Descartes’ Cogito (I think) and the mind/body problem ************** Reading: Me

Descartes’ Cogito (I think) and the mind/body problem
************** Reading: Me

Descartes’ Cogito (I think) and the mind/body problem
************** Reading: Meditations on First Philosophy Meditations 1-3
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************** Videos: Descartes: **************
************** video on Descartes ( **************
Discuss and Talk about Descartes’ Cogito (I think) and the mind/body problem, using the sources that I gave you only. Talk about what you find interesting in this topic and what stood out to you in details ******* your answer must be written in your own voice and words. All plagiarism must be avoided. ————— use your honest observations and opinions. Only use the sources that I gave you.