Conduct research of *ANY Public Safety Agency website ( law enforcement, courts,
Conduct research of *ANY Public Safety Agency website ( law enforcement, courts, corrections, homeland security, non profitorganizations, etc). This could be a Municipal, County, State, or Federal Agency.
(I was thinking about LAPD department, but you can choose any public safety agency)
1. What is the agency’s Mission Statement? Who is the Leader?
2. Is there a Table of Organization ( ie. list of personnel or Divisions, Units, etc)
3. Did you observe any of the 21st Century Policing 6 Pillars discussed in class? Discuss your observations of the website.
4. What Agency Policies were you able to view? Any programs that can build trust and legitimacy?
5. Is there a link to file a complaint or commend an Officer?
6. Does the agency have a social media account?
7. How can the website be improved?