Dear Class, A thoughtful post on all questions is expected in this forum, with d

Dear Class,
A thoughtful post on all questions is expected in this forum, with d

Dear Class,
A thoughtful post on all questions is expected in this forum, with direct quotes (cited) from the videos/text as well as reading of other students’ posts.
You will respond to the following prompts (you will be able to see other posts after you have posted yours).
Please respond to the following prompts in your first post
1. Everyone:
From the following two resources, What religions were new to you? What religions interest you to study?
Let’s Look at World Religions (post at least one direct quote from the video)20 minutes
Timeline: Origins of Major Religions –
2. a.Why Study Religion Video
From the Why Study Religion video why should we study religions? Give at least two direct quotes with your new learning/insights.
Why Study Religion? 4.28 minute
b. Website – Why Study Religion
From the WebSite point of view, why should we study religion? Why should people from your course of study/career study religion?
Give at least one direct quote from the website.
Why Study Religion? WebSite
3. Everyone: From the TextBook Part 1 and share at least two direct quotes that represents new learning or confirms what you knew.
Part I Text: Introduction, About Religion, Sacred places, Sacred Text
4. Reflect” on new learning (with one direct quote) from
.The Academic Study of Religion Explained 4:24 minutes
5. When you have completed your own post, please read all of your classmates posts and respond briefly to one or more other student’s posts with what you learned from their post (using proper netiquette) .
Respond to assigned prompts (above) thoughtfully, reference the reading, videos and resources with quotes including your new learning in your post (without revealing your own religion or non-religion), responded to other student(s).Remember to use netiquette .