Consideration for complicating factors such as racial and gender bias and cultur

Consideration for complicating factors such as racial and gender bias and cultur

Consideration for complicating factors such as racial and gender bias and culturally-biased assumptions; social control, authority, and privilege. (population characteristics: strengths, causes, power dynamics)-
I will upload two articles to get the information. I started doing it. I will upload the document and the articles. Secondly, I uploaded another document of what me and my group doing. You will find the bolded part my name “Amy”. I have the consideration for complications and conclusion.
Lastly, for the conclusion, please read the entire document, plus the two articles and add to the conclusion. I started doing it.
You can see in the group document from my group, the length of how much information I need. This is an infographic presentation. In the document “Infor 2 doc”, you can find information about my infographic and you can add in the “consideration section”