Prompt: This writing assignment encourages you to critically analyze and reflect

This writing assignment encourages you to critically analyze and reflect upon key themes from this week’s readings in Introduction to Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. Through Eli Clare, Robin DiAngelo, Audre Lorde, Ashley Currier and Thérèse Migraine-George, M. Soledad Caballero, and Kimberly Williams Brown and Red Washburn, we explore complex issues surrounding identity, difference, oppression, silence in racial discussions, queer/African identities, the concept of intersectionality, and transformative pedagogies.
After carefully reading the assigned essays, you will choose 4 essays to examine that resonated the most with you and/or challenged your thinking. Your task is to weave these varied perspectives into a cohesive analysis that will also incorporate reflections from your own lived experiences and observations.
Question: How do the readings help you understand how different forms of oppression (like racism, sexism, or homophobia) overlap and impact identities? Reflect on how these insights connect to your own experiences. How can you use what you’ve learned to challenge or change these issues in your community?
Your essay should address the following points:
Thesis statement. As part of your essay, you are required to develop a clear thesis statement. Your thesis should be specific, arguable, and reflective of the critical engagement you have with the material. This statement should articulate your central argument or point of view regarding the themes explored in your selected readings and personal reflections. A strong thesis statement will serve as the foundation of your essay, guiding your analysis and ensuring that your discussion remains focused and coherent.
A brief summary of the key arguments or themes presented in each of the readings you have chosen. What are the central questions or challenges they pose regarding issues like identity, oppression, and intersectionality? How do the authors challenge traditional narratives and binaries in order to deepen our understanding of important issues? How do concepts like difference, silence, visibility, and representation play a role in the discussions presented by the authors?
Critical engagement. How have your personal encounters with identity, difference, and social norms either challenged or reinforced your ideas about themes discussed in the readings? What insights or perspectives did you gain from these readings about the ways in which various forms of oppression intersect and shape experiences? How do these insights affect your understanding of your own identity and the social dynamics you observe? Consider reflecting on moments where your understanding of these concepts was affirmed or where you encountered differing perspectives. How can individuals and communities address and challenge the interconnected structures of oppression?
Your essay should be 400-500 words in length.
Clearly identify the readings you are analyzing and provide specific examples or quotations to support your discussion.
Cite all references according to APA, MLA, or Chicago style
Incorporate reflections that tie your personal experiences or observations to the themes of the readings.

Using the attached paper, make the following corrections/enhancements. There ar

Using the attached paper, make the following corrections/enhancements.
There ar

Using the attached paper, make the following corrections/enhancements.
There are some writing things that I can touch on when I am able to make comments. Do put percents into numbers (8.2% as an example in your problem statement).
The problem statement is awkward:
Explain that first sentence.
The next one shifts gears to unemployment rates and it is unclear if that is statistically significant, that difference.
Then you switch to a claim that the low number creates challenges
That three relatively unrelated comments (at least for the readere). I think I understand the relationship between the third and fourth sentences but it would be the support systems (that there being few women means there are few there to support). That is different from the mental health services (and what do you mean by this – low in the workplace? EAP? Community services? Most organizations do not employ mental health services but they have something like EAP. You talk about these rise up and impact them but you say that this is due to few women veterans in the workplace. You need to clarify about male dominated industries. You have many very specific components but the problem sentence is more general. Do you want to focus on veterans who have experienced assault or female veterans in general. Are you wanting to look at female veterans who go into male dominated industries or “civilian society” in general. These are all very different. I think a lot of things were mentioned to differentiate women as unique but they serve to create confusion.

