Please answer three of the four prompts. I have attached the reading you will ne

Please answer three of the four prompts. I have attached the reading you will ne

Please answer three of the four prompts. I have attached the reading you will need for them. Please answer each of the three prompts with a full page write up ending with a total of 3. I have added prompts you will need and added titles of reading that can be found online at the end I am a white heterosexual 21 year old female. · Judith Lorber, “The Social Construction of Gender”
· Anne Fausto-Sterling, “Dueling Dualisms”
· Julia Serano, “Transgender People and ‘Biological Sex’ Myths”
· Maddie Sofia & Sabrina Strings, “Fat Phobia and its Racist Past and Present”
· Adrienne Rich, “Compulsory Heterosexuality” (CW: r*pe, sexual violence)
· C.L. Cole and Shannon L.C. Cate, “Compulsory Gender and Transgender Existence: Adrienne Rich’s Queer Possibility”
· Constance Grady, “The Waves of Feminism, and Why People Keep Fighting over Them, Explained”
· Angela Davis, Women, Race, and Class, “Ch. 4: Racism in the Woman Suffrage Movement” (CW: racist language)
· Audre Lorde, “The Masters Tools”
· The Combahee River Collective, “A Black Feminist Statement”
· Radicalesbians, “The Woman-Identified Woman”
· Jo Carrillo, “And When You Leave, Take Your Pictures With You”
· Pat Mainardi, “The Politics of Housework”
· Anne Koedt, “The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm” (CW: explicit discussions of sex)

Please organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please pr

Please organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please pr

Please organize your paper to include a 12 font, double spaced format. Please provide 3 references at the end of your paper on a third page. Select one day over the next few days and write down everything you ate for the day. Include the serving sizes (example: 6 potato chips; 12 oz sprite). Include the percentages of sodium, sugar, fats also. Grading Criteria Maximum Points List all the foods you ate during the day you selected and include serving sizes 30 How does it compare to meeting the recommended requirements? Provide detail. 20 What alternatives could you have selected to make your food choices more nutritious that day? 20 Look at a food label. Is the label misleading when you examine serving size? (Ex: There are single wrapped muffins which provide the nutrition content, but when you look at the serving size, it may say the muffin is a 2-3 serving size. Who eats 1/3 or 1/2 of a muffin?) Can labels be misleading? 13 Correct and proper grammar used.
No spelling errors 8 Referenced at least 3 website sources 9
Think about our important role as educators when we coach other women about various nutritional needs over the age span and to be more focused on prevention and wellness.

For this discussion post, please review the presentation by Kirsten Johnson and

For this discussion post, please review the presentation by Kirsten Johnson and

For this discussion post, please review the presentation by Kirsten Johnson and assigned reading for this week. Kirsten speaks on her struggle to overcome prior sexual assault and her road to recovery.
Please describe which of the three stages of recovery Kirsten exhibited most. If you feel more than one stage applies, feel free to illustrate that in your response. Also, briefly explain the steps Kirsten took to attempt to heal from the past encounter.
Post should be at least 500 words. No requirement to respond to a classmate this week.

Introduction: Introduce your project, topic, and interview participants. You wil

Introduction: Introduce your project, topic, and interview participants. You wil

Introduction: Introduce your project, topic, and interview participants. You will also
define and discuss the Key Concept that you will explore in the paper. 1- 2 paragraphs.
2. Related Examples: Discuss at least two sources. A) An assigned reading or film in the
class; and B) An outside source. Sources should demonstrate your topic or focus on a
Key Concept in another time/place or for a different kind of person. The goal is to show
related work in WGS to provide background. 1 – 2 paragraphs.
3. Analysis: Discuss selected parts of your interview responses and assess how they
demonstrate your topic and chosen Key Concept in action. 2- 3 paragraphs.
4. Conclusions: A) Make an overall statement about what your interview responses say
about your chosen topic and Key Concept. B) Also, make a clear statement about how
findings relate to the sources you cited in part 2. C) End with a direct statement on how
you can use these findings in your own life. (career, family, relationships, etc.) Be
imaginative and specific. 1- 2 paragraphs.
5. Formatting & Citations: Paper must have a title and include citations for sources.
Sources should be cited in-text and on a bibliography/works cited page. You can use any
citation format that you want—APA, Chicago, MLA—as long as you’re consistent!

