Reply 7-20

Reply 7-20

reply to classmates


the reading for this one


Which of the following reasons do you believe motivated the United States to adopt a policy of imperialism in the late 19th century?

  • Competition with European powers.
  • National security.
  • Economic security and securing new markets.
  • To help improve the political and economic status of other nations/people.

Provide examples of political decisions and events that support your opinion and discuss the impact at home and overseas as a result of US imperialism. Make sure to cite all sources.



Austin Briggs

Unit 4 DB




National security played a vital role in the United States adopting a policy of imperialism in the late 19th century. In order to embrace imperialism, the U.S. would have to fix its economy due to the Great Depression. When President Roosevelt took office in 1933, his primary focus was to restore the U.S. economy with the new deal. Although Roosevelt would help many citizens with the establishment of The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Public Works Administration (PWA), and The Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), many problems remained, and more to come. The second new deal came a few years after the first, with the most significant success being Social Security. \”Social Security created a system of state-administered welfare payments for the poor, unemployed, and disabled based on matching state and federal contributions.\”(2009). The Wealth Tax Act also placed higher taxes on wealthy individuals.

Once Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and World War 2 started, there was great concern in the public to keep the U.S. out of the war; Roosevelt stood by his statement, promising to keep the U.S. out of any foreign war. However, Roosevelt knew Britain and allied powers needed to win against the third reich and Japan. In January 1941, President Roosevelt prosed the Lend-Lease Act. The lend-lease would lend \”arms and other supplies needed by any country whose security was vital to the defense of the United States.\”(2022). We also see examples of this in the foundation of the idealism of the United States. In the Declaration of Independence it states, \”But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.\”(2023). By aiding coalition forces, the U.S., in turn, protects the homeland and improves foreign U.S. relations.

George Clack. (2009). Outline of U.S. History: Vol. [Rev. ed.]. Nova

National Archives and Records Administration. (2022). Lend-lease act (1941). National Archives and Records Administration.

National Archives and Records Administration. (2023). Declaration of independence: A transcription. National Archives and Records Administration.



Michael Quinn

Motivations for American Imperialism




I believe that the era of American Imperialism was motivated by economic reasons, whether it was economic security or opportunity in new markets. While you could make a case that imperialism was motivated by competition with Europe, the \”competition\” was an economic one. National security interests also had economic implications. Developing a strong military presence, and expansion into colonial regions, allowed America to protect its financial and economic interests. Growing the economy and opportunities for great financial success have always been a driving force in American culture. As Clack states, \”Colonial-minded administrations were often more concerned with trade and economic issues than political control\”. United States intervention in the affairs of the Carribean and Pacific island nations always had an eye on economic gain. Consider Hawaii, whose government was ready to \”end foreign influence\” in 1893. American businessmen used their influence to have the Hawaiian people depose their own government and request annexation. Even in Roosevelt\’s \”Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine\”, while speaking on issues of security and peace in the Western hemisphere, there is mention of nations protecting their \”interests\”. To suggest that America was motivated to become a police power and intervene in world affairs purely out of some noble sense of duty to other nations of the Americas would be irresponsible. American imperialism, like much of our nation\’s history, was about money and economic growth at its core.

George Clack. (2009). Outline of U.S. History: Vol. [Rev. ed.]. Nova.

Literature review on electric vehicles

Literature review on electric vehicles

This week, you will write a review of literature based on the technology you are investigating for your Course Project. A review of literature may be defined as an analysis of published information in a particular subject area. It has some similarities to an annotated bibliography, which you have completed in a previous class, but differs in important respects. An annotated bibliography focuses on annotations, or summaries, of sources. In contrast, a review of literature analyzes the sources, draws connections among them, and notes changes in thinking over time. A review of literature will focus on the following questions.

  • What are the key points of agreement among the sources?
  • What are the key points of disagreement among the sources?
  • Do any of the sources appear to be outliers? In other words, are there any sources that bring up issues, or make assertions, that the other sources do not discuss?
  • Which sources appear to be the most powerful or influential? Are there sources that all of the other sources deem highly authoritative?
  • Are there any sources whose assertions seem dubious, illogical, or unsupported by the facts?
  • How has thinking changed about your topic over time? Are there beliefs that have fallen out of favor?

