for ANY sources. Add a bibliography for all sources used. ... Explain what would it have been like to attend a production in a theatre from the past? What historical moment are you discussing? What did the theater look like? (Theater configuration, indoor/outdoor, seating, etc.) What plays and playwright were popular? Who attended? Why? What could the audience expect to happen during the performance? What were the expectations of the audience during the "live" event? ... Then explain "What place did theatre have in society?" What class/classes of people went to the theatre? Was theatre banned? Censored? Who could write plays? Who could perform in plays? Who could watch plays? Was theatre respected? Was it looked down upon? Or, did people not really care about it?

In this paper, you will conduct research, organize, and analyze information on a

In this paper, you will conduct research, organize, and analyze information on a

In this paper, you will conduct research, organize, and analyze information on an American play or musical represented in your group’s Special Collection’s archive to answer the following question:
How did your chosen play speak to (that is, represent, reinforce, ignore or challenge) social, cultural, or political ideas happening in the United States during the time that it was produced?
Steps for Success
1. Identify a play/musical from your group’s archive list. It does not need to be a play that you researched individually. It can be a play researched by one of your group members.
2. In the introduction to your paper, introduce the play/musical, which you are choosing to investigate. Be sure to note the name of the playwright, where/when the play was produced, and the play’s throughline. Then offer a reason for why this play was produced in that specific/time and place (this is your thesis statement)
3. The body of your paper might include different kinds of evidence depending on your approach to synthesizing the research. Here are some different ways to approach this paper.
o How/why did the play fit within (or resonate with) the mission of the theatre company that produced it? (Evidence – mission statements, programs, websites, interviews with people, textual analysis)
o What events or social/political/cultural movements were happening in the world? Did the play allude to or engage with these real-world forces? (Evidence – textual analysis, historical research)
o Did the play capitalize on a genre popular with audiences at the time? Discuss the elements/structure of the play as it pertains to that genre. (Evidence – index of other plays produced during the time, dramatic criticism from books or peer reviewed articles, textual analysis)
o Did the play speak to a specific community or demographic? How did it do that? (Evidence – programs, flyers from the archive, peer-reviewed books or articles and textual analysis)
o How did the play resonate with audiences? (Evidence- performance reviews or published articles (newspapers, magazines, peer-reviewed journals))
4. Use the following resource to make sure you are incorporating sources into your paper correctly:
5. Make an appointment with the Writing Center ( or someone smart who you trust to review a draft of your paper with you. Read your paper out loud to yourself to help you look for grammatical mistakes, typos, and clarity of ideas.

Write this “play” for me please. The instructions are in the Workshop 5 pdf i su

Write this “play” for me please. The instructions are in the Workshop 5 pdf i su

Write this “play” for me please. The instructions are in the Workshop 5 pdf i submitted. The pages probably will be more than 3 because of the script format, but 825 words should be good.
What: A dying rose
Male, John, 82, retired carpenter with calloused hands and a gentle demeanor, values hard work and loyalty above all else.
Female, Margaret, 76, a former school teacher with a keen intellect and a love for literature, sharp wit and a passion for learning.
Where: A Small Living Room
Sofa: A worn, cozy sofa with faded floral patterns, inviting and well-loved despite its age.
Grandfather Clock: An antique grandfather clock, its pendulum swinging gently, marking the passage of time in the room.

Make a copy of your scriipt that reflects both the beats (objectives) and score

Make a copy of your scriipt that reflects both the beats (objectives) and score

Make a copy of your scriipt that reflects both the beats (objectives) and score (physical behavior) for every moment throughout your play and submit it via Canvas. Your scriipt MUST contain BOTH your beats and the score. Clearly identify where the beat ends and indicate the physical action/behavior the character takes that will help them achieve their objective. If your scriipt only has one and not both, your grade will reflect that and will ONLY HAVE HALF POINTS. BOTH ARE NEEDED TO RECEIVE FULL CREDIT.
DUE: Feb. 14th at 11:59pm via Canvas. In the past I have allowed you to submit assignments via the text box option, however, for this assignment we recommend attaching it as either a word doc or a PDF.