Conduct some preliminary research on the political system of the Marshall Island

Conduct some preliminary research on the political system of the Marshall Island

Conduct some preliminary research on the political system of the Marshall Islands.
Using at least two sources from your research and one source from this module’s readings and resources, address the following questions about your country in the discussion forum:
What type of political system does your country have (democracy, monarchy, oligarchy, etc.)?
Who is the current head of state?
What is the national legislature called?
What are the main political parties?
Finally, in one of the videos for the week, we learned about globalization and how globalization affects many aspects of a country’s culture, including its politics. In what ways has globalization affected the modern-day politics of your country?
As a reminder, in addressing these prompts, you will cite at least one relevant source from this module’s readings and resources and at least two sources from your research. Be sure to cite all three total sources using an in-text citation in your post and to include all three sources below your post in a “References” section in APA format.
Ref videos:

Article Review Deadline: Monday, 25 March 2024 10am (UK time) Read instructio

Article Review Deadline:
Monday, 25 March 2024 10am (UK time)
Read instructio

Article Review Deadline:
Monday, 25 March 2024 10am (UK time)
Read instructions carefully. Write an article review on Elena Zambelli “women selling sex’ text (attached ) (max. 500. words).
The article review should include the following: Briefly summarise the argument(s) of the text. Explain how the argument(s) of the text relates to perspectives/ debates in Gender and Politics. Evaluate where possible the strengths and/or weaknesses of the text. Conclude by providing a brief discussion of the overall contribution of the text to our understanding of the topic.
bring in other texts where relevant, and to offer a comparison, expand or challenge a point raised or justify any claims made. Remember, however, that the focus should remain on the one text under review.
These are the sources , please mention 2 if any are relevant.
– Karen Boyle (2014) “Feminism and Pornography,” in Evans et al (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Feminist Theory. London: Sage.
– Joanna Bourke (2022) “Shame,” in Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence. London: Reaktion Books, pp. 22-39.
– Amia Srinivasan (2021) “Talking to my students about porn,” in The Right to Sex. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 33-71.
– Amia Srinivasan (2021) “Coda: The Politics of Desire,” in The Right to Sex. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 93-122.
– Elaine Blair (2022) Questioning Desire. The New York Review of Books.
Consider the following questions when writing your review: How does the text you are reviewing relate to other ideas that you have read or come across? How comprehensive / partial is the information provided in the text? What else would you need to know to have a full appreciation of the subject matter? Is the content located within a particular school of thought or ideological positioning? Could you locate it within a debate? Are there other views presented elsewhere that support or counter the views stated in your text? Does the text provide empirical evidence to support its claims or are they based on theory and argument? How persuasive are they? What are the core insights of the text and, if relevant, how do they complement/ contradict the insights from other reading(s) you have encountered in your studies? What are the relative strengths and/or limitations of the text? Advice to all students It is not necessary (or recommended) to provide full bibliographical details within the main text of the review – simply use in-text references (author surname, date) and leave the remaining details (author’s full name, title of the work, publication details, etc.) for the bibliography. This will help you to remain within the word count. Marking criteria: The review should provide a clear, effective summary of the core themes of the reading under review/your understanding of gender and politics. As there is a strict word limit, this requires you to be able to identify the most important insights without getting mired in detail. The review should provide an evaluation of the text. You should be able to identify the contribution that the text has made to the debate, as well as evaluating the relative merits and limitations. The assignment should demonstrate the overall contribution that the text has made to our broader understanding of the topic. The assignment should be well-structured, with a brief but clear introduction to the topic, a logical discussion of the text, and then a brief conclusion identifying the overall contribution to our broader understanding of the topic. As with other coursework, provide a bibliography listing the works that you have read for the review. This will not count towards the 500-word limit but will count towards the mark so make sure that it is accurate and formatted correctly. You should also ensure that your work is neatly presented, and proofread carefully for accuracy, legibility, and typos.