Chapters 7 & 8 Reproductive Health & Family Systems – Gendered Voices, Feminist

Chapters 7 & 8 Reproductive Health & Family Systems – Gendered Voices, Feminist

Chapters 7 & 8 Reproductive Health & Family Systems – Gendered Voices, Feminist Visions
ISBN: 9780197622629
By: Susan M. Shaw; Janet Lee
The media has made a big deal out of the “working mom” versus “stay-at-home mom” debate for years. Women often debate with one another about what is the “right” thing to do. Taking what you have read about health, reproduction, family systems, and the information from the videos, identify at least two institutionalized factors that may contribute to the imbalance of equity (ability to work for pay, domestic labor, care tasks, mental load, etc.) in the family, society, etc. for most women and how might those barriers be overcome to allow more equitable forms of “choice”? Use information from the course content to support your answers. This is not a place for unsupported opinions but identifying and accounting for your own socialization can help bridge the gap in understanding that we each have based upon our own intersectionality (i.e. My personal perspective is that of a middle-aged, cisgender, white female raised in a repressive evangelical religious structure while living in poverty). Questions to consider when forming your response:
You do NOT need to answer all of these questions but you should address the major themes of “choice”, systems, power, gender, socialization, and privilege that appear in the prompts. We want to see how you connect the concepts we have discussed so far throughout the course.
What are some specific issues that women may face if they a) stay home or b) work outside the home?
What types of issues influence the decision for a woman to stay home?
Can this always be considered a “choice” for everyone?
How does the “choice” intersect with privilege, inequality, gender roles, or other concepts we have discussed in class so far?
How does reproductive health influence the role of women in the family unit?
Think about planning for childcare, schooling, etc. during the height of COVID and the impact it may have had on decisions to work outside the home.
What is the role of the various family systems discussed in the text in creating or supporting whether a woman works outside the home? The balance of labor within the home? Lastly, in what ways do the institutionalized factors you identified influence the decision of women to work outside the home?

Can you edit my essay by following these instructions and the edits my professor

Can you edit my essay by following these instructions and the edits my professor

Can you edit my essay by following these instructions and the edits my professor made, please?
1. Separate your consideration of SB’s life and her legacy (I made a note of this in your intro). Try to be explicit and precise about where your essay seeks to intervene–what’s your thesis? I think it was going to be about how different actors have made meaning of SB’s life. The articulation of your thesis could be longer and more thorough–how exactly does each of the three actors (Cuvier, Alexander, Mbeki) you work with make meaning of SB?
2. Make sure you are characterizing SB’s life correctly. She was not Cesar’s slave. Also, it is very important to Magubane’s essay that SB was not understood to be “Black” during her lifetime, but rather as a specific other racialized category of person (“Hottentot”–today, “Khoe”). You do not have to agree with Magubane, but you should at least acknowledge her point since her essay is one of your sources.
I suggest rereading Scully and Crais, and Magubane, to make sure you are accurately portraying the basic facts of her life accurately.
3. I think you can do more with Alexander’s poem, which is a great text. There is more to say! It also could be useful to quote Mbeki, so you can say some more precise things about what he was publically claiming about SB and her repatriation.
4. Be sure to proofread well. In particular, make sure you are spelling names correctly, consistently, and that you are correctly formatting your quotations according to MLA style. You do need page numbers in all in-text citations. I suggest making two appointments with the Writing Center–one for sometime soon to help with revision, and one later (week of April 29 perhaps), to help you proofread thoroughly.
5. This is more a point of disagreement. I would like you to think more about the 19th-century European idea that SB was actually very different because of her race. She may not have had “excess fat” or special genitalia, but rather these men made this racist and sexist myth/fantasy. I think Amanda Swarr wrote about this in our reading for last semester.

