Deliverables:Written Report (800-1000 words): Your report should cover the follo

Deliverables:Written Report (800-1000 words): Your report should cover the follo

Deliverables:Written Report (800-1000 words): Your report should cover the following aspects based on the lessons covered in the module:Introduction: Briefly define criminal profiling and its historical evolution.
Theoretical Framework: Discuss the psychological theories behind criminal profiling and how these theories aid in understanding criminal behavior.
Profiling Techniques and Methodologies: Describe various profiling techniques and methodologies, including crime scene analysis, victimology, and geographical profiling. Highlight the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning in profiling.
Case Study Analysis: Select one landmark case where criminal profiling played a key role. Analyze the profile developed, the outcome, and what this case illustrates about the effectiveness of criminal profiling.
Critical Evaluation: Discuss the practical applications, ethical considerations, and limitations of criminal profiling. Reflect on potential biases and how they can impact the profiling process.
Presentation (Optional): Prepare a presentation summarizing your findings and analyses from the written report. Focus on the case study analysis and your critical evaluation of criminal profiling.
Grading Rubric:CriterionExcellent (A) 25 pointsGood (B) 20 pointsSatisfactory (C) 15 pointsNeeds Improvement (D/F) 10 points
IntroductionProvides a clear, concise, and comprehensive definition and history of criminal profiling.Provides a satisfactory definition and brief history with minor omissions.Provides a basic definition and mentions historical aspects but lacks depth.Definition or history is either missing or inadequately explained.
Theoretical FrameworkThoroughly discusses psychological theories with detailed examples of their application in profiling.Discusses psychological theories with examples but lacks depth in application.Mentions psychological theories but with minimal or no application examples.Fails to adequately discuss psychological theories or lacks examples.
Profiling Techniques and MethodologiesDetailed exploration of various techniques and methodologies, with clear explanations of inductive vs. deductive reasoning.Adequately describes techniques and methodologies but lacks detail on reasoning types.Provides a basic description of techniques with superficial mention of reasoning types.Techniques and methodologies are poorly explained or missing.
Case Study AnalysisProvides an in-depth analysis of a landmark case, with insights into the profiling process and outcome.Provides a general analysis of a case with some insight into profiling but lacks depth.Mentions a case with limited analysis or insight into the profiling process.Case study is either inadequately analyzed or not included.
Critical EvaluationOffers a comprehensive evaluation of applications, ethical considerations, and limitations with a thoughtful reflection on biases.Provides a good evaluation with some reflection on ethical considerations and biases but could be deeper.Offers a basic evaluation with minimal reflection on ethical considerations and biases.Lacks a critical evaluation or fails to address ethical considerations and limitations.
Total Points: 100
Submission Guidelines:
Submit your written report as a PDF document through the course portal.
Ensure your report follows academic integrity guidelines, citing all sources appropriately.
The optional presentation, if chosen to be completed, should be submitted as a PowerPoint file or similar format.

Posted in Law