Article Review Deadline: Monday, 25 March 2024 10am (UK time) Read instructio

Article Review Deadline:
Monday, 25 March 2024 10am (UK time)
Read instructio

Article Review Deadline:
Monday, 25 March 2024 10am (UK time)
Read instructions carefully. Write an article review on Elena Zambelli “women selling sex’ text (attached ) (max. 500. words).
The article review should include the following: Briefly summarise the argument(s) of the text. Explain how the argument(s) of the text relates to perspectives/ debates in Gender and Politics. Evaluate where possible the strengths and/or weaknesses of the text. Conclude by providing a brief discussion of the overall contribution of the text to our understanding of the topic.
bring in other texts where relevant, and to offer a comparison, expand or challenge a point raised or justify any claims made. Remember, however, that the focus should remain on the one text under review.
These are the sources , please mention 2 if any are relevant.
– Karen Boyle (2014) “Feminism and Pornography,” in Evans et al (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Feminist Theory. London: Sage.
– Joanna Bourke (2022) “Shame,” in Disgrace: Global Reflections on Sexual Violence. London: Reaktion Books, pp. 22-39.
– Amia Srinivasan (2021) “Talking to my students about porn,” in The Right to Sex. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 33-71.
– Amia Srinivasan (2021) “Coda: The Politics of Desire,” in The Right to Sex. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 93-122.
– Elaine Blair (2022) Questioning Desire. The New York Review of Books.
Consider the following questions when writing your review: How does the text you are reviewing relate to other ideas that you have read or come across? How comprehensive / partial is the information provided in the text? What else would you need to know to have a full appreciation of the subject matter? Is the content located within a particular school of thought or ideological positioning? Could you locate it within a debate? Are there other views presented elsewhere that support or counter the views stated in your text? Does the text provide empirical evidence to support its claims or are they based on theory and argument? How persuasive are they? What are the core insights of the text and, if relevant, how do they complement/ contradict the insights from other reading(s) you have encountered in your studies? What are the relative strengths and/or limitations of the text? Advice to all students It is not necessary (or recommended) to provide full bibliographical details within the main text of the review – simply use in-text references (author surname, date) and leave the remaining details (author’s full name, title of the work, publication details, etc.) for the bibliography. This will help you to remain within the word count. Marking criteria: The review should provide a clear, effective summary of the core themes of the reading under review/your understanding of gender and politics. As there is a strict word limit, this requires you to be able to identify the most important insights without getting mired in detail. The review should provide an evaluation of the text. You should be able to identify the contribution that the text has made to the debate, as well as evaluating the relative merits and limitations. The assignment should demonstrate the overall contribution that the text has made to our broader understanding of the topic. The assignment should be well-structured, with a brief but clear introduction to the topic, a logical discussion of the text, and then a brief conclusion identifying the overall contribution to our broader understanding of the topic. As with other coursework, provide a bibliography listing the works that you have read for the review. This will not count towards the 500-word limit but will count towards the mark so make sure that it is accurate and formatted correctly. You should also ensure that your work is neatly presented, and proofread carefully for accuracy, legibility, and typos.

OVERVIEW Comparative politics is concerned with the important quest to understan

Comparative politics is concerned with the important quest to understan

Comparative politics is concerned with the important quest to understand why things are the way
they are. For example, we seek to discover why ideas and cultural values have the impact they
have, why some nations prosper, and others do not, why some countries enjoy liberty and others
do not, and countless other “why” questions that help explain the dynamics of human
governance. As with all inquiry, the conclusions drawn are only as good as the methodology
employed to produce them. In this Research Paper: Comparative Approach Assignment, we
will begin our exploration of comparative politics by examining the comparative approach that
provides a starting place for any scholarly inquiry addressing these important questions
You are required to write a short research paper evaluating and analyzing the comparative
approach introduced in your textbook readings. Your readings in this module addressed various
ways of approaching comparing and analyzing aspects of political systems. For this Research
Paper: Comparative Approach Assignment, assume that you are preparing to begin a project
that attempts to explain the success of democracy in the United States. Specifically, your
Research Paper: Comparative Approach Assignment should: 1) Describe in detail how the
comparative approach described in the Dickovick and Eastwood textbooks might apply to this
question; 2) Explain which prominent questions might be addressed, what kinds of facts and
evidence might be useful and which kind(s) of comparison(s) would be beneficial; and 3)
Explain what role prevailing worldviews might play in the presumptions of a comparative
approach and what role a Judeo-Christian worldview might play in one’s approach to this
 The text of this Research Paper: Comparative Approach Assignment must be 5–7
pages (not including title page, reference page, and any appendices).
 This Research Paper: Comparative Approach Assignment must be in current APA
 You must include citations to a sufficient number of appropriate scholarly sources to
fully support your assertions and conclusions. Each paper must contain citations to a
minimum of 3 scholarly sources not including the course textbook, assigned readings,
and the Bible.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin Plagiarism tool.

