Create a storyboard for your planned video based on your research and vision for

Create a storyboard for your planned video based on your research and vision for

Create a storyboard for your planned video based on your research and vision for the video. Be sure to let your slogan shape what you do in the storyboard.
What is a storyboard? Storyboards are important steps in creating PSA videos because they show the plan for the video–what images and text will appear in each scene, shot, or frame, what special effects will be used, what sound the viewer will hear (music, dialogue, narration, etc.), step by step (think comic strip). This type of planning will help you decide how to match the script (words you will say) to what the viewer will see on their screen so that you have continuity between one frame/shot/scene and the next.
Storyboards can be created with specialized software (not necessary), MS Word, or even sketched out by hand. Don’t worry about your artistic skills–you can use stick figures if need be. Please use the attached Word template Download he attached Word templateto create your storyboard, and decide whether you want to complete it by hand or if you want to type and paste your content on the template. The template offers you two ways to format each slide.
If you use Word, please use thumbnail photos, images, graphics, etc. from Creative Commons websites OR create them yourself. We provide some links to Creative Commons sources below.
Please note that if you draw your storyboard by hand, it MUST be legible. Instructors cannot grade what they cannot read. If you create your storyboard by hand, you will need to scan it so that it can be uploaded as a series of images. Word storyboards can be submitted as a Word document.
For each frame, you should do the following:
1. Draw or note what will happen in that shot. This includes images, photos, charts, facts, statistics, etc. Be sure to note how long the scene or frame will be on screen (in seconds). Be sure to note what kind of influence tactic you will use–emotion, fact, bribery, authority, association, morality, etc. Do not use any gory or shocking images as these have the potential to harm victims of crime. This is a fact-based PSA, so use emotional messages sparingly.
2. Use the audio line to describe music, sounds, and dialogue (narration or what you will say).
3. Use the special effects line to note any special effects (e.g., morph, zoom, fade, blur, etc.).
4. Be sure to cite all text, facts, statistics, music, sounds, pictures, graphics, etc. if you do not create them yourself. For example: “mention # of murders in 2021 (CDC, 2021).
5. Ensure that your PSA will be at least 2 minutes, but not more than 3 minutes in length. 30-second PSAs tend to average 65-75 words, so your dialogue/narration should be approximately 300 words if your PSA is 2 minutes. 30-second PSAs need approximately 5 frames, so a 2-minute PSA will need 16-20 frames. To recap–plan on 16-20 frames, with no more than 300 words for your script (what you will narrate during the video).
Links to Free Images OnlineLinks to an external site.
Links to Free Music Creative CommonsLinks to an external site.
Storyboard Rubric
Storyboard Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Slogan, Goal, Call to Action & Topic Alignment
10 to >8 pts
The call to action is clear, with strong motivational appeal. The slogan completely captures the call to action. The goal of the PSA is obvious. Perfect alignment with one of the assigned topics.
8 to >7 pts
Meets Expectations
The call to action is clear and reflects moderate motivational appeal. The slogan mostly captures the call to action. The goal of the PSA is obvious. The content aligns with one of the assigned topics.
7 to >6 pts
The call to action is somewhat clear but lacks some motivational appeal. The slogan somewhat captures the call to action. The goal of the PSA is somewhat clear. The content aligns with one of the assigned topics.
6 to >0 pts
Needs Work
The call to action, goal, and slogan are hard to understand, making the motivational appeal weak. The content is not well aligned with an assigned topic.
/ 10 pts
Text & Content Support the Slogan, Goal, & Call to Action
10 to >8 pts
All text and content consistently support the slogan, goal, and call to action.
8 to >7 pts
Meets Expectations
Most text and content consistently support the slogan, goal, and call to action.
7 to >6 pts
Some text and content support the slogan, goal, and call to action; some inconsistencies are evident.
6 to >0 pts
Needs Work
Little or no text and content support the slogan, goal, or call to action. The text is confusing and inconsistent throughout.
/ 10 pts
Frame Information
15 to >13 pts
The storyboard is complete with sketches for 16-20 frames. There are detailed notes for titles, dialogue, transitions, special effects, sound, and timing. Images help to create a strong connection between the message and the viewer. Elements are presented in an engaging, logical sequence. All sources are properly referenced in APA style on the last frame of the presentation.
13 to >11 pts
Meets Expectations
The storyboard is mostly complete with sufficiently detailed sketches for 14-15 frames. There are notes for titles, transitions, special effects, sound, dialogue, and timing. Scenes, characters, or items are appropriate for the message, but the connection could be clearer. Images create a connection between the message and the viewer. Elements are presented in a logical sequence. All sources are properly referenced in APA style on the last frame of the presentation.
11 to >9 pts
The storyboard lacks complete development. 12-13 frames contain some sketches, notes on titles, dialogue, sound, transitions, special effects, and timing. Images do not consistently connect the message to the viewer. The sequencing of ideas is sometimes inconsistent. Most sources are listed on the last frame of the presentation in APA style, but some contain errors or are missing.
9 to >0 pts
Needs Work
The storyboard is incomplete, with information provided for fewer than 12 frames. Sketches are mostly absent or lack notes for titles, dialogue, transitions, special effects, sound, and timing information. No evidence of logical sequencing of ideas. Most sources are missing on the last frame of the presentation, or there is no evidence of correct APA style.
/ 15 pts
Evidence: Strength, Credibility, Use of Required and New Sources
15 to >9 pts
Facts, reasons, and evidence supporting the message evidence are exceptionally compelling and credible. All required sources are used, and additional ones have been approved.
9 to >6 pts
Meets Expectations
Facts, reasons, and evidence supporting the message evidence are compelling and credible. Most required sources have been used and additional ones have been approved.
6 to >0 pts
There are some reasons or evidence provided, but they are not all compelling and credible; not clear that all assigned sources have been used. Additional ones have been approved.
0 pts
Needs Work
Little to no credible evidence to support the message is provided. Unclear that all assigned sources have been used. Additional sources have not been approved.
/ 15 pts