Directions:Each student will write a research paper on a topic of their choice;

Directions:Each student will write a research paper on a topic of their choice;

Directions:Each student will write a research paper on a topic of their choice; however, the research paper should focus on some aspect of cultural factors and substance use and treatment in the criminal justice system. Examples of topics for the research paper include:
* Specific factors related to substance abuse treatment for incarcerated women.
Each paper must include:
* Title page
* Main body of the research paper
* References cited
The title page should include the student’s name, research paper title, course title, and date. The main body of the research paper should be approximately 7 pages, not including the title page or the references cited. It is recommended that students use 12-point Times New Roman font. Papers should be double-spaced and include one-inch margins all around. Be sure to follow APA style guidelines when writing.
The references cited should be in APA format. A minimum of five references is required from peer-reviewed academic journals. Examples of peer-reviewed academic journals include the articles required to be read for this course. Journal articles should be relatively recent (past 5 years), although some older articles may be used for contextual or background information. Besides the five peer-reviewed journal articles, additional citations may be included, such as a scholarly book. Citations from websites, podcasts, television news, blogs, etc. are generally not appropriate for an academic research paper.
The required readings for this course will likely be a good place for you to begin your paper, to generate ideas, or even to cite in your paper.
Examples of required readings
Sugarman, O. K., Bachhuber, M. A., Wennerstrom, A., Bruno, T., & Springgate, B. F. (2020). Interventions for incarcerated adults with opioid use disorder in the United States: A systematic review with a focus on social determinants of health.
Article: Finfgeld-Connett, D., & Johnson, E. D. (2011). Substance abuse treatment for women who are under correctional supervision in the community: A systematic review of qualitative findings. Issues in mental health nursing, 32(10), 640-648.
Roberts, C. A. (1999). Drug Use Among Inner-City African American Women: The Process of Managing Loss. Qualitative Health Research 620-638.