Successful assignments will do the following.

  • Analyze at least five sources from reputable publications that can be found in the DeVry Library
  • Demonstrate points of similarities and differences, note patterns, and evaluate source quality
  • Be approximately 750–1,000 words in length
  • Be formatted per current APA standards, including a separate title page and references page

naturn corps

naturn corps

Develop an Inventory Management analysis, including the below items:

  1. Compute the required inventory at the Central Warehouse (current — see Week Two for details) (EOQ, ROP, Average inventory quantity and Annual inventory cost)
  2. Compute with inventory plans for an Omni-channel Distribution system with the Central Warehouse and 20 regional Fulfillment Centers (option for a future omni-channel network, as yet to be determined) (same items as above)
  3. Compare the As-is to your To-Be network in term of inventory management

Theory and Research

Theory and Research

This assignment requires you to explore the theories in Boxes 4.4 and 4.5 of your texbook (pages 57-58).

  • Choose a nursing theory, or a theory from another discipline (box 4.4)
  • Search the literature for a research study that was guided by your chosen theory.
  • Discuss the following:
    • Paragraph 1: Introduce your paper
    • Paragraph 2: Briefly describe the theory you selected, including the key concepts
    • Paragraph 3: Briefly describe your chosen research study, including the type of study, sampling method, sample and size, and the purpose and results of the study
    • Paragraph 4: Discuss how your study/findings connect to the theory used to guide it
    • Paragraph 5: Summarize/Conclude your paper


  • Read and understand a research article
  • Identify the theoretical/conceptual framework within a research study
  • Discuss the connection between theory and research

Women Artists Comparative Essay

Women Artists Comparative Essay

MINIMUM 1250 words

Times New Roman, 12pt. Font, Double-spaced, MLA Formatted and submitted as a Word .doc or .docx file.
In this paper you should compare two women artists from the 16th-18th centuries (between the years 1500-1800). You must choose artists from different centuries (they cannot both be from the same century). Compare these artists\’ strategies for artistic success and life circumstances as well as 2 pairs of their works (two works by one artist, and two works by the other artist). Choose works that can be easily and logically compared to one another (for example, compare Biblical scenes by each artist, mythological scenes by each artist, self-portraits by each artist, portraits, genre scenes by each artist, or, in general, works that have something obviously in common. You could, for example, compare one self-portrait by one artist to one self-portrait by the other artist, and then some comparable scene that they painted.)

Compare the works both in visual terms (how they look), and in terms of meaning.

In the first paragraph, the introduction, you will include:

  • a brief introduction of the artists you will discuss as well as the works you will compare
  • thesis statement – usually the last line of your first paragraph. Your thesis should clearly state what is the main point of your comparison between your artists and their art works. It cannot just state that there are many similarities and differences between the works. It should state exactly how the works are similar and different in terms of their visual aspects and meaning. Your thesis should be so specific that it only makes sense for the artists and paintings you are discussing.

After the introductory paragraph, use the rest of the paper to lay out evidence to support the thesis. The second paragraph should compare the two artists’ artistic strategies. The next paragraphs should compare works. You may compare the first two works in any of the following ways:

  • Compare the works throughout. Each paragraph should make one point about the comparison between the works. For example, one paragraph may compare the use of light in both works, while another may compare the works in terms of their meaning.
  • Write about the first work. Then when you write about the second work, compare it to the first work by using words like “Like,” or “Unlike.” But do not simply talk about one work in depth, then say \”Unlike…\” and then go on to just talk about the other work. Draw specific and direct comparisons.
  • Include important factual information \”when necessary\” because it directly relates to a point you are making about the works and how they compare. DO NOT simply rattle off historical information you copied from other sources. Only include it if it makes specific sense with regards to your comparative analysis

Then do the same for the second pair of art works.

If it makes sense to you, you could compare all 4 works to one another as well.

Organize your ideas into paragraphs, and write one paragraph per main point you are making. The first sentence of each paragraph, the topic sentence, must summarize the point of that paragraph, so that your reader knows from the first sentence of that paragraph what the point of that paragraph will be. Your last paragraph, the conclusion, should be substantial and should sum up your main points.