Through an example of your choice, describe and analyse an area of debate in con

Through an example of your choice, describe and analyse an area of debate in con

Through an example of your choice, describe and analyse an area of debate in contemporary feminist media culture. Show how your example offers an exemplary example of the particular area of debate, contention or challenge that interests you. Draw on specific theoretical frameworks discussed on the module to do so.
Structure A
1. Title
2. Introduction: Case Study
Introduce your case study. This should be an exemplary (unique, outstanding, highly relevant) example of the thing that you are going to be talking about in your essay. This
might be a cultural phenomenon such as the rise of a particular phrase or terminology, a particular book, film, music video or TV series, an institutional practice such as ‘women’s
day’, a national cultural phenomenon such as the NHS clap, or another version of any of the examples we’ve read about in the key readings or talked about in the lecture and seminar,
e.g. a particular protest, a particular speech act, a particular historical moment such as the
‘Blair babes’ that McRobbie talked about.
Possible things to include, i.e. contextual information, when introducing your case study:
– details RE publication
– details RE audience reception, sourced from particular media
– details RE historical specificity (in relation to which other examples does this sit)
– how you came to this example
– how this kind of example has been understood in particular academic literature
Do not use hyperlinks in your assessment, but write out web or social media addresses
according to the referencing style you are following.
3. Introduction: Argument Tell the reader what you’ll be arguing in this case study essay. Tell the reader how you will
be presenting this argument. E.g. ‘I will develop this argument in three stages …’.
4. Introduction: Academic Literature
Tell the reader which body of work, concept, debate, etc. your essay will be examining. Tell
the reader how you will use your case study in order to examine this body of work, concept,
debate, etc.
5. Main Body
Divide into sections if helpful. Probably no more than 3 sections. Each should support your
overall argument. They might be based on 3 different themes, three different examples (e.g.
3 characters from the film), three questions or problems, for example. Or they might be
based on ideas presented by three different authors. You could identify the same
phenomenon you want to talk about in three different asspects of the case study (i.e. here
are examples 1, 2, 3 of the same thing), or arguments for / against / ambiguously related
through your three different aspects (in example 1 we see agreement, in example 2 we see disagreement, example 3 is both agreement and disagreement). There are numerous ways in which you can build your analysis.
Use the readings attached in documents and as references
reference list that you may use:
Alcoff, L. (1988) Cultural feminism versus poststructuralism: The identity crisis. Signs, 13(2): 405–436.
Al-Nakib, M. (2013) Disjunctive synthesis: Deleuze and Arab feminism. Signs, 38(2): 459–482.
Ang, I. (1995) I’m a feminist but … “Other” women and postnational feminism. In: B. Caine and R. Pringle (eds.) Transitions: New Australian Feminisms. London: Allen & Unwin, pp. 57–73. [This essay is reprinted many times, including in Feminist Postcolonial Theory: A Reader, Lewis and Mills (eds.)]
Anim-Addo, J. and S. Scafe (eds.) (2007) I am Black/white/yellow: An Introduction to the Black Body in Europe. London: Mango publishing.
Balsamo, A. (1991) Feminism and cultural studies. The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, 24(1): 50–73.
Ackerly, B. and J. True (2010) Back to the future: Feminist theory, activism, and doing feminist research in an age of globalization. Women’s Studies International Forum, 33: 464–472.
Cefai, S. (2022) Feminist aesthetics of resistance. In: Todd. W. Reeser (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 227–236.
Banet-Weiser, Sarah, Gill, Rosalind and Catherine Rottenberg (2019) Postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism? Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg in conversation. Feminist Theory, 21(1): 3–24.
Zylinska, J. (2018) Exit man. In: The End of Man: A Feminist Counterapocalypse. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, pp. 27–30.
Background reading
Haraway, Donna (1991) A cyborg manifesto. Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. London: Free Association Books, pp. 149–181.
Little, Ben and Alison Winch (2021) Elon Musk: Geek masculinity and marketing the celebrity founder. In: The New Patriarchs of Digital Capitalism: Celebrity Tech Founders and Networks of Power.
Ben Little and Alison Winch (2021) Elon Musk: Geek masculinity and marketing the celebrity founder
Alcoff, L.M. (2018) Rape and Resistance: Understanding the Complexities of Sexual Violation. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Alcoff, L.M. (1996) Dangerous pleasures: Foucault and the politics of pedophilia. In S. Hekman (ed.) Feminist Interpretations of Foucault, pp. 99–136. University Park: Pennsylvania State Press.
Barker, M.-J., Gill, R. and L. Harvey (2018) Mediated Intimacy: Sex Advice in Media Culture. Cambridge and Medford, MA: Polity.
Beres, M.A. and J. E.C. MacDonald (2015) Talking about sexual consent: Heterosexual women and BDSM. Australian Feminist Studies, 30(86): 418–432.

Katherine Angel (2021) On consent.
Virginie Despentes ([2006] 2020) You can’t rape a woman who’s a total slut.
Laura Kipnis (2017) Introduction: Sexual paranoia on campus.

Choose one from below:
Angela McRobbie (2020) Feminism and the politics of resilience
Angela McRobbie (2007) Top Girls? Young Women and the Post-Feminist Sexual Contract

Discuss why this topic is important, how it has evolved from its original Aztec

Discuss why this topic is important, how it has evolved from its original Aztec

Discuss why this topic is important, how it has evolved from its original Aztec and Mayan roots to the celebration it is now. The original tradition was much more humble and signified the young girl was ready to be wed and carry children, which is in stark contrast to the extravagant parties seen today. Be sure also to consider how this topic connects to broader societal issues, both negatively and positively and what we can learn from it as a society. For example, it could explore how the evolving nature of the tradition reflects broader changes in gender norms, cultural values, and social practices within Latino communities. Further reflect on the complex dynamics of cultural identity and heritage. Please make sure to cite from the two sources provided, and feel free to use your own with added citation.