1) According to Harrington, why does gender matter when it comes to economic in

1) According to Harrington, why does gender matter when it comes to economic in

1) According to Harrington, why does gender matter when it comes to economic independence? What does the gendered wage gap have to do with violence against women?
2) After reading Mahan, what are the racial orgins of U.S. Domestic Violence law?
3) After reading Harrington, what is the connection between abuse and financial dependence? What gendered dynamics exist in your own home with regard to the “gendered division of labor”? Is this something you have adopted in your own expectations of yourself and do you see these roles as helping or hurting your opportunities in the workforce?
4) Critical Thinking Question

1) Using Arendt’s frame, define power, strength, force, authority, and viole

1) Using Arendt’s frame, define power, strength, force, authority, and viole

1) Using Arendt’s frame, define power, strength, force, authority, and violence. Specifically, compare power and violence and demonstrate your understanding of the difference between the terms. Arendt suggests that the concept of “non-violent power” is a redundancy. What does this mean?
2) Choose one quote from the Mackinnon reading and describe its meaning in connection to the ongoing war in Gaza. 3) What happens in the Hunting Ground film?

The reading log assignment requires you to select two articles and then connect

The reading log assignment requires you to select two articles and then connect

The reading log assignment requires you to select two articles and then connect them. For example, if these two articles are about patriarchal society, then the theme of your entire reading log can be about patriarchal society. Then you can introduce what your first article is about, where it reflects your theme, and then what new perspectives it gives you, or what thoughts it triggers. You can support your point of view by giving examples from your life. Then the second article also the same way. Finally, just summarize the two articles and your views. Then the word count is 500 words. You can check Canvas for specific requirements. write down how you understand it and how you relate it to yourself or your life. Write a reflection based on these two articles.
Your critical reading log submission should be 500 words that address 2 course readings from the course syllabus. It is designed to help you keep a record of any reading in a systematic and structured format. You may choose from any reading before week 7
The goal for this log assignment is for me to see that
a) you have understood the readings correctly and
b) that you are thinking seriously about the issues/questions raised within those readings.
Connections to events, media, and real-life examples are welcome and encouraged! Reflect on your positionality and lived experience as you write this piece. Submissions should be no more than 500 words in total (Double space, Times New Roman 12 font; include your name and the date in single space and then begin your response).
about me: I’m a 19-year-old male. so please just make up any examples.

Read: Rodriguez, For Brown Girls with Sharp Edges and Tender Hearts (required te

Read: Rodriguez, For Brown Girls with Sharp Edges and Tender Hearts (required te

Read: Rodriguez, For Brown Girls with Sharp Edges and Tender Hearts (required text this semester) few selected Chapters:
Preface and Intro
“Politics of Respectability”
“The Male Gaze”
These responses should be a FULL page typed double spaced. Grading is complete/incomplete.
These should have a title of your choice, a brief summary in a complete paragraph giving title of the reading and the author, four direct quotations from the text (with page number), and last, respond briefly to two of the following questions:
What were my first impressions and personal responses of the reading?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the essay/article/chapter?
What are the major points or themes of the essay/article/chapter?
What are some significant passages that support the main themes of the essay/article/chapter?
If I chose an aspect of this text to further research or Google, what would it be, and why?
How does the reading relate to my own ethnicity, class, and gender experiences?
In what ways can I link the reading to the contemporary world? To another reading?
What interesting fact or significant idea from this text would I choose to share with a relative or friend?
Do I like the material? Why or why not?
What don’t I understand? What questions do I have?