Your paper must show that you have read and understood the main ideas in the PowerPoint lectures, readings, and videos in which we learned about these artists. Do extra research if necessary.

Cite all your sources (including textbook, PowerPoints, and videos).

  • If you are quoting something word-for-word, you MUST use quotation marks “ ”, an in-text citation, and the provide a fully documented citation entry on your Works Cited page.Limit word-by-word quotes to maximum 3 short quotes per paper. Use your own words as much as possible.
  • If you are putting the ideas from a source in your own words, you MUST STILL USE IN-TEXT CITATIONS. This especially applies to copying passages from another source and changing \”some\” of the words. That is still plagiarism, and will result in Failure of the course if proper citation is not provided. Here is an essential guide to quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing: Here is detailed information on how to paraphrase without plagiarizing:
  • Include in-text citations. Here is info on using in-text citations: Basically, at the end of a sentence, or a group of sentences with information from a source, you must use parentheses in the text with the title of that source. If you err, err on the side of caution, and include in-text citations even when not sure you need them.
  • You need to include a list of Works Cited at the end of the paper.

Monitoring Observed Policy Outcomes

Monitoring Observed Policy Outcomes

After viewing this week’s presentations and completing the reading assignments, each student is to write their own Discussion Board (DB) question on the topic of policy analysis and assembling evidence based on the readings and course content. Then, provide a comprehensive, well-reasoned and evidence-based response to your own prompt in 250–500 words. You will submit your response as a paper assignment.

Remember that the response must be thoughtful and comprehensive, citing outside sources as supporting evidence (details, sensible approach) and the writing represents Strayer Writing Standards and style in tone, clarity, citations and stylistic points.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Intercultural Communication Competence

Intercultural Communication Competence refers to the ability to effectively communicate and interact with people from different cultures. It involves not only language skills but also understanding cultural norms, values, beliefs, and behaviors. Individuals who are interculturally competent are able to adapt their communication style appropriately, navigate cultural differences sensitively, and build rapport across cultural boundaries. This competence is increasingly important in today’s globalized world where interactions between people of different cultures are common in various contexts such as business, education, healthcare, and international relations. If you’d like to delve deeper into any specific aspect of intercultural communication competence,

Social Media, Organizational, and Group Communications

Social media, organizational, and group communications are broad topics that intersect in various ways:

  1. Social Media: Refers to platforms and technologies that enable users to create, share, and exchange information and ideas in virtual communities and networks. It has transformed how individuals and organizations communicate, market products/services, and engage with audiences.
  2. Organizational Communication: Focuses on how information flows within an organization. It includes formal channels (like memos, meetings) and informal channels (like gossip, informal discussions). Effective organizational communication enhances productivity, cohesion, and employee satisfaction.
  3. Group Communications: Involves how communication operates within small groups or teams. It explores dynamics like decision-making processes, conflict resolution, leadership styles, and the impact of communication on group cohesion and performance.

These areas are interconnected because social media is increasingly used for organizational and group communication purposes, influencing how messages are disseminated, received, and interpreted within these contexts.

Neighborhood & Built Environment

The neighborhood and built environment are crucial aspects of urban planning and community well-being. They encompass everything from the physical structures like buildings and roads to social elements like parks, community centers, and public spaces. What specifically are you interested in exploring or discussing about neighborhoods and the built environment?

Communication Apprehension, Delivery, and Persuading

  • Communication Apprehension: This refers to the anxiety or fear that people experience when communicating with others. It can range from mild nervousness to severe anxiety that hinders effective communication. Strategies to reduce communication apprehension often involve relaxation techniques, practice, and cognitive restructuring.
  • Delivery in Communication: Delivery encompasses how a message is conveyed to an audience. It includes aspects like voice tone, body language, pacing, and overall presentation style. Effective delivery enhances clarity, engagement, and the persuasiveness of the message.
  • Persuasion: Persuasion in communication involves influencing others’ beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors. It relies on various techniques such as using evidence, emotional appeals, credibility, and understanding audience needs and motivations. Effective persuasion requires clarity of purpose, understanding of the audience, and ethical communication practices.