Chapter 8 Industrial Location and Cities & Chapter 9 Urban Core and Edge Cities

Chapter 8 Industrial Location and Cities & Chapter 9 Urban Core and Edge Cities

Chapter 8 Industrial Location and Cities & Chapter 9 Urban Core and Edge Cities
Please answer the following questions (each needs to be a minimum of 200 words – basically one paragraph):
Q1 Describe the relationship between the development and structure of cities and the processes of industrialization and deindustrialization. How do changes in the economy and labor market of cities affect the spatial structure of cities?
Q2 Using Figure 8.4, define Weber’s Least-Cost Theory. What are its advantages and limitations?
Q3 Define the Economic-Base Theory with its advantages and disadvantages. In what way does this theory differ from the Least-Cost Theory?
Q4 How are agglomeration economies built on Weber’s Least-Cost Theory? In what ways do they expand upon Weber’s theory? Use the American Mexican border economy as an example in your definition.
Q5 How is the concentration and agglomeration of economic activities measured in cities?
Q6 Define urban sprawl and explain its root causes. Use Chicago as an example in your definition and explanations.
Q7 What are edge cities and how are the related to urban sprawl?
Q8 What are the major environmental concerns associated with urban sprawl?
Q9 What is smart growth, and do you believe it can be a solution to urban sprawl? Justify your answer