Creative Contributions and The New Woman. Select one creative woman from the 1

Creative Contributions and The New Woman.
Select one creative woman from the 1

Creative Contributions and The New Woman.
Select one creative woman from the 19th century and early part of the 20th centuries and discuss how her works were innovative and made significant contributions to our culture during the era in which they were created/or how they make continuing contributions.  Your response should include the following:
1.  Name the creative woman and place her in her era.
2.  Briefly give background on her life as it relates to “separate spheres” and/or the “new woman”.
3.  Describe her work and how it was innovative ad made contributions tro our culture.
4.  Provide a multimedia example to support your discussion.
With so many options to choose from, try to select creative women different genres (music, art, dance, performance, literature, for exampjle) and choose those who have not previously been discussed.