Discuss why this topic is important, how it has evolved from its original Aztec

Discuss why this topic is important, how it has evolved from its original Aztec

Discuss why this topic is important, how it has evolved from its original Aztec and Mayan roots to the celebration it is now. The original tradition was much more humble and signified the young girl was ready to be wed and carry children, which is in stark contrast to the extravagant parties seen today. Be sure also to consider how this topic connects to broader societal issues, both negatively and positively and what we can learn from it as a society. For example, it could explore how the evolving nature of the tradition reflects broader changes in gender norms, cultural values, and social practices within Latino communities. Further reflect on the complex dynamics of cultural identity and heritage. Please make sure to cite from the two sources provided, and feel free to use your own with added citation.

Topic: How do societal norms and cultural expectations influence the dynamics of

Topic: How do societal norms and cultural expectations influence the dynamics of

Topic: How do societal norms and cultural expectations influence the dynamics of power within marital relationships, and what implications does this have for individual autonomy and gender equality?
– need to make sure the learning objectives fit in with the course material as listed on the syllabus I have attached the syllabus to this,
– this is a video presentation, I will be doing the presentation video which is 10-12 minutes long so the content needs to be around that length for me to film.
– Video presentations will be a min of 10/max of 12 mins long. Videos should be recorded on a phone, computer or similar device and consist of you (and no one else) speaking into the camera. Your focus should be on content, not on producing a professional quality video. Editing and graphics will be appreciated by viewers but are unnecessary.
Key Elements of Video:
– Clearly introduce your topic/research question.
– Explain why your topic/research question is important. Why should we care? How does it relate to course objectives (see page 1 of syllabus)?
– Provide an analysis of your findings.
– Summarize in a conclusion.
APA citation
– the sources mainly use class material sources and some peer reviweed sources. Needs to be very insightful. I have attached those below as well. Need to have a reference page APA

Please answer three of the four prompts. I have attached the reading you will ne

Please answer three of the four prompts. I have attached the reading you will ne

Please answer three of the four prompts. I have attached the reading you will need for them. Please answer each of the three prompts with a full page write up ending with a total of 3. I have added prompts you will need and added titles of reading that can be found online at the end I am a white heterosexual 21 year old female. · Judith Lorber, “The Social Construction of Gender”
· Anne Fausto-Sterling, “Dueling Dualisms”
· Julia Serano, “Transgender People and ‘Biological Sex’ Myths”
· Maddie Sofia & Sabrina Strings, “Fat Phobia and its Racist Past and Present”
· Adrienne Rich, “Compulsory Heterosexuality” (CW: r*pe, sexual violence)
· C.L. Cole and Shannon L.C. Cate, “Compulsory Gender and Transgender Existence: Adrienne Rich’s Queer Possibility”
· Constance Grady, “The Waves of Feminism, and Why People Keep Fighting over Them, Explained”
· Angela Davis, Women, Race, and Class, “Ch. 4: Racism in the Woman Suffrage Movement” (CW: racist language)
· Audre Lorde, “The Masters Tools”
· The Combahee River Collective, “A Black Feminist Statement”
· Radicalesbians, “The Woman-Identified Woman”
· Jo Carrillo, “And When You Leave, Take Your Pictures With You”
· Pat Mainardi, “The Politics of Housework”
· Anne Koedt, “The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm” (CW: explicit discussions of sex)

Please organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please pr

Please organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please pr

Please organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please provide 3 references at the end of your paper on a third page. Select one day over the next few days and write down everything you ate for the day. Include the serving sizes (example: 6 potato chips; 12 oz sprite). Include the percentages of sodium, sugar, fats also. Grading Criteria Maximum Points List all the foods you ate during the day you selected and include serving sizes 30 How does it compare to meeting the recommended requirements? Provide detail. 20 What alternatives could you have selected to make your food choices more nutritious that day? 20 Look at a food label. Is the label misleading when you examine serving size? (Ex: There are single wrapped muffins which provide the nutrition content, but when you look at the serving size, it may say the muffin is a 2-3 serving size. Who eats 1/3 or 1/2 of a muffin?) Can labels be misleading? 13 Correct and proper grammar used.
No spelling errors 8 Referenced at least 3 website sources 9
Think about our important role as educators when we coach other women about various nutritional needs over the age span and to be more focused on prevention and wellness.