Develop a three-dimensional advocacy approach to provide nursing leadership for

Develop a three-dimensional advocacy approach to provide nursing leadership for

Develop a three-dimensional advocacy approach to provide nursing leadership for the healthcare, professional, and community arenas aimed at overcoming implicit bias.
Slide 1 – Assignment Title, Your Name, Course Code, and Faculty Name
Slide 2 – Provide a definition of implicit bias and its impact on healthcare disparities and organizational culture. Include your in-text citation.
Slide 3 – Provide a brief overview that highlights the importance of a nursing leadership approach for addressing implicit bias in the healthcare, professional, and community settings. Include your in-text citation.
Next, identify a specific area within the healthcare system where implicit bias may manifest, such as in patient-healthcare professional interactions, clinical decision-making, healthcare policy development, etc. From your nursing leadership mindset, conduct a comprehensive analysis of the impact of implicit bias on patient outcomes, provider/healthcare professional satisfaction, and organizational effectiveness.
Slide 4 – Healthcare Dimension: Outline a strategic advocacy approach of initiatives to mitigate implicit bias within healthcare institutions. Such initiatives could include training programs, cultural competence education, diversity recruitment efforts, or other initiatives you identify in the literature, etc. Define the outcome(s) you anticipate these initiatives will result in. Include an in-text citation for the resource that supports each identified initiative.
Next, consider the role of the nursing leader in addressing implicit bias within professional settings including academic nursing education, professional nursing organizations, and the wide range of environments/organizations that professional nurses may participate in either direct or indirect care activities. Identify key areas where implicit bias may affect professional practice, professional development, and leadership opportunities.
Slide 5 – Professional Dimension: Propose advocacy strategies aimed at improving awareness, education, and accountability to combat implicit bias within the nursing profession. Such strategies could include diversity training, mentorship programs, policy advocacy, or other strategies you identify in the literature, etc. Define the outcome(s) you anticipate these strategies will result in. Include an in-text citation for the resource that supports each identified strategy.
Now examine the broader community context and identify instances where implicit bias may impact healthcare access, social determinants of health, and community relationships. Engage with community stakeholders, either directly or through a survey of the literature, to gain an understanding of their experiences with implicit bias.
Slide 6 – Community Dimension: From your nursing leadership lens develop a community focused advocacy plan that addresses implicit bias through. Community level strategies could include development of community partnerships, community-based education programs, community policy or legislative initiatives, or other strategies you identify in the literature, etc. Define the outcome(s) you anticipate these strategies will result in. Include an in-text citation for the resource that supports each identified strategy.
Slide 7 – Provide a brief reflection on the potential synergies and challenges of implementing an integrated nursing leadership approach across the different dimensions (settings) described. Include an in-text citation if appropriate.
Slide 8 – Identify strategies for sustaining and evaluating the impact of your three-dimensional advocacy approach. Include an in-text citation if appropriate.
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