OVERVIEW Comparative politics is concerned with the important quest to understan

Comparative politics is concerned with the important quest to understan

Comparative politics is concerned with the important quest to understand why things are the way
they are. For example, we seek to discover why ideas and cultural values have the impact they
have, why some nations prosper, and others do not, why some countries enjoy liberty and others
do not, and countless other “why” questions that help explain the dynamics of human
governance. As with all inquiry, the conclusions drawn are only as good as the methodology
employed to produce them. In this Research Paper: Comparative Approach Assignment, we
will begin our exploration of comparative politics by examining the comparative approach that
provides a starting place for any scholarly inquiry addressing these important questions
You are required to write a short research paper evaluating and analyzing the comparative
approach introduced in your textbook readings. Your readings in this module addressed various
ways of approaching comparing and analyzing aspects of political systems. For this Research
Paper: Comparative Approach Assignment, assume that you are preparing to begin a project
that attempts to explain the success of democracy in the United States. Specifically, your
Research Paper: Comparative Approach Assignment should: 1) Describe in detail how the
comparative approach described in the Dickovick and Eastwood textbooks might apply to this
question; 2) Explain which prominent questions might be addressed, what kinds of facts and
evidence might be useful and which kind(s) of comparison(s) would be beneficial; and 3)
Explain what role prevailing worldviews might play in the presumptions of a comparative
approach and what role a Judeo-Christian worldview might play in one’s approach to this
 The text of this Research Paper: Comparative Approach Assignment must be 5–7
pages (not including title page, reference page, and any appendices).
 This Research Paper: Comparative Approach Assignment must be in current APA
 You must include citations to a sufficient number of appropriate scholarly sources to
fully support your assertions and conclusions. Each paper must contain citations to a
minimum of 3 scholarly sources not including the course textbook, assigned readings,
and the Bible.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin Plagiarism tool.

Critical reading questions Purpose Generating questions of your own is an imp

Critical reading questions

Generating questions of your own is an imp

Critical reading questions

Generating questions of your own is an important critical reading skill and is a useful process for improving the quality of your academic writing and research in a way that is most meaningful to you.
In addition, the assignment will facilitate your engagement with the course material for each week and help you get the most out of the lectures and tutorials.
Assignment descriiption
In this task you will create TWO questions about each reading from the four attached reading EIGHT questions in total. 2 from each reading. 150 to 200 words per question, including a quote for this question pertains to from the relevant reading.
Questions must be directly related to the readings. To demonstrate this, you must include a short quote from a reading that your question is reflecting on. Your questions must relate to both the quote and the wider reading itself. Questions should be open-ended and allow for analytical answers, rather than factual ones.
For the Reading 4 one question must around..,”is it another form of capitalism or more like mercantilism?”
Some prompts on designing questions
• What is the article’s main argument, do you agree or disagree?
• What assumptions are being made by the text, and what is possibly being left out?
• How well does the article achieve its stated aims?
• What conclusions are being drawn by the text and do they match the empirics presented?
• What are the implications of the text if we take its conclusions seriously?
• How does my personal experience relate to the text and lead me to evaluate its claims?

For this assignment, students will review all of the suggested and alternate def

For this assignment, students will review all of the suggested and alternate def

For this assignment, students will review all of the suggested and alternate definitions for environmental security listed in section 2.2 of Environmental Security: Implications for the U.S. Army report and complete the following steps:
1. Identify the Millennium Project definition that you think best defines environmental security (include the entire definition so your classmates can easily see which definition you have selected);
2. Identify the types of issues you think would be captured by this definition;
3. Explain why you think this is a good working definition of environmental security and any potential shortcomings or concerns surrounding this definition; and
4. Explain how you would address these concerns or improve upon this definition.
5. Explain how gender might impact our perceptions of environmental security.
Use the provided sources. One attached, two listed in the word document. Credit your sources in text using Turabian’s author/date style of citation.

For this assignment, students will review all of the suggested and alternate def

For this assignment, students will review all of the suggested and alternate def

For this assignment, students will review all of the suggested and alternate definitions for environmental security listed in section 2.2 of Environmental Security: Implications for the U.S. Army report and complete the following steps:
1. Identify the Millennium Project definition that you think best defines environmental security (include the entire definition so your classmates can easily see which definition you have selected);
2. Identify the types of issues you think would be captured by this definition;
3. Explain why you think this is a good working definition of environmental security and any potential shortcomings or concerns surrounding this definition; and
4. Explain how you would address these concerns or improve upon this definition.
5. Explain how gender might impact our perceptions of environmental security.
Use the provided sources. One attached, two listed in the word document.
Credit your sources in text using Turabian’s author/date style of citation.